Crystal Rose

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Crystal Rose Page 5

by Leah Rhoades


  “So, he’s not a psycho stalker or an inbred, backwoods weirdo,” Cricket teased. We were supposed to be watching movies and eating popcorn, but she’d started grilling me about Luke and my date with him the minute she’d stepped through the door. “But his dad is a total ass.”

  “Not a total ass,” I countered, though it wasn’t far off. “He can be grumpy and inconsiderate. But at least I know Luke’s not forbidden to leave him. He’s taking me out to dinner tomorrow.” I couldn’t help the smile that spread almost painfully across my face.

  Cricket clapped her hands excitedly. “I take it that means things went well, despite Grumpy Old Man trying to ruin it.”

  I nodded. “Oh my god, he’s an incredible kisser. But I think the best thing is that he knows who I am. He knows my history and didn’t say anything until…” I trailed off, my smile faltering. I bit my lip, trying to process what exactly had happened.

  It was almost like he’d sensed my fear, even though I hadn’t exactly given a lot of outward signs of my distress, other than to pull away. But he could have taken that any number of ways, including as a rejection, and he hadn’t.

  “Uh oh, until what?” Cricket’s face fell, her hopes for me fleeing. She tended to be a little melodramatic from time to time, and it had me rolling my eyes. After all, what was so bad about a man who could tell how you were feeling, almost better than you could?

  I shrugged. “Well, I got a little nervous when we stepped outside for some private time. I couldn’t get away from the thought of the woods and my grandmother.” I didn’t have to explain; Cricket knew the basis of the random nightmare I had. “He told me that he wouldn’t let anything hurt me. There was nothing to be scared of, and he would protect me against anything. And he told me he wanted to stick around.” Now I grinned again, shyly. “Cricket, he’s really a gentleman. I even got weird with the kiss and pushed him away. All he did was hold me and tell me it was alright, we would take it slow.”

  “Sounds like your man is Prince Charming, and his dad is Shrek. I still want a picture.”

  I laughed. “Maybe you can arrange to be at the coffee shop where we’re meeting and just get a brief glance.”

  “I’m on it.”


  “Crystal! I didn’t expect to see you here!”

  Luke forced his gaze from Crystal’s profile to see who the bubbly squeal belonged to. The dark headed, petite girl pushing her way toward them wore a huge smile and had dark eyes that most men would find intriguing. She was pretty, but Luke couldn’t even begin to compare her to Crystal.

  Leaning in to hug the girl, Crystal gave her a broad grin in return. “We’re just stopping in for a bit, trying to decide where we’re going.” She turned her glowing gaze on Luke. “Luke, this is my best friend, Cricket. Cricket, this is Luke. My date.”

  Though he was used to women taking notice of him on the rare occasion he bothered to pay attention, he found Cricket’s open assessment of him amusing. She gawked at him, her face flushing and her pupils dilating with instant appreciation. Luke held out his hand with a smirk. “It’s nice to meet you, Cricket. I bet I’ll see you around fairly often.”

  He could hear her swallow over the din in the café, and he held back his laughter. A glance at Crystal told him she was doing the same. “Wow.” She couldn’t seem to stop the whispered praise from escaping her lips.

  “Cricket?” Crystal’s voice barely seemed to catch her attention, and Luke’s entertainment grew as the small girl slowly turned toward Crystal, blinking as if coming out of a trance. “Are you alright?”

  Giggling, Cricket nodded. “I’m fine. Not as good as you, though.” She ran her eyes up and down Luke with an obvious look of appreciation. It almost made Luke uncomfortable, especially when he felt Crystal tense beside him. “I guess I’m going back over to the group. Have fun, kids.”

  But before she could step away, a young man came up behind her, ogling Crystal over her head. “Well, I’ll be damned. Crystal Rose. I haven’t seen you in forever!”

  He moved around Cricket and leaned in to hug Crystal, who hugged him back, a little wide-eyed. Luke didn’t like the exchange, felt some underlying tension there, but he wasn’t going to interfere if they were old friends. Getting territorial would set off red flags for everyone here. He took deep breaths to keep calm and waited, watching carefully for signs of anything amiss.

