Untouchable: Haven Falls (Book 1)

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Untouchable: Haven Falls (Book 1) Page 9

by Sheridan Anne

  Noah’s thumb reaches up and frees my lip from the confines of my teeth before he leans in ever so slowly.

  His fingers release my chin before they slide around the back of my neck, pulling me closer as his head continues to dip towards mine. I feel his breath on my face and I can’t help but close my eyes, preparing for a moment that is bound to change it all.

  And then finally, his lips are pressing down on mine taking me home.

  It’s a feeling I can’t describe. It’s like that moment in movies when the boy finally kisses the girl and the sky fills with fireworks. This is so much more than that.

  My hand on his chest travels up around his neck and I find myself pulling him impossibly closer, desperately needing more as his lips move against mine.

  His tongue brushes my lips and I welcome him in, moaning with the pure satisfaction of his kiss as his fingers squeeze my waist, making me feel more like a woman than any boy ever did.

  How is it possible to feel so good? It’s like I’m floating. My soul is literally trying to pull free from my body and take me away.

  Glorious. Awe-inspiring. Satisfyingly perfect. It’s pure pleasure in its finest form. I mean, this is just his kiss. I can’t even begin to imagine what else he can do.

  I moan into him, giving him all of me in this moment.

  All too soon, Noah pulls back ever so slightly, but leaves his forehead resting against mine. I want to cry out in devastation. How dare he break such a beautiful connection?

  He breathes me in and I’m left with shaking legs, glad that he seems to still be holding me up, otherwise I’d be a gooey puddle of kissed mush on the ground.

  Noah’s fingers squeeze the back of my neck and I look up into his green eyes that I‘ve never seen look so dark. “What is this?” he breathes, asking the question that I’ve been asking myself all week long.

  I shake my head ever so slightly, still taking him in and coming to terms with the fact that I’ve just been kissed in a way that set my soul on fire. “I don’t know,” I whisper, feeling unbelievable comfort from the way his body is still pressed up against mine, keeping me cloaked from the world around us, “but I think I like it.”

  His eyes light up and from the way he looks at me and touches me with such gentleness, it’s clear he feels this pull between us, just as strongly as I am.

  “I’m going to kiss you again,” he warns, drawing me back in.

  “I’d hate you if you didn’t,” I murmur just moments before his lips are back on mine, making those fireworks shoot straight back up into the sky.

  I pull back to take a breath and without skipping a beat, his lips come down on the sensitive skin of my neck, making an intense desire shoot through me.

  As if sensing my need, his knee pushes between my legs just as it had on the dance floor and I find instant relief at the pressure against my lady bits. Only that pressure brings on a need that can’t possibly be satisfied here against the side of the house, especially with clothes on.

  “Noah,” I moan, missing the feel of his lips on mine, despite how sensual they feel on my neck. I bring my hands up and guide his face back to mine, and he’s more than happy to oblige my silent request.

  When we finally break apart, panting for air to fill our lungs, he steps away from me as though it was the hardest thing he’s ever done. “Shit,” he grumbles. “If I keep touching you, I’m going to end up taking you right here against the wall.”

  I grin as I watch his lust filled eyes roaming over my twisted dress. “I think I might just let you.”

  He shakes his head with awe shining out of his eyes. “Where the hell did you come from?”

  “You took the words right out of my mouth.”

  He grins that cocky grin. “And if you’re lucky, I’ll put something straight back in there.”

  “If I’m lucky?” I laugh, loving how he teases while also not coming across like a perve as so many other guys do. “More like if you’re lucky,” I grumble. “Besides, I don’t think you could handle me.”

  Fire burns in his eyes. “Is that a challenge?”

  “More like a dare.”

  He steps into me once again. “You’re on, Spitfire.”

  The second his hands touch me the desire comes back with a vengeance and I pull him back in. His lips crush down on mine and the smile on both our faces makes it hard, but nonetheless, we tough it out, making it work.

