Sweet Rose: Baytown Boys

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Sweet Rose: Baytown Boys Page 10

by Maryann Jordan

  Settling around the flames, most of their gazes glanced outward toward the beach.

  Brogan jumped up from his seat continually, his gaze searching for Ginny. Sitting back down, he mumbled, “Wish she wouldn’t walk so much.”

  Mitch shook his head and said, “Your wife’s in perfect physical condition. Anyway, walking will be good for her.”

  Screams were heard from the beach, and Brogan bounded to his feet. Aiden clapped his hand on his brother’s arm and said, “I think that’s celebratory screams, bro.”

  As the men turned their gazes, they noticed the women hugging, no one seeming concerned. Brogan turned around and looked at his brother, his brows raised.

  Aiden nodded and turned toward the others, “I’ve already told my family, but I have a feeling Lia’s just told the other women. We’re expecting a baby.”

  The other men shouted out their congratulations, and Lance shook his head, chuckling. As the others turned toward him, he said, “I guess that’s why the women are screaming,” he said. “Jade’s telling them that we’re expecting, too.”

  Another round of congratulations resounded before their gazes swung to Grant who was also laughing.

  Jason, sitting closest to Grant, said, “No way, man. You and Jillian, too?”

  The men all stood, back slaps, handshakes, and man hugs ensuing as the women were still celebrating on the beach.

  Settling back down, Jason noticed Zac’s gaze pinned on him. Refusing to squirm under his friend’s perusal, he stared back.

  Zac, never shy, grinned and asked, “What I want to know is what’s up with Jason and the sweet Rose.”

  Shooting Zac a glare that did nothing to reduce the grin aimed at him, he looked around and noticed all the other eyes on him as well. “Don’t tell me you guys are desperate for the next bit of gossip.”

  “Come on, come on,” Zac cajoled. “We’re all sharing good news and figured you might have some to share as well.”

  “Let’s just say I’m interested, and we’re seeing what’s between us,” Jason replied. “And in case you know anyone else interested, you can let them know that as far as I’m concerned, she’s off the market.”

  Beers were lifted in congratulations. Gareth leaned forward, his forearms propped on his knees, and said, “You might want to make sure Rose knows that.”

  Jerking his gaze over, he opened his mouth to growl when Gareth continued.

  “You know how Katelyn can’t keep a secret,” Gareth said. “She told me that the women were talking to Rose just before we ate, and Rose said that you guys are just friends. So, I think that you might want to make sure that you two define whatever you have.”

  “Just friends?” he said, unable to keep himself from asking.

  The others chuckled, and Zac said, “Take it from those of us who have been down this road. Some women want to claim you the minute you even look at them. But other women aren’t going to make any assumptions. Don’t leave it to chance, Jason. Let Rose know exactly how you feel about her, or you’re liable to be standing around watching her go out with somebody else because she doesn’t think you’re serious.”

  Shaking his head in frustration, he looked up as Brogan heaved a sigh of relief at the sight of the women making their way back to the fire pit, ushering Ginny to a cushioned lawn chair as soon as she arrived. Observing the hesitation in Rose as she walked over, he made his way directly to her. Taking her hand, he escorted her back to where they were earlier, offering a blanket to wrap around her shoulders.

  The men congratulated Jillian, Lia, and Jade on their pregnancies, and soon the group was comfortably ensconced with the flames licking the sky, sending warmth against the cool, early spring night.

  Belle’s phone rang, and she glanced apologetically at the others. “Sorry, I’m on call.” She stood and answered her phone, walking away from the group. Whirling around suddenly, her eyes landed on Rose, and she said, “She’s with me.”

  Jason tensed immediately and noticed that Rose’s attention was somewhere else. His hands moved to her shoulders, squeezing slightly. As Rose twisted her head around to look up at him, he stood and gently helped her to her feet. She looked up at him in question, but before he had a chance to speak, Belle hurried back over.

