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by Kate Hubbard

  compelling evidence he designed Hardwick New Hall 218–19, 222–3, 243, 244–5

  comes up with design of a ‘platt’ 222, 233

  importance of setting to 222–3

  remains at Wollaton after Willoughby’s death 232–3

  works on several East Midlands houses 233

  designs Owlcotes for Bess 235–6

  brings his son to see Hardwick New Hall 248–9

  may have worked for Charles Cavendish 249n

  supplies designs for several houses in Derbyshire and Yorkshire 261 and note

  Snidall, Richard 250, 253

  Somerset, Duke of see Seymour, Edward, Duke of Somerset

  Somerset House, Strand (London) 23, 24–5, 44, 62, 71

  South Wingfield Manor (Derbyshire) xix, 85, 90, 99, 100, 159, 180, 184, 185, 194, 195, 197, 207, 217, 280

  Southwark Place (London) 23

  Spakeman, Nicholas 32

  Spanish Armada 195, 206–7

  Spicer, William 62, 83, 110, 130

  Stafford, Lady Dorothy 265

  Stafford, Humphrey 198

  Stainsby manor (Derbyshire) 235

  Stanhope, Sir John 215, 261, 271

  Stanhope, Sir Thomas 138, 148, 215, 252, 261, 271

  Stanton Drew (Somerset) 65

  Stanton Wick (Somerset) 65

  Staper, Sir Richard 86

  Stapleton, Henry 274, 275

  Starkey, James 249 and note, 268, 272

  Statute of Artificers (1563) 200

  Staveley (Derbyshire) 11

  Steward, Ellen 238

  Steward, Mary 256

  Stewart, James, 1st Earl of Moray 92–3, 95, 107 and note

  Stewart, Margaret Douglas, Countess of Lennox 298

  tenuous claim to the throne 68–9

  finds a wife for her son Charles Stuart 123–4

  requests permission to visit her Yorkshire estate 123–4

  falls ill at Rufford 124

  ordered back to London 126

  sent to the Tower 126

  supports Arbella’s Lennox inheritance 128

  death of 144

  Stewart, Matthew, 4th Earl of Lennox 94, 144

  Stewart, Robert, Bishop of Caithness, Earl of Lennox 144

  Stoke Manor (Derbyshire) 151, 261

  Stokes, Adrian 42, 87

  Stourbridge Fair 252

  Stradanus, Johannes 258n

  Strange, Lady 147

  Stuart, Arbella (granddaughter of BH)

