Wings of Spirit

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Wings of Spirit Page 7

by G. Bailey

  “You’re having a panic attack. Breathe nice and slow and listen to me talk. Just listen and think of nothing else,” Elias says calmly, trying to soothe me, but it doesn’t work. I just feel like I can’t breathe, and everything I don’t want to remember or think about is rushing through my mind.

  “I-I can’t do this,” I breathe out, my words catching and likely not making any sense.

  “Isola Dragice, you know what I thought when I first met you?” he asks as I try to take deep breaths and just relax in his smoky scent.

  “No,” I shakily exhale.

  “I thought, ‘wow, she is pretty gorgeous’. Then a few hours later I thought, ‘wow, she is going to die super quick because she is so clueless’,” he says, and it makes me laugh a little.

  “If you’re trying to make me feel better, you suck at it,” I eventually say, loving the soothing circles he rubs into my back with his thumb.

  “It took one week for me to know I was absolutely wrong about you. So wrong. I saw how strong you are, how kind, and how utterly special. Isola Dragice walked straight into a world she could barely remember, clueless and heartbroken . . . and held her head high even when everything was stacked against her,” he pauses, lifting my chin, so we are looking at each other. “If that isn’t inspirational, I don’t know what else is. Everything you have been through, everything you have lost, and you are still standing here. That alone is amazing. You still fight for what is right when we both know it would be easier to run away.”

  “Why do you believe in me so much?” I question quietly.

  “Because I love you,” he whispers, and my eyes widen in shock as I just gape, momentarily at a loss for words. “Because I’ve loved you, an inspirational girl I met once as a boy, since you gave me that second chance at life. I spent years dreaming about her, even when I discovered she was the princess, and I knew she would never look at me twice. I love you because you never gave up on me, not once, even when I didn’t know who you were. I love you, Isola Dragice, and I will always be yours.”

  “I love you, too,” I whisper, and lean up, pressing my lips against his, only able to do it once before he loses all control and slams his lips firmly on mine and picks me up in his arms. Elias walks us through the trees, away from anyone or any path, as we fervently kiss each other. I pull his shirt off when he stops, and he slowly slides me down his body, gently biting my bottom lip before letting go and stepping back.

  “I want to see you, all of you,” he tells me, and I nervously unclip my cloak, letting it fall to the ground. I pull my top off, careful not to hurt my arm, and watch as Elias’s eyes widen and fill with heat. I wriggle out of my trousers as I scan my eyes over Elias’s chest, the dragon tattoo, the words on his heart, and finally down to the trail of dark hair that disappears into his jeans. I look up as my trousers fall to the floor, and I step out of them, standing completely bare in front of him. When I meet his eyes and see the desire, any embarrassment disappears as I see how much he wants me. How nothing he sees is anything other than what he wants, what he needs.

  “I’m yours, Elias. Isn’t it about time you show me what it’s like to belong to Elias Fire?” I whisper, and my words make him snap, taking one big step forward and picking me up. Elias lies me down on my clothes, holding my uninjured hand above my head as he keeps eye contact with me and presses his body against mine. Even with his jeans on, the friction makes me gasp as he knocks my legs apart. Elias slowly kisses down my jaw, pausing to graze his teeth against a sensitive part on my neck before moving lower. I moan as his lips find my nipple, sucking it into his mouth and biting down gently. The mixture of both pleasure and pain drives me crazy until he breaks away and spends time with my other breast.

  “Isola, you are so fucking beautiful,” Elias comments between kisses as he makes his way down my body until he finds where he was looking for.

  “Eli,” I moan as his talented tongue finds my core and starts twirling in slow, perfect circles that get me so close, but aren't quite enough to push me over the edge. The asshole is teasing me.

  “Enough, I want you now,” I say, and he lifts his head, seductively licking his lips as he looks down at me.

  “Are you sure you can handle me?” he asks with an amused grin as I slip my hands to his jeans, undoing the button and sliding my hand inside. Elias’s grin disappears when I wrap my hand around him, stroking him firmly and making him groan as he closes his eyes.

