Hide and Seek - part 5 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems

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Hide and Seek - part 5 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems Page 7

by Nikhil Parekh

the sugar in my tea; to commensurate amounts,

  It executed the job to meticulous perfection; bearing the tyranny of being scalded by boiling water.

  I rubbed it voraciously against itching regions of my scalp; to get reprieve from allergy,

  It accepted this preposterous behavior; in the stride of a chivalrous knight.

  I rotated it wildly in the breezy atmosphere; rhythmically striking it against a table of polished wood,

  It seemed to be unruffled; remaining as stoical as ever maintaining its sordid composure.

  I held it articulately to shade vacant avenues of the map topography,

  It did so with overwhelming zeal; transforming monotonous white into shades

  of enchanting slate grey.

  It had served me sumptuously on many a perspiring occasion,

  Helped me immensely in my perennial conquest of becoming a writer,

  Alas ! I had just the capacity to give it a solitary award,

  As I chiseled its steel grey mouth manually with a sharpener,

  Crisply saluted my friend in times of distress; existing in the compact form of

  a lead tipped pencil.


  Life without a purpose; is like a luxury liner maneuvering wildly through the ocean without a rudder,

  Life without a purpose; is like a creeper growing up tall without a brick wall for support,

  Life without a purpose; is like a aircraft flying high in the sky without a skilled captain,

  Life without a purpose; is like an unruly classroom without a learned teacher,

  Life without a purpose; is like a drunkard man traversing through the streets hurling

  a volley of expletives,

  Life without a purpose; is like a river flowing berserk without side embankments,

  Life without a purpose; is like a intricate necklace of beads without a finely chiseled supporting wire,

  Life without a purpose; is like a submissive population reeling under the tyranny of dictatorship,

  Life without a purpose; is like a crackling fire blazing without enclosures to prevent it spreading,

  Life without a purpose; is like a flamboyant car without a steering wheel,

  Life without a purpose; is like a stealthy spider swirling around wildly in its web,

  Life without a purpose; is like a stray dog growling for food; mercilessly snatching the same from others of its kind,

  Life without a purpose; is like mesmerizing rose growing on bountiful

  meadows; bereft of fragrance,

  Life without a purpose; is like lovers courting each other without tying sacrosanct threads of matrimony,

  Life without a purpose; is like a lion gulping his food without scrupulously chewing,

  Life without a purpose; is like the moon in the sky without scintillating shine,

  Life without a purpose; is like road of raw concrete without obstreperous traffic,

  Life without a purpose; is like the most voluptuous of face without a frivolous smile,

  Life without a purpose; is like an intricately chiseled brain without an ocean of thoughts,

  Life without a purpose; is like eating sumptuous food; without relishing the same,

  Life without a purpose; is like an inherited rich man; without having the cognizance to spend his affluence,

  Life without a purpose; is like breath inhaled in the body; without being sensitively felt,

  Life without a purpose; is like palpable heart impregnated in the chest; without having the capacity to throb,

  O! yes life without a purpose; is like living life listlessly; although being

  actually dead.


  When I stared unrelentingly into broken shards of irregular mirror,

  The reflection that emanated was grotesquely distorted; with my nose appearing

  to be broken at a myriad of places.

  When I sighted my face in a thick sheet of mirror stained with a crimson slurry of blood,

  I resembled the diabolical devil; with ghastly streaks of brutal red embellishing my forehead.

  When I viewed my persona in a sea green mirror; hoisted towards blazing

  light of the Sun,

  Intricate features of my body appeared evidently blurred; and a bunch of hair on my scalp looked like blades of grass.

  When I held a mirror painted with black; abreast twin pairs of my crystalline eyes,

  I felt as if I had been divested of vision; with an ocean of perpetual darkness striking me at blinding speeds.

  When I attempted to picture my silhouette; in the translucent mirror of the

  emerald sea,

  The image appeared preposterously hazy in the primordial stages; disappearing

  at instants of boisterous waves transiting into frothy spray.

  When I tried to spot my demeanor in the immaculate mirror of moon,

  The reflection appeared overwhelmingly clear; but soon got obliterated by a cluster of black clouds.

