The Rougher Explicit Collection of Stories Box Set Compilation

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The Rougher Explicit Collection of Stories Box Set Compilation Page 100

by Amira Bradford

  Do not contact me again until you are calling with the room number. Follow the contract explicitly.

  The next few days my stomach was churning. On Saturday I took a ride out to a deserted field on the other side of town and burned all my clothes except for the one outfit I had been allowed to keep. I had purchased my ticket to Seattle, and then from there I was booked on Alaska Airlines to Anchorage. I had my reservation for the hotel, but would not know my room number until check in. I sold my car, computer and just about everything else the following week. With only a few days to go until my flight I became almost sick with fear, and then desire, lust, fear, back and forth for days on end.

  When the big day had come I was almost calm as I headed out to the airport for my first flight, with my only luggage being a watch, camera bag, drivers license, passport and my two powers of attorney.

  It wasn't until I was in line about to go through the scanner at the airport that I remembered the two silver rings tying my genitals together. I almost fainted when the alarm went off as I walked through. I was sent back again, with the same result. I was taken over to the side for a personal scanning. When the wand went off again at my genital area the TSA agent asked what could be setting it off. I then quietly told him I had a couple of piercings down there. He told me I would have to have a private screening, and then guided me by my elbow to a room on the side set up for private screening. I could see all kinds of strange looks from other passengers and TSA agents as I was whisked away.

  This time the scanning was done again, but when he got to my crotch he just said to lower my pants and underwear so the piercings are visible. As I was doing this I remembered the panties as well and almost died from humiliation as I lowered them. When the TSA agent saw the panties he snickered, but then let out a "holy shit" when he realized the purpose of the piercings. He looked at it for what seemed like forever, but was probably only a few seconds. I was told to get dressed again, and was then escorted back out the door. I was totally humiliated by this, but sadly very excited as well. My little dick was straining at the rings to get hard. Once again, I was on my way though, "free" to travel to Seattle.

  When I boarded the Alaska airlines flight in Seattle and sat down, I realized how crazy this was to be doing, but I was so caught up in the fantasy I couldn't stop myself. I was sweating profusely and actually had to get a paper towel to dry myself off. I even got excited thinking how this may be the last time I ever get to sit in a chair again. I know that most people think I am probably insane to be doing this life altering event, going to be with a Man I never met, and allowing myself to be used as a slave. I know it is crazy, but that is the problem with living your life as a fantasy, if you think about something long enough and support that fantasy in your head enough, it becomes real, at least to me.

  Before I knew it the 3 hour flight was over and I was headed in a taxi to the Capt. Cook hotel. Even at this point it was still a fantasy I was playing out, even when I checked in, received my room number, and called Him from the lobby. A machine answered with a deep gruff voice saying to leave a message. I said 341A and hung up. I quickly went to the room, but everything on the desk as directed including his watch, wallet, and ID, noticed that the time was 7:30pm, got on my knees and waited....

  The End.

  What I Wanted Most

  For 3 weeks I'd watched her, one of the Moms at my sons school, watching her at the school gates, definitely one on my MILF list. Long blonde hair, amazing blue eyes, always dressed understated, blue jeans or cut off combats.

  One day she'd realised and I'd noticed her checking me out, looking to see if I wore a wedding band., of course I'd looked at her hand the absence of a band telling me nothing. The following week I'd been given a new property and moved in across the road from hers. For the next couple of days I tried to ascertain her status and came to the conclusion, she was either widowed, single or had a husband who worked away.

  The following week was filled with moments of flirting, nothing obvious, just smiles and nods and the odd comment, until today that is.

  I'd nipped into the local supermarket and spotted her across one of the aisles, quickening my pace I'd almost caught up with her when I stopped in my tracks. Her usual combats had been replaced with a short and when I say short, I mean tiny denim skirt, the kind that leaves you wondering if the woman is naked underneath. She turned to smile at me and my mouth had almost dropped open, her usual t shirt was replaced with the tightest tiniest vest top, her breasts straining against the white sheer material which barely covered her naked skin.

