Spring Romance: NINE Happily Ever Afters

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Spring Romance: NINE Happily Ever Afters Page 79

by Tessa Bailey

The sensation of his shorts rubbing against my clit as he positions himself between my legs sends an electric shock through me.

  “I love you so fucking much, Zoey.”

  He captures my mouth as we greedily taste each other, but it never feels like enough. Riley leans back, slides off his boxers, and strokes his length. I suck in my lips, then swallow as he rubs his cock through my arousal before slowly entering.


  I gasp when he pushes farther inside, my body adjusting to his size as I lift my hips. Wrapping my arms around my back, I unclip my bra and slide it off. The moment I do, he brings a hand to my breast and pinches my nipple. Riley’s other hand rubs my clit, and the sensation is like nothing I’ve experienced before. He jerks his hips, then grips my waist and pounds harder into me. Once he’s seated all the way in, my back flies off the bed at how deep he feels inside me.

  “Fuck…” I mutter, moving to his rhythm and reaching for him.

  “You feel so fuckin’ good, sweetheart.” He leans down, grabbing my hands and pinning them above my head as he thrusts harder. I lose all train of thought except how much I love this man. He’s way too good to be true. I never knew I could be this happy, which is scary, but I’m gambling it’ll work out the way it’s supposed to.

  “Yes…yes…” I lock eyes with him as we both climb toward release.

  “You’re close. Let go, baby.” He takes both of my wrists in one hand and slides his other down my body until it palms my breast, and he squeezes roughly. I love how he loves touching me, even the parts of me I’m insecure about. My breasts aren’t huge, never have been, and even though I’m thin, I was always insecure that I didn’t have the right curves in the places men seemed to like.

  But Riley, he treats me like a fucking queen with his words and his touch.

  My eyes flutter closed as my body tightens, and Riley increases his pace, thrusting faster until I’m falling again. This time, I scream his name as I squeeze my thighs around him.

  I try to catch my breath because I know Riley’s close. Having him bare against me is a first, and it feels so damn amazing. He’s thick and hard, and I already know I won’t ever get enough of him.

  Lifting my hips, I encourage him to go faster. He fills me so full that the moment his body stiffens, I know he’s about to explode.

  “Come inside me,” I tell him breathily.

  “Fuck, baby…” he hisses between gritted teeth, removing his hold on my wrists and gripping my hips. I arch them higher as his fingers dig into my skin, chasing his release. He lets out an animalistic groan, the vein in his neck throbbing as he tilts his head back and moans.

  A moment later, he collapses on top of me, both of us breathless and sweaty.

  “Jesus Christ, Zoey. What have you done to me?” He lies down, brushing his fingers over my cheek and holding me close. “You made me fall in love with you so easily. I’ve never said those words to a woman before, so I hope you know how much I mean them.”

  Tears form on the edge of my eyes at how badly I want to give this man everything. He owns my heart and soul, and the only thing holding me back is in Arizona.

  “I love you,” I tell him, worried he might change his mind when he finds out the truth. “No matter what, please don’t ever forget that.”

  “Never, sweetheart,” he reassures me. “Eloping in Vegas was the best dare I’ve ever done.”

  I half-chuckle, half-sob at his confession. “Let’s not tell our kids that part of the story, though.”

  A wide grin splits his face. “Kids? You want children someday?”

  I shrug because I haven’t really thought much about it. I’m still young and have time to decide, but when it comes to Riley, I want it all. “Yeah, I think I’d like having babies with you.”

  “If I’m dreaming, please don’t ever wake me up.”

  I giggle at his corny line, but hell, I can’t help smiling at the truth of his words. “Agreed.”

  Chapter Seventeen


  I wake up with a warm body nestled against mine, and all I can do is grin. Carefully, I roll over and pull Zoey into my arms. Her head rests against my chest, and she lets out a hum. If I could stay here all morning, I’d be the happiest man on earth, but I know I can’t. It’s times like this, I wish I weren’t on such a strenuous schedule. Calling in wouldn’t even be a possibility because, ultimately, I’d be letting my family down and they’d have to take up my slack.

  “Morning,” she says in the sexiest sleepy voice I’ve ever heard.