  “David! It’s been almost four years. I didn’t know you were in the area.” Crystal’s voice was a bit choked, and her eyes still looked like saucers in a pale face. Something was definitely wrong, and Luke didn’t like the atmosphere that had settled over them. He glanced at Cricket, but she just looked confused. Apparently, whatever was between this guy and Crystal happened before she’d gotten to know Crystal.

  “I tend to migrate. You know, roam a little here and there. I never liked being cooped up and told what to do. You know that.” He touched her arm, his eyes sparking with too much familiarity, and Luke could sense Crystal’s discomfort. She tensed under the contact, and that struck a chord with Luke.

  Before he could stop himself, he reached out, snatching the guy’s arm and shoving it away from Crystal, even as he pushed her behind him and stood protectively in front of her. “Touch her again, and I’ll break your arm,” he snarled.

  The guy smirked at him and tried unsuccessfully to shake his grip. “You want to start something? I’m ready.”

  Oh, Luke wanted to start something alright. He wanted to tear this man limb from limb and knew he could do it with ease, despite the fact the other guy was two inches taller and fairly broad in the shoulders. “Not at all,” he said in a deceptively calm voice as he scowled. “I intend to finish it.”


  David was a blast from the past I had hoped never to encounter, but especially not tonight, when I was on a date and hoping to enjoy myself. So, I was already reeling, and as Luke seemed to sense my displeasure and take a protective stance, I realized no one had ever stood up for me like that. I was so taken aback by it that I nearly missed the not-so-veiled threats of a fight.

  But as they resonated and I comprehended the danger here, my mind cleared, and I swung into action. I laid a hand on Luke’s arm and glared at David over his shoulder, having to push up on my toes to make sure I was seen. I felt secure and safe with Luke, allowing me to stand up for myself, too. “There will be no fighting. And David, you shouldn’t presume it’s alright to be so familiar with me. It’s never been alright.” I turned an apologetic gaze to my bewildered best friend. “I’ll see you later, Cricket. We were just leaving.”

  Luke’s bicep flexed under my touch, but he took a step back and slid his arm around my waist. It was a possessive gesture, but I welcomed it, not just in the moment but because I wanted more than anything to belong to him. “Are you alright?” he asked, still not breaking his intense gaze on David.

  “I’m alright. Come on, let’s go to dinner.” We turned, and I didn’t even glance back as we walked out of the café. In the fresh air outside, without the oppressive sense of being trapped, I felt like I’d escaped a near disaster, and I relaxed, leaning slightly into Luke.

  “Who was he?” Luke asked gruffly, and I heard rage and maybe jealousy in his voice.

  I shook my head and stuffed down a shiver. “He’s a bad memory.”

  Luke stopped and whirled me to face him. “It’s more than that, Crystal. You were scared of him. Why?” I still didn’t answer, and his eyes sharpened, his jaw clenching until the muscle in his cheek twitched. “I don’t want to pry, but I want you to know you can tell me anything. I won’t ever judge you. And if he hurt you, at all, I want to know about it.”

  I didn’t want to talk about it, never had, but for some reason, I did feel like I could tell Luke anything. It was strange; I still barely knew him, but he seemed like a constant in my life, and I believed with every ounce of my being I could trust him the same as, if not more than, I could trust Cricket.

And maybe I had a perverse thought that, if we ever ran into David again, he might actually pay for his sins under Luke’s fists.

  I sighed. “David was in the same group home as me. He was a bully, and he terrorized anyone younger or smaller than him, boy or girl, unless you gave him something as payment.” I realized what went through Luke’s head right away and shook mine. “He never hurt me, Luke. He wanted more than I was willing to give, but I would buy him things, stuff we weren’t supposed to get like sodas and candy. Girly magazines. Contraband. And that kept him satisfied enough, until he finally turned eighteen and had to leave.”

  “But he hurt other girls.” It was a statement, hissed through his teeth.