  “Are you sure you can handle me?” I mimic him, and his eyes leisurely open as his hand grabs mine, pulling me away only to maneuver his body on top of mine.

  “No, I know you are going to drive me insane when I’m inside of you. You already do just when we kiss," he tells me and kisses me, stopping anymore talking. I kick his jeans down his legs, writhing against him as his hands explore my breasts and his lips devour my own. I gasp as Elias thrusts into me, every inch of him feeling amazing as he slowly fills me up.

  “Eli, I love you, don’t stop,” I mumble out around kisses, arching my back as Elias kisses my neck and groans loudly as he slams into me again and again.

  “I won’t. God, you’re everything,” he says, leaning up and kissing me roughly as he picks up his pace. I moan as an orgasm unexpectedly slams into me, and Elias bites my neck, speeding up his thrusts until I feel him finish. We both lie together, our foreheads resting against each other, and our heavy breathing is the only sound.

  “It’s impossible how much I love you,” he whispers, and I smile as I whisper back.

  “Nothing is impossible.”

  Chapter Twelve


  “Okay, are there any more leaves in my hair?” I ask Elias after shaking my hair out once again. I don’t want to meet Korbin’s parents with flushed cheeks and messy hair that is full of dirt and leaves. They will know straight away from our scent alone, but I’m not hiding my relationship from anyone. I couldn’t even if I tried. The whole camp must be talking about how I basically claimed my dragon guards when Essna asked me to choose them or the throne. Starting off on a lie isn’t the best way to do anything. Elias chuckles, pulling his shirt on and walking over to me. He reaches a hand into my hair and pulls out a leaf.

  “Just the one, and now you’re perfect,” he grins, making me laugh. Elias helps me clip my cloak on, and I’m just about to start walking back to the path when he speaks.

  “I was worried what happened with the Earth boy would affect us. You would tell me if I scared you, right?” I turn at his unsure voice and walk straight up to him, placing my hands on his chest.

  “You could never scare me. I didn’t think about–” I have to clear my throat before I can say his name, “Michael. What he almost did, well, it’s not going to ruin my life. Do I get scared sometimes? Yes. But never when I’m with any of you. I know I’m safe, that you’d never hurt me, so I don’t need to be scared.” I stop rambling when he kisses me, and I can feel the smile on his lips before I even see it.

  “You’re always safe with us. I’m glad you know that,” he replies, linking our hands together, and we walk through the forest. We are silent for most of the walk once we get back on the path and pass a few huts with people milling around. Most of them stare, and a few children run past us as they sing songs with big smiles on their faces.

  “The people look so happy here,” I say quietly.

  “Yes. I know the fire rebellion was once a group of dragons, seers, and humans that believed in the old ways of Dragca to guide them. They trusted light and dark magic, fire and ice, and all that Dragca naturally gave to them. Your father did not hold those same beliefs. He did not think dark magic should be respected, or even practised. I don't believe he trusted magic of any kind, purely because I heard of many missions where guards were sent to find and stop practisers,” he says. I rest my head on his shoulder as I look at the children and their mother watching them from the door with a big smile on her lips. How could my father destroy people for loving Dragca and magic?

�Why would he hunt light magic users? It makes no sense, as far as I know you cannot use it for anything, and the only magic we’ve known for years is dark and destructive,” I say, thinking back to the stories Jace told me about. He said his parents told him that dark magic had taken over a farm boy, and he had killed an entire village by accident. His parents told him that story when he was twelve, and three weeks later they disappeared. We never did find out where they went, but Jace always said he felt like they were alive somewhere, though I’m pretty sure they are dead.

  “Lies. I know others were connected to the light magic, but not on a scale like you are and like Tatarina is to dark. They didn’t get spirits and the protection from that. They could just use it for tiny things, like healing plants and making light,” he says tensely. “Nothing that could hurt someone, not like what you are capable of.”