  “Rose, honey, it’s about your mom. She fell as she was getting into bed—”

  He felt Rose jerk in response, her body already in movement away from him. He grabbed her hand and said, “Rose—”

  “I’ve got to go! I’ve got to go now!” she said, her eyes wide and filled with panic.

  She tugged on her hand to pull away from his, but he linked fingers and held on tight. “I’m going to take you. We’re going right now.”

  Belle stepped directly in front of her, put her hands on Rose’s shoulders and said, “I told them you would come, but it’s not bad. She went down on her knees and did not hit her head.” Belle lifted her gaze up to Jason and said, “I’m going to go right now, and Rose can go with me—”

  “I’m taking her,” Jason said, his voice firm.

  Shaking her head wildly, Rose argued, “No. We came on your motorcycle.”

  The others began to offer their vehicles, but Hunter stepped up behind Belle. Looking at Jason, he said, “You two ride with Belle. I’ll take your bike to your place and bring your truck to the nursing home. That way you’ll have it for when you’re ready to take Rose back home.”

  Liking that plan and not giving Rose a chance to refuse, he dug his hand in his pocket and pulled out his keys, placing them in Hunter’s open palm. Ushering Rose through the group, allowing everyone to wish her and her mother well, they quickly made it to Hunter’s SUV. Settling Rose and Belle into the backseat, he headed down the road.


  Rose rushed past the reception desk, Jason right on her heels, and Belle called out to the night receptionist, “They’re with me!”

  Barely skidding to a stop at her mom’s door, Rose halted and sucked in a deep breath trying to still her racing heart. Large hands clamped on her shoulders, and she leaned her head to the side, resting her cheek against Jason’s wrist for just a few seconds, feeling his strength pass into her.

  Belle had stopped at the nurse’s station, but Rose could not wait. With another deep breath, she moved into the room, her gaze quickly landing on her mom lying on her back in her bed. Her eyes were closed in sleep, but Rose hurriedly tiptoed to the side of her bed, her gaze moving to her mom’s chest, making sure she could see the rise and fall of her breathing.

  Her mother’s bed was not a hospital bed but a twin-size bed whose headboard had been in their family for years. With firm, supportive new mattresses, it made her mother feel less institutionalized. It had been fitted with the approved Halo Safety Ring rails on either side to assist her mom with moving from and into the bed.

  Once more, Jason silently moved behind her, his hands resting on her shoulders, his thumbs massaging her tense muscles. Belle walked in and said, “I just talked to the nurse and read the report. Your mom had been reading in bed and decided to go to the bathroom. Until we are sure that she is completely stable on her own, she’s supposed to call for assistance. It appears she was trying to be more independent than perhaps was prudent—”

  Rolling her eyes, Rose interrupted. “You mean too stubborn.”

  Belle smiled and shook her head. “Your mom has adapted very well considering how much she had to give up since her stroke.” Shrugging, she added, “It’s true that we do need to get your mom stronger before she does things on her own, but I’d rather see someone have the desire to regain all their independence than someone who just prefers to lay in bed, although we want her safe.”

  Her mom’s eyes fluttered open, taking a moment to focus before she said, “Oh, Rose. I’m fine.”

  Bending low, she kissed her mom’s cheek, reveling in the soft skin and delicate scent. “Hey, Mom. I was just in the neighborhood and thought I’d drop by.”

  Her mom chuckled and reached up
to cup Rose’s face. Her mom’s gaze then moved past Rose’s shoulder, and she asked, “Who’s your friend?”

  Standing, she glanced behind her at Jason standing nearby. Smiling, she said, “Mom, I’d like you to meet Jason Boswell. He owns the garage in town and is right across the street from where my shop will be.” As Jason stepped forward, she continued, “Jason, this is my mom, Peggy Parker.”

  With his hand now resting on her waist, Jason leaned around and peered down at her mom. “Mrs. Parker, it’s nice to make your acquaintance.”

  “My, my, you are nice looking.”


