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The Rougher Explicit Collection of Stories Box Set Compilation

Page 28

by Amira Bradford

  "You're to be taken before the queen and if she takes a fancy to you she will take you to her chamber and boff you until you no longer can stand."

  "But sir, she is an old lady, how could I ever be with her, my sword will remain too soft to sheath in her scaber."

  "Alas lad that be your problem for all who fail to perform lose their heads."

  As they were marched into the great hall, Rowan tried to think only of the beautiful Cristiana, the most wondrous girl he knew. Nightly he would think of her until his trusty estoc spilled not blood but that other fluid of life. He could feel his weapon already beginning to harden. If he could only keep his thoughts on Cristiana, he may be able to satisfy his queen.

  Queen Anne loved this time of the day and she made sure she looked enticing to her new conquests. Her undergarments laced tight to form her figure into an hourglass shape, caused her great discomfort but she felt they were worth the pain. She wore no girdle so as to leave her woman-hood free and unencumbered. The low-cut gown she wore pushed her enormous breasts up and her nipples exposed rubbed against the heavy tapestry causing them to become engorged. She squeezed both hard before putting red rouge on the tips to show them off. She looked into her glass not seeing the matronly women she was but only an image of maybe a courtesan of the royal court.

  The queen sat upon her throne awaiting her new blood as always she sat with her feet up and her legs spread slightly to give a show of her shapely calves. She felt flush and a dampness forming between her thighs as they marched in the prisoners. As they were paraded in front of her one by one she spied Rowan right away as the look on his face was not of fear but of lust. As he was presented to her she bid him to come forward, she noticed his britches pulled tight across his manhood. As he now stood just inches from her, she saw he was indeed a handsome lad and she picked her skirts as she told the boy to bow to his queen.

  On his knees between her thighs, he saw not the young pussy that his dream Cristiana might have but the wrinkled and sagging cunt of an elder woman. Suddenly it became dark to Rowan and he realized the queen had thrown her skirts back over him. At the same time the guard behind pushed him forward until his lips were touching hers. He noticed as he gently kissed his queens inter folds that in the dark he could not tell if it were she or Cristiana. This made it all much easier for him and he simply began doing to the queen what he had wanted to do to Cristiana for oh so long. He searched her cleft until he located that nub so precious to all women young or old. He teased it with his tongue until it engorged and grew rigid. He then put it between his lips and gently bit on the very tip. He felt someone or maybe something grab his head to hold it in place and he took this as a signal of the queen's satisfaction. He sucked on this nub as a baby on a teat until he suddenly was pushed away from his treasure.

  Then Rowan was back in the light as the queen lifted her skirts and he was pulled to his feet by the guard.

  "Come with me boy," were the queen's only words as she grabbed his hand and they left the great hall. Had Rowan done something wrong, was he now being marched to his own execution? No, he thought that couldn't be right for it would be the royal guards not the queen taking him to his death. The queen must have been pleased with him and they were now retiring to her quarters for a second round. When entering her boudoir Her Highness instructed her maids to undress her and then shooed them out of the room, then climbing on her massive bed she simply said, "Do me."

  This would be different as there was no darkness to hide all these wrinkles and sags. Rowan remembered how easy it was to administer to her needs in the dark and decided not to see her with his eyes but with his imagination. He knew he was pleasing to see so as a tease he slowly undresses himself for his queen. As he got down to his undergarments, he watched her eyes grow big with anticipation as she waited to see his manhood. Once naked he wielded his sword preparing to do battle and when he looked to her, he spied a drop of spittle spill from the corner of her painted lips.

  Rowan then mounted his queen and quickly plunged his sword to the hilt as she gasped in air from his daring assault. He then rogered her as no one ever before and soon she was begging surrender as she screamed out in orgasm. Only then did Rowan spill his seed deep in her womb. After, Queen Anne, ruler of the realm, purred as a kitten might after a bowl of warm milk.

  "My young swordsman I am sparing your life but not your freedom for I shall never allow you to leave my bed chambers."

