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The Rougher Explicit Collection of Stories Box Set Compilation

Page 137

by Amira Bradford

  As I ran my hand up the small of her back, Kiki, keeping her eyes closed, cuddled up close to me as if to approve with what I was doing. She reached out to kiss me, saying, "Don't stop." She followed this with climbing on top of me, with her head resting on my shoulder. She had a very light sandalwood perfume which I found to be enchanting.

  I continued running my right hand down her back and did not encounter anything. Kiki was not wearing any knickers.

  In a sleepy voice, Kiki said, "Are you shocked? The weather is so hot here."

  She had no doubt been aware of where my hand had been.

  "I have been waiting for four years to be with my big burly Aussie detective."

  Kiki raised herself up so she could access my shirt to undo the buttons to expose my chest. She dropped back on to me for a period before sitting up and pulling her dress over her head so that she was now naked. I was right in that she had small breasts but the sight of them surely got my hormones racing.

  "Are you disappointed because my tits are so small?"

  "No. I would not have them in any other way. They are beautiful."

  "Right answer", and with that, she began kissing me again.

  Kiki rarely wore a bra and later told me she really had nothing to support. She only wore a bra when working as she did not want to have men, looking at her bare tits, down her shirt.

  Kiki got up and went to the end of the bed where she commenced removing my jeans, followed by my underpants. For the first time I was able to observe Kiki's diminutive body. She had pale skin without tan lines, carried no body fat at all and had a very small neat bush.

  One thing I had previously noticed in many Japanese girls was that they had fatty legs whereas Kiki's legs were slim and well shaped in keeping with her slim body.

  She crawled up to my penis which she massaged before putting the tip in her mouth. After a while, when I had risen to the occasion, Kiki moved up so she could straddle my hips before lowering herself slowly, on to my penis, at the same time, releasing a sigh. She then rode me although at times, we swapped roles so that I was raising her hips, allowing her to slide up and down my penis.

  Kiki closed her eyes, threw her head back and began to breathe heavily, occasionally releasing a contented moan. At times, she stopped for a period, opening her eyes and looking down at me with a devilish look in her eyes before she recommenced riding my penis.

  Kiki appeared to be content to continue riding me and controlling the fucking. I was quite happy for this to continue, listening to the contented moans from her.

  With my hands free, I was able to reach up and massage her tits which appeared quite sensitive to my touch, but when I pinched her nipples, they proved to be super sensitive, judging by Kiki's reaction.

  We had been fucking for quite some time when I felt that Kiki was about to orgasm. I had been holding back for some time and began to orgasm after Kiki.

  Kiki dropped down on to my chest, putting her arms around my neck and holding me to her.

  She remained in that position until I felt her relax and her breathing began to deepen. I slowly eased her body off me, although her head remained rested on my shoulder. I pulled the covers over her.

  I lay awake, thinking about the events of the day and my linking up with my beautiful, Japanese doll. I looked down at her sleeping form just to reassure myself that it was not a dream. Kiki was certainly real.

  In our whispered conversations later, we both confessed that we had been imagining such an encounter during the years we had been apart, although I had wondered how we would fuck, due to the difference in our size. Later, Kiki had told me to just go ahead with fucking her as she would tell me if any position was uncomfortable for her. I was very aware of her diminutive size and did not want to harm her.

  I asked if Kiki wanted to go out for dinner but she said that she was suffering from travel fatigue, her flying time had been 20 hours with stopovers and she did not think it a good idea to go out as she would surely fall asleep. I had allowed for this and had bought ingredients to cook. Kiki had put on her blue dress, without underwear and had taken up a position on a stool at the bench in the kitchen while I prepared dinner. I must admit that knowing that Kiki was sitting there without knickers did keep my hormones on their toes.

  I had decided to cook scallops so as to recreate our previous meal together and I also knew that my earlier presentation of this dish had gone down well with Kiki.

  "It was your cooking which first caught my eye and the way you both cooked and ate with chops sticks. I was impressed. I can still remember the scallop stir-fry you cooked in the hostel. That was delicious. Would you like me to prepare some Japanese dishes for you?"