  Her mother grinned, gazing at Jason’s hand on her waist before shifting her eyes back to her face. Unable to keep the worry from her voice, Rose said, “Mom, you know you still need some assistance. You don’t want to do anything that’s going to set you back. I want you with me as soon as you can make that move.”

  Her mother pinched her lips together and said, “Don’t fuss.”

  Jason turned and whispered into Rose’s ear. “I’ll let y’all chat. Take as long as you want. I’ll be right outside.”

  Rose looked over her shoulder and watched as Jason walked out of the room, her eyes following his every movement. When he was no longer in sight, she turned back to her mother, startling at the wide, somewhat lopsided grin on her mother’s face.


  Her mother reached over and patted her hand. “Talk to me.”

  “Mom, it’s late. I just wanted to come to check on you when I heard you fell. They said you fell on your knees. Are you all right?”

  Her mom patted her hand again, this time a little harder. “I’m fine. Talk to me.”

  She walked over to the window and scooted the chair closer to her mom’s bed. Sitting down, she reached over and took her mom’s hand, always surprised at how frail her mother’s hand looked and yet felt so strong. Lifting her gaze, she said, “I really like him, Mom. At first, I thought it was going to be so awkward being across the street from him, but he's a really good friend.”

  “I think he likes you.”

  She chewed on her bottom lip for a moment, then said, “I don’t really know what we are...maybe just friends or maybe starting something new. I just don’t know.”

  “Ask him.”

  Snorting, she said, “Mom, you make it sound so easy. If I ask him, won’t I sound like some clingy woman?”

  “Life’s too short to waste time.”

  Thinking on that, she added, “I don’t want to be the kind of woman who feels like she has to have a man. There’s so much I have to do to get the business going, and I don’t know if I have the time to even start a relationship, even if that’s what he wants.”

  Her mother reached up and touched the back of her fingers to Rose’s cheek. "My sweet Rose. You don’t have to have a man to be happy. But don’t be so busy that you don’t have time for someone, even as a friend.”

  Her mother sucked in a breath from such a long sentence, and Rose wanted her to rest. Standing, she scooted the chair back to its place before returning to her mother’s bedside. Bending down, she kissed her and whispered, “I love you, Mom."

  Her mom smiled and nodded in return before her eyes closed once again. Turning off the bedside lamp, she tiptoed out of the room, quietly shutting the door. She stood for just a few seconds with her forehead pressed against the door, her hand still on the knob.


  Arms encircled her, and she was pulled into an embrace against a strong chest. That one title had wrapped itself around her, and she squeezed her eyes tightly shut to keep the tears at bay.

  She was grateful Jason did not appear to be in a rush, seeming to know she just needed to be held. His heartbeat was steady under her cheek, and her arms wrapped tightly around his middle. After several minutes, she felt stronger and leaned her head back. He was looking down at her, his mesmerizing gaze peering deep into hers. As though he was searching and found what he was looking for, his arms loosened slightly, and he asked, “You ready to go home?”

  Nodding, she said, “Yeah, thanks.” Looking up the hall, she asked, “Is Belle still here?”

  “No,” he said, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and leading her toward the front door. “Hunter took my bike back to the shop and drove here in my truck. Then he and Belle left in their SUV, and I’m going to take you home.”

  Shaking her head at the overload of information, she said, “I feel bad that everyone went to such trouble.”

  By now, they were in the dark parking lot, and he assisted her into the cab of his truck. Making sure she was buckled, he rounded the front and climbed in behind the steering wheel. Twisting his body so that he could look at her, he said, “The first night I came to Baytown, I experienced their welcome. There’s something special about this place, Rose. But don’t worry about feeling indebted. Believe me, you’ll be able to step in and help someone in turn.”

  She leaned her head back and closed her eyes, exhaustion pulling at her. As Jason drove out of the parking lot, she thought she heard him say, “Rest, Rose. I’ll get you home.”

  Jason parked his truck on the street outside his shop and looked over at Rose. Their ride home had been in silence, but he could tell she was not resting. It was as though the wheels of her mind were clanging as loud as a chain being dragged behind his truck. He turned off the engine and shifted in his seat to face her. Her hair was slightly mussed, and dark circles lay under her eyes.