  “Yes. But he was a favorite among the adults, so we couldn’t really say anything. We would have gotten punished.” I didn’t want to continue on this path. These were negative memories that I didn’t need to dredge up if I was hoping to build a positive future with Luke. “Look, my life at the home…it wasn’t bad, but there are elements I’d rather forget, like David. And I really want to enjoy tonight, so maybe we could talk about it another time.”

  His expression softened, and he brushed my hair back behind my ear, searching my face for something and then pressing a soft but sensual kiss on my lips. It eased the tension in my shoulders and reassured me that the night hadn’t been ruined by the unexpected encounter. “Come on, you’re absolutely right. Let’s get out of here.”

  I wasn’t sure where we were headed, and I didn’t really care. Just being in Luke’s company, holding his hand as we strolled down the street, made me happy. And yet, I wondered about his immediate reaction to David. It wasn’t exactly disturbing, per se, but it niggled at me.

  Sure, I’d been nervous, but over the years, I’d taught myself to show very little outer reaction. Even Cricket hadn’t noticed my aversion to David, only given me a curious glance as she tried to figure out who he was to me. It reminded me of how easily he’d sensed my trepidation at the cabin, when the forest had racked my nerves. It seemed he was keenly attuned to my emotions, especially when I felt peril close at hand. I just didn’t understand how that was possible.

  I didn’t want to question it, and I told myself he was a strong empath. It obviously invoked protectiveness in him, and I wasn’t one to turn that away, having felt entirely on my own in that sense for fourteen years. Two thirds of my life. I really hoped he meant it when he said he wanted to stick around because he was making it far too easy to welcome him into my life.

  Chapter 8

  The last time Luke had felt this protective, he’d made a huge mistake and nearly destroyed everything. He’d nearly lost it this time, but all it took was the feel of Crystal’s fingers and the sound of her voice to pull him back from the edge. He knew he played a dangerous game, but how could he help it? The thought of anyone or anything hurting or even threatening Crystal in any way set something off inside him, until he thought he would explode if he didn’t do something about it.

  This had been a close call, and Luke knew he couldn’t cross that line. For the first time, he considered the merit of his father’s warning and the fact that he might be making a mistake. He staunchly pushed the notion aside as he stopped at the arcade, motioning toward the door. “Want to blow off some steam and work up an appetite?”

  “That sounds like an excellent plan!” she agreed, sounding relieved, like it was what the doctor ordered.

  Luke grinned and held the door for her. No, he couldn’t let her go. It wasn’t just selfish need that made him so determined. It was also the desire to fulfill Crystal’s needs. She’d had no one – no family, no protector, no one to truly love her – since she was seven years old. He didn’t pity her; she’d turned into a gorgeous, intelligent, motivated woman who could take care of herself. But she deserved so much more. He could feel it in his bones, in the way his chest already ached when she wasn’t around.

  She was his soul mate.

  “Pick your poison,” he said, indicating the array of games arranged haphazardly in the giant space. Her eyes glowed, reflecting the brilliant lights flashing all around them. They played across her face, emphasizing her strong, upswept cheekbones and the delicacy of her features.

  She narrowed her eyes at him, a mischievous grin teasing her lips that made him want to kiss the expression right off them. “Skee ball. I’m old school.”

  Luke chuckled. “It’s your funeral. I’m the skee ball king.”


  “It’s not my fault you underestimated me,” I laughed. Luke pouted at his miserable loss to me as we ordered fast food around the corner. “I’ll go easier on you next time. In fact, I’ll kill the first two shots on each game, just to give you an advantage.”

  He gave me an offended look. “Don’t ever cheat or let me win! That’s worse than losing.” He shook his head with a reluctant smile. “Besides, victory looks good on you.” He swept me into his embrace and kissed me forcefully. The service clerk had to clear her throat to get our attention when the order was ready. I could feel the blush in my throat as Luke grabbed the bags.

  “So, shall we eat here or go elsewhere?” he asked. I assumed he meant maybe over to Central Park, but I had a different idea. I was tired of public places. I wanted Luke all to myself for a while, and there was only one option for that.

  Biting my lip, I said, “I thought you might like to come back to my place for a bit.”

