Boss Bear

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Boss Bear Page 35

by Scarlett Grove

  “Just because I didn’t want to take you to a shootout, does not mean I’m treating you like a baby. You could have been killed.”

  “I could have been killed for three years, Rollo. You have no idea what that bastard did to me. Once you finally convinced me to open up about it, I realized I’ve been a coward. I’m done with people treating me like an idiot. That includes you.”

  “Wah, what? I don’t think you are an idiot.”

  His own heart was breaking, wondering why she was so angry at him. All he’d ever wanted to do was protect her. He felt the confused jumble of energy rolling off of her. She was his marked mate. She should be able to feel him and understand where he was coming from.

  “I know,” she said, looking at her lap. “I’ve just been so trapped for so long. I’m tired of it, Rollo. I’m not taking it anymore.”

  “Let me take you home, darlin’. You need a nap. And so do I.”

  He drove them back to his house. It seemed like it had been such a long time since they’d left that morning. Bringing down Ivanov and his gang had been a real win for him and the Bear Patrol. Now that the FBI was involved, he would have to work twice as hard to make sure that Zoe remained free.

  They got out of the car in front of his three-bedroom suburban house in one of the oldest neighborhoods in Fate Mountain Village. He bought the house when he first moved to town and was proud of it. It was a craftsman with a big front porch and landscaped backyard. It was exactly the kind of place you would want to bring your mate and start a family.

  Even after marking Zoe and her marking him, Rollo was still having doubts. She was obviously tired and cranky after the shootout, but her reaction to him was more severe than he would have expected from his marked mate.

  He opened the front door and they walked inside. The front room was cool and dark in the late afternoon air. It felt good to come inside, and it made Rollo realize how tired he actually was. Contending with Zoe wore him out. But it was so much fun that he hadn’t realized his fatigue until now. All he wanted to do was take her upstairs, share a long hot bath and lie down in his big, soft bed with her.

  Zoe looked tired and confused, as if she had no idea what to do. He put his hand around her waist and led her upstairs. She leaned her head against his shoulder as they ascended to the second floor.

  “Let’s take a bath in my whirlpool tub.”

  “That sounds fantastic,” she said in a soft voice, stretching her arms.

  They went into the master bathroom, and he turned on the sunken tub to fill it with water. It filled quickly, and he squirted the water with some of the bath oil he’d received as a Christmas present from one of the office ladies last year. He hadn’t had a chance to use it yet, but now that his lady was here, he decided it was the perfect opportunity. It filled the air with a spicy floral scent that he liked and had a feeling Zoe would like as well.

  “That smells good,” Zoe said, kicking off her boots.

  They both undressed and descended into the warm, bubbly water. They sat across from each other in the massive tub, and Zoe ducked under the water to wash her face and hair. Rollo did the same and when they were both clean, he pulled her over to him to sit beside him. Her warm, curvy body pressed up against his, and she laid her head on his chest, breathing slowly.

  She looked so beautiful when she relaxed like this. She’d washed away all her makeup and all her worry and was just there with him. She seemed so tranquil. Zoe ran her hand back and forth across his stomach, exciting his desire for her even more.

  He kissed her forehead and held her close. Zoe’s hand slipped further down, caressing his lower abs and thighs. He growled and kissed her head again as her lips pressed against his chest.

  “If you keep doing that, this is going to become something other than a bath,” he said.

  “Is that a problem?” she breathed.

  “Not at all,” he said.

  He lifted her chin up to look into her eyes and then kissed her pouty lips. Their wet mouths tasted each other as her hand slid over his erection. Rollo threw back his head and drew a sharp breath through his teeth at the sudden pleasure of her touch.

  Zoe slid her other hand around and cupped his balls as she gripped his shaft. Her smooth palm slid up and down his hardness as her fingers clenched him. She increased her speed, pulling the pleasure out of him with each stroke.

  She licked his chest, circling her tongue around his nipples. He couldn’t stand it anymore. He had to be inside her. Rollo put his hands around Zoe’s waist and pulled her up onto his lap.