  His hand grabs my thigh and I hitch it up over his hip, absolutely loving the way it gives him access to press himself more firmly against me. His hand slides down the back of my thigh and I groan as it reaches my ass, but what I love more is the way he holds it. He’s not just grabbing my ass, it’s like he’s claiming it.

  “Henley?” My name is screamed out across the backyard by a familiar voice, making Noah groan into me. “Noah? Where the hell are y… Ewwwww,” Tully groans, spotting us against the side of the house, covered in shadows. “Really? Do you guys have to do that there?”

  Noah doesn’t move his body off mine nor does he pull back, he simply turns his head to look at his sister. “Would you prefer we went home and did this on the couch that you lay on?”

  Tully cringes as my face flames with embarrassment. “Yeah… you’re right. Carry on,” she tells us, spinning around and hurrying away as though what she just witnessed is now threatening to haunt her poor mind.

  Noah turns back to me with a playful grin lighting up his mischievous face. “She’s going to have my balls for that later.”

  “And so she should,” I laugh. “The poor girl was mortified.”

  “It was worth it,” he chuckles, releasing my leg and giving me a chance to fix myself up, clearly letting me know the moment between us has passed. Though, it’s for the best. I was just about ready to throw myself at him for everyone to see. I can only imagine what something like that would do for my already incredible reputation. “A chance to mess with my sister is just too good to pass up.”

  I roll my eyes and shake my head. “You’re an idiot.”

  He shrugs his shoulders before taking my hand. “Tell me something I don’t know.”

  With that, Noah leads me back around to the party where I find Tully waiting for me with another drink. “Here,” she says handing me the red cup as Noah grins at her like the Cheshire cat. “I figured you’d need this to wash down his foul taste and forget you just did that.”

  I laugh as I take the cup and bring it up to my lips. The Vodka burns as it makes its way down my throat. I give her a big cheesy smile. “Actually,” I tell her. “Seems your brother knows exactly what he’s doing when it comes to pleasing a woman. I might just have to go back for seconds.”

  Noah barks out a laugh as Tully’s face scrunches up in disgust. “Ugh,” she groans, pretending to gag. “You two were made for each other.”

  I guess Noah was right, messing with Tully really is too good to pass up.

  Chapter 9

  I walk around my kitchen on Sunday afternoon daydreaming about… well, everything. But mainly Noah’s lips. I mean, they were intoxicating. Being in his arms was thrilling and I simply can’t wait to do it all over again.

  Though that was two days ago and I haven’t really seen him since. We spent the rest of Friday night partying and then he drove me home, but with Rivers and Tully in the car, there wasn’t really a great goodbye.

  I spent all day waiting to see if he’d text or call, hell maybe even show his face at my door, but nothing. Nada. Zilch.

  It leaves me with way too many questions. Are we a thing or were we just messing around? This connection between us is was way too strong to deny and when his lips finally touched mine, it was everything… like, everything. At the risk of sounding like a pussy, the freaking stars aligned and the moon was knocking on my doorstep, ready to thrust its wonder upon me.

  Gahhhhhhh! I hate feeling like this. You know, that weird in between, not knowing phase. I just want my damn answers and I want them delivered to me on a silver platter.
br />   Is that too much?

  You know what? I don’t care.

  I try to get back to keeping myself busy so I stop thinking about it over and over… and over again. It’s literally driving me insane. I shouldn’t be focusing on this. If anything, it was just two friends hooking up and having a good time at a party. Why am I over thinking something that isn’t there? Only, there was something there. I felt it.

  I guess the question is, did he feel it too?

  What I wouldn’t give to explore this thing with him. What I also wouldn’t give to stick it to Monica in the process. I mean, that girl is a bitch. Hands down the most frustrating chick I’ve had to deal with in my life. Does she not understand that if she keeps coming at me, I’m going to end up giving her a smackdown that Haven Falls will remember for years to come?

  I’m not usually a violent person but living in Haven Falls, you just learn to keep your nails trimmed in case you need to make a fist first thing in the morning. The weak don’t survive and everyone else? They only get by because they’re not afraid to put bitches in their place. Bitches just like Monica and Candice. I wonder how Tully would feel about delivering an ass whopping to Candice? We could take them both. Two for the price of one.

