In the Heat of the Dungeon: Rules of Summer

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In the Heat of the Dungeon: Rules of Summer Page 5

by Samantha Cayto

  Because of me.

  He loved the idea that he had the power to make such a strong man literally weep with desire. He wanted to taste as much as he could, licking around the ridge of the cockhead, tickling the bundle of nerves underneath it, before tracing the shaft back down to the balls. Any part deserted by his mouth was covered by his hands. He stroked and jerked and squeezed in concert with what he did with his lips and teeth and tongue. As big as the balls were, he nevertheless sucked as much of them as he could into his mouth. His reward was a loud groan and a hard tug on his hair. The sting of it made his eyes water, but that was fine with him. He liked pain, craved it. It was perverse by his family’s account, yet Master Gage had taught him that it was perfectly normal—his orientation—and in the right hands, a gift. Cody had no doubt that Master Ford would treat him accordingly.

  He might have kept this up for a long time, except he sensed an urgency in the man he’d both captured and had captured him in return. Now, both of Master Ford’s feet were on the floor and his legs closed in to bracket Cody. It didn’t feel like a trap, and it didn’t matter if it was. Cody wanted to be contained. When he reached farther to take the tip of the shaft inside his mouth, the Dom brought his feet closer to press against Cody’s ass. There was no going back, but that was okay. He didn’t want to stop. Instead, he took the large cock as far down his throat as he could manage. It was going to be impossible to swallow it all, yet he was determined to try.

  The last thing he did was to inhale a big breath as he opened his throat. He kept working the erection with his tongue while sucking and swallowing. The grip on his hair tightened even more. Master Ford pressed Cody’s head, forcing more of his dick into Cody’s mouth. He gagged and choked from being impaled by the too-large shaft, but he couldn’t pull back, not with that hold keeping him down. He swallowed convulsively, tears running down his cheeks, his heartbeat drumming inside his ears. Just when his head started to swim from the lack of oxygen, Master Ford released the pressure, allowing Cody to take in another deep breath before he was shoved onto the dick once more.

  He never stopped working the cock, trying to bring the man to climax. He braced himself with one hand on Master Ford’s hip, while he jerked the base of the cock with the other. The shaft swelled, his only warning, before it released a torrent of cum that blasted down his throat. He gagged even more, coughing and struggling. Master Ford held him in place, helping him to do the best job he could at making the man come. It was over far too soon and once the orgasm had subsided, Master Ford dropped his hand onto the couch. As he pulled back, Cody was careful to clean the dick with his tongue before sitting on his heels.

  Cum dribbled out of the corner of his mouth. He wiped at it, careful not to drop any, and licked his finger. Then he swiped the tears off his face and looked at Master Ford. He nearly fell on his ass from the man’s expression. It was thunderous, obvious fury showing through, although he said nothing for long seconds. Cody had to blink away more tears, except these were from sadness, not the thrill of choking on a Dom’s cock. He’d done something wrong, obviously. His technique hadn’t been satisfying—or maybe it was his audacity to seduce a Dom who wasn’t his Master. Whatever, he was in trouble. He expected some kind of corrective action, verbal or physical. But seconds ticked by and nothing happened.

  Finally Master Ford spoke. “It’s time for bed.” He turned off the TV just as the game was ending in defeat for the home team.

  The man managed to get both of them onto their feet somehow without once touching Cody. Then he herded him into the downstairs bathroom for a quick toilet break and teeth-brushing using borrowed supplies the man had on hand. Because the soft cage allowed him to pee with it on and Cody was past the age when he couldn’t do all of this on his own, no help was needed. Master Ford, in the meantime, disappeared upstairs and returned with an armful of bedding. He plopped it all on the couch.

  “This should do it, but if you need something else, let me know.” The man didn’t look at Cody while he spoke.

  There was a lump in Cody’s chest from the cold treatment. He wanted to throw himself at the man’s feet and beg forgiveness for whatever he’d done wrong. He didn’t want to sleep alone on the couch. Maybe if he promised to be extra good, Master Ford would let him stay at least in his bedroom.

