anger and frustration,
Used all paraphernalia they could lay their hands on to dismantle it; it still stood like rock unmoved by the proceedings.
It had withstood the severest of test on umpteenth an occasion; without yielding to pressures of ostentation and society,
And grew more formidable, as the prejudiced tried to crush it; the dictators tried to capture it; and the opulent tried to purchase it,
It had remained as fresh as a new born for centuries unprecedented; it possessed the immortal blessings of God,
O! yes it was indeed the one and only invincible pillar of love.
When I punched a bag replete with mud; overflowing to the brim with bountiful
food grain,
There flew tones of dust in the still air; of which some it settled on my nose;
partially obscuring my vision.
When I punched an inflated balloon in its midriff; infinite molecules of gas escaped in fury,
There was an obstreperous sound produced; which almost ripped apart intricate
arenas of my eardrum.
When I punched the colossal sized melon with my fists; the shell broke open
into incommensurate halves,
A myriad of fleshy splinters flew everywhere in the air; and the slimy juice languidly cascaded down my immaculate face.
When I punched the solid baked brick; exerting tumultuous pressure against its navel,
Shards of disdainful concrete entered my crystalline eye; along with a series of fracture that enveloped my knuckle.
When I punched the heavyweight champion in the solar plexus; there was a myriad of fetid sweat droplets that stung me with alacrity,
His esteem got thoroughly provoked; and he pulverized me to dust displaying his overpowering brawn.
When I punched biscuits of pure gold; glittering impeccably in the enchanting
My fingers acquired faint tinges of yellow; and I profoundly regretted the wastage
that I had produced.
When I punched the venomous reptile that hung from the tree; trying to
frivolously fondle with its skin,
The monster bared its fangs in vindication; hissing vociferously and eventually inserting its deadly poison in my flesh.
When I punched the assembly of scintillating mirror; it diffused into a myriad
of minuscule fragments,
My reflection now appeared comically distorted; and droplets of crimson blood
oozed from my palms as an aftermath.
When I punched the power horn in the truck; applying unrelenting pressure from
my wrists,
There was a deafening noise that was produced; instantly overpowering the
natural ethos prevailing in atmosphere.
And finally when I punched my heart; using the full power of my hands,
There echoed only once voice; there seemed only one face; and there seemed
only one God; and all of them were my mesmerizing beloved.
I sprinkled bountiful water on the cluster of tree leaves; granting their surface a scintillating radiance and shine,
Yet they developed disdainful blotches of dust on their persona; as the rustic wind blew in wild draughts.
I polished the marble with moulds of wax and feathery sponge; continued to do
so until it glistened,
Yet it developed a series of blue blotches; as the toddlers unwittingly spilled globules of writing ink.
I wore a crisp cotton shirt entwined with threads of white silk in the morning; meticulously wiping of all the dirt with my snake brush,
Yet it developed a blend of obnoxious blotches; as the tyranny of Sun and perspiration overpowered me in entirety.
I voraciously scrubbed the wall using a lather of antiseptic foam; scrupulously cleansing all the unwanted grime,
Yet it developed infinite blotches and irregular scars minutes later; as the
cars traversing blew a load of contaminated gutter water.
I tenaciously rubbed the interiors of the cloistered well using battens of steel; made sure that the grease and stale algae was thoroughly annihilated,
Yet the surface developed blotches of black mud along with a fleet of incorrigible termite; as a few nights passed by.
I rigorously scraped all the mud from the Temple bells; making their demeanor
sparkle in the midday Sun,
Yet they developed a plethora of blotches juxtaposed with ghastly stains; as
scores of devotees incessantly rang them creating a pandemonium.
I delicately chiseled streaks of condensed clay from my fingernail; to render
it with a salubrious complexion,
Yet it developed painted blotches stuffed with trapped particles; a few hours
after I consumed my meal of boiled rice.
I stringently brushed my bare bruise with a concoction of medicinal balm and
ointment; to eradicate prevailing infection,
Yet it developed hostile blotches; seconds later when it was exposed to acerbic atmosphere.
I adroitly brushed off briquettes of soil from my pet dogs skin; bathing him
in a tub replete with soapy foam,
Yet he developed irrevocable blotches of green on his skin; after rolling uninhibitedly in the grass.
It was now the turn of my beloved; I made her stand in the most blistering of
fire; the most savage of oceans; the most lecherous of society,
She withstood the test with tumultuous endurance; escaped without a single
indentation on all occasions; facing an army of acrimonious tests in her life,
And the most astounding thing was; she didn’t acquire any scars; her heart was
as pure as gold; her character immaculate and her conscience was free of the remotest of blotch.
The light diffusing from the sun was stupendously dazzling in the morning;
gaining profound intensity by the onset of afternoon,
Although as the hours zipped by; the same Sun set behind the mountains; with
its brilliant rays now transiting into pathetic Black.
The light emanating from the moon was an immaculate white; subtly illuminating
the darkness of the night;
Although as the first hours of dawn stealthily crept in; the moonlight simply faded; without leaving a single trace.
The light radiating from the high voltage bulb was wholesomely flamboyant;
piercing with stringent velocity through particles of gloom,
Although when I merely caressed the switch with my fingers; it abruptly shut
up without the slightest of struggle.
The light diffusing from the volcano was belligerent and hostile; torching all
the animate that came in proximity,
Although when the tremors subsided; the same sparkle got submerged in clouds
of insipid smoke.
The light emerging from traffic signals appeared scintillating; blending
perfectly with the flurry of traffic traversing the roads at nights,
Although the contraption failed to produce the same effects in the morning;
when the natural shine of the sun overwhelmingly took over.
The light originating from the stars was silvery in complexion; besieging the
ambience with an enchanting mysticism,
Although when came the next morning; there was no sign of the light as well as
the galaxy of prominent stars.
The light ejecting out from the mountain stream was a juxtaposition of several
colors; as the sunrays punctured it,
Although it vanished into oblivion as nightfall took its toll on the day.
The light arising from the computer screen was creamy and fluorescent;
enticing the mundane man with lots of ease,
> Although when I punched the button to a position of closure; there was a dull
background of gray that flooded my eyes.
The light emitting from the sky was sapphire blue; with blissful tinges of golden,
Although the same was sighted as ominously black; with the thunder clouds
hovering around.
And the light of our love was as everlasting as the fragrance of God,
It radiated a perpetual immortal glow; which neither faded in darkness; not
disappeared in the brightest of light.
When I was drowning in a sea of grease; I felt severely asphyxiated,
Indispensable breath seemed to be relinquishing my body fast; I also felt the
unbearable stench inundate my nose.
When I was drowning in a sea of blood; I felt a sickening feeling strangulate
my intestines,
There was a deathly red color that camouflaged my vision in entirety; and the
desire to live now seemed to be dwindling in my persona.
When I was drowning in a sea of fuming acid; umpteenth pores on my skin got
horrendously charred,
I couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer; the heat finally overpowered me choking my breath.
When I was drowning in a sea of silvery sand; clogged balls of mud stuck
intransigently to my silhouette,
The colossal burden of soil seemed preposterously bulky to bear; and I emancipated breath with loud sighs and groans.
When I was drowning in a sea of red wine; I initially relished the aroma and
ravishing taste,
However as minutes unleashed themselves rapidly; the same elixir became a
profound nuisance; and I succumbed disparagingly.
When I was drowning in a sea of obnoxious petrol; the gasoline left me
helpless with a piquant feeling,
I prayed to the creator for granting me reprieve from my plethora of misdeeds;
but in the end halted my cells from functioning after entering rampantly in my
When I was drowning in a sea
Hide and Seek - part 5 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems Page 13