Bria and the Tiger (The Shifters Series Book 5)

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Bria and the Tiger (The Shifters Series Book 5) Page 11

by Elizabeth Kelly

“I don’t know. About an hour into the date he ditched me.”

  “Are you kidding me?”


  “He’s an idiot with a stupid name.”

  “Thanks. I’m sorry you’re having such a bad day.”

  He shrugged. “Jonah’s birthday is always bad. I miss him.”

  “I’m sorry, honey.” She patted the hand that was on her thigh and he linked their fingers together.

  “I decided I was going to get drunk and then get laid by a random shifter.”

  The little growl was escaping her mouth before she could stop it.

  He grinned at her. “I like that you’re jealous.”

  She didn’t reply, and he squeezed her hand. “Jonah would have thought it was a really dumb way to celebrate his birthday, but I didn’t care. I just didn’t want to think about it anymore, you know? I was with my parents all day and even after five years, they…”

  He stopped and stared out the passenger window for a while. She drove in silence and didn’t pressure him to talk. When they were nearly to his house, he said, “Anyway, that was my plan. Only, halfway through the night I realized I didn’t want to fuck some random shifter. I wanted to fuck you again. Which I thought was impossible. Except here we are, driving to my house to have sex. I can’t wait to fuck you again, little tiger. I think about your tight little pussy way more than I should.”

  He squinted at her neck. “Sorry I bit you. My tiger loses control when he’s around you.”

  “It’s fine. It’ll be healed by tomorrow.”

  “I can’t wait to taste your sweet pussy again.”

  She ignored the slow burn of lust in her belly as she pulled into his driveway and shut the car off. “Okay, let’s get you in the house.”

  “Yes, let’s.” His voice was eager.

  She climbed out of the car and hurried to his side. He’d already unbuckled his seatbelt and she steadied him when he climbed out of the car. “Put your arm around me.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He slung his arm around her shoulders and she guided him to the front door.

  “Where are your keys?”

  “Front pocket.” He yawned.

  She slid her hand into his pocket, grabbed his keys and opened the door. He kicked his shoes off and took her hand. “C’mon, let’s get you naked.”

  She steadied him as he slowly climbed the stairs. He yawned again, but put his arm around her waist when they entered his bedroom and leaned down to nuzzle her neck. “I want you so much, little tiger.”

  “We can’t have sex. You’re too drunk.

  He made an admittedly adorable growl of disappointment. “I’m not that drunk.”

  “You are.”

  “I’ll make it good for you, little tiger. I promise,” he wheedled. He cupped her breast and licked her throat again before purring. “Take off your clothes and I’ll eat your pussy.”

  “No,” she said. “I don’t want to have sex tonight, Jace.”

  He immediately let go of her and stepped away. “Okay.”

  She hated the hurt look on his face. “Because you’re drunk. Not because I don’t want you.”

  He purred again. “So, when I’m sober, we’ll fuck. Right?”

  “Uh, sure, maybe. Let’s get you undressed and into bed.”


  He followed her to the bed and she helped him out of his t-shirt. Fuck, his body was incredible. She ignored her urge to lick his chest and instead, unbuttoned his jeans. She pulled them down and he sat on the bed with a heavy thump before yawning again. Ignoring the way his dick pushed at his boxer briefs, she took off his jeans and his socks and placed them in the laundry hamper.

  “Okay, climb in,” she said.

  “Will you lie down with me?” He asked. “I won’t try and have sex with you. You can trust me.”

  “I know.” She laid on the bed beside him and rubbed his back when he curled on his side next to her and put his arm around her waist. She cuddled him, listening to his deep raspy purr and not even aware she was purring back to him.

  “Thanks for giving me a ride home, Bria.”

  “You’re welcome. Will you tell me how your brother died?”

  His purring cut out. “He committed suicide.”

  “I’m sorry.” She held him closer.

  He rubbed his cheek against her upper chest. “The day before he died, we had dinner together and I knew something was wrong but he – he wouldn’t admit it. I should have pushed him harder, should have made him tell me the truth.”

