by Jaymes, Holly

  “Good girl,” I heard him whisper as I came. He was staring at me while I shook, while I soared above us. This orgasm was even better than before, even more explosive. I had no idea how that was even possible. Each time we had sex, it felt like nothing I ever experienced before.

  When my breathing began to calm, he drew his hands away from me. I was still breathless, but at least now, I thought I could see clearly.

  Cliff stepped away from me, while I flushed.

  “Those jeans need to come off,” he said, in a commanding voice. I avoided his eyes, but I did as I was told. I rolled them down all the way to my ankles and then stepped out of them. Then I removed my panties.

  There wasn’t a stitch of clothing on me now.

  Cliff removed his shirt while he watched me. I could see his cock standing up between his legs, strong and raging.

  As his remaining clothes fell to the floor, he started stroking himself.

  “Do you have any idea how many times I’ve imagined seeing you like this again?” he growled.

  I could see it in his eyes that he wasn’t lying. But hearing him say that made me sad. I imagined it too. I had fantasized about sex with him a million times. But I also fantasized about a life with him, about starting a family with him, about growing old with him.

  I gulped those thoughts away. I tried to remind myself that it was just our bodies that mattered tonight and pleasures of the flesh. I had the rest of my life to feel miserable about him. I just needed to focus on the moment.

  I stuck my breasts out toward him, while he watched me. He stroked himself as he did. I could see every muscle on his body bulge and move. His sharp jaws were firmly set. His eyes were dark and dangerous.

  “I didn’t think I would find you again, Piper,” he said. There was a lump in my throat again.

  “I’m here now, so what are you going to do?” I asked.

  Cliff grinned.

  He lunged at me, wrapping an arm around my waist and lifting me up in the air. I squealed with joy as he carried me to the couch, the same place where his friends and I were sitting just some time ago.

  He gently laid me down on it. I could feel my whole body tingling with delight. I needed him inside me.

  Cliff stood himself over me, looking at me and stroking himself for a few moments before he got down on one knee. He took hold of my legs and parted them so that he was now between my thighs. His cock was aimed directly at my pussy.

  I wriggled and rolled my hips in anticipation of what was to come. His hands were on my hips, stroking the flesh on the top of my thighs. Slowly, I watched him move in my direction.

  Inch by inch, his cock entered me, parting the wet swollen folds of my pussy. I felt a shot of pleasure travel like a bolt of electricity through my body. I still wasn’t accustomed to his size.

  He filled me up, taking it gently now as he thrust himself inside me. I could feel every inch of him. He sunk himself into me. I could feel the soft thud of his balls against my butt underneath as he started to pulse.

  In and out, it was a slow lulling rhythm. He was on one knee, with his other leg folded in position. The right angle and height for his cock to enter me.

  I was scrunched up against the back of the couch. With every thrust he made, my body trembled and shook. We were facing each other. I was looking into his eyes.

  This was the same guy who took my virginity. He was my first, and I wished he was my last. Because I knew I would never need anyone else after this. No other man’s body would ever be good enough.

  He reached for my breasts with his hands and pinched my nipples, tugging and pulling them with his fingers. It was a pleasurable pain, I winced and moaned, and my mouth hung open.

  Then he started rubbing my clit again. His cock was inside me, and his fingers were on my sensitive throbbing clit. I held on to the arms of the couch as tightly as I could.

  “Come for me, Piper,” he groaned. From the raging passion in his eyes, I could sense that he was going to come too. I arched my hips up to receive him. I wanted to feel him shoot inside me.

  His fingers on my clit became rougher, slapping against my sticky juices. I felt my eyes roll back in my head just moments before I came. I wanted to watch him coming too, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t keep my eyes open.

  I heard him grunt, but my orgasm had taken over me. My body shook with pleasure, I thrashed my head on either side and chewed on my lip to keep myself from screaming.

  I could feel his cock thrusting in and sliding out. He was emptying himself inside me, filling me up with his cum and seed. I was full to the brim with him, I was content and happy as long as he was inside me.

  Then the fresh glow of my orgasm started to melt, and I knew he was going to stop coming too. When he pulled his cock out of me with a swish, I experienced that emptiness again.

  Cliff looked at me with longing and a look of apology. I didn’t want him to apologize. I didn’t want him to regret it.

  He held his cock and stood up, running a hand through his tousled dark hair. I could see the tattoos on his biceps, on the side of his abs. I knew those tattoos very well. I knew when he’d got them and the story behind each. I still felt like I knew him.

  There was a sense of sadness in me now that I couldn’t get rid of.

  Cliff brought me my clothes, including his shirt that I was wearing. I didn’t ask for mine. Secretly, I hoped that I would be able to keep this piece of clothing of his. It would be just a little something to hold on to for the rest of my life.

  “I’m glad you came to see me tonight, Piper,” were his first words.

  I put on my underwear, my jeans, and his shirt.

  “I don't know if it was a good idea to come here,” I told him.

  I wished I had more self-control around him. But, every time he looked at me I seemed to break into a million pieces.

  “But you did,” he added.