  Leaning forward, I kiss her forehead and hold her tighter as if she’ll slip through my fingers if I let go. “Morning, sweetheart.”

  She lifts her head, and her eyes flutter open. A small smile touches her lips, and I lean in to press mine against hers.

  “You have to go soon, don’t you?” she asks, and her eyes close.

  “Mmhmm. It’s the first time I’ve considered calling in sick for no reason.” I groan, not wanting to leave her warmth.

  She sucks in a deep breath and yawns. “We’ve got forever, Riley.”

  I remember last night when she told me she loved me, and I smile like an idiot. After she tells her family, she’s really coming back to live here with me. We’ll fall asleep together every night and wake up in each other’s arms.

  “We do, baby.” I kiss her cheek. “I’m going to make some coffee, and it’ll be waiting for you in the kitchen when you decide to get up.”

  “Okay,” she says, her breathing becoming more steady.

  I slip out from under her and lean over and kiss her again. I can’t seem to stop. “Meet me at the barn behind the B&B after you wake up.”

  Zoey lets out a sigh, and she’s soon falling back asleep. She’s not used to my alarm clock yet, so I know it woke her.

  “I’ll text you,” I whisper, then get dressed. As I sit on the edge of the bed and slip on my work boots, I glance over my shoulder at her, sleeping so peacefully. I’m three seconds away from hopping back into bed, but my dad would know, and he’d bust up in here to kick my ass. Being love-sick isn’t a proper excuse. Not one he’d accept anyway.

  On the way over to the office, my smile doesn’t falter. Zoey’s made me the happiest I’ve ever been, and to know she’s going to stay with me and be my wife just feels unreal. When I walk into the shop, Diesel is already there with a smug look on his face.

  “Oh, guess you didn’t die from sex overload,” he jokes, checking his watch.

  I look up at the clock over the door. “I’m five minutes late.”

  “Which still makes you late and now behind,” Fisher says, and I glance over, rolling my eyes. Nothing they say will spoil my good mood this morning. Life is too fucking perfect.

  “I’ve already fed the animals,” Diesel says.

  “Your hustle’s been quite impressive lately,” Fisher tells him, and I nearly die of a stroke that he gave Diesel a compliment. It’s kinda scary how they’re getting along. Maybe they’ve turned a new leaf, or maybe Diesel’s more concerned with Rowan dating an older man and has forgotten about Fisher stealing Gretchen. Though I don’t really want him thinking about my little sister either.

  “Grandma said she wanted a new garden shed built for all of Mila’s tools. Right now, she’s keeping them in the barn with all the side-by-sides, and it’s becoming too crowded.”

  Diesel huffs, crossing his arms. “A few shovels don’t take up that much space.”

  “She has eighteen bags of fertilizer and forty bags of soil, six shovels, a cart, three wheelbarrows, and a dozen water hoses,” Fisher corrects.

  “Fuck. She’s serious about this gardening, isn’t she?” Diesel eyes go wide. “I had no idea.”

  Fisher gives us the plans for the building, and I study it. “I think we can have it framed by this afternoon.”

  Diesel looks over my shoulder. “We’re pouring concrete for this? Seriously?”

  “It won’t be that bad,” I encourage, though I can tell he’s already in
one of his moods. Fisher sends us on our way, and we start loading the supplies in the back of the old work truck—hand mixers, a dozen bags of cement, and extra shovels.

  “You survive last night after I left the show?” I ask him as we drive across the ranch.

  He looks at me with a lifted eyebrow. “I should be asking you the same thing.”

  I chuckle. “I survived just fine.”

  “I want to bash that Trace guy’s head in. What the actual fuck?” Diesel is livid all over again, and I can feel my blood pressure rising at the thought of it.

  “I want him to stay away from her,” I admit as we pull up to the garden. The area where Mila wants the shed is already staked out, so it makes our job a lot easier.

  Diesel continues talking shit about this Trace guy as we start unloading everything. “He’s too fucking old for her and knows exactly what he’s doing with a girl that young. I don’t want her to get taken advantage of,” Diesel admits. “Because then I’ll have to bash his ugly face in.”

  “Spoken like a second older brother,” I tell him, chuckling.