  “It’s not your fault, honey.”

  “That’s what my therapist said.” He lifted his head and squinted at her. “Do you think I’m weak for going to therapy?”

  “Of course not. Why would I think that?”

  “Tabitha did.”

  “Who’s Tabitha?”

  “No one. Never mind. I’m really thirsty. Do you think you could get me a drink of water?”

  “Yes.” He rolled away from her and she stared at his naked back before sliding off the bed and going downstairs to the kitchen. She found a bottle of water in the fridge and brought it back upstairs.

  She stopped in the doorway of Jace’s bedroom and stared at the tiger lounging on the bed. He was massive in size and his fur shone in the moonlight coming in through the window. He stared unblinkingly at her with his jade coloured eyes before chuffing.

  She glanced at her watch. “It’s getting late.”

  He chuffed again and made a yowling low-pitched noise.

  “Okay. Just for a little while.”

  She set the bottle of water on the nightstand and climbed onto the bed next to the tiger. She laid on her back and he purred happily and relaxed next to her. His tail flicked back and forth as he rested his giant head on her chest. She stroked his cheeks and the top of his head, before scratching around his ears.

  His purr grew louder, and she smiled a little. Tiger shifters purred way more than regular tigers. In fact, most regular tigers couldn’t really purr at all. When she was younger, she’d wondered why tiger shifters had the ability to both roar and purr. But when she’d asked her dad, he had shrugged and said it was just another thing that made shifters unique from the regular animals.

  She stroked the fur on Jace’s shoulders and scratched his neck. His head was getting heavy, but she didn’t ask him to move. He needed this and she liked being able to help him. Liked it a little too much.

  Don’t read too much into this, Bria. He’s drunk and sad and not thinking clearly. He doesn’t want a relationship.

  She sighed inwardly and stared at the ceiling as Jace purred. Yeah, she knew that. So, why was she happier lying in bed with a drunk Jace who only wanted her for sex, than she’d been for her entire relationship with Raden? She closed her eyes and continued to stroke Jace’s soft fur. He was already asleep. She would stay another half hour and then leave.

  Chapter Eight

  “Hey, guess who I just finished talking to on the phone?”

  Bria glanced up from her computer screen and smiled at Rosalie. “Who?”

  “Your friend Ava. They sold their house on Monday and they put in an offer on a house yesterday. It was accepted this morning.”

  “Wow, that’s quick. They just met with Jace last week,” Bria replied.

  “Sometimes it works out that way.” Rosalie set the file on Bria’s desk. “Can you make copies of the documents in their file for me? I hate to ask but I’m swamped, and Ava and Bishop will be coming in this afternoon to sign the paperwork with Jace.”

  “Of course. I don’t mind at all.” Bria picked up the file. “So, uh, Jace is coming in this afternoon?”

  “Yeah, and it’s about time. It’s Thursday and he hasn’t set foot in the office since Monday morning. Even then, he met with you for ten minutes and then left. I’ve had stuff waiting for his signature all damn week.”

  Bria tried not to look guilty. She was pretty sure Jace was avoiding the office this week because he was avoiding her.
First thing Monday morning he had called her into his office and apologized for Saturday night. He admitted that he didn’t really remember exactly what happened but remembered enough to know he’d acted inappropriately.

  She’d assured him it was fine and not a big deal, but he had left shortly after his apology and hadn’t returned to the office.


  “What?” She gave Rosalie a blank look.

  “I asked what you and Jace were meeting about on Monday.”

  “Oh, uh, just going over my, uh…”

  Shit. She had nothing.

  Rosalie gave her a curious look. “Going over your what?”

  “Ladies, who wishes it was Friday?”

  The scent of lion permeated the reception. Lincoln strolled in through the front door and Rosalie smiled happily at him.

  “Hi, Lincoln.”

  “Hi, Rosie-girl. How are you?”

  “Good, thanks.”

  He stood next to her. “You’re smelling particularly good today, Rosie.”

  Rosalie darted a quick glance at Bria and flushed. “Uh, thanks. You smell nice too.”

