Accidentally Married

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Accidentally Married Page 12

by Roberts, Emma

  Shortly after, I had my bottle of whiskey, and I was sulking by myself in my room. I wished I hadn’t agreed to this trip. Even if I could use Archer to convince Nick I was over him, what would that really accomplish but break my own heart? I cried and tried to take my mind off of him by finishing the whole bottle. I had locked myself in and hidden the key. I didn’t want to allow my drunk self to go outside and let him know just how I felt. It wouldn’t be possible to come back from something like that – that would be far too embarrassing to even consider for a minute.

  I don’t know how late I stayed up, but I know that I got very drunk. So drunk that I passed out, and my dreams taunted me with the things I had endured today.

  I got to replay the scene where Archer had rubbed it in Jasmine’s face about being married. It had been like he had won something, and it wasn’t her who was the prize. The look he had received from her – that had been his prize.

  I’d thought I had let Nick mess me up, but compared to Archer’s obvious obsession with Jasmine, I was in the clear. Had I messed up coming here? Yes, I truly thought I had. But this trip had also let me see a part of Archer that I wouldn’t have seen anywhere else. I felt calm as I decided that I should just ask him for a divorce, get off at the first port, and fly home. I was drunk and making major life choices in my life. I was smart enough, but barely, to realize that I should just let this petty jealousy go and enjoy the free trip as much as I could.

  I woke up a bit later in time to get dressed for dinner. But I didn’t want to be around Archer and Jasmine anymore. I was sick of watching him all but drool over her big boobs. I’d already had one man who had left me for my smaller, yet average, breasts.

  Turning profile, I looked at my chest in the mirror. My breasts weren’t that darn small! But even I had to admit, they weren’t like her breasts either. I squinted my eyes as I thought of Jasmine. Something else I’d noticed was that it hadn’t only been Archer who had stared openly at Jasmine. My mouth filled with bile as I remembered how his mother had looked at her and touched her. It was almost as if they had been intimate in the past. That thought almost made me puke. If Archer hadn’t been staring so openly at Jasmine, I might have asked him to explain it to me further.

  I had also noticed his father looking at the young girl. “What the hell?! Is this a family thing?” I made a face of disgust as I said it. There was no disguising the looks of interests from all three of them – his father, his mother, and him.




  I looked up once more to see if I could find Tiffany. I’d hoped she would show up and not leave me all alone with my family. However, I guess her headache hadn’t gotten any better. If I were there with her, in the room…hmmm. The possibilities there would have been better than listening to the drivel I’d had to put up with so far tonight, that’s for sure. It had been a night filled with Jasmine making comments about her and her new beau. Like I gave a single solid shit about what her new man did and how successful he supposedly was.

  My dad had been drinking quite a bit tonight, which was not unusual for him really. His words had slurred more than one time as he’d complimented Jasmine. It was quite sickening to watch. All I could recall was our phone call and how I had told him he only wanted to get his dick wet with Jasmine. I hadn’t realized just how right I had been, not until tonight as I watched him fawn over her in just about every way he could. I was shocked that her new guy hadn’t made any comments yet about Dad’s leering. My mom had done her fair share of leering at Jasmine, too. The words my father had said to me not that long ago popped into my mind like an unwanted memory. I tried to push out his comments about how Mom loved Jasmine’s tongue. I had to literally think of anything else but that or my food would come right back up.

  I longed to have Tiffany here by my side to help support me. Now it was three against one. At least Tiffany’s new beau hadn’t joined in their debasing of me. He had shrugged his shoulders once apologetically toward me, but he hadn’t stopped them from continuing their joyous ridicule of everything about me.

  “So, Archer, where did you meet this girl? I don’t ever recall you talking about a Tiffany before.” My mother looked at me, a cunning smile on her face.

  If she had paid attention to me all my life, I might have been worried at that point. But my mother had paid more attention to everything else besides me. Before Jasmine, it had been her soap operas and the gals she played cards with. Archer? Who’s he? Oh, he’s my son. Nope, not that often would she even wonder what I was up to. If my father hadn’t been on my ass about grades all of my life, I probably would have failed to try to get her attention. However, anytime my grades had dropped a single point, my father was sure to talk with me, even if he had to wait until I was home from boarding school on break. It was no wonder my mother had attacked first.

  She had a glint in her eye as she waited for my response. “Well, Mother, you know there were plenty of times I went out without you knowing it. I met her one of those times. I reconnected with her a few months ago, and well…”

  “So you were seeing her when we were dating?” Jasmine nearly bit my head off.

  “No. We just started chatting via email, and once you and I split for good…I got ahold of her again,” I explained.

  “So why did you get married?” my father asked. “I mean, did you knock her up or something? It seems really odd to me. In fact, I’m going to be honest – I think you hired an actress to play a part.” He slurred the last words so much, I could barely understand him.

