Codeword Overlord

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Codeword Overlord Page 2

by Nigel West


  José Aladren

  Spanish journalist and FBI double agent code-named ASPIRIN


  GARBO’s (notional) radio operator in London

  Helmut Arntz

  Adjutant to General Praun

  Brian Atkinson

  DSO Malta

  Fritz Bayerlein

  Commander, Panzer Lehr Division

  Elyesa Bazna

  Code-named CICERO; valet to the British ambassador in Ankara

  Herbert J. Bechtold

  Abwehr NCO in Paris, code-named JIGGER


  (Notional) Greek deserter seaman living in Methil

  Kenneth Benton

  SIS Section V officer in Madrid


  Unidentified Abwehr stay-behind agent

  John Bevan

  Head of the London Controlling Section

  Wolfgang Blaum

  Alias Friedrich Baumann, head of Abt. II in Madrid until February 1945

  Frano de Bona

  TRICYCLE’s radio operator, code-named FREAK by MI5, accredited as the Yugoslav military attaché

  Juan Brandes

  Suspected Abwehr fabricator in Lisbon

  Augusto Calvo

  Son of WITCH, younger brother of COCK, Abt. II saboteur and member of the CRAZY GANG

  Carlos Calvo

  BRIE, older son of WITCH. Former Spanish army officer, Abt. II saboteur and deputy head of the CRAZY GANG.

  Joachim Canaris

  I-H officer in Madrid KO

  Wilhelm Canaris

  Chief of the Abwehr until February 1944

  Francisco Cano

  Spanish saboteur identified by JOE. Cano denounced Gonzalez and Mateos

  Alberto Carbe

  Abwehr II officer at the Villa Leon, Algeciras


  US Army sergeant and GARBO’s unconscious source

  Bill Cavendish-Bentinck

  Chairman, Joint Intelligence Committee


  Abwehr agent Jean Senouque in Cherbourg


  BRUTUS’s (notional) wireless operator

  Antonia Choxas

  Code-name WITCH, double agent in Gibraltar, mother of the Calvo brothers

  Ramon Correa

  A double agent employed as a dockyard labourer, Falange saboteur COCK who sank the Erin in January 1942 with Fermin Mateos, elder brother of BULL. PEG’s deputy and suspected triple agent

  Ernesto Cozas

  (Notional) saboteur invented by Alfonso Olmo and impersonated by OGG

  Fritz Cramer

  Abwehr IIIF in Lisbon

  Hans Cramer

  Afrika Korps general and repatriated PoW


  Spanish saboteurs working for Abt. II, headed by Plazas and BRIE

  Luis Cordón Cuenca

  Spanish saboteur arrested in Gibraltar in August 1943


  GARBO’s (notional) sub-agent 7(4), and Indian nationalist in Brighton

  Juan Dodero

  Suspected Falange saboteur excluded from Gibraltar after he was denounced by COCK. He died in 1944

  Alfredo Dominguez

  Falange saboteur and Gibraltar dockyard labourer


  GARBO’s sub-agent 7(2) in Dover, named David


  GARBO’s sub-agent 7(7) in Harwich

  Carl Eitel

  Abwehr officer in Lisbon code-named SPEARHEAD

  Edward Ejsymont

  A Polish Air Force cadet code-named CARELESS by the British and KORAP by the Germans


  Double agent in Gibraltar, brother of F.2


  Double agent in Gibraltar, brother of F.1


  German Abt II officer in Madrid in 1942


  Unemployed Spaniard in La Linea recruited as a saboteur by COCK. An occasional fruit vendor, elder brother of BULL and member of the CRAZY GANG.


  Double agent network consisting of F, F.1 and F.2

  Paul Fidrmuc

  Abwehr source code-named OSTRO

  Frank Foley

  SIS officer

  Jean Frutos

  Double agent in Cherbourg code-named DRAGOMAN by the British and EIKEL by the Germans

  Alfred Gabas

  French naval officer and double agent in Cherbourg code-named DESIRE

  Roman Garby-Czerniawski

  Abwehr V-Mann 372. Code-named BRUTUS by MI5

  Friedle Gärtner

  Abwehr agent code-named GELATINE by MI5

  Walter Gaul

  Kriegsmarine liaison officer attached to the Luftwaffe

  Alfred Gensorowsky

  Head of Abwehr III in San Sebastian

  William Gerbers

  GARBO’s (notional) Agent 2, died on 19 November 1942 in Bootle

  Angel Gauceda Sarasota

  A double agent recruited for the Germans by BRIE. A Basque, employed as a lorry-driver in the Gibraltar dockyard, code-named CARELESS by the British and NAG by the Germans


  A chemist working as a British double agent in Gibraltar

  Paciano Gonzalez

  Spanish saboteur denounced by Cano. Former army officer arrested in Spain in July 1944.