  “Did you see Tatarina a lot in the dungeons? Did you see her use dark magic to hurt someone?” I ask, because we haven’t had time to talk about where he was and what happened during those years I didn’t know he existed. It couldn’t have been easy, even with Thorne protecting them for me.

  “Yes. She liked to use her dark magic on us and the other prisoners, who she regularly killed by accident. I believe it made her stronger, and her dark spirit, Nane, enjoyed watching,” he answers. I know he is hiding the worst of it from me, and I squeeze his hand tightly, letting him know he can talk to me whenever he wants to. When did we all become so broken?

  “I don’t think we can kill Nane, not without killing Bee. I’ve heard several times now that there must be dark and light alive at the same time. I worry that destroying one, will destroy the other,” I whisper, but he hears me. I won’t let Bee die, not for anything. I’m too attached to the little green Barbie doll that eats like a horse and, I’m pretty sure, likes food more than me.

  “I don’t know enough of light and dark magic to advise you. I just know that Nane must be controlled if she is kept alive. Also, she won’t survive without a new host, not if you kill Tatarina,” he tells me, and I suspected as much.

  “Let’s hope Nane’s next choice is better than her first, or we will just end up killing one host after another, and that isn’t something I want to do,” I admit, and we both walk in silence to the end of the path where a large hut sits. The hut is two put together, but I imagine they make one house. There is smoke coming out of the hole in the middle of the main part of the hut, and I can hear quiet talking inside.

  “Time to meet the parents,” Elias teases me with a big grin on his lips, and I roll my eyes at him as we walk to the door. I lift my hand, knocking twice. The door is opened a few seconds later by Darth, who smiles when he sees us. He has a few cuts on his face that are stitched up, his grey hair looks brushed, and he has new clothes on, with a long cloak clipped at his neck. They have been looking after him, but I still feel a little bad about dropping him in the forest and cutting his face. Hopefully, they won’t scar.

  “It’s about time you got here, girl,” he says, and holds the door open as I walk in, and he shuts the door behind us.

  “I’m glad you’re okay after the fall,” I reply with a smile.

  “I was lucky to land in a rather large pond with Korbin and Elias. We swam out, carrying Korbin of course, and then the seers found us,” he says and points at his face as he chuckles, “though I managed to hit a few sharp rocks under the water somehow. I’ve always been a little unlucky.”

  “You were lucky my son was found right then. I doubt he would have survived much longer in the state he was in,” a woman says, stepping through a fabric curtain in the room and standing still, assessing me and Elias. The woman is stunning, with long black hair in braids, light-brown skin and green eyes that are the image of Korbin’s eyes. Even without her saying anything, I would have known she was his mother, or at least a close relative.

  “That was not my fault, Janiya,” Darth says, shaking his head.

  “You should have called me straight away, father! He is my only son, and if he had died, there would be nothing left!” Janiya shouts, fire lighting up her arms as her eyes turn black, and she looks away sharply as she calms herself down. I stare at Darth with my mouth gaping open.

  “You’re Kor’s grandfather?” Elias is the one that speaks before I can.

  “Yes, not that we ever met. I was a terrible father, always working. Janiya joined the dragon guard when she turned eighteen to escape,” he explains.

  “That’s not the only reason I joined, father; not everything is about you,” Janiya huffs, and Darth smiles indulgently at her.

  “You are just as stubborn as your mother,” he says, and shakes his head. “I will leave you to meet the woman your son is in love with.” Darth says, walking around us and out of the door as I lock eyes with Janiya.

  “Princess Isola Dragice, I presume?” Janiya says, crossing her arms and making the bangles on them clang against each other. It’s only then that I notice she has a dragon guard uniform on, a purple cloak and three metal, circular necklaces around her neck that match the bangles on her arms.

  “Yes, it is nice to meet you,” I say as I step forward and hold a hand out for her to shake. Janiya stares at my hand before sliding hers into it, gripping me tightly.

