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Forbidden Best Friend's Brother (Forbidden Small Town Bad Boys Book 5)

Page 8

by Holly Jaymes

  I leaned closer to Victoria again. “If not for Lily, that could have been us.”

  Her gaze whipped to mine, surprise shining her blue eyes. Her lips slightly parted as her breath hitched. The need to kiss her was the strongest it had ever been, but I fought the urge.

  The car jerked to a stop, effectively breaking the tension.

  “Come on, baby, let's have our honeymoon,” Lisbeth said, getting out of the car before the driver could open the door.

  Victoria exited the car after them, and I half-expected her to leave me on the hotel entryway but she lingered.

  I stepped out of the car and only then did she turn to walk inside. By the time we reached the elevators, Lisbeth and Ethan were long gone.

  “I have a great view from my suite,” I said as we waited for the elevator to arrive. “We can talk.”


  She probably thought it was a euphemism for sex. Maybe it was, except we did need to talk. But if it led to more, that would be alright too.

  “Don’t you think it’s time?” I asked.

  She turned her head forward as the elevator arrived. The doors opened and we stepped in, but she didn’t press a button. I took that to mean she was coming to my room. I pressed the button for my floor and stood next to her as the doors closed.

  “Did you mean what you said? That if not for Lily, things might have been different?” she asked, keeping her gaze forward on the doors.

  “I’m not able to know how things would have turned out,” I said honestly. “All I know is that I wanted more than the one day and night that we got.”

  She closed her eyes and I got the feeling she was letting my words slide through her.

  “What about you?” I asked.

  “I would have liked to have more time too.”

  I shoved my hands in my pockets because the urge to grab her and press her against the wall of the elevator and ravish her was acute.

  “I always thought you considered me Lily’s annoying friend until that night,” Victoria said.

  “I did, until I saw you on the beach in Malibu. I think we were seventeen or eighteen.”

  Again, her gaze whipped to me. “Really?”

  “Would it be misogynistic to admit that you look fucking hot in a bikini?”

  Her lips twitched upward and a blush came to her cheeks. “You look good wet.”

  I raised a brow. “Meaning?”

  “Meaning I thought you were hot in Malibu too.” She turned her head forward again and her smile faltered. “I told Lily you were hot. She wasn’t happy about it.”

  I looked at the door in front of me too. “She caught me watching you. She told me I was a pervert.” She looked over at the buttons on the elevator and I panicked that she was about to press the button to her floor and bail on our drink because she didn’t want to betray Lily’s wishes. “Why do you suppose we let her have her way on this?” I asked.

  Victoria shrugged. “Because we care for her and don’t want to hurt her.”

  “What about us?”

  She turned to look at me. “What do you mean?”

  “Does she care about us and how we feel? I don’t know about you, but she hurt me. It hurts me now to think that what I’m feeling right now is somehow wrong.”

  She swallowed hard as her bright blue eyes watched me. “What are you feeling?”

  Taking a chance, I reached out and dragged the back of my fingers across her cheek. “I’m feeling like I want to kiss you.”

  Again, her breath hitched and I felt it straight to my dick. I leaned forward, pressing my lips against hers, softly, testing the waters in case she thought this was a bad idea. Her hand came to my chest and I readied myself to be pushed away. Instead, she leaned closer, her lips pressing more firmly against mine. I moaned and slipped my hand around her waist. I let myself get lost in her taste, in the scent of her enveloping me.

  I cursed the ding of the bell when we reached my floor as it interrupted the sweet kiss. I held my hand out, motioning for her to precede me out of the elevator. We walked in silence to my suite. For the first time in a long time, probably since the last time I was with her, I was uncertain as to what I should do. I told her we would talk, but that kiss in the elevator suggested that perhaps the talking was done.

  “I’m here,” I said as we reached the door. I opened it, letting her go in. She immediately walked to the window and looked out over the fountain. I knew I should offer her a drink, but I walked to her, standing just behind her. I wanted to move her hair aside and kiss her neck.