  I was sitting on the edge of his couch now. I was staring at him with determination. I needed him to know why I came here, and that I had made up my mind. I wanted him to take me seriously.

  Whatever reason he had for breaking up with me, apparently still held true. He hadn’t changed his mind about a relationship between us. He just didn’t have the same feelings for me that I did for him.

  “I came here to tell you that I knew you sent Martin,” I said.

  Cliff put on his clothes too, well most of them. He was still shirtless. He was at the bar now, pouring water from a jug into two glasses.

  “And I apologized for that already,” he replied.

  When he brought the water, I took the glass from him and drank thirstily. I hadn’t even realized I was parched.

  “And also,” I said when I’d finished drinking. “I came to tell you that I lost my job tonight.”

  Cliff’s brows crossed and he looked at me in surprise.

  “What?” he asked, thundering.

  “Yeah, I lost my job. Chef Morris fired me tonight.”

  I was trying to be strong, to keep my head up but I could feel myself cracking inside.

  “Piper, I’m sorry…” he said and crouched down in front of me. He reached for my knees, gently squeezing and rubbing them.

  “Do you know why he did it? That guy seemed like he didn’t need a reason!” he continued. I gulped. I had to be strong and just tell him.

  “It’s because of you,” I said.

  There was a sudden silence in the room. Cliff looked confused, and his hands had stopped working on my knees. I moved away from him, got up off the couch and stepped away.

  “Piper. I…” he began to say, but I interrupted him. I didn’t want to hear another word from him.

  “Ever since you walked into the restaurant that night, I’ve been in Chef’s bad books. First with the lamb and then you threw a customer out. Then you barged into the kitchen, and then you sent Martin. Over the course of one week, I caused more interruptions to the kitchen than ever before. I don’t blame him for firing me. I wasn’t doin
g my job well.”

  Cliff stood up facing me. He squared his shoulders with a sigh and shook his head.

  “They didn’t deserve you, Piper. You’re talented, and you work hard, but you reap no rewards,” he said. I clenched my jaws with anger.

  “How do you know that? How do you know any of that? You know nothing about me, Cliff. You knew a nineteen-year-old from ten years ago. You have no idea what my life is like right now!” I screeched.

  The rhythm of this room had changed suddenly and drastically.

  “I know you’re talented. I know you deserve better than this. Am I wrong?” he asked as I snapped my face away from him.

  “All you need to know right now, Cliff, is that you caused this. Once again, I let you into my life, and it was a mistake. I should have learned my lesson the first time,” I said.

  He didn’t reply for a few moments, so I took this opportunity to leave.

  “Piper, where are you going? It’s the middle of the night!” I heard him. He was charging after me while I made my way hurriedly to the door.

  “I’m leaving, Cliff. This time for good,” I said and turned to him. He stopped in his tracks, and I could see the guilt covering his face.

  “If you ever cared about me, Cliff, you’ll just leave me alone now. Please, just stay away from me!”

  He didn’t make a move. His face had gone dark, and he looked upset, but he didn’t say anything. I was relieved. If he put up a fight, if he even tried a little bit, I knew I’d melt.

  I threw open the door and stepped out into the night. I didn’t turn to look at him again as I ran to the front gates of his mansion. I could sense him watching me from the door, but I didn’t stop or look. Finally, maybe I would be able to go on with my life now and not have to look back.

  Chapter 16


  Two weeks later

  I didn’t see or hear from Piper in two weeks, ever since that night she went running out of my house. That night was special. Having her there with my friends, making love to her in my house I felt something shift in me. I felt like maybe, just maybe we might have a chance.

  Maybe ten years later, I could make amends. Hopefully, enough time had passed, and things could be different now. I thought she had feelings for me too, and I was happy.

  But then everything changed in a matter of moments. She told me that she lost her job and it was my fault. I was happy to take the blame for it, but she didn’t even let me help. She just ran out of my house and never looked back.

  And now, I had no way of reaching her.

  I went back to Privy a couple of times, and each time, the manager told me she didn’t work there anymore. They refused to give me any information on how I could get a hold of her. I didn’t know her number, I had no idea where she lived.

  The only thing I regretted now, was not asking her all this while we were still talking.

  Two weeks went by, and she was all I thought about. I had no idea if she was even in Boston anymore.

  The idea that she might have returned home reminded me of her family, specifically, her sister, Lily.

  Piper’s older sister Lily was never exactly a fan. I knew what she thought of me, and after everything I had done, I was sure that she hated me more now. But Lily was probably the only chance I had of getting in touch with Piper again.

  I still had her old number, and I took the chance and called it. To my surprise, she answered the phone. It was amazing to realize how little things had changed in our town, even though ten years had gone by.

  “Lily, it’s Cliff Evans. I hope you remember me,” I told her.

  For a few moments, Lily was silent. I could sense her working out a strategy in her head.

  “Cliff Evans? Why on Earth are you calling me?”

  The same tone of disgust was in her voice. I knew why she disliked me. She thought I wasn’t good enough for Piper. When we met, I was just a teenager on a bike, trying to act macho and portraying this image of being a womanizer. Lily knew what my reputation in town was. I drank a lot, partied even more, and I dated a new girl every week.