  She gasped at the feeling of his hard shaft against her quivering softness. He pulled her to his chest, squeezing her ass as he slowly pushed her down over his cock.

  He slid inside, her pussy sheathing him like a velvety soft glove. Zoe panted as he sank into her. Her head was thrown back and her wet black hair hung down to her hot curvy ass.

  Rollo held her close and still, their heartbeats pounding in the same rhythm. He kissed her mouth, her face, her neck and breasts, then nibbled her hard nipples.

  “Rollo,” she breathed, her pussy clenching him as he held her on him.

  He used his strength to move her little body up and down on his lap, her pussy sliding sensually over his cock. He thrust up into her, and she groaned through her panting breaths.

  He felt her softness contract around him, letting him know she was coming for him.

  “Good kitty,” he growled into her neck.

  Zoe moaned with arousal and lust as he started to thrust in long, hard strokes up into her core. He held her with his big, strong arms, and cupped the back of her head to angle her mouth for a deep kiss.

  He had her completely, moving her body with his own. He loved her here, where they shared a body and soul. Every movement of his hips brought her to a new level of arousal. And he wanted to taste the outpouring of her lust as he kissed her.

  He squeezed her ass, showing her how much he enjoyed her ripe body. Zoe’s breasts pressed against his chest, her nipples hard as stones, rubbing over his own.

  Her body clenched his cock as he thrust into her again and again. Zoe was like putty in his hands, and he needed all of her. He lifted her off of him, and she moaned at his absence. But when he turned her over the bath and slid into her from behind, she groaned with approval. Rollo gripped her sweet round ass, and pulled her against him. With each thrust, she groaned and called out his name.

  His cock slid in and out of her sweetness, and Rollo couldn’t stand how good it felt. All these years, he’d been waiting for a woman like her. He’d been waiting for his mate. Now she was here and he could feel the pleasure inside her as he gave her his cock. Her beauty blew him away. As his release pulsed in hot jets into her core, Rollo imagined what it would be like to fill her belly with his child. He pulled away before drawing her into an embrace under the warm water.

  “Is this thing birth control,” he said, rubbing the thin stick implanted in her bicep.

  “Yeah. It’s one hundred percent effective,” she said. “Even for a shifter.”

  “I thought I could scent it,” he said, a little disappointed.

  Someday, when Zoe was ready, Rollo would be there to put a baby inside her.

  “Rollo,” she said, as he held her in his arms.

  “Yeah baby?”

  “What’s going to happen to me? Do you think I’ll go to jail?”

  “Don’t you worry about it, Zoe. I’ll take care of the feds. I don’t doubt you have information that would be useful to them. Even with Ivanov dead.”

  “I hope you’re right,” she breathed. “I don’t want to be away from you now that I’ve found you.”

  They crept out of the tub and wrapped themselves in bathrobes. In his bedroom, Rollo turned down the bed, and Zoe climbed inside with damp hair and warm, naked flesh. They laid together in the cool sheets with the heat of the afternoon sun outside. He held her in his arms as they drifted off to sleep.

  Later that evening, they woke ag
ain and he fixed her a hearty dinner before they sat together in the living room and watched a movie on TV. After the film, they went back to bed and woke early and refreshed the next morning.

  Zoe seemed more nervous than he’d ever seen her as she dressed in the dirty clothes she’d worn the day before. He drove her to her dorm to change a little while later. He sat parked in his squad car in the parking lot of the Institute and got updates from his guys while she dressed. She was back in a few minutes, sexy but comfortable in jeans and a designer t-shirt.

  “Are you ready?” he asked as she slid into the passenger seat of his squad car.

  “No, but I trust that you will be able to help me with whatever happens.”

  He appreciated her confidence in him. After their love making and rest, she was coming back around. The feelings of trust and respect cycled between them, and it did his heart good to be on the same page with her again.

  They got to the police station, and the unmarked FBI SUV was parked out front. Rollo took a deep breath and let it out, not allowing himself to get nervous about this. He’d been planning for this inevitability for days. Zoe was going to be okay.

