The Vordalyn 1

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The Vordalyn 1 Page 11

by Michael T Payne

  “No more?” Queen Menina hissed, “No more?” Ohmbryn started panting fearfully. She stood up from Gaelin and looked back at Ohmbryn, smiling innocently, once again, with a childlike smile, then batted her eyes at him, “Which one of you wanted me to mate with an elf?” Ohmbryn’s eyes went wide. How did she know that? She slowly turned back to the four elves on the floor and looked them over, “Which one?” She said tapping her finger on her chin, “Not ears, I hope?” she walked to Gaelin.

  “No! My queen, please, I said no such thing!” Gaelin yelled and jerked, trying to recoil from her. She patted his head like a dog, then rolled her fingers on his head as she stood contemplating her own question.

  “Shh, ears. Hmmm.” She said looking at the other three.

  “My queen,” Ohmbryn started.

  “Your queen? Am I, Ohmbryn! Am I?” She rushed over to him, face to face. He winced, “Or am I just a silly little child, who has no head for wine?” She pointed at Ilrune and an elven soldier walked over quickly, then kicked him with his plate mail covered foot, right in the face, sending a spray of blood on the elf, chained down next to him. He had nowhere to move his head to lessen the force of the blow, it broke his nose and jaw. Blood poured out on the floor in front of the bent over elf. “You think it was wine that saved Charnio from death?” Queen Menina asked, “I say it was mercy!” She growled. Queen Menina walked behind the four elves chained to the floor and looked over them at Ohmbryn, “Would you have a ruthless queen, Ohmbryn? Who would kill her very own brothers? Or, a merciful queen?” she knelt behind Gaelin like she was going to pet him, “Oh, ears, you should know, you are not mating material for a queen,” Queen Menina tapped his lower back, “Castrate this one, make the other three, watch, and make sure he lives,” She stood up and walked away as Gaelin began begging for mercy. “Come, Ohmbryn, tell me of the change you can always make, if I don’t conform to your wishes.” She said walking past him. Ohmbryn paused a moment looking at his four friends chained to the floor, they could not lift their head to look at him. He turned away, following Queen Menina, after seeing the elf with the flaying knife walk behind Gaelin. She didn’t say a word as they walked, Ohmbryn followed in fear for his life, how was it she knew so much of their conversation? She didn’t even know the elves in the dungeon, what would she do to someone close to her, she perceived to have betrayed her? He could hear Gaelin scream behind him, making him shiver from the thought of what was happening to him. They went to the kitchen, and what was usually a bustling hub of activity, was still and quiet, every cook, helper and servant, lined the walls, guards filled the area. “Do you understand, Ohmbryn, that I have lived in this palace my entire life?” Queen Menina opened the pantry door and went in, followed by two guards. Ohmbryn could see Queen Menina from where he stood in the kitchen. She opened the secret panel to the room behind the pantry. “Ohmbryn.” She said, turning to him, standing in the narrow doorway to the secret room. He bowed his head looking down at her feet.

  “My queen,” He stuttered to say.

  “Should I make an example of you?” She asked, he said nothing. She could see he was starting to shake, “Merciful Queen Menina?” She walked slowly to him and put her thumb and fore finger on his chin, lifting it, to look him in the eyes, whispering, “I am not an elf, I am not a human, I am ever watching, and all knowing. I am merciful, but my mercy will have its limits. You are alive at my pleasure, you serve one purpose to me, teach me of my past. If you stray from that purpose again, I will kill you in as horrible a way as I can imagine,” She let go of his chin, “I am no foolish child to be manipulated, I am no one’s puppet!” She left him in the kitchen. When she left with her guards, the kitchen erupted in a din of activity, as if time froze and was suddenly allowed to begin again.

  Chapter Ten

  Thikuf led the group out of Qinkas, the city of the Ffrei. They were fully stocked, food, clothes, water, blankets, all between five pack horses. Venalina rode ahead of the main group, next to Satana, just behind Thikuf. The group was staggered and in a loose formation. Some pairing off, having idle conversations about what was to come, and the curiosities of the land around them. Simon straggled behind Venalina and Satana, unintentionally ease dropping, not that they were trying to be quiet. Thikuf was ahead of them some ways, but could also hear them talking. Dracon lagged well behind the entire group. He followed, letting the group get ahead of him, then he would pick up his pace and take the lead, then fall back again. Like he was personally trying to protect the rear and the front. He did that for hours after they left Qinkas. Satana alone, knew him well enough to know what was bothering him. She knew his self-doubt was eating away at him. Dracon needed time to reconcile his head and his heart.