  There was no chance to plead his case. The Dom turned abruptly and headed for the stairs. Then he stopped and without turning around, said, “For the record, I get tested for STDs every month. I’m clean, so there’s no need to worry about…what we just did.” With that, he left.

  Cody sniffed back his tears, trying not to be a baby about everything. He grabbed his backpack from where it had lain since the pizza had arrived and hugged it to his chest as he curled into the sofa.

  * * * *

  The crying was soft, but it woke Ford anyway, not that he’d been sleeping very soundly. Guilt had eaten at him since he’d gone to bed, clearing his head of the small buzz from the beer he’d consumed during the game. Try as he might, he’d lain there, staring at his ceiling and feeling like the worst fucker in the world. How had he let that whole shit-show happen? He should have gently blocked Cody’s efforts from the first signs that he was heading in the direction of a blow job. He’d been like that fabled boiled frog, not getting that he was being killed—or in this case, seduced—until it was too late. It had all started with that sweet gesture of trust by Cody placing his head against his thigh. Ford had been helpless to resist it. Then he’d escalated things and sent the wrong message by giving in to the urge to stroke the sub’s silky blond hair. No wonder the kid had believed it was time to move on to the logical next step.

  There had been plenty of opportunity to halt matters. Ford hadn’t wanted to and that was the bottom line. Since the moment he’d found the boy trussed up and waiting for rescue, he’d wanted him with a ferocity that disturbed him. The desire had been all about biology, however, and he was willing to cut himself some slack over it. Acting on it was another matter entirely. And it was all about preying on a vulnerable kid who was without the means of caring for himself, not any notion that he shouldn’t move on another Dom’s sub. Fuck Gage. He’d done the unforgiveable by leaving Cody like he had. It was obvious that the danger he’d been in of literally dying in that dungeon had occurred to the boy. It must have been a terrifying realization. Of course, Cody had sought to give Ford thanks for the care. His body had likely been his only currency while living on the streets. Only a selfish fucker would take advantage of that.

  Now, the poor kid was crying. Tossing his covers aside, Ford rose then hurried down the stairs. He found Cody curled in the corner of the couch, his worn backpack clutched to his chest, his shoulders shaking with his quiet sobbing. With grim determination, Ford quietly approached him with what he hoped was a disarming expression. Cody still jumped when he saw him and looked at him as if he expected to be punished.

  Ford held his hands up, palm out. “You’re not in trouble.” With that assurance out of the way, he sat gingerly on the edge of the couch. Cody watched him as if he were a snake about to strike. It killed Ford, knowing he’d put that look on the kid’s face.

  “I’m sorry,” they both said at once.

  Ford sighed. This was moronic. He needed to act like the Dom he was. “Tell me why you said that,” he commanded firmly, yet matter-of-factly.

  Cody tucked in on himself even more, if such a thing were possible. “I’m sorry I angered you by being bold and slutty.”

  “Oh.” Ford rubbed his forehead. Could he have screwed up matters any worse? “I’m not mad at you. I’m pissed that I didn’t exercise self-control. I shouldn’t have allowed you to think that you had to blow me in exchange for room and board. Gage trusted me to take care of you, not take advantage.”

  Instead of being reassured by that confession, the sub’s crying morphed into full-blown sobbing, leaving Ford baffled. He acted on instinct, reaching for the boy and hauling him onto his lap. They sat together with Cod
y curled into Ford’s embrace. Having a naked boy in his arms would normally be a major turn-on, but the misery emanating from the sub quashed any erotic response. Ford was in full caretaking mode. All he could think about was soothing his charge and easing his emotional pain. He ran his fingers lightly along Cody’s arms while murmuring words of comfort.

  “It’s okay, baby. You’ve done nothing wrong. Everything is going to be fine.” Tears ran down his chest from where the boy pressed his wet cheeks, and the backpack prevented him from achieving as much contact as he knew was necessary. It was obviously a security item, however, so he made no move to take it away. Instead, he tried a technique that had worked with other subs by cupping the nape of the boy’s neck and squeezing it.