  "Holy fuck" I'd groaned. I'd shadowed her around the store trying to work out what she was wearing under that skirt, white cotton panties? Lace thong? Totally naked? Her movements had given nothing away, leaving me contemplating the possibilities as I'd stood a couple of places behind her in the queue.

  She'd paid for her goods, pushed the trolley to the far wall and then deliberately leaned over to retrieve the items ensuring that the whole market was treated to the sight of her firm naked bottom. "Third option" my mind almost screamed. "she's fucking naked and letting the whole world know."

  She'd glanced behind her and had seen my stare and slowly leant further forward ensuring that I got the full view of her glorious pussy, she was obviously one of these women who waxed to the max, not one pubic hair graced that beautiful sight. She'd shifted position and I'd caught a glimpse of her sex glistening, she'd known the whole place was looking at her and she'd loved it. Throwing the few items into the plastic bag she'd turned and smiled before walking out.

  I'd gotten to the head of the queue and practically threw my goods into the bag, paid the woman and didn't even bother to wait for my change, I'd had just one thing on my mind at that moment, that woman and her cunt and sinking my aching cock into it.

  Passing her house I'd noticed her door open and took it as an open invitation after the show she'd put on, dropping my bag I'd ventured inside only to find her standing on the stairs.

  "You liked what you saw didn't you?"


  "You've wanted to fuck me for weeks yes?"

  "God yes."

  "Upstairs then"

  Jeez was this happening? I'd questioned myself Could she really just be giving herself so freely? She'd looked at my expression and nodded, "Third door on the right"

  Taking the stairs two at a time I'd made it to the landing and looked behind me to find her following me, her top pulled up and her hands moving over her breasts. Seeing them uncovered was something else, for weeks I'd wondered what they were like always obscured by the t shirts she wore, but they were something else, huge but definitely not sagging and definitely real, no plastic surgery there.

  "You like?" She'd purred


  "Well if you're good and give me what I want I might let you touch"

  "I'll give you what you want now" I'd moaned my cock pushing painfully against my jeans.

  "Not until I give you what you want," She'd nodded towards the door behind me "In there and sit on the chair."

  I'd walked into the sweet smelling room behind me, her scent lingering in the air and taken a seat in the chair opposite her bed.

  "I saw you looking at my cunt earlier did you like what you saw?"

  "God yes"

  "You wanted to touch didn't you" She'd smiled seductively "You followed me around the store wondering if I was naked underneath this skirt, wondering if my cunt was wet"

  "Yes" I'd managed

  "Well it was, it was practically dripping, I knew you were watching, I saw the way you looked at my tits, I saw you looking up my skirt, and I knew what you were thinking and do you know what I almost let you fuck me right there" She'd stood in front of me and hitched up her skirt "You wanted to do this" One finger had slid into her cunt as she'd met my gaze "But I know you'd like something else."

  "Yes I want to fuck you."

  "I know, but I know what else turns you on"

  Walking awa
y she'd climbed onto her huge bed and produced something from a box on the duvet, "You're an ass man aren't you?"

  "What?" I'd looked at her surprised wondering how she'd known Yes I love fucking a cunt like everyone else but to do some woman up the ass is my ultimate fantasy, something my partners have never consented to.

  "I said you're an ass man, you'd like nothing more to do a woman in the ass."


  "Well watch me"

  For the next hour I'd watched as she'd violated her little ass with various toys, the tiny rosebud stretching as she'd pleasured herself, each item getting progressively bigger, from the tiny thai beads she'd started with to a full size dildo, each time working herself until she'd reached an orgasm. In awe I'd watched, I'd never seen a woman work herself this way, yes I'd seen previous partners finger themselves but to fuck themselves in the ass was something else.

  I'd watched as she'd cum again the sheet beneath her now soaking from the hot fluids that had dripped from her cunt. Sighing contentedly she'd turned her gaze to me her eyes roaming over me ending at my now throbbing cock

  "You want to know how it would feel to fuck my ass don't you?"