  His eyes instantly changed, darkening and assessing me with hunger. It made my loins melt, and things between my thighs clenched and ached. “You read my mind.” His voice was low, deep, and seductive, and it took everything I had not to moan and draw more unwanted attention from the impatient clerk.

  He led me back to the SUV, which I decided immediately I loved. If I had to drive in New York traffic, I wanted to be able to see over it like this. I would have to find a different garage so I could trade in my Passat.

  But those thoughts were mere short distractions. I was anxious and excited, and I couldn’t get my mind off Luke and the way his body felt against mine. What would it feel like without clothes as a barrier? Should I even be thinking in that direction so soon? Was it too early to push the envelope with a physical relationship? I didn’t know. I’d never had a real relationship.

  Trying to calm myself, I dug into my fries as a distraction and hoped my instincts would guide me. At a longing glance from Luke, I fed him some as well. He nipped at my fingers as I put three in his mouth, and it made me gasp. His eyes twinkled with mischief and knowing, and I could barely swallow, my anticipation poorly contained as arousal became the only thing I cared about.

  When I didn’t reach for more fries, Luke cut his gaze to me, and then he took my hand and pulled it to his lips, kissing my knuckles and then my palm. I closed my eyes, treasuring what felt more intimate than the passionate kisses we’d already shared. His breath tickled over my fingers, and it sent goosebumps up my arms in response. He kept his fingers wrapped around my hand, drawing it into his lap. His body heat crawled over my skin deliciously, and I barely remembered to give him directions to my place.

  “If you’re tired…” he said, but I shook my head adamantly before noticing the teasing expression he wore.

  “I am definitely not tired. Just…content.” Was I being too easy? Too honest? I didn’t really care. I wasn’t the sort to play games. If I found something I wanted, I usually worked to get it, and I didn’t think being with Luke should be any different. Playing hard to get was a good way to miss out on an opportunity.

  “I’m glad.” He held a salacious grin as he got out and came around to help me down out of the SUV, and I led him up the steps to my apartment. “Nice place,” he said, taking a cursory look around before his eyes fell on me again. Something about the way he assessed me this time had my heart trying to pump right out of my chest and my blood boiling so I thought my veins might melt my skin. Unable to think clearly or speak at all, I dropped the bags of food on the end table by the couch and sto
od there, waiting for Luke to make a move and guide me in what came next.

  We were only maybe ten feet apart, and he stalked toward me slowly, making me shudder with anticipation as he closed the gap. When he reached me, he curled his hand around the back of my neck and pressed against me, but he kept moving, forcing me backward until I felt the hard cold surface of the wall behind me. My breath came in short spurts, my lips parted, and he leaned over me, his mouth an inch from mine. I could taste his sweet breath, and I realized I was quaking from head to toe, my knees ready to buckle.

  “My god, Crystal, I feel like I’ve waited a lifetime to touch you.” His voice was a whisper that blew softly over my cheek, and I sighed and trembled at the agony and ecstasy that ran through his words. “I want you so bad.”

  I tried to find the words I sought and force them out. “Then what are you waiting for?” I croaked. There was so much more to say, but it was all I could manage. And it was enough.

  Luke crushed his lips to mine, and I arched against him, desperate to get closer. I thought my body might stop vibrating with need if I could just push hard enough against him. He cradled my neck and tilted it back, delving deep into my mouth and thrusting his tongue inside. I matched his fervor and, without any inhibitions like I usually experienced, I shoved my hands in his hair and held him to me, denying him any opportunity to retreat. I needed this. It was no longer just a desire.

  His free hand crept to the hem of my shirt and beneath, teasing at the skin on my stomach so I whimpered into his mouth. That only seemed to drive him harder, and his fingers convulsed on my neck, tightening automatically as he grew rougher with his kiss. I reveled in it and didn’t protest as his palm slid up to cup my breast, his thumb rubbing the thin lace over my nipple until it was hard and throbbing.

  I moaned and tugged on his lip with my teeth, begging him not to be gentle or, worse, gentlemanly. If he wanted something he could have it. I was beyond reason with my need, with the erotic sensations coursing through my body. I couldn’t think of anything I would deny him, if I could just feel him inside me.


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