  Kiki did a tour of my cupboard, noting their contents and then drew up a list of ingredients she would require.

  The End.

  Just Relax

  "Just relax," the woman whispered, "The drug should be wearing off now but you shouldn't try to move much."

  Drug? What the hell? And that voice who was it?"

  "My name is Jennifer," the voice said, "You're in good hands, Richard, don't worry."

  His half-open eyes finally began to sharpen a little and he could make out a person sitting on a chair next to the bed. Dark hair and trim figure were the only details he could make out as he fought his eye-lids trying to close again. He wanted to ask her questions but the pull of sleep was too strong. He faded off once more into unconsciousness.

  A cool wash-cloth brought Rick out of his dreams. His eyes opened slowly, but without a fight this time. He looked up at the pretty young brunette tending to him.

  "Who are you?" he asked.

  "I'm Jennifer," she reminded him, "You've had a rough time so don't try to get up just yet."

  He grimaced as he realized his mouth was very dry. "What happened? Where am I?"

  "I've been watching over you," she said, "you're in our home."

  "How did I get here?"

  "My sisters and I brought you here." She said wringing out the wash cloth.

  "Sisters?" he said puzzled.

  "Yes, Richard my sisters Irene and Mindy brought you here. You'll meet them later if you wish." She stopped wiping his forehead with the cloth and leaned back.

  Even in his confused state, Rick recognized that she was one of the most beautiful women he'd ever seen. She looked around twenty-five years old and almost had to be a model or an actress.

  "You must be thirsty," she said, and he nodded. She smiled, "I'll be back in a moment."

  Jennifer was tall as well, and dressed in a conservative, black business dress. She closed the door behind her as she left.

  He took stock of his surroundings. The room was large and airy, with picture windows dominating two walls. Light, gauzy curtains weren't shear enough to see through but suffused the room in the yellow-red light from a setting sun. His sickbed was king size with a thick, yet surprisingly light, white comforter atop light-blue satin sheets. "Why am I here?"He forced himself to think back. He remembered his earlier awakening and inability to move he'd been certain he was going to die when his panic over-whelmed his lungs. He thought back further and remembered... something. There was a street. He'd been walking home. And something had happened. A girl no it was a woman. In an alley she called out to him. He turned and... Had he gone down the alley? His head was starting to hurt again; he couldn't remember what had happened then.

  Jennifer returned with a glass of water for him. "Drink up," she said, "you need it."

  He had no trouble obeying his dry mouth was grateful for the liquid. Odd taste to the water though...

  "You're looking much better," Jennifer said.

  "What happened...? I remember an alley and a girl..."

  "You were attacked," she said taking the glass and placing his arms back under the comforter.

  "Attacked? How and why and by whom?"

  Something like pain flickered across Jennifer's perfect features. "Someone came up behind you and stuck a needle into you."
She said securing the sheets around him.

  "Why... Why would some...someone...," Rick was having trouble concentrating on the conversation. What she was saying was crazy. Rick had no enemies; everyone liked him. And it was scaring him and something was wrong. He'd been feeling strong up until just now.

  "Relax," Jennifer said, "you still need a bit more sleep. Just relax." Her voice was soothing and Rick let himself do as she instructed. He slipped back into a drugged sleep and stayed that way through the night.

  The End.

  Goldilocks and the Three Bears

  There was once a family of three men, who were known locally as "The Three Bears" who lived in a cozy cottage in the woods where they worked as lumberjacks. There was great big, more than seven foot tall "Daddy Bear", medium size six foot four "Uncle Bear", and a shorter, eighteen year old "Junior Bear". They got their name from the huge quantity of thick black body hair that covered them, complemented by bushy beards, their stocky stature (not to mention rather round bellies in the older two) and their strange habits, including avoiding clothes. People from villages nearby avoided them, though they believed them to be harmless.

  One morning Uncle Bear cooked them some porridge for breakfast. As the porridge was too hot to eat, the Three Bears decided to take a walk in the woods while it cooled.

