Hide and Seek - part 5 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems

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Hide and Seek - part 5 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems Page 9

by Nikhil Parekh

meal; was a symbol of fulfilling gratification,

  Dancing exuberantly till the first rays of new dawn; was a symbol of overwhelming jubilation,

  Sleeping for marathon hours extra even after the rising of dazzling Sun; was a

  symbol of lackluster life,

  And the violent beating of heart; blended with feelings of uninhibited passion; was a symbol of instantaneous love.


  When I stepped on the tranquil surface of opalescent moon,

  The temperature that engulfed me was up to levels of sustainable endurance; though I felt a trifle uneasy.

  When I trespassed through the territory of blistering Sun,

  The temperature was astronomical degrees above boiling; transforming my supple

  flesh into briquettes of charred ash.

  When I walked through densely sprawled meadows of the wild forest,

  The temperature that encompassed my silhouette; was stringently fluctuating;

  with the perilous night air stabbing my chest.

  When I tread on the snow clad summit of the jagged mountain range,

  The temperature prevalent dipped abysmally below freezing; instantly solidifying volatile blood in my veins.

  When I plummeted marathon feet under the surface of sky blue sea,

  The temperature I encountered was disdainfully cold; and I felt imprisoned;

  draped in a jugglery of water jacket blended with my facial mask of transparent glass.

  When I ambled languidly through the scorching soil of the vast desert,

  The temperature that existed was abnormally erratic; with hot winds piercing me in the day; and equally cold air strangulating my breath at night.

  When I audaciously entered the cock pit of an aircraft,

  The temperature inside was tailored to ergonomic degrees of comfort; with the

  pilot emanating hostile stare towards my demeanor.

  When I ran at rollicking speeds through an island of molten lava,

  The temperature in vicinity was like sizzling cakes of overburnt stone; chapping the dainty soles of my feet in entirety.

  When I rolled ecstatically on infinite blades of grass; laden with a fresh cover of glistening dewdrops,

  The temperature that radiated; sent shivers down my spine; being a bit too exaggerated for amicable comfort.

  And eventually when I embraced her body in my arms; with a vise like grip,

  The temperature this time; was splendidly perfect; incarcerating the two of us in bondage of perennial love.


  The blood flowing in her intricate veins; was as red as flaming ball of Sun in the cosmos,

  Got instantly agitated when she sighted me; talking vociferously with another of her kind.

  The skin covering her tender bones; was as Resplendent as the pelting showers of rain,

  Stirred insatiable desires in my soul; when I sighted her dexterously leaping the skipping rope.

  The nails embossed on her dainty fingers; were as soft as a mystical fairy,

  And she used them to tickle me incessantly; at moments when I was perplexed

  with life.

  The cluster of teeth in her palette; were as white as the Goddess of pearly moon,

  With which she cast amicable smiles at me; keeping me in bubbling spirits

  all throughout the day.

  The twin pairs of eyes in her sockets; were as crystalline as the scintillating waterfall,

  They were studded with gargantuan traces of empathy; wept hysterically when I was in pain.

  The coverings of her luscious lips; were like the succulent fruit of water melon,

  Voluptuously enticing me to kiss; blend my passionate warmth with her in entirety.

  The petite pair of feet she possessed; were like the gentle river trickling through the forest,

  Coherently synchronized themselves to beats of music; danced uninhibitedly when seeing me in jubilation.

  The hair on her scalp cascaded down full length; like the waterfall plummeting

  from precipices of the mountain,

  Which she further embellished tying bunches of fragrant flower; swirling them at full speeds towards my face.

  The earrings in her fleshy ear lobe; resembled sweet fillings of nectar inhabiting the bee hive,

  Jingled with melody as she walked; enlightening the island of despair in my eyes.

  And above all things that mattered; she had impregnated in her chest; an

  immaculate heart,

  Which throbbed vehemently when witnessing my silhouette; the heart

  that was 100% mine.


