Untouchable: Haven Falls (Book 1)

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Untouchable: Haven Falls (Book 1) Page 12

by Sheridan Anne

  “What’s your issue with him?”

  “I don’t have an issue,” he shrugs. “Don’t get me wrong. The guy’s a loser and into some shady shit-”

  I cut him off with a scoff. “Says the tatted-up douchebag who’s into illegal racing and keeps disappearing with his best friend all the time.”

  Noah pauses for a second before a slow smile spreads across his face. “Have you been keeping tabs on me, Spitfire?”

  I shrug my shoulders. “You wish. I can’t help it that I’m observant,” I tell him. “What is it you guys are up to anyway?”

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?” he questions with a sparkle in his eyes, completely giving him away. I mean, I knew he was doing something shady, but this pretty much confirms it.

  “I knew it,” I call out. “You’re doing something illegal, aren’t you? What is it? Drugs? Hookers? Oh, my God. You’re a pimp, aren’t you?”

  “Don’t know what you’re talking about,” he laughs.

  “Who’s a shitty liar now?” I challenge him, knowing deep down that whatever he’s into, it couldn’t be too bad. Or at least, I hope it’s not. I glance away as a million question fly through my mind, each and every one of them wondering what he’s gotten himself into. “Just… whatever it is. Don’t get yourself caught. Orange isn’t your color.”

  He studies me for a moment before slowly nodding and moving towards me. “It’s killing you, isn’t it?” he questions lowly. “Not knowing.”

  I roll my eyes and scoff. “You think you have that much of an effect on me?”

  Noah drops down onto the couch beside me, instantly putting his arms up around the back of the couch, inviting me in. “I know I do,” he grins, somehow making me feel at ease with the fact that he’s into illegal shit, though, something tells me he’s not the kind of guy to do anything too shady, he’s also not the kind of guy to get caught. “As for Spencer, I hope you said ‘no’. I don’t like to share.”

  “You realize I’m not a toy, right?” I question. “And I’m not yours.”

  That grin full of cocky confidence spreads across his face as we ignore the opening of the movie. “Yeah, Spitfire,” he murmurs. “You are.”

  I narrow my eyes on him, trying to play off the way he makes me feel. “We’ll see about that.”

  With that, I drop back onto the couch, trying to ignore the way my body seems to lean into his with a desperate need to be held.

  We watch the movie and get about halfway through when I realize I haven’t been watching any of it. I couldn’t tell a soul what’s been happening on the screen right before me. All I can think about is how I could so easily fall for Noah if I’m not careful, and I know that he said that liking a girl like me is scary as hell for him, but falling for a guy like Noah is terrifying for me.

  He could hurt me in ways that Jackson could never have dreamed of. This is something different and it’s making me realize that maybe the way I felt for Jackson was just some stupid school girl crush. Something that needed to be ticked off my bucket list.

  I don’t know, but whatever it is, Noah is breathing light back into me and it’s a feeling I’m not sure I want to be without.

  The movie is just about over when Tully cuts through the room, being an absolute pain as she stops right in front of the TV, not even realizing that she’s doing it. I guess that’s just typical Tully. “Why the hell are you wearing his clothes?” Tully grunts, scrunching her face up at me. “You could have taken mine. I have heaps of sweatpants that’ll fit you properly.”

  I suck in a breath as I look to Noah to find him cringing after being caught out lying… again. Tully has no issue lending out her sweatpants. I should have known better. The jerk just wanted to be the one to provide for me, and honestly, it’s so damn sweet that I don’t even call him out on it. Instead, I just snuggle straight back into his side and throw a cushion at Tully until she gets the hint to move.

  At eight o’clock, I walk through the door of my home and the sound of Noah’s car speeding up the road has a goofy, idiotic smile plastered on my face, making me wonder all about this date he’s going to take me on, you know, assuming he fixes the Kindle, of course.

  “Oh, hell no,” my dad’s alarmed voice comes from the couch.