  “Look, Rose, I know it’s been a helluva day, but your mom looked good. She’s safe there, and I know she fell, but I think she’ll be more careful from now on, and I’m sure the nurses will—”

  “What are we, Jason?

  Her words cut through the assurances he was making about her mom, catching him off-guard. Uncertain what she meant, he was about to ask when she twisted in her seat to face him as well.

  Continuing, she said, “What are we? What are we doing? I know guys hate questions like this, and honest to God, I’m not trying to overanalyze if there’s nothing here to analyze. But what we’ve done so far really isn’t me, and so I just need to know.”

  Stress was evident in the tension pouring off of her. The rigid shoulders and tense jaw. The cab of his truck with the console and gearshift in the middle gave little room for him to do what he wanted, which was reach over and pull her into his arms, offering comfort.

  He lifted his hand and cupped her jaw, his thumb sweeping over the apple of her cheek, and said, “Babe—”

  “That. That right there is part of what I’m talking about.”

  Cocking his head to the side, he asked, “Rose, I’m not getting it. I’m sorry. I want to understand what you’re upset about so that we can talk about it, but I need you to be a little bit more clear.”

  Her gaze never wavered for a moment, then she slowly nodded her head up and down before her shoulders lifted and fell in a huge sigh. “I’m sorry, Jason.” She rubbed her forehead with her fingers before sliding her hand over her hair, pulling it away from her face. “I know I’m going about everything wrong.”

  “Nothing’s wrong about two people talking. Talking about whatever they want to, especially feelings.” She looked at him, her face a mask of indecision.

  Finally, she said, “The first time we…um…slept together, that was something I’d never done before.” She jerked her head around quickly, saying, “I don’t mean I’d never slept with someone. I mean I had, but only with someone that I was in a relationship with. I had never just met someone and then slept with them before.” Shaking her head as though in disbelief of the memory, she said, “I look back with such embarrassment. I was irrational that evening, blaming you for something that was nothing more than a normal business deal. And to walk into your place and act like I did, and then throw myself at you…” She dropped her chin to her chest, still shaking her head.

  The hand that had cupped her face earlier was now resting on her arm, and he gave it a little squeeze,
drawing her gaze back up to him. “I thought we were past that, Rose. I never thought any worse about you. Not the anger you had when you showed up, or the way that anger turned into passion. And I sure as hell had never curled around someone and had them sleep in my arms before. The only regret I had about that night was that you weren’t there the next morning and that I didn’t try to contact you, especially after I found out something was going on with your family.”

  She shook her head slowly, and said, “Oh, Jason, you shouldn’t have any regrets about that at all. At the time, we were just two people who got caught up in the time, the place, the emotions. You didn’t owe me anything.”

  They sat in silence for a moment, the only light coming in from a street lamp on the corner and no sounds other than their breathing filling the cab of his truck. The windows were beginning to fog slightly on the inside, defusing the light and creating their own little haven.

  “It’s easier for me to put our first encounter into ‘passion overtook rational thought’,” she said, her fingers making air quotes. “So much has happened since then that when I came back to town, I expected us to politely ignore that night had ever happened. I even thought that perhaps you might ignore me completely, but then when I got the shop that was across from you, I figured that we would be just congenial neighbors. I didn’t expect what happened last night to happen again. I didn’t plan on that, and now I find that I…I…I don’t know what it is.”

  Rubbing her forehead again, he asked, “Do you have a headache?”

  “Yeah. A little one,” she admitted, wincing slightly.

  He reached for his door handle, but her hand snapped out to stop him. “Jason, I need to know.”

  “You will.” With that, he opened his door and walked around to the passenger side. Assisting her down, he turned toward the door leading to his apartment. Feeling a tug on his arm, he looked down at her questioning gaze and said, “I’ve got some aspirin.” Nodding across the street toward her place, he said, “I’ll bet you don’t have any yet, do you?”


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