University of Toronto, 76
University of Washington program, 78
uploading, 32, 361
U.S. bibliographic networks, 160
U.S. Census Bureau, 15, 172, 311, 322
U.S. Census Bureau Gazetteer, 322
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration services, 220
U.S. Constitution, 177
U.S. Copyright Office, 53
U.S. Geological Survey site, 322
USB (Universal Serial Bus), 361
USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Genealogy Program), 221
USF Africana Heritage Project, 243
USGenWeb Archives Search, 275
USGenWeb project, 173
USGenWeb website, 60, 173, 213, 326
Utah State Archives website, 324
vanity presses, 296, 297
vessel searches, 178
educational, 71
Island of Hope, Island of Tears, 199
National Genealogical Society, 258
YouTube, 68, 69, 71, 133, 262
video broadcasts, 71
video chat, 105, 106, 107, 361
video journals, 105
video log (vlog), 362
videoconferencing, 353, 362
Vietnam, online resources, 163, 250
Virgin Islands genealogy, 246
Virginia genealogy blog, 307
Virginia state records, 211, 320
Virtual Association of Professional Genealogists, 68
virtual seminars. See webinars
virtual time capsule, 7
viruses, 47–48, 362
Visa files, 220
A Vision of Britain project, 323
vital records, 155–180. See also records
Bible Records Online, 179
birth, 7, 159, 278, 311, 312
certified copies of, 157
considerations, 179–180
death. See death records
described, 18, 156, 362
divorce, 156, 157, 176–177
Library of Congress, 156, 159–163
marriage, 7, 159, 278, 311, 312
National Center for Health Statistics, 158
obtaining, 157–159
privacy issues, 50, 303
vlog (video log), 362
Voice over IP (VoIP), 105, 107, 362
VoIP (Voice over IP), 105, 107, 362
volunteering, 60
W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), 363
Wales, online resources, 231. See also United Kingdom
wars. See also military history/records
American Civil War. See American Civil War
American Revolution, 81, 211–212, 316, 317
British Civil War, 315
World War II, 166, 167, 178
We Tree Blog, 138, 139, 142
web browsers
Chrome, 33, 135, 225
connecting to OCCs, 204–212
considerations, 33–35, 135
described, 349
Firefox, 33, 351, 356
Internet Explorer, 33
Mozilla, 33, 356
Safari, 33, 34
translation add-ons, 225
web feeds, 358, 362. See also RSS feeds
web logs. See blogs
webinars, 71, 105, 305, 362
date created/updated, 15
searching for. See searches
translating, 224–225
websites. See also specific websites
adoption, 304–305
beginner classes, 305–306
blogs, 307–311
books, 326
census records, 172–173
considerations, 15–16
copyright information, 53
DNA information, 312–313
education, 305–306
Ellis Island Online, 196
ethics information, 52–53
ethnic, 313–315
forms, 6–7, 326
free online books, 320–321
geography, 322–323
historical, 315–317
how-to articles, 305–306
libraries, 210–212, 317–321
maps, 322–323
most popular, 300–303
national, 313–315
overview, 300–301
privacy information, 52–53
regional resources, 323–324
RootsWeb, 278–279
scams/hoaxes, 26
search sites, 92–96
tips/guidelines, 305–306
Top 25 Genealogy Sites, 300–303
translation, 224–225
validity of data on, 13–19
Weinstein, Allen, 164
Welsh ancestry, 231
West, Bill, 138
West in New England blog, 138
Westra, Lynne Johnston, 7
White Page directories, 96–97
Who Do You Think You Are? (TV show), 303
Wholly Genes software, 77
Wi-Fi connections, 30–31
wikis, 184, 362
WikiTree G2G forum, 117, 118
WikiTree site, 150, 301, 324–325
Willow Bend Books, 294
Windows Live Messenger, 107
WordPress, 142
word-processing programs, 45
workshops. See conferences/seminars
World Archives Project, 269
World Intellectual Property Organization site, 57
World Public Library, 321
World Vital Records website, 308
World War II, 166, 167, 178
World Wide Web (WWW), 362
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), 363
WorldCat website, 204, 205, 208
WorldConnect Project, 24, 275, 276
WorldGenWeb Project, 223–224, 245, 275, 303
worms, 47–48, 362
WWW (World Wide Web), 362
WWW Library Directory, 213
XML (eXtensible Markup Language), 363
Yahoo! directory, 85
Yahoo! Groups, 117
Yahoo! Messenger, 107
Yahoo! searches, 322
Yavapai County, Arizona Census Index, 172
Y-chromosome, 146
YDNA, 146, 148, 149, 271, 363
yeoman, 12
YouTube, 68, 69, 71, 133, 262
Zamora, Renee, 310
Zurawicz, Megan, 119
Zydeco resources, 247
Genealogy Online Page 37