  My eyes flick across to find to find him shooting up off the couch. “What?” I question in a panic, desperately looking around for the threat.

  His face turns beet red. “What are you wearing?”

  I look down and realize what this must look like. “Oh, chill out, dad,” I laugh. “I’m not sleeping with the guy. You’re going to give yourself a heart attack.”

  “No, Squish,” he says. “You’re going to give me a heart attack. Now, get down to your room and put on something girly that doesn’t remind me that you’re grown up and spending all your time with boys.”

  I roll my eyes and waltz down the hallway grinning like a fool, excited that I get to do it all again tomorrow.

  Chapter 12

  I sit in my history class, tapping my pen against the old wooden desk, very impatiently waiting for the bell to ring so I can get some food in my stomach. I get a vision of the Britney Spears video clip for ‘Hit Me Baby One More Time,’ and have to giggle. I could totally pull that look off right now. Though, from memory, in the video, the bell was just about to ring. In my case, I’ve only been sitting here for about three minutes and still have a whole history lesson to suffer through.

  Gosh, I hate history. In one ear and out the other. It simply doesn’t hold my attention, not the way that science does. Ok, you got me. I’m a secret nerd, but no one needs to know. It’s not like anyone from Haven Falls ends up in college anyway.

  Well, dad likes to think that I will, but the truth of the matter is we couldn’t afford it if I was to get in anyway. I’m just going to have to make something of myself after high school with what I already know.

  Dad left again this morning and I really wanted to be upset about it, but I couldn’t as it means I can spend more time with Tully and Noah. I usually hate when dad leaves. Well, mostly anyway. It’s never nice watching a parent walk out the door. I should know, I watched mom go and never come back. The thought that something could happen to dad out on those roads terrifies me, but he’s a great truck driver. He’s been doing this for years and knows exactly what his truck is capable of… but freak accidents happen. That’s why they’re called ‘freak accidents.’

  He’ll be fine. He always is. It’s just our routine now. He goes and I worry while trying not to. I guess that’s just part of being a daughter who’s generally all alone. No thanks to Kaylah. She was supposed to be my support system whenever dad would leave, but then she left too.

  Everyone leaves me.

  It’s the curse of Henley Bronx. Forever alone.

  Another minute ticks by and I stop tapping my pen against the table when Mr. Garrison’s irritated gaze flicks my way.

  My phone buzzes in my pocket and I slide it out of my jeans, thankful for the distraction.

  I peek down at it and a smile instantly spread across my face when I see his name. I open the text and the smile fades as confusion takes over.

  Noah – Get that sexy ass of yours down to the old football field.

  I stare at the message, reading it over and over again. What does he mean? It’s the middle of class. Did he maybe send that earlier and it’s only coming through now? Class hasn’t been in for long, so it’s possible. But then, it’s also possible he wants to get me out of class to spend time with me. After all, the guy did ask me out on a date. Either way, I’m good to do a little investigating.

  My hand shoots up in the air. “Sir,” I call out, stealing Mr. Garrison’s attention and waving my arm around like a desperate maniac. “Sir, I need to pee, like… now.”

  Mr. Garrison narrows his eyes on me. “Then you should have gone before class. You’re not a child anymore. I’m not about to give you a pass when you know better.”

  “But Mr. Garrison,” I w
hine. “I really need to go. It’s so bad.”

  “Tough luck. Hold it until your lunch break.”

  “Ok,” I shrug. “But I want it stated for the record that you said ‘no’ which means it’s not my responsibility when I pee all over the floor. Besides, it’ll make a lovely addition to your classroom. The fresh aroma of pee soaking into your cheap carpets.”

  Mr. Garrison clenches his jaw and I watch with amusement as he forces himself to relax. “Fine,” he all but growls. “You have three seconds.”

  It ain’t going to get better than that.

  I grab my things and scram.

  I hurry towards the back exit, knowing if I get caught running this way, I’ll be dragged to Principal Evans’ office kicking and screaming.

