Accidentally Married

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Accidentally Married Page 9

by Roberts, Emma

  “You’re going to hold my own body hostage against me?” I bit out, my hands clenching at my sides. He look a bit shaken before brushing me off with a roll of his eyes.

  “That’s a little dramatic, don’t you think? I said doing the surgery was against my code of ethics, but if you’re intent upon having it done, I could refer you to another surgeon quite easily. Conflict of interests or whatever,” he said dismissively, his eyes still trained on my barely concealed body.

  “I don’t want another doctor to do it. You shouldn’t get to make this choice for me. Why are you denying me service when I’m just as needy as anyone else who comes into this hellhole?” I demanded. He raised a brow, looking almost entertained.

  “You do realize I specialize in complete face restoration? Jobs like breast enhancements are just busy work. From what I can see, your face is just fine. Rather attractive, though I’m pretty sure I’ve made that clear. The red color is a bit concerning,” he teased, and I wanted to rip my hair out. He was playing coy with me at a time like this? Like I was going to lurch off the table and jump his bones? A small part of my brain berated me because I was considering doing just that.

  “Well, alright. So maybe a breast enhancement doesn’t seem life-altering to you,” I began, and he was quick to interrupt.

  “Oh no, were it a necessary procedure, I would agree that it can lead to very drastic changes in your life. Seeing as how it’s not, however, any changes you’d end up inflicted with would weigh on my shoulders.”

  “What – because I’m your wife? Because this is actually more than a drunken tryst, in your mind? For a doctor, you sure are dumb. Parading the marriage around like it has any significance.” I wanted to bite back the words as soon as I said them, though I had no idea why I felt the remorse that washed over me when he fixed me with an altogether unimpressed expression. The icing on the cake was his phone blasting some obnoxious ringtone, the sound penetrating to my bones in such a sudden jolt. He frowned, not even bothering to glance at his phone before dismissing the call. Immediately after, it began ringing once more. I stared at him with a raised brow, noting how uncomfortable he looked every time he took out his phone. Once more, he dismissed the call and parted his lips to speak. Again, it rang. I couldn’t help the chills that went down my spine as he outright growled and turned his phone off, looking as if he wanted nothing more than to fling it across the room.

  “Having problems there, Dr. Roman?” I asked sweetly, receiving a halfhearted glare in response.

  “Just Archer is fine, considering…” he trailed off for a moment, looking at me as if seeing me for the first time. I couldn’t help but fidget under his gaze, not sure why he had such a calculating look in his eye. Placing his notes aside, he approached the exam table and stood almost flush to where my legs hung off the side. “I have a proposition,” he said with a slight smile and a certain wickedness in his eyes. I refused to back down, meeting his gaze boldly.

  “Do tell,” I smirked, leaning back and nudging my knee forward a bit. It brushed between his thighs, and he shivered, looking torn between pleasure and surprise. My pussy felt enthused by the look of lust I saw cross his face. I wanted to grab his hips and make him thrust his hardness into me. I wanted to relive the night we had in Vegas and more.

  “I’ll make a bet with you. If you win, I’ll do your surgery. If I win, you admit you’re perfect as is and… agree to go on a date with me,” he went a bit quiet toward the end of his offer, and I raised a brow with a slight chuckle. God, only an idiot would want to date someone after getting blackout drunk and marrying them in Vegas. Still, he was handsome, and I found his wit rather pleasant. I tilted my head, gesturing for him to continue. “Alright. Two weeks. You come on a trip to Maui for two weeks—” I gasped, and he cut himself off for a moment.

  “Maui? What kind of a bet is this?” I demanded, already somewhat excited by the prospect. Surely whatever he wanted me to do couldn’t be bad enough to ruin an all-expenses paid trip to Maui. He only smiled a bit, shaking his head.