  Anthony Gordon-Bright

  Head of the MoI’s Spanish Section, code-named AMEROS, GARBO’s (notional) unconscious sub-agent

  Hermann Göritz

  Head of Abwehr Barcelona 1944–45

  Willi Hamburger

  Abwehr defector in Turkey

  Leonard Hamilton Stokes

  SIS station commander in Madrid

  Tomás Harris

  Head of MI5’s B1(g)

  Roger Hesketh

  Ops (B) deception planner

  Jack Ivens

  SIS Section V officer in Madrid

  Ralph Jarvis

  SIS station commander in Lisbon

  Johann Jebsen

  Abwehr officer code-named ARTIST by SIS


  Double agent in Gibraltar

  Otto Kamler

  Abt. I officer in Madrid, then Lisbon, alias of Otto Kurrer

  Cornelia Kapp

  SD defector in Ankara


  SD double agent in France

  Rudolph Kellerman

  Head of Abwehr Barcelona 1943–44

  José Estella Key

  Codenamed RATS by MI5

  Philip Kirby Green

  Deputy Defence Security Officer, Gibraltar

  Friedrich Knappe-Ratey

  Abt. I officer in Madrid, code-named FEDERICO

  Bertie Koepke

  I-H officer in Barcelona

  Rolf Kolding

  Head of Abwehr Barcelona 1942–43

  Walter Kopp

  Signals Chief, OB West


  Abwehr code name for Edward Ejsymont

  Ludwig Kramer von Auenrode

  Chief of Madrid KO, alias von Karstoff, code-named LUDOVICO

  Friedrich-Adolf Krummacher

  OKW intelligence chief


  Elderly Spanish fisherman and DSO informant arrested in La Linea in March 1944

  George Lang

  Abt I officer in Madrid, code-named EMILIO

  Adolf Langenheim

  German consul in Tetuan

  André Latham

  Abwehr agent, code-named GILBERT

  Johnny Leden

  Notional USAAF mechanic, run by JEEP

  Renato Levi

  Code-named CHEESE by MI5; ROBERTO and V-Mann 7501 by the Abwehr

  Guy Liddell

  Director, MI5’s B Division

  Peter Lloyd

  SIS Section V officer


  Unidentified Abwehr stay-behind agent

  Maria Marek

  Croat code-named THE SNARK by MI5

p; John Marriott

  MI5 officer

  José Martin Muñoz

  Spanish saboteur arrested in Gibraltar in August 1943 having been identified by NAG, code-named PITUS

  J.C. Masterman

  Chairman, XX Committee

  Fermin Mateos

  Spanish dockyard labourer and saboteur denounced by Dodero and by Cano, and excluded from Gibraltar. He sank the Erie with Ramon Correa

  H.G. (‘Tito’) Medlam

  DSO, Gibraltar

  Alfred Meiler

  Alias Alfred Kohler, code-named PAT J by the FBI

  Wolfgang Menem

  Abwehr II contact of SUNDAE

  Cyril Mills

  MI5’s liaison officer in Canada.


  Abwehr code name for Fermin Mateos

  General Frederick Morgan

  Chief of Staff to the Supreme Allied Commander

  Brian Morrison

  SIS Gibraltar

  Ludwig Moyzisch

  SD representative in Ankara


  Spanish double agent in La Linea, employed in the dockyard as an electrician, who posed as Ernesto Cozas

  Alfonso Olmo

  Bus driver and Spanish saboteur excluded from Gibraltar in October 1942

  Osamu Otani

  Japanese military attaché in Berlin

  Aelred O’Shagar

  SIS Section V officer, Gibraltar

  Manoel Marques Pacheco

  Portuguese Abt. I agent based in Tangier and then La Linea

  Franz von Papen

  German ambassador in Ankara

  Marcelino Pardo

  Spanish Falangist in Seville

  Miguel Parra

  Falange saboteur


  Saboteur trained by Baumann in Seville in 1942

  Gottfried Paul-Taboschat

  Head of Nest Barcelona, code-named PABLO


  Abwehr code name for Paciano Gonzalez

  Kim Philby

  SIS Section V officer

  Emilio Plazas

  Head of a Falange sabotage organisation directed against Gibraltar, code-named PEG

  Manuel Pontalia Carrasco

  Spanish saboteur excluded from Gibraltar

  Dusan Popov

  Code-named TRICYCLE by MI5, IVAN by the Abwehr and SCOUT by SIS

  Ivo Popov

  Code-named DREADNOUGHT by MI5

  Albert Praun

  OKW’s Chief Signals Officer


  Italian double agent in Naples

  Juan Pujol

  V-Mann 319, code-named GARBO by MI5; IMMORTAL and BOVRIL by SIS; ALARIC by the Abwehr