  I break through the doors and get hit in the face with the cool morning air before letting out a breath of relief. If I’ve made it this far, I’m safe.

  As I take my next step, I spot Noah coming out the other exit, but before he darts down to the back oval, he stops, glances around, and then shocks the living hell out of me as he grabs the fire alarm against the side of the wall and gives it a firm pull.

  The alarm squeals throughout the entire school and I stare dumbfounded.

  “What the fuck?” I screech, knowing perfectly well that he won’t be able to hear me over the sound. Don’t get me wrong, I like to consider myself to be a ballsy chick, but pulling the fire alarm? I’m not that ballsy.

  I watch Noah for a second longer and laugh as he spots me. Hell, he’s so far away that I can’t really be sure, but I’d swear on my grave that he just winked right now.

  He darts off and for the second time in less than a minute. I scram.

  I hurry down to the old football field which hasn’t been used for the past two years after the bleachers were destroyed when my neighbor, Rocko, lit them on fire. It was freaking huge. All over the Haven Falls news and on every social media account in the area, though he never got caught. I never worked out how that was, but the guy is certainly sneaky. Come to think of it, maybe he’s the one who burned down Haven Falls Public a few years ago.

  I beat Noah there and I have to admit, the giddiness pulsing through my veins is ridiculous. I shouldn’t be feeling like this. He’s just a boy, but this last week has proved that maybe he’s a little more than that. Plain and simple, he’s ten different shades of awesome.

  And now this…

  I’d bet any money that he pulled that fire alarm just so I wouldn’t have to hurry back to class. He did it purely for the sake of spending time with me and while it was probably the stupidest thing he could have done to achieve that outcome, I can’t help but love it.

  Noah Cage is surprising me in ways that I never expected and I don’t doubt that given the chance, I could fall hard for a guy like him. Shit, maybe I already am.

  Being with Noah would be easy. Hell, it already is. Everything up until this point has just come to us so naturally and I love it. He’s so chill and doesn’t give a shit about stupid things while letting me be me, unlike other guys in the past who have hated me being so challenging. I get the feeling Noah kind of likes that about me. Me and him… it would be epic. Easy.

  I stand under what’s left of the charred bleachers knowing that when he gets here, this is where he’ll come.

  As I wait, I can’t help but look back up at the school and cringe with amused guilt as students pour from the school. Half of them use the alarm as an excuse to get out of here and head for the parking lot while teachers scramble around trying to find some kind of order amongst the remaining students.

  By this point, I’m sure the teachers are figuring out that there’s no fire, but that doesn’t change the fact that there’s a protocol they need to follow, so no matter what, Noah and I have at least an hour or two to ourselves.

  I wait a few minutes before my eyes stop scanning the students and start searching out Noah. Where the hell is he? I literally saw him heading this way only a little while ago. He should have been here ages ago.

  Unless he got caught pulling that alarm or tripped and fell on his way here, but I seriously doubt either of those situations actually happened. First of all, Noah is too badass to get caught doing stupid shit, and even if he did, no one would have the balls to call him out on it, and second, Noah simply doesn’t trip and fall. It’s almost as though he’s superhuman. He’s too cool for that lame shit.

  I pull my phone out and check if he sent me another message. Maybe he changed the meeting spot and he’s waiting for me, but one look at the screen tells me I’m reaching.

  He isn’t coming.

  By the time the firemen show up, I’ve had enough. Noah is out there somewhere and I’m not about being made a fool out of. I don’t wait around for boys. That’s not who I am. I’ve had my days of pining after some guy who wasn’t interested and I’m not doing it again. I can’t help but feel played. Was this past week some stupid joke or did something seriously happen for him not to be here right now?

  Fuck. This is probably payback for the whole spaghetti thing.

  I make my way back up to the main part of the school and cut through all the students, not bothering to check in with Mr. Garrison so he can mark my name off the role. With all the students hanging around, no one is paying attention to me as I slip back inside the deserted school.

  I head for the lockers near the front entrance of the school to grab my shit and then I think I’ll bail.

