Do the Gods Despise Us?

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Do the Gods Despise Us? Page 13

by Jeff Henrikson

  Seril’s expression changed from one of amused entertainment to one of concern. “You know much, young elf. Perhaps too much. However, I can answer none of your questions. For that, you will have to talk with Ramon or Gram.”

  Evisar was hoping for more, but Seril had at least confirmed the Krone were working with the Talon Guild and there was a wizard in charge. “Is the wizard here now? Perhaps we should talk to him instead.” Evisar didn’t really want to speak to the wizard, but it was important to let Xander know there was a wizard about.

  Seril smiled, perhaps guessing that Evisar was digging for more information. “Gram rarely comes out of his room, and Ramon is waiting. If you will follow me.” Seril turned around and headed for the inner keep. The men-at-arms closed ranks behind the three companions and urged them on.


  On the other side of the compound, Xander heard Evisar in his ear but didn’t respond. He was standing in front of the door to the dungeon building waiting for the right moment. When all eyes were focused on Evisar, Xander opened the door, stepped through, and shut it behind him. There was no one immediately in the hallway, and Xander didn’t hear any footfalls. The hallway seemed to go the length of the building with one door to the left and one to the right. The hallway ended with a T-shaped dead end with passages that went unseen to the left and right. Directly to the right of the front door was a stairwell that led upstairs. Xander walked down the hallway toward the unseen passageways on the other end. There was a stairwell leading down to the left and another stairwell leading down to his right.

  Xander dug into his pouch with practiced ease and found his lucky coin of Fortuna. Just then, a door behind him opened and slammed shut. Xander whirled around, but there was no one there. He heard footfalls that sounded like they were coming down the steps of the stairs he had passed near the entrance.

  He thought briefly about what the odds were that someone would move through the hallway at the exact moment he passed through, and then he threw himself against the wall as a female Krone came around the corner from upstairs. Xander could see that she was young and beautiful. The dark skin and white hair were somewhat offensive, but Xander was taken aback and could feel the attraction nonetheless. He didn’t have long to look as she passed by quickly, obviously angry about something. Xander decided to follow her.


  Seril led Evisar, Jefon, and Tristan through the door to the inner keep. Five men-at-arms followed close behind as they went up the stairs to the second floor. The second floor opened up into what appeared to be Ramon’s living quarters, complete with a large sitting room and two other doors in the back that must have led to the bedchamber and other personal areas given over to a base commander. Seril had the companions sit while he went into one of the back rooms. The Krone returned a moment later with Ramon and another knight in tow.

  Ramon looked much the same as he had during the battle. He was a middle-aged human who wore a black coat of arms over his chainmail and a black cape. Both the cape and the shirt were adorned with a white, jawless skull on a red sunburst, the symbol of Seker. The knight wore a sword at his side, had a beard covering his face, and bore the surcoat of a house Evisar didn’t recognize. Ramon seemed completely at ease and not the least bit nervous talking to someone he fought earlier that morning. He sat down with an air of supremacy while the knight took a standing position behind Ramon and to his right.

  Evisar waited patiently for Ramon to speak first. “I understand your name is Evisar.”

  “That is correct, Ramon.”

  Ramon gave a little smile and continued. “Seril didn’t mention the names of your other companions. Would you be so kind?”

  “Certainly. This is my brother Jefon and my friend Tristan.”

  “Excellent. This is my second in command, Sir Thrace of Kentar.” With the formalities done, Ramon asked his first question. “I seem to remember there were more of you on the banks of the river? Where are they now, please?”

  “You are holding one of our companions in your dungeon, and the other I left outside for various reasons.”

  “And what reasons would those be?”

  “One of your men on the river said you were interested in capturing wizards and priests. Given this insight, I thought it best to leave those members of our party behind.”

  “Ah, very astute, my warrior friend, but won’t you need their help if I decide to take you captive?”

  Evisar took the threat very seriously, but he responded truthfully. “There are three of us and only eight of you. You saw what happened to your much larger band that attacked us on the river, and they took us by surprise. What do you think would happen if we battled here and now?”

  “Big words for someone who is unarmed. I think I was able to take one of your companions captive last time; I would fare better with a more lethal mandate this time around.”

  Evisar let the threat hang in the air for a moment before changing subjects. “Seril has guaranteed us safe conduct for this meeting, so I guess we will have to see what his word is worth.”

  Sir Thrace spoke up, “You take the word of a Krone? No wonder Ramon took you so unawares on the river.”

  Jefon jumped out of his seat in defense of his honor, but Evisar quickly grabbed him and shoved him forcefully back into his seat. Sir Thrace smiled at Jefon and said, “Come on, elf, just try it.”

  Evisar looked at Seril and then at Sir Thrace. “I do take the word of a Krone. We may be mortal enemies, but there is a bond between warriors. I see this bond in his eyes, and Seril is most definitely worthy of my respect.” Seril inclined his head in affirmation, but Ramon only shook his head at the stupidity of the surface elf. Evisar looked at Ramon more calmly and asked, “Why are you taking wizards and priests? What purpose does their abduction serve?”

  “Why do you want to know?”