  "Yes" after an hour of watching I'd wanted nothing more, I'd wanted to grab those cheeks and grind my way in, pound away inside her and discover how it felt to shoot my load into that tight little channel.

  "Come on then" She'd held out her hand "Come and join me."

  I'd stripped of my clothes and stood before her my huge cock bobbing in front of her face and I could see she liked what she saw. Without bragging I am pretty big and I couldn't wait to feel how that ass would be wrapped around me.

  "Very nice" she'd murmured licking her lips "Next time I'm going to have to suck that off"

  "Next time, why not now?"

  "Because this time I want you strictly in my ass and that's what you want too."

  She'd reached into that box of hers again and pulled out the biggest dildo I'd ever seen, meticulously modelled on some guy every minute detail perfect. "Why don't you use this one on me."


  "Fuck me with it."

  I'd looked at the toy doubtfully and then at her ass as she'd kneeled on all fours in front of me, the thing was huge there was no way she was going to be able to take all of it, even after an hour of playing with her ass it was never going to fit.

  "Are you sure?"

  "Yes use it and open me up so you can fuck me afterwards"

  I'd looked at her glistening cunt and began to slide the cock into her her intending to lube up a little when she'd pushed my hand away. "No just ram it in me"

  "I.. I don't think.."

  "Just do it will you, just fucking fuck my ass with it."

  And I had, I'd rammed the thing into her so hard that she'd screamed, a scream that told me it was pure pain and pleasure for her. I'd watched as her little hole took the cock that was at least the size of my fist, something that any other woman would struggle with being shoved in her cunt never mind her asshole and I'd fucked her into oblivion loosing count of the times she'd came, just focussing on her ass and the way her cunt spilled hot cum onto the sheets.

  Eventually she'd stilled and looked over her shoulder "Your turn now, time to live out your fantasy"

  I'd moved into position behind her, looking down at her glorious asshole knowing that I was going to claim it as my own, that I was going to finally find out how it was to fuck a woman this way.

  "Lick me first" she'd moaned

  Moving towards her my mouth had automatically moved to her dripping cunt.

  "No my asshole, eat me there like you want to."

  Christ, I'd took the invitation and pulled her cheeks apart and lapped over that glorious bumhole of hers, even though it had been violated to kingdom come it was still tight. My tongue had swirled over the puckered area again and again trying to work out how I could probe further.

  "Open me baby" She'd groaned "Open me and lick me."

  I'd placed two of my fingers against the opening and pushed gently, surprised at how easily they opened her up, experimentally I'd placed my tongue in and knew I'd pushed the right button as I'd felt her tighten and cum immediately. Christ I've only touched her, my mind spun as my tongue probed further, her hole opening up more allowing me to intrude further. I'd licked my way around that sweet little ass amazed at the way it tasted, listening to the deep throated moans that had come from her.. "Fuck I'm gonna cum again"

  I'd kept up my movements and before I knew it she was screaming, hot cum dripping freely from her pussy now. I'd inhaled deeply my senses overloaded with the smell of her cum and ass.

  "Fuck me" She'd whined "Fuck me now."

  As much as I'd wanted to I was enjoying the hold I'd had over her all too much, Yes there was nothing more I'd wanted than to ram my aching cock into her hole but at the same time I'd been loving her reactions to my repeated tongue action, finally fulfilling my fantasy of licking out some woman's ass the way I'd licked cunts so many times before.

  "Just fucking fuck me" She'd demanded "Fuck me and fill me else it's over."

  Those were the words that bought me to my senses If I didn't comply I wouldn't get the chance to fuck this beautiful woman whose asshole was waiting for me, was waiting for me to fill her with my cum. Positioning myself behind her I'd placed my sensitive tip against her waiting channel

  "Ram it in" She'd screamed "Fucking ram it in and do me."

  I'd pushed and found myself sliding in, wondering how she could take me with no lubrication, her muscles obviously trained to accept whatever was rammed into her sweet little bum. I'd moved my hands to her hips and pounded her hard desperate to comply with her wishes and fill her.