  They had not been gone long when a young, eighteen year old, girl named Goldilocks came along. She had been picking flowers and had wandered into the woods. She was very pretty, her long curly golden hair tied back from her freckled face with blue ribbons, skipping along in a short, pale blue, lace-edged dress so occasionally her yellow knickers were visible in the dappled shade of the trees. As she went her large breasts bounced with each jump of her beautiful, if slightly podgy legs, covered up to the knees with long, white socks with frills at the top going into black buckled shoes.

  When she saw the Three Bears' cottage, she smiled and clapped her hands. "How pretty!" she cried. "I wonder who lives there?" She stood on her toes and peeked in the window. There didn't seem to be anyone home, so Goldilocks opened the door and went right inside!

  The first thing she saw was the table set with three bowls of porridge; a great big bowl for Daddy Bear, a medium size bowl for Uncle Bear, who was on a diet, and a little bowl for Junior Bear.

  "Oh, that porridge smells good!" Goldilocks said. Then, as she was feeling a little hungry, she picked up a spoon and tasted the porridge in the Great Big Bowl.

  "OUCH!" she cried, dropping the spoon. "That porridge is MUCH too hot!"

  She tasted the porridge in the medium size bowl. But that porridge was MUCH too cold.

  Then she tasted the porridge in the little bowl. "Mmmmmm," she said. "This porridge is JUST right!" so she ate it all up!

  Then Goldilocks saw the three chairs set before the fire: a Great Big Chair for Daddy Bear, a Medium Size Chair for Uncle Bear, and a Little Chair for Junior Bear. "Oh, it would be nice to sit down for a while!" Goldilocks thought.

  So she climbed into the Great Big Chair that belonged to Daddy Bear. "Oh, no!" she said. "That chair is MUCH too hard."

  Then she sat in Uncle Bear's Medium size Chair "Oh, no," she said. "That chair is MUCH too soft!"

  Next, she sat in Junior Bear's Little Chair. "Ahhhh," she said with a smile. "This chair is JUST right!"

  Goldilocks' mind began to wonder, and her fingers lifted up her skirt and slipped into her panties. Closing her eyes she began to rub her clitoris in circles, moaning in delight as she thought of her teacher whom she fancied. Faster and faster she went, and as she neared orgasm she started leaning back in the chair so it stood on the two back legs. Soon she began to cry out and convulse as she climaxed. Just then there was a loud CRAAACK! and the little chair broke right through!

  Goldilocks stood up and dusted herself off, giggling to herself. Then she climbed upstairs to the bedroom. There she saw three beds all in a row. "Oh," she said, yawning, "I am feeling sleepy after that food and orgasm."

  So she pulled down the covers and climbed into Daddy Bear's Great Big Bed. But she quickly jumped down. "That bed is MUCH too hard!" she said.

  Then she tried Uncle Bears Medium size bed. But it was too soft.

  So she climbed into Junior Bears Little Bed. It was JUST right. Soon Goldilocks was fast asleep!

  A little while later the Three Bears returned from their walk. They were feeling very hungry and were looking forward to eating the nice bowls of tasty porridge.

  Suddenly Daddy cried out in his Great Big Voice, "Someone has been eating my porridge!"

  Then Uncle cried out in his Medium Size Voice, "Someone has been eating MY porridge!"

  And Junior Bear cried out in his deep but still young Junior Voice, "Someone has been eating my porridge. And they've eaten it ALL UP!"

  Then the Three Bears saw their chairs near the fireplace.

  "Someone has been sitting in my chair!" Daddy Bear said in his Great Big Voice.

  "Someone has been sitting in MY chair!" Uncle Bear said in his Medium Size Voice.

  "Someone has been sitting in MY chair," Baby Bear cried in his deep but still young Junior Voice. "And now it's BROKEN!"

  Then the Three Bears went upstairs to the bedroom.

  "Someone has been sleeping in my bed!" Daddy Bear shouted in his Great Big Voice.

  "And someone has been sleeping in MY bed!" Uncle Bear exclaimed in his Medium Size Voice.

  "Someone has been sleeping in MY bed," Junior Bear squeaked in his deep but still young Junior Voice. "AND HERE SHE IS!"

  Just then Goldilocks woke up! When she saw the three bears standing around her, she leaped off the bed and made to run down the stairs and out the door. However, before she could, Daddy Bear caught her in his big arms and set her on the bed where she stood looking very scared surrounded by the Bears.