  “I have you. There’s nothing to be afraid of.”

  Cody shook. “He…he left me there! I could have died!”

  Ah, there it is. “I know, but you didn’t. It’s over now. You’re here and you’re safe.”

  Cody moved one hand to clutch the collar of Ford’s tee. “You saved me.”

  “I found you, yes, and I’m taking care of you.” There was no point in making himself out to be some kind of hero. Gage had done the right thing in contacting him. The rest was only what any decent Dom—decent person—would have done.

  Cody sniffled and his breath hitched. “How will I ever trust him again?”

  Ford massaged the boy’s nape as he picked his words carefully. “I don’t know. That’s something you and Gage are going to have to work out together. I’m sure he’s worried about it, too. He knows he made a mistake.”

  I hope he knows.

  The boy’s grip tightened. “You aren’t mad at me? I was awfully bold. And being upset at my Master isn’t a good excuse.”

  “I promise you that I am only angry at my own lack of control. Your behavior under the circumstances is perfectly understandable. Your scene with Gage ended badly. It’s no wonder you looked for a distraction. Plus,” he added, because truth mattered, “it was wonderful.”

  “I-I liked it, too. Why do I feel like I’m going to fly into a million pieces?” he practically wailed before the tears flowed freely again.

  Ford tightened his embrace while he warred with himself. It was obvious that the sub was still stressed from the day, and who could blame him? There was only one way Ford knew to calm a sub. The fact that it would bring tremendous pleasure to him as well didn’t make it a rationalization. He should leave it to Cody to decide, but he didn’t think he was in any frame of mind to think through the ramifications. It was time for Ford to step up as a Dom, do what he thought was best and deal with the consequences, if any, later.

  He pulled the backpack from the boy’s arms and placed it beside them. Cody gave token resistance. “Don’t worry. It will be safe here.”

  “It’s all I have,” the kid confessed.

  “I figured as much. I promise not to touch it.” He stood, holding Cody, much as he had most of the day. The boy weighed next to nothing and fit as if he’d been molded to live within Ford’s arms.

  Cody blinked back his tears. “Where are we going?”

  “To my dungeon. I misread how badly you were affected by what happened today. You need rest and sleep, and that’s obviously not happening simply from a shower, food or even choking on my cock. You need to spend time in subspace. Unless you object,” he added, nearly holding his breath waiting for a response.

  Cody simply sighed while clinging to him.

  That was all the answer Ford needed.

  Chapter Five

  Ford used the small amount of time he had during his journey upstairs to formulate a plan. Nothing elaborate was needed. A simple paddling would do the trick. He considered letting the sub pick the instrument of pain but discarded that idea immediately. Cody was in an extreme emotional state. The last thing he could tolerate was making decisions. If the boy had a hard limit on what Ford picked, that would be different, naturally. The one other matter he had to decide on was whether he’d fuck the sub as part of the scene. His cock said yes. No surprise there. It had gotten over its pity for the crying boy on the couch and was raring to go with the sub being carried into the dungeon. Sex was a great way to end a scene, no doubt about it. Ford just wasn’t convinced that he could justify it under the circumstances.

  He set Cody on his feet by the spanking bench and held him by the shoulders. “I want you to kneel so that I can paddle your sweet ass to a rosy red. Given how your day has gone, I’m not going to buckle you down. Do you think you can hold the position on your own?”

  Cody nodded his tear-streaked face. “Yes, Sir. I’ll be good.”

  “Excellent. Now, before we get started, what are your hard limits?”

  “I don’t have any, Sir.”

  “Cody… Giving me an answer that you think I want to hear instead of the truth is the one thing you can do that pisses me off.”

  The sub sniffed once before saying, “Blood, Sir. I don’t like sharps.”

  “Understood. That’s more than tonight warrants anyway.” Going for broke, he introduced the idea of sex. “What about fucking? I know you belong to Master Gage… I’m not trying to take advantage of this situation.” He didn’t follow through on an elaborate question or explanation because he didn’t want to stress the boy, but he needed to be sure of consent for everything he might introduce into their play. He held his breath as he waited for a response.