  “Thank you for keeping my son alive for as long as you and your guards did,” she says tightly, like it pains her to thank me. She stares at my eyes for a long time, seeming like she has just seen a ghost or something as she whispers under her breath. “You look just like your father.”

  “It’s nothing, I would never have let him die, and thank you. I’ve always heard I have my father’s eyes, but I look like my mother,” I say, pulling my hand away and glancing through a small gap in the curtain, seeing Korbin on a bed.

  “No, your mother had a kind face and your father was more . . . determined. You will find you are much more of your father than your mother, Isola Dragice,” she says, shaking her head.

  “I don’t think it matters who I am most like in looks, I know I am different to them both. More importantly though, I came to see Korbin. I need to know if he is okay,” I say, stepping closer to the fabric and the gap where I can see Korbin sleeping.

  “Unfortunately, I don’t wish for you to see my son anymore. You will cause his death, and I won’t allow that,” Janiya says, stepping in front of the gap and glaring at me as she crosses her arms again.

  “You can’t stop me,” I state firmly, crossing my own arms and holding my ground.

  “I will stop you if that’s what it takes, but instead, hopefully, you can be reasoned with. You are the princess, a princess that over half of this world is looking to kill or dedicate to a throne for the rest of your life. If my son is at your side, he will die protecting you, or worse, be used against you. Have you even thought about the risk of having my son at your side? If you care about him at all, you will walk away,” she asserts, making me question my own decision until I remember that I can’t make Korbin stay away from me. Even if I walked away, he would still protect me, and he could die at any point because life isn’t certain. Death is, but how we live our lives should be our choice. I won’t make that choice for Korbin. He knows the risk of being with me.

  “Janiya, love, enough of this. We have talked about our son’s decisions, and you know what he wants,” a man says firmly, after stepping out of the curtain and standing next to her. The man looks like an older version of Korbin as they share a lot of facial features, but he has light-brown hair, tanned golden skin, and kind-looking brown eyes.

  “Phelan, this is insane. He can’t mate with her! That would make a dragon guard a king, and no one will ever accept that! So, what is the point of letting them be together? She will get our son killed! Royals get everyone killed, and besides, her father killed my mother!” she growls out, pushing Phelan away and slamming her shoulder into mine as she passes me and walks out of the hut.

  “I didn’t know what my father did,” I whisper into the silence of the room. No
wonder she hates me. My father killed her mother, and in her eyes, I’m now trying to get her son killed.

  “We cannot be held accountable for the actions of our parents. I am sorry for my mate’s reaction. She just fears for Korbin’s life, and things have been touch and go for the last two days. I don’t think she has slept since he came back,” he explains.

  “I understand that. If I could walk away from him, I would have done so by now. I can’t, and ultimately, it is up to Korbin who he chooses to love and fight for,” I say gently.

  “My son has told me all about you, and I know there isn’t a chance in Dragca that he is leaving your side,” he chuckles. “You can thank his mother for his stubbornness. They are very much alike and are usually butting heads over something.”

  “Why did my father kill Korbin’s grandmother?” I ask.

  “I do not know everything, only that Janiya’s mother knew something, something she shouldn’t have known. The dragon guards were sent in the night, and they murdered Janiya’s mother while Janiya was training in the dragon guard. She found out the next morning and left the guard with me, running to the only place where the king couldn’t track us. The fire rebellion,” he tells us, and I glance at Elias, who looks as confused as I am.

  “I don’t understand. How did my father ever trust you two again? I mean, you are dragon guards.”

  “He didn’t know who we were, we changed our names, and your father had long forgotten Janiya over the years of hunting her. When you run from the curse, it does eventually give up on chasing you. The magic isn’t endless, and the king had many runaways to deal with. When Korbin was old enough, we knew he had to return because of the curse. We followed him back, became the best dragon guards your father had, and Korbin got the training he needed,” he clarifies.

  “Still, I am sorry for what my father did,” I say and look away, “I seem to be apologizing for a lot of his actions recently. I didn’t have a clue who he really was and what he did as king.”


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