  And thus, began Rowan's new life as the queen's male courtesan. As the queen had insatiable appetites, his work although pleasurable was exhausting. Between his battles, he had run of the palace and the grounds around it, which he used to his pleasure. As he had the queen's ear, he was able to install many benefits to the peasants of his glen. One evening Rowan sat in the great hall to full to move from his repast that included venison, goose, lamb and a roasted pig. He pondered on his new life and thought that the only way it could be better was if his darling Cristiana could some way be included. At that precise time the queen turned to him and said,

  "Rowan, I find myself in need of a new chamber maid. Do you by chance know of some handsome young lass I might use?"

  The End.

  Sex After Sixty

  First off, I'd like to say to all you young whippersnappers out there, stop saying eww. We older people have as much right to a good sex life as you do. Just remember only the lucky get old and if you're lucky enough to get to my age, you'll want to get laid too. Next, the only qualifications I have to talk on this subject are of a personal knowledge, as I have no professional training in this field.

  Everyone, man or woman has a right to an active sex life no matter how old he or she may be. However, having that right does not necessarily mean you or your partner has the ability to fulfill that right. In most people, aging is a gradual process and we tend not to notice our loss of stamina and a lowering of libido. Many couples are amazed when they find out how long it has been since they've been intimate. There appears to be a certain time line and once crossed, sex disappears between them. It is an unconscious decision that we make, that going without is just easier than having sex.

  Our sex life began declining after my wife went through menopause. As the closet sub in our relationship, I always enjoyed letting my wife take the lead in not only our marriage but particularly in the bedroom. With the hormone loss, came a lessoning of desire from her and although still willing to participate, she no longer had a strong sex drive. When you add in less lubrication and my no longer rock hard erection it tended to make sex work instead of pleasure.

  As I kept getting the feeling that she was merely allowing, instead of wanting sex I would often fail to achieve orgasm and just give up. My wife took this as a lack of desire for her, further complicating our sex life. She interpreted my failed performances as a sign that she no longer had a desirable body. I repeatedly told her this wasn't true but to her she had my feeble erection as all the proof she needed. She told me many times that she didn't miss the sex as much as she missed the post coital cuddling. As for me, I just couldn't bring myself to tell her it wasn't her body that failed to turn me on it was her lack of a sex drive.

  Everything physically appeared to work for both of us just not well enough for us to have sex. I turned to internet porn and masturbation and although not hard enough for intercourse, I would be firm enough to achieve orgasm. My wife turned to romance novels for much of the same reason. I kept jacking off and she kept losing herself between the pages of Harlequin as the clock kept ticking. It didn't take long before we just quit trying, weeks turned into months and months into years.

  Finally, my wife came to me one day to say she wanted to have sex. As always, she was the aggressor and took the first step. She asked me what I thought was inhibiting our ability to make love. I told her I believed it to be honesty as we held back our own feelings from each other. I then went on to say that, I also missed our sex life and that we should put more effort into it. We gave it another try and achi
eved another failure. After finally giving up, we sat together on the bed naked both trying to find some way of accomplishing something we had done thousands of time. She asked me what I thought of the little blue pill or one of the many other male sexual enhancements. I told her I was concerned what they may do to my health but that I would be willing to go to a doctor and talking to him about them. I told her that I was capable because I could still masturbate to orgasm. She leaned over and took my limp dick in her hand. Then suddenly she let go of me and scooted back on our bed.

  "Do you remember when we were young and I would sit back and let you watch me play with myself but not allow you to touch me?"

  Just the thought made my dick twitch and I'm sure she saw it because she got that evil grin on her face that I always loved. She put her hand to her slit and separated herself with one finger. I told her she always drove me crazy with her teases so she continued. She began to rub her clit then she gave me that little girl frown as she said,

  "I'm just so dry, I need to be wetter."

  I got down between her legs and stuck out my tongue, yet not touching her. She ran her finger over my tongue and then inserted into her slit.

  "Oh yes, that feels better, now open up and give me some more."