  “I can’t imagine what it would be like to fly, is it as marvelous as I think it is?” Satana asked Venalina, trying to shake the bad mood that previous conversations left them all in. Venalina smiled wide at Satana’s question.

  “When not fighting for my life, it is.” Venalina chuckled, then shifted in her saddle, facing Satana more, “The wind in my hair,” She closed her eyes, breathing in deep, “On my skin,” she popped her eyes open and smiled, “It is marvelous. The air is so fresh and clean, high above us.” Venalina looked to the sky.

  “I envy you.” Satana smiled.

  “Believe me, flying pales in comparison to having friends, a family, and a people to belong to.” She said, “I envy you.”

  “Pssh, that all has its own drawbacks too, Venalina,” Satana chuckled, “I mean, where I’m from isn’t any paradise for a woman, either.”

  “Really? You are very strong, you lead this group here, you are a mighty warrior. I have never met anyone like you, Satana.” Venalina said curiously.

  “It wasn’t easy, my father wanted to marry me off. Being what I am now, was a struggle. If it wasn’t for Dracon, I would still be trying to prove myself to the captains, the other generals, wishing someone would give me a chance.” Satana explained.

  “He saw something in you?” Venalina asked.

  “He did.” Satana smiled. Simon trotted up closer to the two women, passing by them just a little.

  “It doesn’t hurt you grew up together either, Commander,” Simon said poking fun at Satana, “He always did what you told him to do.” She slapped the hind quarter of his horse as it passed her, making the horse lurch forward, Simon almost fell off. Venalina and Satana laughed watching the horse out of control. Thikuf went after Simon and helped get control of his horse.

  “You are an inexperienced horseman, sir. I suggest you not rile your Commander.” Thikuf suggested, then let Simon be, as he returned to the lead. Simon halted his horse and waited as the group caught up with him. Satana pointed at him with a smirk. Simon fell in behind her warily as they passed him. Danyll rode up alongside Venalina.

  “Are you an enchantress, Venalina? You said you could do some magic?” Danyll asked.

  “Yes, I can do some spells and such. But most of what I can do is to protect myself. My mother was taken when I was very young. I had not yet finished learning all she was to teach me.” Venalina was open and honest, there was no deceit in her. Even about the things that scared everyone. Satana watched on as she openly told Danyll anything he asked about. It made her trust Venalina even more. She was a good creature, Kina or not.

  “Do you think you could turn into a dragon?” Danyll asked, his eyes lit up. Venalina laughed.

  “Yes, I suppose I can.” She said laughing and looking over at Satana, who was also laughing at the question.

  “Can you do it now?” Danyll asked. Simon trotted up, just behind them.

  “Yeah,” Simon added.

  “No,” Thikuf said from several yards ahead of them, “That is not a good idea,” Satana laughed, “Please?” Thikuf asked after a few seconds, not looking back at them. Velen and Folwin came up, pulling two pack horses.

  “Simon, Danyll, take these horses.” Velen ordered. Simon and Danyll grumbled and did as they were told.

/>   “Commander,” Velen started, “Why aren’t we keeping a tighter formation?” Venalina urged her horse on, away from Satana as Velen arrived.

  “Thikuf says we are in Ffrei land for a few more days yet. Stay alert, but there’s no reason to overdo it just yet. We don’t want to scare the locals, Velen.” Satana said slowing her horse to a stop with Velen. Venalina rode over to Danyll and Simon, the conversation between them was greatly diminished as the two men had to lead the pack horses. Velen nodded to Satana, to wait up and let the others go ahead.

  “Did you talk to Lord Dracon?” Velen asked, then he and Satana started riding again off to the side of the group.

  “He is very unhappy with you,” Satana said shaking her head with a smirk, “You were so wrong to say those things, especially in front of the men.”