  I can’t say that I’ve ever walked through an empty school like this before and truth be told, it’s creepy as hell. I’d take having football players unknowingly shoulder charge me in the hallway than this creepy deserted shit any day.

  I’m just about at my locker when I walk past a classroom that makes me stop in the doorway solely because out of the hundred classrooms in this building, this is the only one that actually has people inside of it, people who I never would have expected to see together.

  I should have known.

  Monica sits on top of a desk with tears streaming from her eyes and a very familiar tattooed guy standing before her, caging her in with his hands on either side of her thighs and his head dropped to her shoulder. “What are we going to do?” she whispers to him, reaching out and placing a hand on the chest that only yesterday, I’d placed my hand on.

  Noah’s broken voice cuts right through me and has my heart clenching inside my chest. “It’ll be ok,” he murmurs back to her.

  I suck in a breath.

  How could I have been so stupid?

  No matter what I do, there’s always someone lining up to play me. I can’t catch a fucking break.

  I back away from the classroom while trying to get the image of them out of my head before it becomes ingrained there for me to think about over and over again while driving myself insane.

  Who was I kidding to consider something with Noah Cage? He’s been with Monica on and off for ages. There’s too much history there. I should have known that when he said it was over between them, what he really meant was that it was over… for now.

  Fuck, I’m an idiot.

  I continue down the hallway, but I can’t manage to tear my eyes off them as I pass in front of the classroom.

  Monica’s eyes lift to mine and I suck in another breath, especially as shock registers on her face. Her mouth pop’s open and that slight movement has Noah’s head whipping around with his green eyes instantly locking onto mine.

  The regret passes over him and I find myself picking up my pace as he breaks away from Monica. “Fuck,” he grunts, making the word echo right down the empty hallway and ricochet deep within my soul.

  I hurry away, not sure if I can handle being hurt in front of him.

  All I want is to go home and forget this ever happened. Hell, forget the past week even happened.

  Just yesterday I was more than ready to give myself up to him. Hell, I even agreed to go on a date with the guy. I don’t do shit like that, and there I was, ready to change my ways to see w
here this could have gone.

  Like I said, I’m a fucking idiot.

  I should have known better. A guy like Noah Cage doesn’t date girls like me. They play with us, they make us think there’s a chance, they make us think we’re different, we’re special, but when it comes down to it, they want the perfect cheerleader. The girl who has it all. The girl who’s going to drop to her knees and ask him how deep he likes it, not the girl who’s going to make him feel, not the one who could change it all.

  “Henley,” Noah calls after me as I hurry up the hall, desperate to get to my locker. Hell, maybe I’ll just skip grabbing my shit and head straight home. Surely, he won’t chase me the whole way, right? “Fuck, Henley. Stop.”

  Yeah right, fucker.

  I get to my locker and with the keys to dad’s pick up inside promising me a quicker getaway, I have no choice but to stop. “Spitfire, it’s not what you think,” he tells me, finally catching up to me with a strange desperation on his face mixed with an anger that has me on edge.

  At that, I whirl around. I can maybe handle being hurt, but I can’t handle him lying about it, especially when I saw them with my own two eyes. What happened in the classroom was certainly not Noah telling the girl to fuck off again, whatever it was, it was intimate.

  “Not what I think?” I scoff. “Please, I’d love to hear what it is you assume I’m thinking?”

  His face falls and it’s clear he knows he’s hurt me, but I wasn’t expecting him to, well… care. “Babe, come on,” he says, reaching out for me.

  I step back from him. “Are you kidding me right now?” I snap. “You were two seconds from shoving your tongue down her skank ass throat and now you want to shove your bullshit in my face? It ain’t going to happen, Noah.”

  I turn back to my open locker, but his warm hand curls around my elbow and turns me back to face him. “This isn’t over yet.”

  I rip my arm out of his grip. “Don’t touch me.” Noah’s hand drops to his side and I’ve never seen someone look quite so devastated before. “You played me.”


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