  She used my saliva for lubrication repeatedly and just as she neared orgasm, she moved forward putting her slit in my face. She came for the first time in months that I know of and as for me I was hard and humping the bed under me. She lay back down and I mounted her as she helped insert my erection inside. As we made love, I kept going back to those times, long ago, as she pleasured herself while she teased me unmercifully. I came maybe not like a racehorse but at least as good as an old man can.

  It was wonderful and we both felt satisfied, not only from the sexual act but also from accomplishing something we no longer felt possible. I went out that evening and purchased a bottle of sex lube to help her stay wet. The next time we tried it I applied the lube to both her and I and after I entered her, I talked to her of times past when she had driven me crazy with her sexy ways. Although she didn't achieve orgasm that time, I did and this satisfied her almost as much as if she had cum too.

  We are now having sex, not as often as we once did but at least we are having sex. To all you seniors out there not having sex with your partner don't give up. Talk with your spouse, talk honestly, but not mean. It is hard to tell the wife she is not wet enough without her thinking you're calling her a dried up old prune. It is just as hard to tell a man that he's not hard enough without him thinking she's calling him a limp-dicked old man. Remain calm and if you insult her apologize and if you feel the same try not to take it personally.

  As for the little blue pills, I never went to the doctor so I've never tried them. I feel my problem was more libido than physical but of course, I could be wrong. Don't be embarrassed about going to the doctor, they are prescribing these pills by the carload and I'm sure they're helping millions of couples. The only thing you need to do is take that first step and remember the longer you wait the harder it is to get back to that thing you both enjoyed so much when you were younger.

  The End.

  The Room

  I met Jan on my first day at university, and fell in love with her immediately. She was tall and willowy, with cascades of auburn hair framing a pretty face. She was fun to be with, always ready to party, but also intelligent and thoughtful. I worshipped the ground she walked on, and tried to be with her as much as possible. Unfortunately Jan didn't share my feelings for her. She was a reliable friend but nothing more; always ready for an intellectual discussion or for going to the pub with a group of mates, but either she didn't fancy me or she was saving herself for her husband, for she didn't date as far as I knew. Eventually I learned to live with my unrequited lust and stopped trying to seduce her; it had come very close to destroying our friendship, and I dared not risk that.

  After a few years I fell in love again and got married; Jan followed suit shortly afterwards – we went to each others' weddings and the four of us became and stayed firm and loyal friends throughout bringing up children. Jan and Russell lived at the other end of the country, so we didn't see them that often, but we'd visit occasionally and also meet up with other university friends. Every time I saw Jan I wondered how life would have panned out if she had responded to my advances and we had ended up married. She and Russell seemed to have a loving relationship - they still held hands when out walking, for instance - and although I liked him a lot I felt obscurely jealous of the fact that he had had sex with Jan countless times ...

  One year – by that time we were all in our early fifties and the kids had left home – they invited us to share a little cottage they had booked in Derbyshire. Of course my wife Debbie and I accepted immediately – there were few people with whom we would rather have shared a cottage, and we looked forward to long walks, good food and conversation, and sizeable amounts of wine being consumed. Arrangements were duly made and we arrived at the remote farmhouse about half an hour before Jan and Russell, lit the fire (it was March) and chose one of the two double bedrooms – the one we thought was the less desirable, to be polite, although in fact the whole place was luxuriously appointed.

  Jan and Russell arrived and we kissed and hugged and cracked open a bottle of wine. Jan sorted out the food they had brought while Russell unpacked their clothes upstairs. It was a very old house with many quirky features – a stone spiral staircase, for instance, as in a castle – and it took us a while to locate some of the facilities we wanted, such as a washing machine. The weather forecast was not good and I anticipated we might need one if we went walking in the rain.

  'There doesn't seem to be a drying room, or anywhere to air stuff off,' Debbie observed.

  'Oh, there's a big cupboard under the eaves off our bedroom,' Russell said. 'More like an extra room really. The hot water tank's in there, it'd be ideal for drying stuff off.'