  “Nice view.” Her voice was soft, breathless and I wondered if the moment was heady for her too.

  “It is.”

  She turned her head and I moved to the side so I could look at her. So she’d know that the view I was talking about had nothing to do with what was outside the window.

  “This isn’t any different than before,” she said, her gaze dropping to my lips.

  “Is that good or bad?” I asked, trying to hold back the desperate need to touch her.

  “Both. This between us is nice, but the situation is no different. Lily still stands between us.”

  I shook my head. “She’s not here. And I feel confident in saying that she won’t interrupt tonight or tomorrow.” Was I pushing it to suggest she stay the night?

  “So, you’re saying we follow the plan we’d attempted before. What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her?”

  I frowned. To my mind, whatever was between Victoria and I was none of Lily’s business. But it was clear that Victoria valued her friendship, and while it appeared that she was into me, she didn’t want to risk her relationship with Lily.

  So I nodded. We watched each other for a moment, each waiting for the other to make a move. When she didn’t, I decided to offer her the drink. We had all night, after all.

  “Do you want a-” I didn’t finish because her lips pressed against mine. At first, I held back, wanting to be sure about what was happening. But when her lips parted and invited me in, I let my desire run free.

  I turned her body, pressing her against the window as I dove into her sweet mouth, my tongue licking and lapping hers. I was in fucking heaven.

  My hands roamed her body, and were quickly frustrated by her clothes. I undid the button of her coat, yanking it down her arms. I ran my hands over the soft filmy camisole covering her tits. Her nipples grazed against my palms and I groaned with the need to suck them. In a flurry of activity, I stripped her naked, cupped her tits and sucked one nipple and then the other, loving how she moaned and urged me on by holding my head to her.


  “Right here, baby,” I responded. I dropped to my knees, running my lips over her bare belly, my hands down her creamy thighs. I looked up at her. She was illuminated by the moon coming through the window. It was the most magnificent thing I’d ever seen. She was like a goddess.

  I nudged her legs apart and ran my tongue through her pussy.

  She gasped. “Oh God, Pax.” Her knees buckled slightly, so I brought my hands to her hips, gripping and holding them there so I could feast on her.

  Holy fuck. She was wet and hot and so delicious. I ravaged her like a starving man. Her body gyrated as her fingers gripped my head and she fucked my face.

  Six years ago, we’d been hot and heavy, but I didn’t remember it quite like this. I felt like I was going to combust from the inside out. My dick was so hard, so painfully full, I was sure I was going to come in my pants.

  “Oh God, Pax, don’t stop, don’t stop.”

  I heard a slight thud against the window, and was able to lift my eyes enough to see her head was thrown back and she was reaching for her pleasure. I wanted to give it to her. I wanted her to feel so good. I wanted to be the man who made her feel more than she’d ever felt.

  I flicked my tongue over her clit, and then sucked it hard as I inserted two fingers inside her.

  She cried out, and her body gripped my fingers hard, making my dick weep
with jealousy. Her sweet juices filled my mouth, as I worked her and worked her, until she sagged against the window.

  I stood, and in one movement, had her in my arms and was carrying her to the bed.

  “Oh my God,” she said as her head lulled on my shoulder.

  “We’re not done yet, Victoria.”

  I lay her on the bed, loving how her eyes watched me as I stripped, the flash of heat in them when my dick sprang free. She must have recovered, because she moved quickly, and took that big boy into her mouth, making my eyes roll back in my head.

  “Fuck, you’ll make me come,” I said, threading my fingers through her long hair, not sure if I wanted to hold her to me and come or push her back so I could fuck her.

  “That’s the point,” she said, stroking my dick.

  I pushed her back on the bed and covered her body. “I’m going to make you come again. And when you do, you’ll take me with you.”


  Another Mistake


  Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. It was a chant in my head when Pax kissed me in the elevator and then later when his hands were on me. When his mouth was doing the dirtiest things to my pussy until a powerful orgasm rolled through me. And now he was naked, his hot flesh pressing me into the bed. I had to be dreaming, although I couldn’t remember my dreams ever being this good.