  Damn it. There I go daydreaming about stupid shit again. I should be focusing on cleaning the house before dad gets home. Friday zoomed past with no sign of him and yesterday ticked by slowly as I moped around the house wishing for my killer hangover to fade into a distant nothing. I tried talking myself into reading, but the thought of looking at a little screen for the afternoon nearly had me bringing up chunks.

  I pack away the dishes and wipe down the table before spending a good portion of the afternoon actually folding and putting away the laundry while catching up on Netflix.

  This has generally been my life for the past few years. Don’t get me wrong, I love my dad to pieces, but when it comes to parenting, he’s kind of clueless. The second he realized I was old enough to press ‘go’ on the washing machine and put a little detergent into it without flooding the house with bubbles, doing the laundry basically became my chore. Next, was the general cleaning of our home, and soon after that, the cooking followed.

  When you think about it, I’m more the parent around here, but I don’t mind because without me, dad would be eating meals out of a tin and wearing dirty clothes day in and day out.

  God knows I love him, but I’ve never had to wonder why mom left. It’s pretty damn clear to me. The only question there is, why she would leave me too?

  See, this is why I can’t be left alone with my thoughts for too long. They wander and eventually get me in trouble. I came to terms with the fact that mom left years ago, yet here I am, bringing up old issues because I’m terrified to get caught thinking about Noah again.

  Because I know deep down, that at some point, he’s going to hurt me. I can feel it in my bones.

  Everybody leaves me eventually. Mom up and left the second she could. Kaylah deserted me. Jackson took off without so much as a goodbye. And dad, well, with the way he works, he’s barely here anyway.

  That just leaves Noah and Tully.

  They’re all I’ve got at the moment, and I’m terrified of screwing it up. Having them around for the past week has reminded me of the girl I used to be. The one who wasn’t afraid to step out of the house every day. The one who was lively and happy, and good God, I want that back.

  Something tells me that Noah has what it takes to bring that old girl back and help me to lose this depressive assrat that I’ve become. I need the old me back so desperately, but I can’t get there by myself. I need his help.

  This past week with the twins has been incredible. I haven’t had such positive human interactions in so long. I can already feel the grave being dug for this pathetic version of myself. Maybe the old me didn’t die after all?

  I lay down on my bed and reach for Tully’s Kindle once all the housework is done and the place is spotless. It’s such a good feeling, one that I know is going to disappear the second dad walks through the door, drops down into his recliner, and kicks off his boots, leaving them in the center of the living room, waiting for me to pick them up. Not to mention, when I have to unpack everything I just put away to cook dinner, but I guess that’s just the way of life.

  Shit, there I go ranting again. I should just learn to accept things the way they are.

  My phone chimes on my bedside table and I place the Kindle back down to replace it with my phone. I unlock the screen and stare down at it in confusion as a strange number stares back at me.

  The only people who would be messaging me are Noah, Tully, possibly Rivers, and dad, yet I have all their numbers saved into my phone.

  I open the text and my confusion slips away before it’s replaced with irritation.

  Unknown – Babe, it’s Spencer. What do you say I take you out tonight?

  I resist grinding my teeth together as I save his contact info and hit reply.

  Henley – Bit late in the day to be asking me out. What happened? Did all the other girls cancel on you? Am I the consolation prize? How’d you get my number anyway?

  Spencer – All questions I can answer at dinner.

  Henley – Smooth! But, no thanks.

  Spencer – Is this because of the whole puddle thing? I told you I’d make it up to you.

  Fuck me. If buying a new phone wasn’t so damn expensive, I probably would have thrown this one across the room by now. I mean, is this guy for real?

  Henley – No, it’s because of the whole 'I’m not interested' thing.

  Spencer – Bullshit.

  Henley – Alright, fine. Book a restaurant, get yourself all dressed up, and take your seat. We can play a game - How long will Spencer sit there alone before he realizes I wasn’t bullshitting?