  “If I am to barter for Valihorn’s release, I need to know why he is being held.”

  “Yes, Seril told me you came to barter for your friend. How noble of you. I’m afraid I can’t tell you why we need magic-users. Let’s just say the more we have, the better.”

  “Then let me start this way. Is it possible for us to barter for our friend’s freedom or not? Should I continue to sit in this chair, or should we end this meeting now?”

  “Well now, that is the real question, isn’t it? If you were talking to our wizard, then your cause would be hopeless. There is no way he would consider letting one of our captives go. It’s lucky for you that I am sitting here instead of him. Fortunately for you, Gram just returned to the fortress, and doesn’t know I captured your friend. Plus, he barely leaves his room these days.”

  “It sounds like there might be some room to negotiate. How much is our friend worth to you?”

  “Well now, if you want your friend back, then it isn’t just me you have to worry about. You also have to pay enough to silence everyone you see here in this room. If Gram does happen to find out, he will be furious, so it will cost you something extra.”

  That didn’t sound good, but Evisar pressed on, “How much?”

  Ramon looked Evisar directly in the eye and said, “Ten thousand gold pieces.”

  Ten thousand gold pieces was an unbelievable fortune. All of the companions together might have one hundred gold pieces. Even the King of Armena would not have that kind of money on hand. Evisar shook his head and told Ramon honestly, “We don’t have that kind of money.”

  Ramon looked about lazily and raised his hand in dismissal. “Then our business here is concluded.”

  Chapter 49: Martel’s Miracle

  Jefon saw the crushed look on Evisar’s face as the negotiations fell apart. There was no way his companions could scrounge up that kind of money. Jefon felt a growing need to do something. Valihorn was wrongfully imprisoned and this was their one chance to get him back, otherwise he was going into the Underworld and beyond their reach. If this wasn’t Martel’s work
then what was?

  Jefon said abruptly, “We have the money.”

  Evisar looked irritated at Jefon’s outburst and probably thought he was being irrational again. “Jefon, what are you saying? You know we don’t have that kind of money.”

  “Trust me, brother.” Those were the only words that were spoken. The brothers looked at each other and seemed to have a conversation without words. Jefon turned to Ramon and said, “We can give you five thousand gold pieces.”


  “Seven thousand five hundred.”

  Ramon seemed fairly happy. “Done. Let’s see the money.”

  The negotiations were done and now was the moment of truth. Jefon nervously reached for the pouch on his belt that held the platinum coin of Martel. He took a moment to center himself and slowly reached his hand into the pouch. The tension in the room was obvious as everyone looked on to see what would happen. Jefon felt around in the pouch and a broad smile came across his face as he pulled forth a fist full of large gems with a single platinum coin. Jefon picked up the platinum coin and flipped it in the air at Ramon. Ramon caught the coin in his palm and saw Martel’s falcon in flight glowing with its own light.

  The light faded and Jefon asked with confidence, “Will this suffice, Ramon?”

  Ramon could not help but look lustfully at the fortune within his grasp. “Gentlemen, I believe we have a deal. Give me the rest of the money.”

  Jefon poured the gems back into his pouch, tied it shut, and said, “Not until we have Valihorn by our side in the courtyard.”

  Ramon stared at Jefon for a moment and smiled. “Who are you to give me orders?” Ramon raised his arm and snapped his fingers. Sir Thrace and five of the guards in the room immediately drew their swords. Seril stood motionless, watching events unfold. Ramon continued, “Tell me why I should incur Gram’s wrath for the fortune you are offering me, when I can just kill you and keep the gold for myself.”

  Jefon acted quickly before any blood was shed. He took Martel’s pouch off his belt and said, “Because this pouch is empty to you. It only answers to me, and me alone.” Jefon threw the pouch at Ramon, who flinched in surprise and caught it with both hands.

  Ramon shook the pouch and nothing happened. He untied the pouch and turned it over. Nothing fell out. “This is a trick. It’s some sort of magic bag.”

  “It’s no trick, and as you are a priest of Seker, you know full well that faith is more powerful than magic.” Jefon couldn’t help but take a jab at Ramon’s lesser faith, since clearly he was a hypocrite of the highest order. “The pouch is worthless to you. If you want your fortune, you will have to bring Valihorn to us in the courtyard. Unlike you, I give you the word of my lord, Martel, that you will have your money once we are all safe.”

  Ramon threw the pouch back at him in anger. “Fine, have it your way. But the cost just went up to nine thousand gold pieces.”

  Jefon bowed his head mockingly and echoed Ramon’s earlier statement. “Gentlemen, I believe we have a deal. Bring Valihorn to us in the courtyard, and you will have the rest of your money.” At Ramon’s signal, the guards put away their swords. Jefon looked over at Seril, who nodded deeply out of respect.


  The female Krone turned right at the end of the hallway and quickly descended the stone steps into darkness. Xander followed quietly behind her; when he reached the bottom of the steps he was greeted with nothing but silence. The Krone female was gone, and in her place it seemed as if Xander had entered another world – a world of stone hallways lined with torches, where mildew clung to the walls. The passageway was lined with stone from top to bottom, and the torches were spaced so far apart that Xander had trouble seeing as he walked between them.