  “I must insist that regardless of whether or not you accept this wager, you wait two weeks to have your surgery. I wouldn’t want you to rush into anything. Doctor’s orders,” he said, deflecting a bit. Slightly less excited, I nodded agreeably and folded my hands in my lap. “You pretend to be my wife for two weeks. I’ll spend that whole time making you realize you’re the hottest piece of ass on the entire island, and if you still think you need plastic surgery at the end of those two weeks, I’ll do it. Morals and ethics aside, I’ll do your procedure,” he said, resting his hand on the table next to me and leaning in with a little smirk. I blinked, needing several moments to process what he’d actually suggested. Two weeks in paradise with the caveat that I had to pretend to be his sexy wife for the duration. I should have been repulsed by the idea; I should have stormed out to schedule another consultation. The idea of making him eat his words was immensely satisfying, however, and if I lost the bet… Well. I wouldn’t lose, but the terms weren’t that awful either way.

  “And you said not to rush into things. A bit hypocritical, don’t you think?” I said, my voice measured as to keep him wondering.

  “Well, we’re already legally married. That was the part that was rushed. I should think it’s only appropriate my wife meet my family. As a matter of fact, after the wedding seems a bit too slow, don’t you agree?” he riposted, smirking.

  “I suppose I can see your point. Still,” I paused, trailing off and examining my nails as if I wasn’t even considering the idea. I could see his jaw tensing and his eyes darkening to a stormier shade of blue. “How do you know I don’t have a boyfriend?” I argued for the sake of being contrary, and he flinched before schooling his expression into one of neutrality once more.

  “In that case, I would only encourage this trip all the more. If this boyfriend doesn’t appreciate you as you are, then there’s no question that you can do better,” he replied, crossing his arms over his chest. He looked almost annoyed by the suggestion, and I couldn’t hold back an unladylike snort. His eyes widened marginally, and I tried to stifle myself but I couldn’t help but laugh at him.

  “You look constipated. Christ, is this that important to you? Okay, okay. Say I agree. What’s in it for you? If I win, you have to operate on me. If you win, all you get is the chance to go on a date with me,” I sighed, quieting down. Nick had always told me that I had the most hideous laugh on the planet, and I could tell by the quirk of Archer’s lips that he felt much the same. “Yeah, yeah. Enjoy that. I don’t allow many to witness my witch cackle,” I muttered, rubbing my arms a bit self-consciously.

  “Witch cackle? God, far from it. You have an adorable laugh,” he paused, the sincerity in his eyes making my cheeks flush. “As far as what’s in it for me…I would think that’s obvious. I’d like to have a chance to do things the right way. One date with no pretenses, and maybe you’ll realize I’m not half bad,” he continued earnestly. My mouth went dry, and for a moment, all I could do was stare and wring my hands. I hated to show weakness in front of strangers, but I supposed calling Archer a stranger at that point wasn’t true – not entirely, anyway. Steeling my nerves and steadying my breath, I managed a smile. I could only hope it was as coy and seductive as I intended, and the intensity of his gaze seemed to indicate as much.

  “Well, if we’re going to do this, you’re going to have to listen to teacher,” I paused, drawing my lip between my teeth. “After all, I don’t indulge naughty boys,” I said in sultry tones. He reddened, clearing his throat and averting his gaze.

  “And what exactly is it that teacher wants me to do?” he asked, his voice breaking halfway through the question.

  “I would think that’s obvious. I’ll be giving you homework to complete, and…I would suggest you study the material while you have the opportunity,” I said, nearly tripping over my words. It was bold, I knew, but I couldn’t find it within me to care. Even as angry as I had been when he’d first stepped into the
room, the throb between my thighs hadn’t abated during the entirety of our conversation. It seemed to be what he wanted, after all. His cheeks were even redder as he seemed to consider my words, but after a moment, he chuckled.

  “And what is it that we’re studying? Anatomy?” he grinned, resting a hand on one of my thighs. I shivered, well aware of the tent in the front of his pants. I wished for him to move his hand up and soothe the aching throb I was beginning to feel.

  “For now. We do have to get to know each other, after all. The homework will cover the material a bit more…in depth,” I breathed, reaching down to palm his groin. He groaned, his hips jerking forward as if he couldn’t control himself.