  Cody lifted his pretty eyes to stare at him directly as he answered, “Whatever you decide, Sir, is okay with me. I trust you and…I like you.” He finished the sentence in a quiet voice before lowering his gaze.

  Ford exhaled in a silent rush. “And what’s your safeword? I know,” he added before the sub could say, “that Master Gage doesn’t use them. You’re in my dungeon now, and I do. To make this simple, say ‘yellow’ if you need me to slow down or pause, and ‘red’ is for stop. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.” The boy’s voice already sounded stronger. This had been the right call.

  “Good boy. Get into position.”

  He didn’t wait to see if he was being obeyed. He knew he was. So he went to peruse his collection of paddles and picked one that was basically used for Ping-Pong. The grip fit his hand perfectly and the rubber coating added a nice sting. When he returned, Cody was in position, his legs spread and his face in the cradle. He clutched the padded arm rests with his fingers. Ford really wanted to use the wrist and ankle cuffs, because the sight of a boy shackled was a major turn-on for him. Then again, it didn’t seem possible that his dick could be any harder.

  He swatted his thigh, enjoying the way the sound made Cody jerk. He felt a little silly playing in his sleepwear, but this was for the boy’s sake, and who was he trying to impress anyway?

  “Are you ready?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Standing to the boy’s side, Ford started slowly, rubbing his palm down Cody’s back, using his fingertips to trace every vertebra. It was always good to start a scene by gentling the sub. It got him in the right frame of mind, as well. He circled the pert rump on display for his pleasure, raising the hairs on Cody’s skin with the light play. He even pressed on the butt plug and was rewarded with a low moan and a bit of a wiggle. He slapped the ass sharply.

  “Stay still. You only get as much pleasure as I choose to give you.” With that warning, he began.

  At first, the smacks were little more than taps. He used an upward motion to catch the meat of the ass cheeks, alternating between one and the other. Rather than changing the rhythm to force the boy to stay in the present, he kept it steady. The goal was to send Cody into the place deep inside his mind where worries drifted away, and he could float. As Ford kept to a slow pace, Cody’s legs became restless. They didn’t leave their padded bench supports, but they were getting close to it.

  Ford gave a hard whack. “Watch those legs, boy!”

  “I’m sorry, Sir. Can you please shackle them? I’m not strong enough.”

p; Ford placed his hand on the small of the sub’s back. “You are more than you know, but I’ll help you.”

  Tucking the paddle under his arm, he made short work of securing the restraints around Cody’s ankles. He peered at the sub’s fingers. His knuckles were white from the effort to hold on. Obviously it had been a mistake to avoid confinement. Cody needed the aid and it was important for him to not be afraid of restraints. Ford couldn’t let the fear from what had nearly happened that day to fester.

  “I’m going to shackle your wrists, too. You’ve done well, but you need to stop worrying about it if you’re going to relax.”

  “Thank you, Sir.” The relief was obvious, and it reinforced in Ford that he had to stop asking Cody to make decisions. The sub had given his blanket consent and he knew how to take it back any time he wanted. From now on, Ford would do what he believed to be right and trust Cody to know his own mind.

  With the sub properly secured, Ford returned to the beating. He showered the boy’s ass with blows, delighting in the quick way the skin pinked, then reddened. The steady beat of thwack made his blood sing. He was careful not to use the kind of strength that would lead to bruises, although he wanted to. Oh, how he did. The desire to mark this boy was bone-deep and hard to resist. Long minutes in, he could tell by the lax muscles and even breathing that Cody was deep into subspace.

  And the sub wasn’t the only one achieving the unique high that BDSM play could provide. With each swing of his arm, Ford’s own focus narrowed to that one task. Soon, he was riding topspace—energized, totally in the zone. His cock strained against its loose confinement and his balls tingled with the renewed demand for release. Ignoring his own needs was easy while controlling a scene, because now it was all about Cody—what was best for him, how to bring him pleasure. Sacrifice was second nature to a Dom, and here in this room, that’s what he was. Being a mere man was of no importance.


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