  Hardwick New Hall as possible house for xxix

  birth of 127

  education of 15–16, 202, 266–7 and note

  Lennox jewels given to James VI 144

  Lennox title and lands appropriated by the Queen 144

  portrait of 145

  and death of her mother 155–6

  Bess attempts to marry her to Leicester’s son Robert 173–4

  moved between aunts and uncles 173, 201–2

  appearances at court 202–4, 227, 232

  as commodity in the marriage market 202–3, 225

  writes first surviving letter to Bess 202

  character and description 207, 267

  joins Bess in London 226

  as focus of Catholic plots to depose Elizabeth 234

  taken to Chatsworth for safety reasons 234–5

  receives cash, land and jewels from Bess 242, 266, 283

  lives at Hardwick 256

  as beneficiary of Bess’s will 264, 295

  claim to the throne no longer considered seriously 265–6

  sends New Year gift to the Queen 265

  breakdown of relationship with Bess 266–7

  attempts to marry Edward Seymour (son of Lord Beauchamp) 268–75

  taken to Wrest Park 275

  as target of Main Plot 278–9

  death of 279n

  given court position and a pension 279 and note

  marries William Seymour 279n

  takes part in masque by Ben Jonson 292

  Stuart, Charles, 5th Earl of Lennox 123, 125, 126, 127

  Stuart, Elizabeth Cavendish, Lady Lennox (daughter of BH) 148

  birth of 41

  new shoes made for 49

  watches Elizabeth I process from the Tower to Westminster 54

  health of 58

  marries Charles Stuart 122–3, 124, 125

  ordered to London with her husband 126

  Shrewsbury’s concern for when pregnant 126

  Mary Stuart takes a kindly interest in 127

  Leicester’s help in finding her a husband 134

  granted custody of her daughter Arbella and given a pension 144–5

  relationship with Bess 148

  not allowed to be with her pregnant sister Mary 153

  death of 156

  dowry finally paid to Arbella 266

  Stuart, Esmé, Earl of Lennox 144, 202

  Stuart, Henry, Lord Darnley 94, 95, 123

  Stuart, James see James VI and I

  Stuart, Ludovic 203

  Suffolk, Dukes of see Brandon, Charles and Henry

  Suffolk House (London) 21

  Summerson, John 164

  Sussex, Earl of see Radclyffe, Thomas, 3rd Earl of Sussex

  Sutton Court, Chew Magna (Somerset) 55

  Talbot, Ann Herbert 89, 165

  Talbot, Edward 89, 148, 167, 169, 214–15, 242, 281

  Talbot, Elizabeth, Countess of Shrewsbury (Bess of Hardwick)

  as architectural patron and builder xvii-xix, xx-xxiii, xxiv-xv, xxviii-xxx

  birth and family background 1–2 and note

  education 3 and note, 4, 15–16

  spends childhood at Hardwick manor 5–6

  marries Robert Barley 9–11

  pursues her jointure after Robert’s death 11–13

  marries William Cavendish 14, 16

  London life and influences 20–3

  acquires three stepdaughters 26

  produces eight children 26, 31, 40, 41

  itemises accounts daily 27–8, 48–9, 54

  as busy, social and hospitable 28–30

  cherishes gold book given to her by Sir William 29

  likes to gamble 29

  persuades Cavendish to acquire properties including Chatsworth 32–4

  streak of superstition in 41

  keeps portrait of Jane Grey at Chatsworth 42

  sadness at death of William Cavendish 49–50

  seeks Thynne’s help in dealing with debts 51–2

  health of 52, 147, 262, 277, 281, 282–3, 292, 293–5

  relationship with Elizabeth I 53–4, 127, 186–7

  attends coronation of Elizabeth I 54

  meets and marries Sir William St Loe 54, 56–8

  portraits of 57–8, 216–17

  oversees building works at Chatsworth 58–61, 62–4, 129, 131, 135–6, 138

  attempted poisoning of 65–7

  partial to matchmaking and intrigue 72–3, 120–3, 124, 173–4, 284

  gives New Year gifts to the Queen 74–5, 127, 186, 227, 228, 265

  helps her extended family financially 75–6

  business portfolio and moneylending 76, 240–2

  as woman of wealth and property 77, 78

  as subject of gossip and speculation 78–9, 81–2

  marries George Talbot 84, 87–9, 90

  given custody of Mary Stuart 97, 101–4

  kept abreast of news in London and abroad 97, 109–10, 210–11

  shares a love of needlework with Mary Stuart 102–3 and note

  correspondence with Shrewsbury 110–11, 115–16, 138

  informs Mary Stuart of Norfolk’s execution 114

  as financially independent 116, 185, 217

  dismisses claims from Peak Forest tenants 132 and note

  thanks Leicester for his many kindnesses 134–5

  entertains Leicester at Chatsworth 135–6

  breakdown of her marriage to Shrewsbury 138, 140–2, 153–5, 165, 168–70, 171–3, 194–5

on excellent terms with Gilbert Talbot 140–1

  petitions the Queen for her granddaughter Arbella’s rights 144, 145

  relationship with her children and stepchildren 147–52

  suspicions concerning Shrewsbury’s relations with Mary Stuart 154

  deteriorating relationship with Mary Stuart 155, 156, 177–8

  appeals to the Queen concerning support for Arbella 156

  distressed at death of her daughter Elizabeth 156–7

  involved with building of Worksop 164

  attempts to arrange marriage for Arbella 173–4

  buys Hardwick estate in William Cavendish’s name 173

  Shrewsbury’s campaign against 174–7, 184–9

  appeals to Burghley about Shrewsbury’s mistreatment 175–6, 184–5

  carefully presents herself as the wronged but dutiful wife 177

  as subject of the ‘scandal letter’ sent to the Queen by Mary Stuart 179–80

  commission of inquiry into her marriage to Shrewsbury 181–2

  writes to Shrewsbury repeating her desire to return to him 185–6

  continually gives gifts to family and friends 188 and note

  pragmatic attitude towards religion 193

  writes last surviving letter of affection and humility to Shrewsbury 194–5

  informed of Arbella’s reception at court, news of family and additions to Theobalds 203–5