  “I’ve always been very studious. I’m sure you won’t be disappointed,” he began, drawing away with a pained expression and approaching the door. For a moment, I thought he would leave me to deal with my own problem, but he simply locked the door before turning to look at me with a charming grin. “It seems you’ve gotten everything prepared already. A bit of a shame that I couldn’t completely undress you myself, but,” he paused, striding back toward me with a hungry gaze. “I wouldn’t want to be…naughty, after all,” he grinned.

  “You can touch me when I say so,” I announced breezily, caressing his cheek before moving to unbutton his shirt at a tortuously slow pace. He gritted his teeth, setting his jaw to keep any sounds from escaping him. Smiling to myself, I intentionally popped the final button off of his shirt entirely, sending it bouncing across the floor. “Oops,” I hummed, grinning up at him.

  “A good student doesn’t question his teacher’s methods,” he breathed, shrugging off his shirt and tensing his hands at his sides. It was obvious he wanted to ravish me; the tension of his jaw looked almost painful. It was nearly enough to convince me to take it easy on him. Almost. I nudged him away from the exam table with a foot pressed directly against his crotch. I kept the pressure firm, but not firm enough to be painful. He stumbled back obligingly, and I rose from the exam table, not bothering to shed my unflattering gown. At least, not yet. Splaying my fingers across his pectoral muscles, I hummed under my breath as I caressed his skin. The dark hairs on his chest may have been repulsive on a lesser man, but on him, simply served to give him a more rugged look. I hadn’t remembered his body hair, but then again, I remembered very little about that night.

  “It’s a wonder, isn’t it?” I began, brushing my finger over one of his nipples. He nearly flinched but forced himself to remain still. “Prenatal breast development doesn’t differ between the genders. A man’s nipples are essentially useless. He can’t produce milk. But I suppose you know all of that, being a doctor,” I paused, pinching his nipples between my fingers. He folded his arms behind his back, seeming not to trust himself to keep his hands to himself otherwise. “Most men take this erogenous zone for granted. A women’s breasts are to be touched, fondled,” another pause as I flicked my tongue against his chest. “Tasted. Yet if given the right treatment, a man’s nipples can provide a fair amount of stimulation as well. It’s probably why there’s a wet spot on the front of your pants,” I said, fighting not to erupt into giggles as his eyes widened and he looked down.

  “I, uh, didn’t know that was a sensitive area for me,” he muttered, his cheeks flushed as he all but gasped for breath. Flicking his nipple, I raised a brow.

  “Most men don’t. That’s why you have a teacher, sweetheart,” I purred, tracing my fingers down his chest and across his abdomen. I pressed my nails into his skin, giving just the slightest bit of pain to enhance the pleasure. If there was one thing I knew how to do, it was get a man off. His hips jerked, and I lowered my fingers just enough to brush his bulge before gasping as if I’d made a mistake. “Sorry, I’m getting ahead of myself,” I murmured, smirking.

  “I think I’m ready for chapter two,” he gritted out, jerking his hips toward me. I looked at him as if I was scandalized, moving to draw away. His mouth hung agape, and he made to sputter apologies, but I held a hand up.

  “You are rather gifted, aren’t you?” I teased, fiddling with the button on his slacks. There was no question to either of us as to what exactly I meant by gifted, and I grinned before slowly dropping to my knees. I pulled his pants and underwear down as I went, smirking as his erection bobbed in my face. He stared down at me, his hand raising as if to grip my hair, but he seemed to restrain himself. “Good boy,” I breathed, exhaling a soft breath against the tip of his member. As I’d guessed, he was already leaking precum, and I considered gripping him for a moment before deciding I’d rather have him in my mouth.

  Taking just the tip into my mouth to start with, I suckled at the enticing fluids. He threw his head back, a strained groan escaping his lips. Taking more and more of him into my mouth, I cupped his sac with a palm, fondling him to my satisfaction. Another moan, and his entire body tensed. Bobbing my head for a moment, I drew away to look up at him. “You’ve been such a good boy for teacher,” I whispered slyly, moving to take him between my lips once more.