  His touch made my brain go haywire and it was hard to reciprocate. But I wanted to touch him too. I ran my hands down his back as he kissed me. He felt broader, stronger than I’d remembered. His waist tapered more to his hips. His ass was harder as I squeezed it. I wondered if he worked out more or perhaps the demands of touring and performing kept him in shape.

  I pushed at him until he rolled on to his back. I straddled his thighs and sat up to look down at him. His hands rubbed my thighs as his clouded blue-violet eyes stared up at me.

  “Like what you see?” he asked with his cheeky grin.

  “Let me look closer.” I ran my hands over his chest, squeezing his pec muscles. “Someone has been working out.”

  “You noticed.”

  “Hmm.” I licked his nipple and then sucked it, loving how he gasped and let out an expletive. My hands roamed lower, over the six pack and down.

  I sat up again, and drew a finger down his cock, watching it twitch as I did.

  “You’re killing me, Vic.”

  “I don’t like being called Vic.” I pinched the tip of his dick and he winced.

  “Fuck.” He let out a gasp. “Fuck me.”

  “Who, Pax? Who do you want to fuck you?” I reached over to the condom he’d tossed on the pillow and opened the packet.

  “You.” His fingers dug into my thighs as I unwrapped the condom and then slowly, oh so slowly rolled it on him. He hissed and his hips bucked up.

  “Who?” I asked as I checked to make sure the requisite room was at the tip.

  “You, Victoria. Jesus, fucking Christ, fuck me, Victoria.”

  His desperation made me feel powerful in my sexuality.

  “Am I ready?” I rose up on my knees and brought his hand to my pussy. He ran a finger through it and then pressed it inside me.

  “You’re so wet.”

  I gasped, and pushed his hand away. I moved over him, taking his dick and bringing it to me. I shouldn’t be doing this for all sort of reasons, not just because Lily wouldn’t like it. But there was no stopping now. Whatever the repercussions, I’d take it because right now, there was nowhere else I’d rather be. No one else I’d rather be with. Nothing else I’d rather be doing.

  “Come on, Victoria, have mercy.” He arched, his tip pressing against my hot flesh.

  I bent forward, putting my hands on his chest and then I sank down on him, taking him inside me. I’d often thought of the night we’d spent together six years ago, and how good it had felt. But my memory wasn’t as good as I thought. His dick filled me as I took him deeper and deeper, my body adjusting to fit him. My pussy was on fire, tiny sparks of electricity going off. It was so good. So good.

  “Yes…Jesus yes…Victoria.” His hands reached up to my face and pulled me down. He kissed me hard, his tongue thrusting inside my mouth. We both moaned, the echo of it filling the room. Finally, he was fully immersed in me. Pulsing and throbbing inside me. It was amazing.

  I rocked over him, and he tore his mouth from mine as he let out a growl. I started to ride, and he moved with me. Like a dance. A sensual dance.

  “More, more,” he gasped as he held my hips and forced them to move faster. His hands moved to my breasts, kneading them, pinching my nipples. I felt it all the way to my pussy.

  “Pax!” I was teetering on the edge of exquisite pleasure. In the moment of torture that promised ultimate bliss.

  “Fuck, I’m gonna come…I’m gonna come…” His hand slid down between my thighs and rubbed over my clit.

  Stars burst behind my eyes as my orgasm slammed into me, harder, fiercer than the one he’d given me against the window.

  I cried out as the pleasure rocketed out, blasting through my body.

  He let out a feral yell and his hips shot up as his own pleasure overwhelmed him. Together we moved, riding out the storm until my lungs burned and my thighs were toast. I collapsed on him.

  His arms came around me and he held me close as his harsh breath blew along my ear. “Holy fuck,” he managed eventually. “Hooollyy fuck,” he said again, drawing out the words. I had to agree, but couldn’t say anything because my own breath was still too labored to speak. He kissed the top of my head. “Are you okay?”