  “Bria, how are you?” Lincoln smiled at her.

  “Fine, thanks.” After seeing how he was with Jace Saturday night, she liked the cocky lion shifter a little more than before, but she still hated the way he flirted with Rosalie. There was no scent of arousal coming from Lincoln, and she would be very surprised if he ever showed any interest in dating the curvy human.

  “Hey, Rosie, do you think you could help me with some paperwork I need to scan and email? I hate to ask last minute but…” He gave her a warm smile and the scent of Rosalie’s arousal rushed over Bria.

  “Sure, I don’t mind. Do you want to do it now?”

  “I always want to do it with you now, Rosie-girl.” Lincoln’s grin widened when Rosalie’s flush deepened.

  “Right,” Rosalie said a little breathlessly. “Um, okay, well let’s head back to my desk then.”

  “Sure. Later, Bria.”

  “Bye, Lincoln.”

  She waited until they were gone before taking the file Rosalie had given her to the photocopier. She needed to speak with Jace about taking Monday and Tuesday off. She’d decided to just send him an email but now that she knew he was coming in today, she would speak to him in person.

  Her stomach churned with nerves. Her heat started on Sunday and she didn’t have anyone to help her. Her plan to have a boyfriend by her next heat had seemed so easy a month ago. That was before her disasterous dates with Patrick and Ron. In desperation, she’d gone for dinner Tuesday night with the squirrel shifter who kept messaging her. He was nice enough, but when over dessert, he’d made it clear that he wanted her to dominate him in the bedroom, she’d turned him down and gone home.

  Last night, she’d scrolled through the Heat Me Up app, finding fault with various shifters for stupid reasons until she’d thrown her phone down and gone to bed. Right or wrong, she couldn’t use the app. She would just need to be strong and use her own hand and some toys to get through her heat. Maybe it wouldn’t be as bad this time.

  She didn’t need Jace’s help, she didn’t.

  I want Jace. Give him to me, her tiger said in a sulky voice.

  God, her tiger was going to drive her insane.

  * * *

  Okay, Bria. You can do this.

  She took a deep breath and knocked on Jace’s office door. He had come into the office a half an hour ago. She was on the phone and he had nodded to her before disappearing into his office and closing the door.

  “Come in.”

  “Hi. Could I speak to you for a moment?” She hovered in the doorway.

  He looked up from the computer screen. “If you can make it quick? I’m meeting with Ava and Bishop in a few minutes.”

  “I won’t take up much time.” She closed the door and crossed to his desk, standing next to one of the chairs and holding the back of it in a white-knuckled grip.

  “Thanks for referring them to me, by the way,” Jace said. “It’s office policy that an employee will get a bonus if they refer a client who purchases a home. I’ll ask Betty to cut the cheque for the next pay period.”

  “Thank you.” She gave him a nervous smile.

  “So, what’s up?”

  “Uh, I need to take next Monday and Tuesday off work. Could you approve my request?”

  He stared silently at her and she hurried on. “I know I haven’t been working here very long but, uh, it’s my heat cycle,” her face flushed but she carried on grimly, “and so I really need the time off. It might not be all of Tuesday. My cycle will start Sunday, so I could possibly come in on Tuesday afternoon, depending on what time it ends.”

  She ran out of breath, stopping the flood of words pouring out of her, and silently thanked God for it. She fidgeted anxiously. If Jace didn’t give her the time off, she’d be in trouble. The way her tiger was acting around him, she couldn’t see him during her cycle. She’d be climbing him like a tree in front of everyone and not giving one damn who saw it.

  “Of course,” he said abruptly before turning back to his computer screen. “Don’t worry about coming in on Tuesday, just book the entire day.”

  “Oh, I don’t mind coming in if it’s - ”

  “It’s fine. You’ll need to rest afterward.”

  “Right,” she said.

  She continued to stand there, and he gave her an impatient look. “Is there something else?”

  Maybe you could take Monday and Tuesday off too and spend them with your face buried in my pussy?