  Polish double agent in Gibraltar who penetrated the CRAZY GANG. She recruited Carlos Calvo and NAG for the Germans and was married to Manuel Romero

  Calixto Rodriguez

  Alias Don Carlos Lunez, head of German sabotage organisation, code-named READY

  Sir Edward Reed

  MI5 officer

  Edward de Renzy-Martin

  SIS station commander in Madrid

  Ib Riis

  MI5 double agent in Iceland code-named COBWEB

  T.A. Robertson

  Head of MI5’s B1(a) section

  Alexis von Roenne

  FHW analyst

  Manuel Romero

  German agent run by Carlos Calvo. Husband of QUEEN OF HEARTS; harbourmaster at Puente Mayorga.

  Erwin Rommel

  Commander, Army Group B

  Colonel Sanchez Rubio

  Spanish military intelligence officer code-named BURMA, also working for Abwehr II, paymaster for PEG in Algeciras

  Gerd von Rundstedt

  Commander-in-Chief, Armies West

  Hans Ruser

  Abwehr defector code-named JUNIOR by SIS

  Charles de Salis

  SIS Section V officer in Lisbon

  Andres Santos

  Suspected saboteur


  British agent in the Gibraltar dockyard

  Theodor Schade

  Head of I-TLw at Madrid

  Walter Schellenberg

  Head of the SD’s Amt VI

  David Scherr

  Assistant DSO, Gibraltar

  Percy Schramm

  OB West’s War Diarist and official historian


  SIS agent in La Linea

  Werner Schulz

  Head of Abt. I in Madrid from February 1945

  Enrique Schumer

  Abwehr II contact of SUNDAE

  Jean Senouque

  Abwehr agent code-named CHARLES and SKULL

  Natalie Sergueiev

  Code-named TRAMP by the Abwehr and TREASURE by MI5

  Manoel Serna

  Member of the PAL sabotage network arrested in Gibraltar in June 1943


  Jean Senouque, French double agent

  José Solis

  Falange saboteur

  Eugn Sostaric

  Code-named METEOR by MI5

  Hans Speidel

  Rommel’s Chief-of-Staff

  David Strangeways

  SHAEF Ops (B) deception planner


  Double agent in Gibraltar and elder brother of Fermin Mateos


  Agent inside the Plazas sabotage network


  Lieutenant Juan José Dominguez, double agent in Gibraltar, executed in Spain in September 1942


  Spanish pilot and agent in Gibraltar


  Spanish barman in La Linea and penetration of the CRAZY GANG


  Clerk in Gibraltar’s Manpower Office


  Spanish agent close to Colonel Sanchez Rubio


  Spanish Communist, ex-Republican Army officer and Q.1’s nephew. Arrested in Spain in March 1944


  Communist Spanish waiter at the Café Anglo in La Linea


  Spanish secret police agent in La Linea


  SIS agent, cousin of SCHOOLMASTER. Secretary in the DGS office in La Linea


  Clerk in Gibraltar’s Manpower Office


  Agent in the Malaga Secret Police, formerly in La Linea

  Dorothy Thompson

  GARBO’s (notional) mistress, code-named AMY, a secretary in the Cabinet Office

  David Thomson

  Assistant DSO Gibraltar

  Peter Tomsen

  Double agent in Iceland code-named BEETLE


  Member of the PEG organisation


  Spanish Communist refugee in Gibraltar and double agent

  General José Ungría

  Former SIM chief working for Abwehr II

  Erich Vermehren

  Abwehr defector in Istanbul, code-named PRECIOUS

  Josef Waber

  Abwehr II officer based in Madrid code-named JOSE

  Noel Wild

  SHAEF Ops (B) deception planner

  Bill Williams

  Chief Intelligence Officer, 21st Army Group

  Harry Williamson

  Code-named TATE by MI5; V-Mann 3725 by the Abwehr

  Ian Wilson

  MI5 B1(a) case officer

  Francisco Zimmermann

  German schoolmaster in Cartagena



  ‘The whole project was majestic.’

  Winston Churchill, Closing the Ring.

  German Intelligence, in the form of Amt VI, the foreign intelligence branch of the Sicherheitsdienst, first learned of the code name OVERLORD when Elyesa Bazna, valet of the hapless British ambassador in Ankara, Sir Hughe Knatchbull-Hugessen, photographed the content of his employer’s document box and sold the resulting rolls of film to the local SD representative, Ludwig Moyzisch, on several occasions between
26 October 1943 and late February 1944. The source was considered so sensitive that Moyzisch handled CICERO (Bazna) personally, and did not initially consult his immediate superior, Paul Leverkühn, who was based in Istanbul.1


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