  "Oh my God fuck I'm there I'm there,"

  I'd felt her muscles close, her cunt spasming and sending delicious contractions around my aching cock and before I knew it I was cumming myself , sending load after load of hot sticky cum into the depths of her ass. I'd carried on thrusting riding my orgasm out in that tight orifice of hers, loving her body bucking against mine, her pushing back on my still hard cock.

  "Fuck me again" she'd groaned "Fuck my ass until it's dripping like my cunt is"

  Her words had had the desired effect and I'd felt myself growing hard as she'd moved herself up and down my shaft, her desperately wanting to feel my cum filling her again. Twenty minutes of relentlessly pounding her ass we'd cum again both of us collapsing in a screaming heap.

  Things carried on this way for the next couple of hours, me violating her ass again and again, fingers, tongue, cock it hadn't mattered which, the only thing that had mattered was the constant feelings of some part of me jammed in her hole.

  Pulling myself from her I'd quickly dressed and left, the taste of her tight little bumhole still on my lips mingling with my cum which I'd lapped from her.

  Closing the front door behind me I'd realised that I hadn't asked her name, that she was nothing other than one of the Mom's I'd like to fuck.

  The End.

  Double or Nothing

  It was bowling night for Jeff Tailor and his friends from the football team, and the crew was making the most of their first week of freedom as high school graduates. There was so much whooping and high-fiving going on that Jeff didn't notice the girl in the lane beside him until they were halfway through the first game. It was Melody Spincer, his next door neighbor and long-time nemesis. They caught eyes before he could look away and both gave the usual mutual sneer of disrespect.

  Jeff and Melody had grown up together, their houses right across the street. They had been best friends from the early years to the early teen years, playing together from dawn to dusk most every chance they got. They were both good athletes and shared a competitive spirit, which sometimes lead to knock down drag out fights, though they were always friends again within a few days.

  As they became teenagers they began to drift apart, and by the time they were in high school they had become like night and day. Jeff hit a
growth spurt and was 6'4 and over 200 pounds by his freshman year, and became a big time football player. He liked to fish and hunt and was a man's man. Melody was a 5'8, 120 pound spitfire, a top notch gymnast and environmental activist. During the high school years it seemed liked they were constantly on opposing sides of everything, so they were in constant confrontation mode. In fact, everybody in school was well aware of the ongoing, they called it the Tail-Spin feud. Now that they were both 18 and graduated from high school, they had little chance for future interaction.

  As fate would have it, they both ended up in position to bowl right beside each other at the same time. They couldn't help but acknowledge each other.

  "Hello Melody," he mumbled.

  "Hello Jeff," she answered.

  They both started forward at the same time and then stopped. Jeff stepped back and gave a gentlemanly sweep of the hand.

  "Ladies first," he said with a grim smile.

  Melody nodded politely and set up to bowl again. Just as she was getting ready for the first step forward she stopped and got a mischievous look on her face. She looked sideways at Jeff.

  "Best ball wins a turtle ride," she challenged.

  Jeff looked blankly at her for a second, and then gradually an image formed in his head and a smile came slowly to his face. A turtle ride was something they used to do when they were kids - the rider would get on the other one's back to carry them across the creek. Jeff was smiling at both the memory and the ridiculous image of Melody carrying him on her back.

  "You're on," he grinned.

  Melody lined up and rolled her ball smoothly down the lane like a pro, curving it in from the side. Though the ball was in perfect position, somehow one pin remained standing. Still, when she walked back she looked pretty confident.

  "Nine pins," she said. "I've been watching you bowl, you'd be lucky to get five."

  Jeff feigned seriousness. "But that was before I knew the stakes," he said. "A turtle ride is no laughing matter."

  He stumbled down the lane with all the finesse of a blind rhino, let the ball loose too late and sent it crashing down in the middle of the lane. In an act of random stupid luck, the ball somehow found a way to take out all ten pins, making Jeff the winner.


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