  "You've been a very naughty little girl," Daddy Bear told her in his Great Big Voice. "We should take you back to your mother and tell her what you've done."

  "Please don't hurt me Mr. Bear," Goldilocks pleaded. "And please don't tell my mother, for she will beat me so very hard. Please let me go."

  "We won't hurt you my dear," said Uncle Bear in his Medium Size Voice, "But you have been naughty and so if you do not wish us to tell your mother you must let us punish you and do what we say before we let you go."

  "Oh yes, yes anything if you'll let me go!"

  "How old are you little girl?" asked Daddy.

  "Eighteen, sir," she replied, calming down a little now she knew she wasn't going to be beaten.

  "And have you ever slept with a man?"

  "Y-yes," she replied, finding it easier to say so to the bear-man than she would to someone in her village, but wondering where this was going.

  "OK, then first I'd like you to let my son here mate with you, he'll be gentle I promise."

  Goldilocks was shocked, but knew that she didn't have a choice. And now that she looked at him, Junior Bear was quite a sweet looking guy, despite the excessive body hair, so she agreed.

  "Very well, please pull down your knickers and get down on the floor." Goldilocks obeyed, lifting her skirt and pulling her yellow knickers down to her knees then getting on to hands and knees facing Uncle Bear with her arse to Junior Bear. To her surprise, she could see that Uncle Bear's penis was rising into an erection already. Behind her she could hear Daddy Bear explaining things to Junior Bear as he lifted her skirt.

  "Now son, this hole is her anus, we may come to that later, but for now just know that it is not for mating in order to make babies. The important part is this hole, which is called the vagina. Before we can do anything, we must make sure that it is wet and slippery. Climb on to the bed, that's right, and touch it with your finger. Now is it wet?"

  "It's kind of slimy."

  "Then she is already excited, but to make sure and practice for a time you meet a woman who isn't such a slut, gently push your finger inside." Goldilocks made a sound to show she was offended, but was ignored, and really she enjoyed
this talk.

  "Like this Dad?"

  "That's right son. Now add a second one, and slowly slide it over the skin around it. Can you feel her getting wetter?"

  "Yes Dad."

  OK, then she is ready. Put your hands on her hips."

  Goldilocks felt the warmth of his rough lumberjack's hands press against her buttocks.

  "Now, I'm glad to see that you have an erection, this is normal when you are near an attractive, aroused woman."

  Goldilocks blushed.

  "When you have one, you insert your penis into the vagina, carefully and slowly until either it won't go anymore or the female says stop. Now, what's you name dear?"

  "Goldilocks." she replied.

  "Are you ready, Goldilocks?"


  "Very well. Son you may begin, but remember what I said, go carefully, and if she says stop, you stop."

  Junior Bear pushed forwards slowly, not wanting to spoil his first sex education lesson, and Goldilocks gasped. He may have been small for his family, but his cock was several crucial millimetres thicker than any she had had before. It was shaped differently too, more rounded at the beginning as it entered her, and getting fatter sooner, then a few inches in getting a bit thinner again. When he'd got it all in and she could feel his warm, hairy legs against her buttocks, she reckoned it must be a good seven inches long, and it felt good inside.

  "That's good nephew," said Uncle Bear. "Now pull out again and push back in a nice steady rhythm."

  Junior Bear did so, Goldilocks feeling his slick cock stroke her insides as it pulled out, pulling her rear with it a little when the bulbous end came close to coming out, and then he pushed in again, not so slow now that he knew she wasn't hurting. She gripped the quilt and let out a little moan, which worried Junior Bear until Daddy Bear told him that meant he was doing well. Reassured he sped up, pushing harder so she moved back and forth a little with each entry and exit, her long golden hair falling over her face, and her breasts swinging inside her dress.

  "Faster please," Goldilocks gasped, giving herself up to her lust, and Junior Bear began banging his cock into her pussy faster, and she moaned in response. Getting carried away, she over balanced and fell sideways, the guy's hands slipping so they landed either side of her head, his hot breath on her face. She tried to get up but couldn't, so called out to Daddy Bear.


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