  But everything had changed with Piper. When I fell in love with her, I wasn’t that guy anymore. But Lily and her parents refused to see that. They still saw a no-good loser who wasn’t doing anything with his life. I wasn’t good enough for their precious Pipe, and the truth was that they were right.

  Piper deserved the world, and at the time, I wasn’t capable of giving it to her.

  “I’m calling to ask if Piper is okay,” I said to her now. Lily sighed.

  “She’s fine, Cliff. She’ll be better if you stay away from her.”

  “I think I should speak to her. There are some things I need to tell her,” I continued. I was lying because I didn’t exactly know what I would tell Piper if she was in front of me right now. All I knew was that I wanted to see her again.

  “Look, Cliff, if my sister doesn’t want to be found by you then I’m not going to give her away. Not after what you did to her!”

  I rubbed a hand over my face. I deserved this. Lily had every right to be defensive about her sister. I was nobody to her.

  “You do realize, Lily, that things have changed. I’m not that guy anymore,” I tried.

  “You mean you have money now? You really think something like that is going to matter to Piper?” she snapped.

  “But it would matter to you, won’t it? And your parents. It would make me more deserving of Piper in your eyes!”

  I shouldn’t have said that. Those words came out of my mouth from nowhere.

  “I cannot believe you just said that to me!” she hissed.

  “Look, Lily, forget I said that. I apologize. It was out of turn. Just please let me speak to Piper, and I promise I’m going to do right by her,” I pleaded.

  Lily scoffed.

  “Oh, you mean how you did right by her when you dumped her right after Christmas? Right after she introduced you to our parents. You have no idea how excited she was. But I knew. I knew all along the kind of guy you were, and I was right!”

  I was pacing around in my living room, trying to control myself from exploding. Piper was like a drug, and I was addicted. I needed to see her again, or else I felt like I’d be sick.

  “You were right about me back then, Lily. I wasn’t good enough for her. But you have to believe me, I always loved her. I never stopped loving her. I broke up with her because I did.”

  She was quiet again. I could hear her harsh breathing over the phone, but she wasn’t saying anything.

  “Lily? Do you believe me? I’ve always loved Piper. No other woman has even come close.”

  She sighed again.

  “I don’t know what to believe, Cliff. All you’ve done is caused her heartache,” she said, but this time her voice was softer and calmer.

  “Tell me what I have to do to prove it to you, and I’ll do it!” I exclaimed.

  “There is nothing to do anymore, Cliff,” she replied.

  Chapter 17


  Two weeks later and everything had changed.

  I was still in Boston because I had nowhere to go. There was no way that I was going back home, not in this condition. But in my apartment now, I was miserable. I hadn’t even begun to look for a new job, because I knew that everywhere I went I would be met with disappointment.

  Chef Morris would have made sure that I couldn’t be hired in Boston anywhere. No decent restaurant or cafe would want me now. Just the thought that I had to move somewhere else, to some new city and start anew there filled me with dread.

  Then there was Cliff or rather the lack of him in my life.

  Just in a matter of ten days, he managed to change everything. For ten years, I was fine. I had always felt this void without him, but at least my life was somewhat on track. Now, I didn’t have a job, I didn’t have him all over again, and I hadn’t spoken to my family in weeks.

  Also, I found out that I was pregnant.

  A child that belonged
to Cliff was growing inside me, and I could feel it there. When I first had my suspicions, I bought as many pregnancy tests as were available in the store next to my apartment.

  Each one of them had returned positive. I was definitely pregnant.

  And it couldn’t be anyone other than Cliff.

  Now he was out of my life for good, but he left a part of himself inside me. I was going to be a mother soon. I would have to raise this baby alone without a job, without even the prospect of a job. Where was I supposed to go? What was I going to do for money?

  If I were to earn a decent living, I would have to move. How could I move in this condition? How could I start again somewhere new while pregnant?

  I knew my life was falling apart, and I had never felt this alone before. If only I had someone. If I had someone like Cliff to look after me, to be there for me. But I knew he didn’t want me. He never wanted me.

  The only reason he tried to give me money was because he felt guilty. He thought that throwing an investment at me would make everything okay. Well, nothing was okay!

  I was in my apartment, sitting on the rug in my small living room and trying not to get sick. I wished I could call Lily, but I couldn’t. I didn’t have the heart to tell her what had happened to me. I knew she would feel sorry for me. She would remind me why she ordered me to stay away from Cliff.

  I should have listened to her.

  Instead, I followed my gut instinct and look where that got me!

  I couldn’t get myself up off the floor. I felt miserable and alone, and then the doorbell rang. For a moment, I had a fleeting fantasy that it was Cliff. I imaged that he found me somehow and everything was going to be okay.

  So I rushed to the door, and instead of Cliff, I found Lily on the other side.

  I debated whether to open the door. I had half a mind to pretend like I wasn’t home so she would go away. Then it struck me that she would have driven several hours to get here, and I didn’t want to punish her for that.

  I opened the door grudgingly. For a few moments, my sister just stood there, staring at me. I was in pajamas. My hair was ruffled, and I knew I was in a sorry state.


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