  He stiffens, then changes the subject. “Has Zoey made up her mind yet? I imagine you two didn’t do a whole lot of talking last night.” He sets the bags of cement down and then pulls out the mixer.

  I want to scream out so everyone can hear the good news, but I somehow contain my excitement. My smile’s so wide it nearly hurts. “Yeah, she’s decided to stay and be my wife. We’re gonna make it work for the long haul.”

  “You’re welcome,” Diesel says proudly. “If it weren’t for me…”

  “Oh, don’t even give me that bullshit. But since it worked out, I guess I can thank you now.” I snicker. Grabbing the two-by-fours, I check the specs Fisher gave me this morning, then remeasure our cuts before we build the form for the concrete slab. After everything is set, Diesel and I nearly break our backs mixing the crushed rock and water.

  “So I get to name your first kid, right?” he teases. “Wait, does she want to have kids? A boy named Adam?”

  I laugh. “Yeah, she does eventually. I’d seriously have a million babies with that woman.” Hell, I’d knock her up now if she were ready. Imagining her carrying my child with a cute round belly makes my cock twitch.

  “Maybe I should dare you to get her pregnant now.” He smirks. I wouldn’t put it past him, though. The asshole.

  “I still owe you one first,” I remind him. Smirking, I remember all the stories my uncles have told me about how their dares got them into a ton of trouble growing up. Specifically uncle Jackson. “Maybe I’ll dare you to stay away from my sister for good,” I threaten. “Or maybe dare you to go find that Chelsea chick. Have you even called her since Vegas?”

  “What the hell? How’d we get on this subject?” He grunts. “Whatever dare you pick better be mild, considering you got the girl.”

  Checking the time, I realize it’s a quarter past nine and text Zoey; however, I bet she’s still asleep. We didn’t get much rest last night. I mentioned we should meet for lunch at the B&B and to keep an hour free afterward. As long as we can get this framing done today, Diesel won’t mind the unplanned break.

  “What the fuck you cheesin’ about?” he teases when I stuff my phone back in my pocket.

  I waggle my eyebrows.

  “You’re gross,” he says.

  “You’re just pissed because your relationship status is basically nonexistent.” Sometimes it’s fun to poke the bear.

  “Well, if your bitch ass cousin wouldn’t have stolen my girlfriend, and if you’d get the stick out of your ass about me fucking your sister, then it wouldn’t be so nonexistent now, would it?” he snaps as we continue adding cement.

  I’m two seconds from throwing a shovel at his head, but all he does is laugh. “My sister wouldn’t fuck you if you were the last man on earth,” I say confidently, but I’m not so sure. Sometimes, I see Rowan staring at him, but then she turns her head and pretends she wasn’t.

  “I bet she would. She’d love it. Probably beg for more.” He’s determined to agitate the piss outta me today.

  “Fuck off!” I yell, splashing concrete on his boots. “I don’t want to think about Rowan being with any guy, especially you.”

  “I knew that’d get you all worked up. It’s sexy,” he taunts just as my dad walks over and inspects what we’ve accomplished.

  “Nice work. Lookin’ good so far. Mila’s gonna be real happy with this,” he says, glancing down at the concrete on Diesel’s boots. “Y’all try not to make a mess out here.”

  “Yes, sir,” Diesel says, glaring at me, and I shoot him a smirk. Once we’re alone again, Diesel reminds me that we can’t start framing until the concrete has cured for at least twenty-four hours. Considering I forgot about that fact and so did Fisher, I text him and let him know we’re at a standstill until tomorrow. He reminds us to deliver more hay to the training barns, so we go pick up the lowboy.

  “I know I’ve been giving you shit for the last month and a half, but I’m really happy for you,” Diesel admits as we enter the storage barn.

  “Thanks, man. Really means a lot to me. I know it’s gonna be a big change and all, for you too, but for the first time in my life, I’m truly happy.”

  He climbs up the ladder to the loft and starts throwing down bales as I load them onto the trailer. We discuss how he’ll need to move out once she’s back for good, and he surprisingly doesn’t give me shit for it. Once we’re full, we drive to the B&B to start unloading at the main horse barn. The dinner bell rings on the back porch, and I know it’s eleven. Diesel looks at me longingly like he hasn’t eaten in five years, and as soon as he sees Zoey walking toward us, he takes the opportunity to break for lunch.