  and death of Shrewsbury 212

  hostility towards Gilbert 215–16

  decides to build Hardwick New Hall 217–19

  property and lands portfolio 217

  visit to London 226–31

  attends court 227–9, 232

  attempts to outmanoeuvre Gilbert Talbot 230

  spends much time devoted to shopping 230–2

  takes Arbella to Chatsworth for safety reasons 234–5

  congratulates Robert Cecil on becoming ‘principal secretary’ 239

  oversees building of Hardwick 242–9

  as exacting employer 246–7

  provides cash and food for her employees 247–8, 253–4

  writes affectionately to Gilbert and Mary 251

  life at Hardwick 255–60

  builds almshouses in Derby 260, 263

  continues to seek redress from Gilbert 262–3, 285–7, 289

  lays out several sums on ‘law causes’ 262–3

  arranges for a burial vault for herself 263

  draws up her will 263–4, 281, 294–5, 296

  breakdown of her relationship with Arbella 266–75

  refuses to help her son Henry 277–8, 281

  entertains Cumberland and his entourage at Hardwick 284–5

  informed of the Gunpowder Plot 288–9

  affects a rapprochement with the Shrewsburys 291–2

  death and funeral 295–8

  descendants of 298

  as lifelong builder 298–9

  Talbot, Francis 118, 165

  Talbot, Francis, 5th Earl of Shrewsbury 31, 84, 87

  Talbot, George, 6th Earl of Shrewsbury

  birth and family background 84

  as landowner and builder 84–5, 86, 118–20, 158–9, 164

  marries Bess 84, 87–9, 90

  involved with London merchants trading with Turkey 85–6 and note

  uses new technology in smelting mills 85–6

  character and description 86–7, 172

  as complaining, illegible letter-writer 86, 123

  portraits of 86, 172

  given custody of Mary Stuart 90–1, 96–101, 105–6, 114, 116, 117, 132, 153, 165–6, 167

  possibly attracted to Mary Stuart 98, 154, 166, 178, 191–2

  shows devotion and affection towards Bess 98, 108, 166–7

  health of 106, 116, 172 and note, 180, 183, 195

  plagued by disloyal servants 112, 114, 153, 166

  presides at Norfolk’s trial 113–14

  settles Bess’s estates on her sons 116

  takes the waters at Buxton to relieve his gout 118

  unhappy at paying Elizabeth Cavendish’s dowry 125

  denies prior knowledge of marriage between Elizabeth Cavendish and Charles Stuart 126

  greatly resents Chatsworth 131

  feels harried and aggrieved at demands made upon 132–3, 153–4, 159, 165–6, 168, 169

  invites Burghley to visit Chatsworth 137

  breakdown of his marriage to Bess 138, 140–2, 154–5, 165, 168–70, 171–3, 194–5

  grief-stricken at death of young George 142–3

  withholds allowance from Bess 169, 170

  begins campaign of harassment 174–7

  rails against Gilbert for siding with Bess 174

  relieved of Mary’s care after fifteen years 180

  returns to court after twelve years 180

  urged to deal generously with Gilbert 183–4

  continues to make trouble against Bess, her servants and sons 184–9, 207–8

  witnesses execution of Mary Stuart 190–1

  helps to root out Jesuit priests 192–3

  ordered to provide men for defence of the country 206, 207

  buys Barley estate 208

  writes with affection to Mary Talbot 211–12

  death and funeral xxviii, 211–12, 213–14

  fallout from his will 213–16

  Talbot, George (grandson of BH) 117, 142

  Talbot, Gertrude Manners 84, 238

  Talbot, Gilbert, 7th Earl of Shrewsbury

  refers to Bess as his ‘unkind mother-in-law’ 2n

  marries Mary Talbot 89

  keeps Bess informed of events in London and elsewhere 97, 146–7

  sent on grand tour of France and Italy 109

  questioned about his father’s competence 114

  birth of his son George 117

  takes on Goodrich castle 132–3

  health of 138

  attempts to mediate between his father and Bess 140–2

  informs his parents of Leicester’s willingness to help Elizabeth and Arbella 145

  treated kindly by Bess 148

  friendship with his stepbrother Charles Cavendish 151

  believed to be in cahoots with Bess against his father 153–4

  warns Bess and Shrewsbury of possible removal of Mary from their custody 155

  as his father’s heir 165

  reports on his father’s raging incoherently 169

  helps to look after Arbella 173, 201–2

  father rails against 174, 194

  continually in debt and constantly asks his father for help 183

  devises a gout-friendly chair 183n

  informs Bess of the doings of the Earl of Essex and the murder of Henry III 210–11