  I shook my head. “Think what you want, but this is real.” Holding up my finger, I showed them my ring. I couldn’t help but hear Tiffany’s words in my head once more, “We are only married legally, not emotionally.” It still hurt to think about, but she was right. How could it be anything more? We don’t know that much about one another, no matter how much homework she and I had done before coming on this trip.

  “I hope you didn’t pay a lot for her services; she isn’t really all that good at her job. Look, she didn’t even come down to dinner tonight. Make sure you ask for a discount from her,” my father continued.

  “Look, I didn’t hire her. She is my real wife.” As I said this, I felt a bit guilty for the lie. Not that I had lied to my father, but that I had lied to Tiffany and myself. I didn’t really consider her my real wife. That might seem callous, but it was because we’d gotten married while in a drunken stupor in Vegas. I would never have considered myself such an immature person before. But to get drunk and marry the woman I’d been fucking that night? It all just sat in my heart and head wrong. I needed to make it right. I needed to get to know her first before I could consider us in a real relationship.

  A plan formed in my mind. If she won the bet, she would get the boob job. However, I was pretty confident that I would win, and that would mean a date. I would tell her my plan at that time. I wanted to divorce her, but not necessarily for good. I would date her, a right and proper relationship. After a certain amount of time, if we both still liked one another, we could marry. However, I needed this to make this whole situation correct in my mind and to feel like I had done it the right way.

  I knocked back another drink and idly listened to my mother and Tiffany make their backhanded comments at me. I heard something about me messing up and letting her go and her new guy having made out so well. I also heard my dad all but propose a foursome with the couple. At that remark, I choked on my drink and apologized, “I seem to have come down with a bit of a headache as well. I think I’ll turn in for the night.” Without waiting for a reply, I walked away.

  I drunkenly made my way down the halls and finally got to our room. I inserted the key and opened the door. I had pictured Tiffany as still ill and in bed. What I found was the complete opposite. She looked refreshed and very well as she held the TV remote and clicked through the channels that were available. She glanced my way but didn’t say much to me.

  “Thanks for havi
ng my back and coming down to dinner,” I remarked angrily. I felt let down, like she should have been there.

  “You had your precious Jasmine. I’m sure she took good care of you tonight,” she hissed just as angrily back to me.

  “What the hell does that mean?” I shouted.

  “You couldn’t take your eyes off of her big breasts when we were swimming. I have a question for you. Will you deny my surgery when we get back? Because obviously, these ‘perfect titties,’ as you called them in your office, aren’t all that fabulous when compared to your ex!”

  “I wasn’t looking at her breasts,” I denied.

  “Bullshit! I have eyes. You barely paid a lick of attention to me the whole afternoon. Hell, I must admit – like father, like son. Your dad was all but drooling as he scoped her out in her skimpy little suit. Could she have worn any less material?”

  “With Jasmine, you never know,” I admitted.

  “Why didn’t you tell me your ex was coming on this trip? I mean, you could have warned me. You could have said, ‘I’m just going to use you to make her jealous,’ and I might have been okay with it.” As Tiffany said this, she sounded sad.

  “I didn’t bring you along for that. I brought you along for our bet. I still think your breasts are perfect the way they are,” I tried to soothe over the anger that was flying in the air.

  “Fuck you, Archer. I don’t believe you.” She shook her head. Her eyes showed that she didn’t believe anything I told her right now. How had I fucked this up so much? She claimed that I had been staring at Jasmine. But the truth was that I hadn’t been enjoying the view. I had been cursing her in my mind, wishing she had forgone the trip and not come with us. It wouldn’t be okay until we got to Maui, and my siblings would be there. At that time, I might be able to regain my footing. But, this three against one bullshit like tonight, I wouldn’t do it again. “Look, I will not have a meal with them alone again. I let you come along, and you need to hold up your side of the deal.”

  “My side of the deal? I agreed to come along, but not to help you make an ex jealous. I agreed to play your wife, and your wife had a headache tonight. Get used to it. I feel a lot of those coming on.”

  “That is so messed up. That isn’t fair, and we agreed not to discuss our exes either.”

  “That was before I knew about her being your ex and that she would be with us for the next two weeks. The only break I get from her is in our room. So please forgive me if I don’t want to watch you fall all over yourself as you drool over your ex. I have a bit more self-esteem than that.” Her calmness as she said this honestly worried me.

  I wanted to leave the room and get some air. But I had no clue if I would run into my parents or Jasmine if I did. It wouldn’t look right if I was out walking when we should both be inside the cabin. Fuck this shit! I really should have thought this through better. I knew I should have informed her about Jasmine before we arrived on the cruise. However, I was man enough to admit I hadn’t because I thought she might cancel at the last minute if she knew. And that would have meant I would have to face Maui by myself. I would have missed Tiffany the whole time too. Even though I was mad as hell at her right now, I didn’t really want to be with anyone but her. I knew that counted for something.