  “Hey, Arizona,” he tells her as they pass.

  “Hey, Adam.”

  He spins around on his heels and glares at her. She’s bent over gasping for air, laughing at his reaction. “Diesel. I mean Diesel,” she corrects.

  “I’m gonna kill you, Bishop!” he shouts, flipping me off as he storms off to the B&B. He hates it when anyone uses his real name, but I find it hilarious. Grandma calls him Adam all the time, and he just grins and takes it like a champ.

  Zoey closes the gap between us and nearly falls into my arms. Her hair is down, and she smells delicious as if she just got out of the shower. After I remove my gloves, I lead her into the barn where the hay is stacked. I want to devour her but manage to refrain because too many guests frequent the area. The last thing I need is for my grandma to find out I was fucking in the horse barn. That’s the type of embarrassment I can live without, though I’ve heard stories from my uncles who didn’t care as much about getting caught.

  I grab her hand, and that’s when I notice Zoey’s wearing the cowboy boots I bought her when we went into town. “You look sexy as fuck in those,” I tell her.

  “I was thinking the same thing about you, cowboy.” Her sultry voice has my dick springing to life, and I move forward, pushing her against one of the stall doors. In one swift movement, she wraps her legs around my waist, and I cup her ass, our tongues twisting together. I don’t think I’ll be able to stop myself this time because I need her like I need water on a hot summer day.

  “Riley,” she whispers, panting. “Fuck me.”

  And I’m two seconds away from doing that very thing when I hear an unfamiliar male voice behind me calling Zoey’s name. Immediately she stiffens, her eyes bolt open, and she pulls away. After I set her down, she looks at me with worry in her eyes.

  “Zoey, what the fuck are you doing?” he asks, and I turn around and catch a glimpse of an older man wearing a sport coat and slacks, looking out of place.

  “Excuse the fuck outta me,” I say, placing my arm around her waist to protect her from this dickhead.

  He strides toward us and reaches for her arm, pulling Zoey away. “You need to get over here right now.” He jerks her toward him as if she’s a child, causing my blood to boil. Zoey looks back at me with tears i
n her eyes.

  “Get your hands off her,” I warn, feeling my anger take over as he looks at her with disdain.

  The douchebag glares. “You’re nothing but Southern trash,” he spits out.

  “Benjamin, don’t,” Zoey demands. Who the fuck is Benjamin?

  My heart races and pounds, and I don’t understand what’s going on. A minute ago, we were making out. “Who is this?” I look at her and then glare at him. “Explain, Zoey.”

  “I’m her fiancé,” he answers, wrapping his arm tightly around her as if he’s claiming his prize. “And we’re leaving.”

  Fiancé? That can’t be right. How can you be engaged to someone if you’re married to another person? I look at Zoey, who’s shaking her head with tears streaming down her cheeks.

  “Is that true?” I ask, begging her to tell me what the hell is going on, but she pinches her lips together tightly. Her silence is all I need to know.

  I take a step forward, coming face to face with him, not scared in the least bit even though he’s taller than me. The guy looks like he has his balls waxed and nails done once a week. “Yeah, well, you’ve got your hands on my wife, and you’re going to let go of her before I beat the shit outta you.”

  Benjamin laughs in my face and jerks Zoey closer to him. Instead of doing what I say, he pushes me, but I barely stumble back. This guy is a grade A pussy.

  “Zoey. Get your shit. We’re leaving,” he demands, and in one quick movement, my fist connects with his face.

  Chapter Eighteen


  “You motherfucker,” Riley says as he throws another punch.

  I scream as soon as I see Riley push Benjamin to the ground and jump on top of him, fists being thrown left and right. Benjamin covers his face with his arms, trying to defend himself, but he’s never fought anyone in his entire life. Riley’s destroying him, and I’m not sure who I should feel sorry for at this moment. If Riley continues, Benjamin will get hurt and get his lawyers involved, taking it to a level it doesn’t need to go. I already know how this will end if Riley doesn’t gain control, but I can’t blame him. This is all my fault.


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