  The instrument indispensable to stay happy was to stay contented,

  The instrument indispensable to feel warm; was to consume a pitcher full of sizzling tea,

  The instrument indispensable to unrelentingly fight like a true stalwart; was courage blended with lots of brawn,

  The instrument indispensable to swim in the choppy waves of ocean; was dexterous swirling of the hands and feet,

  The instrument indispensable to produce ravishing fragrance; was the ornately embellished crimson rose,

  The instrument indispensable to uninhibitedly laugh; was to be tickled voraciously in the intricate ribs,

  The instrument indispensable to quench thirst; was crystalline sacs of mountain water,

  The instrument indispensable to decode accurate time; was a compactly studded wrist watch,

  The instrument indispensable to run a computer; was a plethora of coherent microchips,

  The instrument indispensable to run marathon distance at swashbuckling speeds; was the tenacity of the leg,

  The instrument indispensable to fly a kite at astronomical heights in the sky; was a pliable and slender string,

  The instrument indispensable to fumigate infection and gloom from distant corners of the globe; was dazzling rays of Sunshine,

  The instrument indispensable to hysterically sob; was the salinity in the eyes juxtaposed with tribulation ,

  The instrument indispensable to inundate blank canvas with rustic streaks of color; was a articulately sculptured paint brush,

  The instrument indispensable to produce loads of salubrious milk; was the mother cow,

  The instrument indispensable to inculcate overwhelming strength in the body; was to perseveringly work and consume food,

  The instrument indispensable to produce fiery sensations in the palms; was

  to vigorously knead them,

  The instrument indispensable to feel miserably cold; was to stand on the summit of the mountain bereft of any clothes,

  The instrument indispensable to produce itching in the scalp; was abhorrent dandruff,

  The instrument indispensable to produce blazing fires; was a wildly strewn pile of baked twigs,

  The instrument indispensable to produce torrential rain; was a conglomerate of black thunder clouds,

  The instrument indispensable to illuminate a cloistered room; was waves of white electricity,

  The instrument indispensable to produce fetid smell; was a mountain of orphan sewage,

  The instrument indispensable to produce mesmerizing tunes; was the eloquent and mystical nightingale,

  The instrument indispensable to produce pools of ghastly blood; was the nefarious nozzle of the automatic gun,

  The instrument indispensable to provoke violence; was discriminating illusions of religion,

  The instrument indispensable to produce sleep; was feeling exorbitantly exhausted,

  And the instrument indispensable to live; was incessantly love; and incorporate the same in the hearts of the commoner.


  When I swam in the blistering ocean of golden Sun; infinite arenas of my body

  got disastrously charred,

  Indispensable centers of breath in my body got strangulated; and I relinquished breath with great gasps of disbelie

  When I swam in the molten ocean of iridescent moon; there was a temperate

  warmth that engulfed my persona,

  The immaculate white color submerged me in entirety; and I felt uncannily distraught as gaseous clouds obliterated my gaze.

  When I swam in a tank of bubbling acid; there were incoherent screams that emanated from my mouth,

  The radiant complexion of my skin transited to briquettes of coal; and the color of my luscious lips now resembled that of my scalp hair.

  When I swam in a river replete with frosty milk; I cupidly devoured huge mouthfuls of the same,

  I emerged out exuberantly fresh after the swim; only to be attacked by a battalion of red ant and fish.

  When I swam in icy streams; accumulated at the base of the snow clad alps,

  The formidable fortress of my teeth commenced to repulsively clatter; and I vociferously sneezed my nose; after a few seconds of my swim.

  When I swam in volatile electricity; my demeanor got stabbed with a volley of

  brutal shock,

  Clusters of hair stood on my intricate scalp; and I stared dumbfounded at the

  scenario in utter bewilderment.

  When I swam in a silver ocean of slippery mercury; I rolled for marathon

  distances without flexing my jugglery of muscles,

  Although when inadvertently some of it slipped into mouth; the blood abruptly

  froze in my veins; with my persona transforming to a deathly crystal blue.

  When I swam in blotted water blended with traces of obnoxious sewage; a fetid

  stench flooded my nostrils,

  A fleet of disdainful cockroach clambered up my shirt; and the municipality

  dumped me like a piece of discarded garbage.

  When I swam in a curry of chalk powder; I had to put onerous effort to keep afloat,

  There was a severe itching in the moist pearls of my eye; and people mistook me for a comedian of the

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