  When I audaciously attempted to view my outlines in the blistering mirror of the flaming Sun,

  I inevitably failed to do so; as the acrid beams of light decimated all

  my capacity to see.

  When I tried to distinguish my color in a mirror camouflaged in frosty milk,

  I inexorably looked like a clown; with my dexterously chiseled features transforming to fat smudges of white.

  When I endeavored decoding my face in an absolutely Pellucid mirror,

  I could sight it as it was sculptured at the reigning moment; without traces of emotion and empathy.

  And eventually when I attempted to see my face in the mesmerizing mirror of my

  beloved's eyes,

  This time though the reflection which diffused was the clearest of all; and I sighted a blissful smile on my lips,

  Which was a perennial signal that we loved each other; as much as we feared to die.


  A smile on your lips comes absolutely free; spreading waves of unsolicited exhilaration in my persona,

  A smile on your lips looks mystically enchanting; resembling sweet coats of molten nectar,

  A smile on your lips accentuates your immaculate teeth; portraying your mesmerizing grace,

  A smile on your lips gives me loads of renewed hope; instantly assassinating all

  the anguish I face,

  A smile on your lips reveals your boisterous nature; encompassing me completely in supreme exultation,

  A smile on your lips impregnates me with hope; prompting me to overcome a battalion of dismal failures,

  A smile on your lips makes me walk fast; keep up pace with the uncouth speed of mundane world,

  A smile on your lips looks ravishing in the tenacious moonlight; instigating me to stare unrelentingly in your sapphire eyes,

  A smile on your lips sculptures your face to resemble a fairy; bestowing upon my dreary soul a plethora of riches,

  A smile on your lips makes me oblivious to time; and hours unleash themselves into days without traces of boredom,

  A smile on your lips reinvigorates my exhausted bones; encouraging me to walk for marathon distances in sweltering heat of the Sun,

  A smile on your lips makes me feel exorbitantly special; placing me several shades above the common pedestrian,

  A smile on your lips makes me ostentatiously dream; sequestering me from harsh

  realities; blending me with ostentatious walls of the palace,

  A smile on your lips incorporates me with tumultuous confidence; making me

  extravagantly speak at business meetings,

  A smile on your lips gives you that frivolous look; melting my stringently

  compact composure; instilling my demeanor with inevitable desires,

  A smile on your lips makes me feel flying high in thin clouds; incessantly constructing a building of dreams,

  A smile on your lips reinstates my belief in mankind; inducing me to be philant
hropic towards my fellow beings,

  A smile on your lips pacifies soaring temperatures of viral fever in my silhouette; alleviating the soreness in my intricate throat,

  A smile on your lips makes me incorrigibly feel I am real; have a definite purpose while existing on this earth,

  A smile on your lips distinguishes you from the solitary girl; granting you the invincible status of being holistically alive,

  So for heaven sake sweet heart; wake up from the realms of unconsciousness and

  please smile.



  It was as ravishing; as the black bear trampling indiscreetly through the dense

  foliage of the jungle,

  Humming incoherent tunes in a poignantly husky; while in its quest for concealed prey.

  It was as scintillating; as the crystal blue patches of the pellucid sky,

  Which basked in overwhelming joy; when caressed by stringent rays of the magnificent Sun.

  It was as fertile; as the lush green tendrils of spongy grass,

  Which spread like wild fire in pelting showers of rain; danced vibrantly to tunes

  of music and air.

  It was as voluptuous; as the ornately embellished pink petals of lotus,

  Blossoming perennially when their counterparts died; impregnating venomous

  beetles in their womb.

  It was as opulent; as the yellow biscuits of pure gold,

  Which retained their color even at unfathomable depths beneath soil; could purchase all the tangible existing on earth.

  It was as immaculate; as white pearls incarcerated in oyster shells,

  Embedded since centuries immemorial in the sea; having the mystical prowess of producing a sparkle in the eye.

  It was as invincible; as the colossal grey silhouette of the tropical elephant,

  Decimating strong trees with its mighty trunk; pulverizing small bush and ant

  with its iron feet.

  It was as boisterous; as the flaming red Sun in the firmament of gargantuan sky,


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