  The website had made a big feature of the wild birds which frequented the garden, and being something of a twitcher I had brought my big phallic telescope and tripod, and set it up in front of the picture window which looked out onto the garden and down the valley.

  'Well, that'll give us something to do if it rains all the time,' laughed Jan. 'That and playing Scrabble.'

  'Yes, we can watch the neighbours,' said Debbie. 'Except there aren't any.'

  My wife and I cooked the meal that night (the couples planned to alternate) and we ate and drank to repletion. I normally go to bed pretty early, and get up at dawn, but tonight everyone else seemed of a like mind too, and we tottered off upstairs before 11. Jan was looking desirable in thin tight jeans and a blouse, and I wished that I was accompanying her to bed. She's aged well – her hair is shorter but still startlingly ginger, her figure still slim apart from a little tummy. I resolved to vent my lust on my wife, but in fact I fell asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow.

  I awoke early, as usual, and pottered downstairs in the silent house to make a pot of tea and look at the birds, as always more active at dawn. To my delight a greater spotted woodpecker clung to one of the feeders.

  After a while I heard a noise, and turned to see Jan come into the room. She looked sleepy and her hair was tousled, her face without any make-up, which made her look older but prettier and more vulnerable. She wore a full-length blue silk nightie with spaghetti straps and from the way the morning sun outlined her body it was clear that there was nothing under it. She squinted at me.

  'Morning. Anything interesting to see?' Jan's voice is soft and husky at the best of times.

  'Woodpecker. Come and have a look. Oh, there might be some tea in the pot.'

  She sat next to me on the bench which I had placed in front of the window and peered through the telescope. I felt the warmth of her hip against mine. In aligning the 'scope again I automatically put my arm around her waist, letting my hand rest casually on her hip. Only a flimsy layer of silk was between me and her naked skin. Jan can be very affec
tionate, although she doesn't flirt, and we quite often put our arms around each other.

  This time I felt her arm around my waist too, and when she had looked though the 'scope we just sat there like an old couple. Jan rested her head against my shoulder.

  'I had the most amazing sex last night,' she said softly. We hardly ever discussed sexual matters, at least not in a personal context, so I was rather surprised at this conversational gambit.


  'Mmm. I had dozens of orgasms. I'm still tingling.'

  I couldn't think of a suitable response, and just concentrated on the feel of her tingling warmth under my hand.

  'I suppose,' she mused, 'if I'm honest, I've never really enjoyed sex much.'


  'Oh, don't get me wrong, I mean, I like sex, of course, but only as part of making love. I've never been bothered about it for its own sake.'

  'But last night ...?'

  'Last night – all night in fact – I just couldn't get enough. I just wanted sex, pure undiluted raw sex. Love didn't come into it ...'

  I wish I'd been there, I thought, and stroked her hip, confirming the absence of panties.

  'Nothing wrong with that.' I was conscious of an erection stiffening rapidly in my trousers. A glance showed that her nipples were hard.

  'No ...' she chuckled. 'I'll see if Russ wants a cup of tea. He's worn out, poor guy.'

  She got up slowly, trailing her hand across my back, and the spell was broken. I watched her in the kitchen, her body languid with orgasmic afterglow, caressed by the flimsy silk. Jan was still a very desirable woman. She took two cups upstairs and didn't reappear; I imagined her slipping into bed again and awakening her husband with further demands. My erection took a very long time to subside.

  Later, when everyone was up and breakfasted, we decided to go for a walk anyway, despite the showers which had now set in. We could take in a pub lunch on the way. Waterproofs and boots were donned, and we set off. After lunch it rained very hard, and we all ended up rather damp even with the waterproof gear. By mutual consent we took a short cut back to the cottage and stood in the hallway dripping and laughing. We shed our waterproofs and I made a big pot of tea while the others went upstairs to shower and change. My wife was down fairly quickly but Jan and Russell took ages – I wondered if Jan's new-found love of sex had delayed them. Maybe I was right, for when they appeared both were looking flushed and happy. Jan's smile lights up a room, and once again I found myself falling in love with her.


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