  They walked into the station and the agents from the day before asked to see them both in private. He led the agents into his office. He sat behind his desk and everyone else sat on the other side.

  “Bringing down Ivanov has been a boon for our department. We’ve been able to recover further evidence from the crash. But as you may know, Ivanov was not the head of his arm of the Russian mafia. What can you tell us about Boris Ivanov, Ms. Bright?”

  “Dima’s father?” Zoe asked.

  “Before you start asking her questions, we should discuss what context she’ll be giving her testimony under.”

  “What are you suggesting, Commander Morris?” Agent Black asked.

  “I suggest you give Zoe criminal immunity from her involvement with Ivanov in exchange for her testimony,” Rollo said.

  Zoe squirmed in her seat, sweat visible on her tanned forehead.

  “We can see what we can do,” Agent Wick said.

  “I’d be happy to answer your questions,” Zoe said.

  “Once we have the bargain in writing,” Rollo said.

  “That shouldn’t be a problem,” Agent Black said, pulling his phone out of his suit jacket pocket. “I’ll get the director of our department on the line to write that up now. But it will be contingent on the quality of her information.”

  Zoe shot Rollo a nervous look. He gritted his teeth, praying Zoe knew something important about Boris Ivanov. A few moments later, the agents were handing Rollo and Zoe both copies of the agreement faxed over from the FBI. In exchange for evidence in the Boris Ivanov case, Zoe would be immune to all criminal charges in relation to her involvement with the gang.

  The agents asked her if she understood the agreement and she shook her head, biting her lip.

  “I just hope I know something that will help you. I’ve only met Boris once, and he was worse than his son.”

  “We’d like to take this to another interview room where Ms. Bright won’t be distracted by her mate. You two are mates correct? Our sources were quite clear about that.”

  “Yes, we are. I will show you to a private room. Right this way,” Rollo said, feeling tension wash over him.

  He opened the doors for the agents and Zoe. She gave him a worried look as she stepped through the door. He patted her back, trying to be strong for her.

  “It’s going to be fine,” he said, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek.

  Two hours later, the agents and Zoe emerged from the room with a signed agreement to give her immunity. The agents were bursting at the seams with contained energy. One of them almost cracked a smile.

  “Thank you for your cooperation, Commander Morris,” Agent Wick said, shaking his hand.

  “You got what you needed?” Rollo asked, curious as to what Zoe had told them.

  “Yes, and more. We may have more questions for her, but Zoe is free to go. No charges will be filed against her for her involvement with Ivanov.”

  As the agents walked out of the station and got into their SUV, Rollo put his arms around Zoe’s shoulders, feeling like he’d just closed the biggest case of his life.

  Chapter 17

  After the FBI agents left, Zoe felt a massive weight slide off her shoulders and barrel to the ground. She was free. She was finally free. All those years under Dima’s thumb, all these months of being terrified she’d be killed or imprisoned, she was now finally free. Gratitude and relief spilled over inside her, and she could barely contain her emotions.

  Rollo kissed her hard on the mouth and all the guys in the station made teasing kissy noises at them. Rollo looked up at the men and smiled, still holding her tight.

  “You are all just jealous I found my mate,” he said.

  “We are,” Knox admitted with a good natured grin. “But we’re happy for you too, Commander.”

  “I should go,” Zoe said, suddenly realizing that she was at Rollo’s work in the middle of the day.

  “I’ll give you a ride back to the Institute,” Rollo said. “Then we can get you moved into my place.”

  As they drove up to the Institute, Zoe couldn’t help but think about her life. Now that she didn’t have Dima and his gang to worry about, her relationship with her brother came into full resolution at the forefront of her mind.

  She’d been a serious bitch to Corey yesterday. Maybe she’d always been a bitch to him. Maybe he deserved it, in a way. But she didn’t want to be on bad terms with her brother any more. She loved him more than anything. She was his flesh and blood, and he’d taken care of her for years. She couldn’t just leave things the way they’d ended the day before.

  When Rollo parked in front of the dorm, she gave him a kiss and climbed out of the car, saying goodbye before he drove off back to work.