  Spencer - …

  Spencer – You’re a bitch.

  Henley – You’re a cocky asshole that allows your friends to dictate your life and can’t take no for an answer.

  Spencer – Is that seriously what you think of me?

  Henley – Have you ever led me to believe differently?

  There is a few minutes pause before his next text comes through and I find myself waiting with bated breath, hoping the world isn’t about to blow up in my face. I can handle a catfight with the bitchy cheerleaders, but taking on the jocks at the same time; that’s probably more than I can handle at once.

  Spencer – I guess you’re right.

  Say what? Did King Jock just agree with me?

  The vibrating sound of a heavy engine outside my bedroom window has me throwing down my phone and completely forgetting about the jock who hurt my friend. I bound out the door like an excited puppy seeing their owner after a long day at work. Only in this case, it’s an excited daughter seeing her father after nearly a week out on the road.

  “Daddy,” I squeal as I slam my way out the front door to find his huge truck in the middle of reversing back into our narrow driveway. The way he drives this truck is incredible. I don’t know how he does it. Dad let me play around once to see if I could do it, but after the third time of nearly taking out the house, we decided enough was enough.

  Dad’s window is down and I have no idea how he hears me over the roar of the engine, but he looks up and gives me one hell of a cheesy grin and a thumbs up. “Hey, Squish,” he hollers out the window before returning his attention to reversing this beast into our drive.

  I walk down the back of the driveway to help direct him in, knowing the right-hand corner has a bit of a blind spot. Though he’s done it so many times before, he wouldn’t need my help, but there’s nothing quite like being helpful.

  Dad finishes up reversing the big fucker and it seems to take forever, though I know as a general rule, dad does not do this slow. He is a freakin’ pro at this shit. I’m just a little impatient turd and can’t handle having to wait for what I want.

  When dad finally jumps down from the truck, I crash into him, throwing my arms
around his waist as he catches me in a massive bear hug. “Hey, Squish,” dad murmurs with affection as he pulls me in tight and practically crushes my head into his chest.

  I brace my hands against him and give a hard push, freeing my head from the confines of his strong arms. “Missed you,” I grin.

  “I know you did,” he tells me with his too sure attitude as he throws his arm over my shoulder and drags me towards the front door. “What’s been going on? Any news? Bills?”

  “Nope. All taken care of,” I tell him. “Though, Mr. Morrison from two doors down came and accused me of stealing his cat.”

  “His cat?” dad grunts.

  “Yup,” I laugh. “Big…no, massive misunderstanding.”

  “Henley,” dad scolds.

  “What?” I shrug. “It’s not my fault the cat likes me better than that old fu-”

  “Hey, watch it,” dad cuts me off before the insult can fly from my lips. He looks back over his shoulder to where his old pick up is sitting out the front. “How’s the truck? Did you get her fixed?”

  We make our way inside the house and dad instantly drops down into his favorite recliner, leaving me to close the door behind us. “Yeah,” I tell him. “A friend helped me out so I didn’t have to pay for a mechanic.”

  Dad’s head whips around at the word ‘friend.’ “Friend?” he questions with exaggerated curiosity, assuming this so-called ‘friend’ is a dude, seeing as though I said this ‘friend’ fixed the truck. I mean, I don’t see many chicks being able to do that shit, but if they can, hats off to them.

  “Yes, dad,” I groan, dropping down into the opposite couch. “A friend.”

  “Who is this friend?”

  “He’s just a guy from school. We’ve been hanging out this week.”

  His eyes widen in horror. “Here?” he gaps. “Tell me you haven’t been having boys over? I’m cool with you finally making friends, but I’m not ready to have no kids running ‘round me ankles.”

  “Chill out,” I laugh, trying to hide my unease at what the idea of having kids with Noah does to me. Shit, I cannot go there. “He’s just a friend. It’s not like that. He has a twin sister who’s pretty cool and.… I don’t know, I guess they make me forget that the world sucks.”


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