  As Xander walked down the straight corridor, he was beginning to wonder if the female Krone had been a figment of his imagination until he saw an open door on the right and a closed door farther down on the left. As he came upon the door on the right he was relieved to hear a female voice coming from within. He peered in the entryway and found the beautiful female Krone having a heated discussion with a man behind a desk. The man wore a heavy black robe with a hood that covered most of his facial features. Xander looked closer at the hood, hoping to see the man’s face, but the room was poorly lit with a single reading lamp.

  The room itself had bookshelves filled with old tomes along every wall, with a bed in one corner and a large wooden desk in the middle of the room that was covered with parchment scrolls. Since Xander was supposed to be looking for Valihorn, the heated discussion was of little interest to him. He was about to move away when the conversation took an interesting turn.

  The female Krone spoke angrily. “Why do you delay? You have enough wizards and priests to devastate the elves. This fortress, combined with the other collection site, has provided more than enough magic potential. Why not cast your spell and be done with it?”

  The man in the black robe raised his voice in response to the accusation. “I thought female Krone were supposed to be the smart ones.” He drew himself to his feet in order to make his point. “This is not some simple spell that allows you to read a scroll or heal the injured. Everything must be perfect, and as I am the only one who can cast the spell, I will determine when it is time. The more magic-users we gather, the higher the chance of success, and the more devastating the effects.”

  The female Krone did not give up. “My Matron Mother wants to see results soon. She’s losing patience with your work.”

  The man pointed his finger at the female’s chest and said, “I do not care who your mother is, Arun. Up here on the surface, in this fortress, I command. Do not forget it.”

  Arun took a step closer and batted the wizard’s hand away. “I think you are delaying on purpose for your own selfish reasons, Gram. My Matron Mother doesn’t care about the politics inside your Talon Guild.”

  “Be careful what you say, Arun. I am not just a male lackey you can command.” With this bold statement Gram grabbed Arun by both arms and brought her close. Gram’s hood fell to his shoulders from the force of the struggle, and Xander saw the wizard’s face for the first time. He was a handsome man, with black hair, in his mid forties. Arun raked her nails across Gram’s neck as he grabbed her even tighter and kissed her full on the lips.

  Xander had seen more than enough. He wanted to get away from Gram as quickly as possible. He turned around and started walking back the direction he had come when he heard Gram’s voice echo off the stone. “Did you hear that?”

  “What is there to hear, my lord?”

  “Stop it, Arun. Can you not feel it?”

  That was all Xander heard as he raced up the stairwell as quietly as possible. At the top of the stairwell, he looked left toward the door leading to the courtyard and then at the other set of stairs leading down directly in front of him. Xander had a feeling the wizard was on to him, despite his invisibility spell, and he knew Evisar had just reached a deal for the release of Valihorn. With these two things in mind, Xander felt it best if he didn’t tempt fate by sticking around.


  Ramon forced a smile to come to his lips. “You are shrewd negotiators. We will exchange your friend for the money in the courtyard. Agreed?”

  Evisar managed to regain his composure a little bit and said, “Agreed.”

  Ramon turned to two of the men-at-arms and said, “You two. Go get this Valihorn and bring him out to the courtyard, quietly. Remember, the fewer people who know about this, the more gold we get to split between ourselves. Now go.” The two men-at-arms looked at each other with smiles and quickly ran down the stairs, slamming doors as they went.

  Ramon said, “Now then, gentlemen, if you would be so good as to accompany me down to the courtyard, we can conclude our business.”


  As Xander moved down the hall toward the door leading out to the courtyard he heard footsteps comin
g up the stairs behind him. Xander turned around in time to see Gram come walking into view. He was still wearing his black robe and his face was once again covered behind his hood. He stopped and looked down the hallway for what seemed like an eternity. Xander’s heart thumped in his chest and then skipped a beat as Gram took a step in his direction. After one step, Gram stopped and seemed to think better of it. He quickly turned around and bounded down the other set of stairs Xander had considered taking earlier.

  Xander spoke to Evisar through their magical bond. “Evisar, I’m coming out to the courtyard, but the wizard who commands the fortress is looking for me. Somehow he was able to sense my presence.”

  Evisar’s voice came back softly to Xander’s ear, “Head toward the main gate, and go out with us.”

  Xander moved quietly to the door, but as he reached for the door knob, it started turning on its own. He quickly hugged the wall as two men-at-arms entered the building. They hurried by and continued talking to each other. “Nine thousand gold pieces, do you believe it? I wonder how much of that we’ll see?”

  His partner responded, “Ha, you're dreaming, Paul. I’m sure Ramon and Sir Thrace will keep most of it, but it’s better than nothing.”

  “Well, they’d better give us something, otherwise I’m telling Gram, and that’s all there is to it.” The two men reached the end of the hallway, turned left, and walked down the same steps Gram just descended a short time ago. Xander opened the door and stepped out into the courtyard.

  Evisar, Jefon, and Tristan were walking across the courtyard with Ramon, Seril, and a contingent of thirty armed men. Xander moved along the wall and quietly sneaked up next to the large steel gate and waited.


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