  declares war on Eleanor Britton, his brothers, neighbours and Bess 214–16

  prevaricates over payments to Bess 224–5, 263, 281, 285–7, 289

  receives loans and cash from Bess 228, 242

  receives affectionate letter from Bess 251

  leases Welbeck Abbey to Charles Cavendish 261

  entertains James VI on his way south 276

  kept abreast of developments at Hardwick 282

  implicated by association in the Gunpowder Plot 289

  provides house plans for Cecil 290–1

  warns Henry of William’s intentions after Bess’s death 292–3

  reclaims his Talbot properties after Bess’s death 295

  declining fortunes 298

  Talbot, Henry 89, 148, 167, 169, 184, 214–15

  Talbot, John 289

  Talbot, Mary Cavendish, Countess of Shrewsbury (daughter of BH)

  health of 58, 204, 251

  marries Gilbert Talbot 89

  remains at Chatsworth with Bess 109

  gives birth to son George 117

  character and description 122, 148

  close relationship with Bess 147

  pregnancy and birth of second daughter 153, 165

  as Countess of Shrewsbury 165

elps to look after Arbella 173, 201–2

  as known Catholic convert 193, 278, 289

  vehemently disliked by Shrewsbury 194

  receives affectionate letter from Shrewsbury 211–12, 291–2

  asked to persuade Gilbert to bring murderer to justice 216

  receives cash and gifts from Bess 228, 291

  imprisoned after trying to help Arbella escape from England 279n

  sends her mother a cushion to kneel upon 292

  as beneficiary of Bess’s will 294

  reaction to her mother’s death 295

  as chief mourner at her mother’s funeral 297

  Talbot (ship) 85

  Tallis, Thomas 259

  Talman, William 301

  Temple Newsam (Yorkshire) 123, 126

  Theobalds (Hertfordshire) 9, 24, 129–30, 137, 167, 198, 202, 204–5, 217, 222, 244

  Throckmorton, Bess 229

  Thynne, Christian Gresham 44

  Thynne, Dorothy Wroughton 44

  Thynne, Sir John 164, 298

  builds and rebuilds Longleat 24, 44–6, 59, 61–2, 82–4, 130–1

  leases his house at Brentford to the Cavendishes 40–1

  friendship with the Cavendishes 42–3

  confined to the Tower 44

  helps Bess after the death of William Cavendish 52–3

  informed of Bess’s marriage to St Loe 56

  requested to send plasterer to Chatsworth 61

  as possible husband for Bess 81–2

  fire at Longleat 82–4

  death of 131, 161

  employs best craftsmen and materials 131

  as ruthless, demanding employer 131, 221

  Topcliffe, Richard 147, 192

  Torre, Richard 164

  Tower of London 8, 30, 31, 39, 40, 41, 44, 45, 54, 56, 66–7, 113, 279n, 289

  Travice, Henry 281

  Treason Act (1535) 7

  Treaty of Edinburgh (1560) 93

  Tresham, Francis 288

  Tresham, Sir Thomas

  builds Triangular Lodge in honour of the Trinity xxi, 80, 220 and note, 221

  employs women to tend his lime kilns 64n

  claims loyalty to Elizabeth and the Pope 109

  regularly imprisoned as a recusant 220, 221

  building costs 221

  builds Lyveden New Bield 221

  makes improvements to Rushton Hall 221–2

  as ruthless, demanding employer 221

  enhances his houses with gardens 222

  pays Frances Pierrepont an annuity 222

  Triangular Lodge, Hoxton (Northants) 80, 220 and note, 221

  Tudor, David Owen 268

  Tudor, Richard 268

  Tuft, Richard (slater) 246

  Turret House (Sheffield Manor) 120

  Tutbury Castle 85, 90, 97–100, 159, 180, 210

  Tyrone, Earl of 262

  Victoria, Queen 301

  Vitruvius 24, 162

  Vredeman de Vries, Hans, Varia architecturae formae 162


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