  For one horrifying moment she thought she had spoken out loud, but he was still staring at her with that impatient look.

  “Uh, no. Thank you, Jace.”

  “You’re welcome.” He looked away, clearly dismissing her, and she turned and stumbled toward the door. She pulled it open.

  She was such an idiot around him. A complete and utter –

  His hand shut the door with a bang, and she whipped around. He was standing behind her, so close she could see the way his pupils dilated as he dipped his head and inhaled. “Who did you find, Bria?”

  “I – I’m sorry?” She stifled her soft moan when he pressed her into the door with his large body.

  “Who did you find to help you through your cycle? What type of shifter is going to ease your heat?”

  “Oh, um, I didn’t. I mean…”

  She was completely unaware that her hips had pressed against his groin and were moving in slow circles. He growled under his breath. He cupped her ass in one large hand and her tiger purred happily.

  “Does he know you like to bite? Can he handle it when you use those pretty little claws of yours on his back?”

  “Jace,” she moaned.

  He brushed his mouth against hers, just a light touch that shouldn’t have brought a rush of wetness to her pussy, but did. She tried to return his kiss, her hips still pressing rhythmically against his, and he wrapped his hand in her hair and pulled her head back.

  She hissed at him and he grinned before nudging her thighs apart. She spread them willingly, moaning when he lifted her to her tiptoes and pressed his erection directly against her throbbing pussy.

  “Please kiss me,” she whispered.

  “His name, Bria. Tell me who’s taking my place between your thighs and then I’ll kiss you.”

  “No one. I told you I couldn’t do that.”

  “No, you said you couldn’t do that with me.” He leaned away from her and she hissed in displeasure.

  “You can’t go through your heat cycle alone,” Jace said.

  “Yes, I can,” she argued. “I can handle it.”

  “No, you can’t. If you could, you wouldn’t have gone to Trinity’s during your last one. It’s dangerous for you to try.”

  “I’m stronger than you think. I – last time was just really bad, all right? This one will be better.”

  “Why?” His eyes flashed anger and his hand tightened on her ass
. “Have you been fucking someone else this last month?”

  “No, of course not. You know I don’t have a boyfriend.”

  “You don’t need a boyfriend to fuck.”

  “Well, maybe I do, okay?” She shoved at his arm. “Let go of my ass.”

  He did, and she ignored her tiger’s disappointed whine.

  “You need someone to help you, Bria.”

  “No, I don’t. I – I have vibrators and my own damn fingers, and I don’t need -”

  He growled again and shoved his body against hers, pinning her to the door. “Do you honestly believe a vibrator in your tight pussy will be better than my cock? Better than my tongue? I remember how many times I made you come with my tongue, little tiger. Do you?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “I still remember how sweet you tasted,” he growled. His eyes had turned bright green and his pupils had become dark slits. “I remember the way you pulled my hair when I sucked on your perfect, pink clit. The way you begged me not to stop.”

  She moaned, and he slid one big hand under her shirt and cupped her breast through her bra. “Just think about how good it will feel to have me for your entire heat cycle. To know you could ride my dick whenever you wanted. To know that all you have to do is ask and I’ll be on my knees and eating your sweet pussy until you’re screaming my name. I have what you need, Bria. Let me help you.”

  Before she could scream the ‘yes’ that was hovering on her lips, there was a knock on his door.

  “Jace?” Rosalie’s voice drifted through the door. “Ava and Bishop are here. I’ve put them in the boardroom.”

  “Thanks, Rosalie,” Jace’s voice was hoarse. He cleared his throat as he stepped away from Bria. “I’m just finishing up a quick meeting with Bria.”

  Grimacing, he adjusted his cock through his pants and crossed the room to sit at his desk.

  Bria smoothed down her hair and opened the door. Thanking God that Rosalie was human and wouldn’t smell her need for Jace, she smiled at her. “Sorry, it’s my fault.”

  Rosalie frowned at her. “Are you sick? Your face is bright red.”

  “No, I’m fine. Just feeling a little warm.”

  She slipped past the brunette and hurried back to reception.


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