  Suddenly, he grabbed me by the gown and tugged me to my feet. There was a look of urgency in his eyes as he pushed me unceremoniously back onto the exam table. I raised a brow, and his eyes fixed on my chest as he all but ripped the gown off of me.

  “I’ll take the paddling if you insist. For now, I think I have a bit to teach as well. I’m more practiced in what you’d call common sense, it seems,” he all but growled, immediately groping my breasts. I arched into his touch, forgetting the entire reason I’d come for a moment. He flicked his thumb against a nipple, leaning in to take the other between his teeth and give it a slight tug before he released it, licking it to soothe the sting. I all but screamed, and I wouldn’t have been remotely surprised if everyone in the building heard my moans.

  “You’ve already presented the argument for sensitivity, which you seem to have in spades,” he murmured against my chest, kissing along the swell of each breast. His tongue eagerly flicked out, as if the taste of my sweat was the most delicious thing he’d ever experienced. My toes curled, and I couldn’t exactly argue with him. I’d always had particularly sensitive breasts. He drew away, rising to his full height and taking a breast in each hand, giving a gentle squeeze. I gasped, unable to stop a mewl from escaping me.

  “W-well. Sensitivity isn’t what men look for,” I argued breathlessly, noting that he seemed to be testing the weight in his hands.

  “Mm. Well, that’s because they’re uneducated. You are a teacher, aren’t you?” he replied with a slight smirk. “As far as size…a bit of street smarts, if you will. Much more than a handful is just a waste. You want to be able to grip them, to—” he paused, squeezing them once more. “To feel their full weight in your palms. And, arguably, what matters most is perkiness,” he paused, drawing his hands away to stare down at me. I was trembling, cursing myself for the effect he had on me. “Yeah, those are perky. All in all, I’d give you an A plus, but…I’m not the one grading here, am I?” he teased. Unable to take it any longer, I wrapped my arms around his neck and drew him in close, leaning back so he could join me on the table. He obligingly crawled on top of me, slipping the head of his cock between my glistening folds. I tensed my hand on his shoulders, meeting his gaze with a grin.

  “Well, I think you’re ready for the final exam on this chapter,” I murmured, locking my leg around his hips and pulling him against me. As he entered me, memories from the night in Vegas washed over me. I’d forgotten just how good he felt inside of me, how well he fit when he was balls deep. He tensed his jaw, seemingly swept up in memories for a moment as well. Urging him to move, I let out a keening wail as he pulled out at an almost agonizingly slow pace. Feeding inch by inch back inside of me with a smirk, I felt tortured by his teasing. “Please, Archer,” I gasped, digging my nails into his skin and dragging them down his back. He gasped, and I felt him twitch inside of me. Looking inquiringly into his eyes, I was startled by the sudden sentiment in his eyes.

  “I like it when yo
u say my name,” he breathed, leaning in to capture my lips in a kiss. I moaned into his lips as he began to pick up the pace, his hands gripping my hips to pull me forcefully against him with each thrust. He seemed insatiable, kissing along my jaw to my neck and sinking his teeth into the flesh there. I cried out, using his name once more since he seemed to enjoy it so much. He groaned gutturally, whispering against my ear.

  “Oh, Tiffany,” he gasped before nipping at my earlobe. I hadn’t quite understood the appeal of hearing me say his name, but now that the tables were turned, I couldn’t ignore the hitch in my breath as he spoke. He sounded as if he were tasting each syllable, repeating my name with different inflections. It should have been strange, but the fact that this wasn’t a stranger – not entirely, at least – added to my arousal.

  “Harder. Harder, Archer,” I gasped, tossing my head back as he desperately kissed my neck, his lips moving in a silent mantra. I could barely contain my screams, not quite sure why I was even bothering to when I’d likely already alerted his coworkers to our activities. Stricken by a wicked idea, I bit my lip and tried to stifle whimpers as he continued to pound into me. His breath came in desperate gasps, and I could still hear the whispers of my name as he seemed to get closer and closer to his peak. When my orgasm washed over me, I made no effort to contain myself, throwing my head back and screaming his name with as much passion as I could muster.


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