  I nodded as I found the strength to lift my head and look at him. I managed a smile because the words were still not forthcoming.

  He smiled back. “I’m going to take that as I rocked your world.” I raised my brow. He grinned. “Or maybe you rocked mine.” He lifted his head and kissed me. Then his eyes turned a little chagrined. “I told you we’d talk.”

  “We did,” I said, finding my voice.

  “So, we’re good?”

  I didn’t know what we were, except in the same situation we’d always been in. But I didn’t feel the need to talk because there wasn’t anything to say that hadn’t already been said. This would be a short fling for as long as we were here together and Lily needn’t ever know about it.

  For a moment, I wondered if maybe now that Lily was married and having a child, she’d soften her stance if she knew Pax and I liked each other. Or perhaps she’d be preoccupied and we could continue to see each other on the down-low. The problem with the latter idea was that it was deceptive and I didn’t want to lie to my best friend.

  Instead of worrying about it, I decided to simply enjoy the time we’d have. “We’re good.”

  “I also said I’d get you a drink.”

  I nodded. I couldn’t deny a drink wouldn’t be nice as I processed that I’d just had sex with Pax again.

  He rolled us until he was over me. “I’m going to get rid of this condom, get us drinks, make sure I have enough condoms to last the night, and then we’ll do this again. What do you think of that?”

  I smiled, feeling like that giddy twenty-one-year-old I’d been six years ago. “I think it sounds like a grand idea.”

  He gave me a quick kiss and then got out of bed, returning later with drinks and an entire box of condoms.

  I gave him a look. “You came prepared.”

  “I came hopeful.” He handed me a glass of wine and then got in bed next to me. For the rest of the night, it was like those six years apart never happened. We talked like we had before. And then he touched me again and I touched him, and it was spectacular. After the last orgasm, I snuggled in, knowing sleep would be coming soon and hating it because I was afraid in the morning all this would be gone. If not in the morning, then sometime soon it would be over and it made me sad. It also made me resent Lily. She got her happily ever after but was denying me and Pax. Not that he and I were happily-ever-after material, but we’d never find out.

bsp; I woke the next morning after I realized my phone was continuously dinging with notification after notification. Something was up.

  I rolled over and found my phone on the bedside table. I remembered setting it there after threatening to take a dick pic of Pax.

  I checked my text messages first. Most were from my assistant, but there were several from Allie. I opened hers.

  “What happened? Is it true? Oh my God, Victoria.”

  What was she talking about?

  “Seriously Victoria, you have to call me. Mom is going nuts.”

  “Everything alright?” Pax asked, his hand running down my arm as he kissed my shoulder.

  “I don’t know. My sister seems to think something is up with me.”

  He got out of bed. “I’ll order coffee.”

  I nodded as I continued to check my texts. One had a link to a tabloid. I clicked it.


  My heart stopped in my chest. What the hell? I read the article.

  “Late-night lovebirds snapped this picture of Pax Ryder and social media influencer/entrepreneur Victoria Sinclair in Las Vegas at the marriage license office, who were later seen entering one of the many chapels with another unidentified couple…”

  Oh crap. Well, at least that would be easy to clear up. We didn’t get married. We were attendants at another wedding.

  But I could only imagine what Lily was going to think when she saw this. Thank goodness she was off on her honeymoon and likely too preoccupied to check entertainment news.

  I got out of bed and put on the complimentary robe Pax had tossed on the bed for me. I headed out to the living area to find Pax hanging up the phone.

  “Coffee in ten minutes or so. If we play our cards right, I can give you an orgasm in that time.” He waggled his brows as he reached for me.

  “Mmm, sounds good, but there’s something you need to see.”

  His smile faltered. “That doesn’t sound good.”

  “It’s a misunderstanding.” I handed him the phone.

  He looked at it and his gaze jerked to mine. “Fuck.”


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