  “I know,” Velen said looking down, “But you weren’t there, you didn’t see the beast she was, I can’t forget it, Commander.”

  “I’ve seen her change,” Satana said, “Not only change, but save my life in the process. She’s saved all of us, with her powers. Why can’t you consider that?” Satana said lowering her voice, “She has not been anything but good to us, all of us. Even you!”

  “I think she wants our king. We have to protect him from her,” Velen said. Satana laughed in his face, “I’m serious, can’t you see it?” he said also lowering his voice.

  “Yes, I see it, and I don’t care,” Satana said still smiling, “I have never seen him like this, he has only ever known war. That look in his eyes when he watches her, it’s…,” Satana’s face changed, thoughtfully gazing off. She snapped her head back to look at him, “Get over it, Velen, she is with us. I support it!” Satana sped back up to the front of the loose column of riders, listening to Simon and Danyll pepper Venalina with more questions, not even giving her time to answer before another was spouted from the pair’s lips. Dracon suddenly came riding by, continuing all the way up to Thikuf, slowing to ride side by side with him.

  “Your highness.” Thikuf nodded.

  “Thikuf,” Dracon settled into the same pace as Thikuf, “We’ll need to set a camp soon, water and feed the horses. Is there a river, or body of water nearby?”

  “We are of one mind my lord, ahead there,” He pointed ahead to the start of a clearing, across an open meadow, “We will have a real night tonight, my lord. I suggest we not sleep out in the open, the temperatures will drop considerably. We should use the tents.”

  “How long will the night last?” Dracon asked.

  “The first one will only last a matter of hours, maybe ten?” Thikuf said, “When the moon is full, it may last for weeks.”

  “How long until that happens?” Dracon asked, then looked up to the sky.

  “I’ll be able to tell you after the first darkness falls.” Thikuf said looking at Dracon, “It always varies, but the first one can tell us what to expect.”

  “Alright then,” Dracon stopped and let the entire group pass him, inspecting them all as they rode by. Everyone nodded to him or said, ‘my lord’, as they went by. Dracon was stoic, lost in thought, only managing a nod in return. He followed, well behind the group, as they cleared the last of the trees, giving way to a clearing next to the edge of a lake, it was a small lake, surrounded by trees, they could see its entire circumference from the clearing. It was the only open area next to the lake. The rest of it was surrounded by thick brush and trees, making it very private for them, being at the only access point to it. Dracon stopped at the edge of the forest, scanning the area, perfectly sized for a camp. He was tired, he knew his men were tired too. In a land with no night, it was difficult to find sleep. He looked forward to the coming darkness. “Velen,” Dracon called as Velen was pulling his saddle from his horse. Velen dropped it to the ground and rubbed his horses back, then walked over to Dracon at the forests edge.

  “My lord.” Velen said awaiting his orders.

  “Set watch here tonight, by the trail. Make sure we don’t sleep too close to the water, we don’t know these lands or what might dwell within that lake.” Dracon looked at the other men, stripping their gear off their horses. “Satana,” Dracon called to her. She was tending to her horse and Venalina’s.

  “My lord?” she said without looking over at him.

  “Have the horses over there, in the tall grass next to the water.” Dracon ordered.

  “Yes, my lord.” Satana nodded at Simon, who was tending to the pack horses, he went about following Dracon’s orders to Satana. She walked over to Dracon and grabbed the reigns of his horse and pet its snout. “Are you going to stand watch, or are you going to come down and join us, for a much-needed rest before none can be had,” Dracon looked down at her, then around, as the others went about setting up camp. They were at ease, very comfortable, relaxed. They talked among themselves, laughing carelessly, enjoying their own company. “Is what I heard correct? Will there be an actual night soon?” Satana asked.

  “Yes.” Dracon said, “Tonight.” Satana could see he was still out of sorts and irritable.

  “Get down, let her rest,” Satana pulled the reigns of Dracon’s horse. Dracon dismounted and let Satana take his horse. “You need rest too, my lord.”

  “I haven’t seen them like this in a long time.” Dracon said walking with Satana and the horse, across the clearing to the water.