  She went to her room and looked around, realizing that she had no idea what she was going to do next. This place wasn’t really a home. She’d just come here to study woodworking so she could break into Caitlin Somerset’s Louis the Fifteenth chest. Now she had an apprenticeship with Angus, a mate, and a family.

  That’s when she remembered she hadn’t showed up to her job in days and hadn’t given Angus any word as to why. Great. Had she ruined her chance to learn from one of the top woodworkers on the West Coast?

  She picked up her cellphone and gave Angus a call.

  “Zoe Bright. I’ve heard you’ve been up to no good,” he said in a stern tone.

  “I’m sorry,” she stuttered.

  “I’m just teasing. I hear congratulations are in order.”

  “Thank you, Angus. I’m sorry I ditched work without giving you a call.”

  “You’ve had a lot on your plate. The job is still here for you if you want it. You’ve got a knack for this work, Zoe. I hope you decide to use it.”

  “I definitely plan to. I never would have suspected I’d love working with wood so much, but I do. I’ll see you tomorrow morning. I have to go talk to my brother about some things today, if that’s all right.”

  “You do what you need to. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  They hung up the phone, and Zoe suddenly felt a thousand times better about everything. Angus was as sweet as they came, and she couldn’t wait to learn everything he could teach her.

  Now that she’d smoothed things over with her mentor, she had to figure out what to do about her brother. Zoe paced around her room for a few minutes, memories of every time Corey had ever made her feel small flashing through her mind. Finally, she decided to just go over there. It was better to get it over with, like ripping off a bandage.

  “Okay, Zoe Bright, you can do this,” she said, taking a deep breath as she opened the door.

  She walked over to Corey’s house, noticing that his and Willow’s cars were both in the front driveway. She climbed the stairs and knocked on the door. No one answered at first so she rang the doorbell. A moment
later, Willow answered, looking a little perturbed.

  “Did I interrupt your work?” Zoe said apologetically.

  “It’s fine. I’m glad you came. Come in,” Willow said, her face moving into a bright smile.

  Zoe stepped into the front room of their house, and Willow led her through the front hall into the kitchen.

  “Are you hungry?” Willow asked, opening the fridge.

  “I came to talk to Corey,” Zoe said. “I feel terrible about yesterday.”

  Willow closed the fridge and crossed the room, taking Zoe’s hands in hers.

  “Corey feels terrible about it too. You know he loves you. That goes without saying. But I know my mate as well as anyone, and he can be difficult. He doesn’t share his feelings readily and when he does, it often comes out all wrong.”

  “I know,” Zoe said, looking down at her hands. “I don’t know how to get through to him.”

  “Don’t let his sharp edges bother you so much. He doesn’t mean to be unkind. He just wants you to be happy.”

  Zoe heaved a sigh, knowing that Willow was right. She’d known her brother all her life. He was more like a father than a brother in a lot of ways, and she knew his strengths and his weaknesses. Willow let go of her hands and stepped back behind the kitchen island.

  “Why don’t you go talk to him while I whip us up some lunch. Do you like turkey sandwiches with lettuce and pickles?”

  “Heck yes,” Zoe said, smiling at her kind-hearted sister-in-law.

  Someone as emotionally expressive as Willow was exactly the kind of women Corey needed to balance him out.

  “Good,” Willow said. “Corey is in his cave. I mean office. Don’t get scared if he growls at you when you go in.”

  “Hmm. Maybe I should wait for a better time.”

  “Believe me. There’s never a better time,” Willow said, giggling as she pulled a bag of fresh sandwich rolls out of a cabinet.

  “Point taken. Here goes nothing.”

  “Good luck, Zoe. I’m rooting for you.”

  “Thank you, Willow,” Zoe said, stepping out of the kitchen. She went back to the entrance hall and climbed the stairs to the second floor. All the way up the stairs, the view of the outside from the front windows expanded out before her. Her brother had a kickass house, and it made her wish she had a home of her own. And maybe she did, now that she had Rollo. Anywhere he was, she belonged too. He’d even asked her to move in with him.


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