  “I’m taking the bed; you can find somewhere else to sleep. Oh, I know…why don’t you go and ask Jasmine to stay with her. It’s where you would rather be anyway.” With that, she threw one of the pillows and a blanket at me.

  I sighed as I made my way to the bathroom. I had used a few tubs in my past as a bed. It would hurt like hell in the morning, but I didn’t have an open invitation to our bed, and I didn’t want to upset her any more than I already had. If I would just tell her how I felt about her, maybe Tiffany would feel better. But I didn’t want to admit how much I cared for her already. I don’t even know if she would believe me if I told her. She had mistaken my looking at Jasmine as romantic, not noticing the hatred that had spread over my face each time I had glanced at her.

  I looked at Tiffany once more before I settled into the tub. She looked absolutely cherubic, having already fallen asleep. Her facial features appeared peaceful and not upset. I wanted to kiss her and make it all up to her. I wanted to open up to her and tell her how much I cared about her. But I was scared. I didn’t think she liked me all that much right now, and I didn’t want to be rejected on the spot. I blamed the issues of my self-confidence on my father and Jasmine. They both had always loved to knock me down and make feel like trash.

  I got angry as I thought of Tiffany making me sleep in here. I shouldn’t have to do this. I’m fucking Archer Roman, and this is my room. She was just an addition at the last moment. If anyone should be sleeping in here, it should be her, not me.

  I was finally able to calm down enough to try to sleep, but not before going through everyone on the trip and thinking of how I would love to tell them off. My father, my mother, Jasmine, Tiffany, and hell, even Jasmine’s new man. He was such a pushover, just like I had been with her. A part of me felt bad for him. Sighing, I knew I had to hope for good dreams in the night. If I woke up in this mood, who knew what would happen the next morning.


  “Ugh.” I tried to move and felt my muscles scream out in pain. This did nothing to enhance my mood. I was still in a foul mood, and I could feel my blood pressure already starting to boil as I thought of yesterday once more.

  The door clicked open, and Tiffany stood there, completely naked, a towel in her hand. “Oh, you slept in the shower. I was just going to clean up for the day.”

  “I can help scrub you off,” I offered.

  I watched as she turned red, her nipples hardening. All of my anger washed away as my dick started to harden.

  “Hmmm, I guess so. Look, I’m sorry about…” she started, but I interrupted before she could rehash the argument.

  “No, come let me wash you up, and we will work this all out just fine.” Smiling seductively,

  I turned on the faucet and set the temperature of the water to a nice warmth level before holding out my hand and helping her into the tub.

  “Please make sure you get me all over. I have never been a person to sweat at night, but last night…maybe it was all the alcohol I had earlier in the day.”

  “I’ll not miss a spot, and I will wash you more than once…both inside and out,” I told her as I kissed her neck and bit under her ear lobe.

  Turning her toward me, I sucked on one breast as I played with the other, tweaking the nipples to make them even harder. They were really quite wonderful, perfect orbs. I wished now that I had only stared at her in her swimsuit. There’s no reason she should feel like her breasts weren’t perfect. I realized that I had been a real asshole yesterday, and I didn’t really know how to make up for it. I knew I could make love to her and make her moan and orgasm. However, was that enough of an apology for making her feel like her perfect body was lacking? It made me wonder who her ex was and why she had felt like she was so lacking. In my opinion, her breasts were just the right size.

  Fucking Jasmine! This was all her fault! She should never have come along on the trip. I knew I shouldn’t be thinking of my ex while I was enjoying my wife’s delectable body, so I pushed all thoughts of Jasmine from my mind and pushed a finger into Tiffany’s pussy. She was already so wet, and my cock was more than ready. I turned her around to face away from me.

  She moaned as I pulled her nipples with my fingers and jerked into her from behind. I was hard, and I knew she could feel my urge as she bent over and happily accepted my cock into her wet, sopping pussy.

  I felt her velvet folds as they closed around my hardness. She moaned loudly as I slowly made love to her. I enjoyed making love to her; it was much more pleasurable than fighting, that was for sure. If it were up to me, I would fuck her for the whole trip this way, and many other positions. I pushed into her, ramming her as hard as she could take, while I held onto her waist so that she wouldn’t fall over. The bottom o
f the tub had become a bit slippery with the soap I had used to wash her quite thoroughly, if I must say so myself. As I continued to fuck her from behind, I soaped up her back and her ass. I blindly rewashed her breasts and her front. As I washed her pussy once more, I focused my attention on her clit, playing with it and rubbing it in between my thumb and forefinger. Yelping in pleasure, she jerked back on my cock as her orgasm flowed through her body. She screamed out my name, and I pushed into her once more before letting my seed fill her up.


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