  “The weight of war off our backs can do a lot for the soul, my lord,” Satana said, she shoved his shoulder as they stopped by the other horses near the water. He looked at her oddly, her smile infecting him to smile, wondering what she was smiling about. “You did it!” she said, “You killed Terrax and ended the war, Dracon,” He smiled looking down embarrassed. “You will be known as the king of kings! Dracon, who singlehandedly ended the war that has been going on since before we were all born. You’re a hero!” she said shoving him, again smiling. Dracon looked away from her, then out over the water, embarrassed and yet proud.

  “I did nothing alone, you,” he said then looked at the men setting up camp, “Them, I would be nothing without your support.”

  “And that’s why we love you, my king, you really know how to take a compliment and spread it around,” Satana said then hugged him tightly. “We did it, Dracon.”

  “Yes,” Dracon exhaled a long sigh of relief, hugging her back, “We did it.” When she let him go, his mood was much better. Those who did not know him would not have been able to tell, the slightest hint of a smile that crossed his face, those who did, could instantly spot their lord was in a better mood. Dracon walked through the camp more cheerful than he had been, he even told Velen to break out the wine he knew Velen and Folwin had brought along. They thought they were clever, bringing the nonessential items they traded the locals for. Dracon wondered what they could have possibly traded for it. The fire was the centerpiece of the camp. The men cooked food and ate. Velen started to bring Dracon food, but Venalina intercepted him, very aggressively, taking the plate from him, staring him down with a snarl, then she backed away like she was going to eat it herself. Velen wanted to draw his sword on her right then, they were enemies. Making it even more offensive, was that she picked through the food, analyzing it closely, sniffing it and flicking little pieces off the plate she did not deem good enough for consumption, then, after all that, she walked it over to Dracon and gave it to him to eat. Most of the men were lost in conversation and wine, to see it, save for Velen, Satana, and Thikuf. It made Satana laugh. Venalina then got her own food, still looking at Velen distrustfully. She sat near Dracon’s feet as she ate, settling in comfortably. Dracon was using his saddle as a chair. He was happy to see Venalina sitting so close to him after bringing him his meal. He hoped that she was no longer mad at him and would let him escape the uncomfortable conversation of having to apologize to her. Dracon couldn’t even imagine how to begin that conversation. Velen however, was furious and humiliated. Venalina made him feel he couldn’t be trusted to serve his king a meal. He wanted to say something, but he was already
on shaky ground with Dracon after his comments about Venalina, he was sure it would not go his way. He regretted belittling her, the more he watched her sit at Lord Dracon’s feet, she was too close to him now.

  After the men had eaten and their moods lightened with wine. There were many moments of laughter among them, recounting tales of battle, boastings of battlefield prowess, of their own and their kings. Thikuf could see the bond that battle had forged among the men and their king. He could also see the bond that was developing between the Kina and King Dracon.

  There was a sudden thickness to the air, and everyone’s hair stood on end. Thikuf stood quickly and yelled, “Here it comes, cover your eyes!” Venalina jumped from her seat at Dracon’s feet and grabbed his head, pulling his face into her breast and squeezing her eyes shut. Everyone looked around bewildered, Dracon grabbed Venalina gently by her waist and tried to push her off him, but it only made her squeeze him harder. There was a loud crack and lightning struck the other side of the lake, just between the water and the land. It sent a spray of water that turned to mist and fogged the air around them. A tree on the other side of the lake, near the lightning strike was on fire, and just like that, it was nighttime. Dark as midnight, stars in full view above them. The lightning strike blinded everyone, and it was several minutes before any of them could see. Thikuf looked around and started laughing at them. Venalina released Dracon and sat back down at his feet. She grabbed his leg and laid her head against him, looking up at the stars in the sky. What happened was normal to Venalina and Thikuf. The others were stunned silent. Dracon finally broke the silence.

  “A little warning would have been nice.” Dracon said looking at the amused Thikuf, others in the group echoed Dracon’s sentiment.

  “I said cover your eyes?” Thikuf laughed.

  “Is that how the night comes?” Satana asked still rubbing her eyes.

  “Yes!” Thikuf exclaimed, “How does it come in your land?” he asked.


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