God-Kissed: Book 1 (The Apprentices)

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God-Kissed: Book 1 (The Apprentices) Page 39

by Clark Bolton

  Autbek furrowed his brow. “He found an old book, one full of poems and legends … can’t see how that compares to a catastrophe.” As the words passed his lips he realized a sudden similarity with the so called Prophecy of Astrum.

  Eifled nodded his head. “Your look tells me you think a connection to the Earl’s fate. Don’t think it so tightly linked with the Sta, O’t, it isn’t yet so.”

  Feeling a little relief Autbek had to ask. “Is there a connection … I mean it is just a book?”

  “No, it’s not just a book.” Eifled replied sternly. “The Sta of the Tesslodken were not widely known of outside of Astrum or Bene Aimont. In fact they existed in a time before either of those two realms, but my point is that they were supposed to have been recalled. Not even the Un Sha have more than a few passages.”

  “Recalled? You mean the Tesslodken asked that they be returned to them?”

  “No, O’t, as I would guess that Berdtom has hinted to you they were recalled by the Secundai.”

  “How can either of you know that? Listening to your tales of the Ausic Covenant I would think anything like that would be just a … legend!”

  “Yes, that’s a reasonable conclusion, O’t…but there is someone in this room who can tell us for sure.”

  Autbek straightened up and then took a deep breath. “Be careful, Eifled, I will not be tempted in to using him like this.” He replied as he motioned toward the man-bird. “If the Sta is a cursed artifact from the time of the Tesslodken then I can’t ask Neustus to have anything to do with it!”

  Eifled nodded his head in understanding. “Wise, O’t, but don’t forget who found it!” As he said it Eifled turned his gaze to Neustus.

  Autbek could see how Eifled might think that as the case, but was unwilling to simply except it. “He sent us to that temple to find an Ausic ring, not a Sta. Why shouldn’t I think it a coincident …an accident?”

  “Really?” Eifled said sadly. “The most revered tome of your ancestors and one that even the Un Sha can’t lay their hands on. I don’t know if it heralds the fulfillment of the Prophecy, O’t, but I can tell you it must be kept secret.”

  Autbek closed his eyes and then looked to see if Neustus had responded in some manner. “I don’t think Berdtom is planning to do that.”

  “Then you must convince him of the need for it.” Eifled said sharply. “The Earl must not learn of it!”

  Chapter 22

  This party started out very different than the last one for Autbek, as this time he was the honored guest and so he was introduced alongside the Baroness Imeldacy, which left Onaleen unescorted for a while. It also meant that he followed Fesmbol which he found amusing but also troubling as he had so far been able to avoid a confrontation. He just hoped Onaleen was not regretting accepting his invitation to the party, though he did not really give her any option.

  As he walked the Baroness out into the crowd, after a lengthy introduction, he found Onaleen quite content; apparently the fabulous surroundings had her mesmerized. It also did not hurt that she looked gorgeous in her dress and had a couple of well-dressed gentlemen hitting on her already.

  The baroness lead him over to a small raised area of the large hall normally reserved for musicians where she then stood overlooking the crowd of some fifty odd people.

  “Shall I call you Autbek then?” She stated after he had informed her that was what he preferred. Lowering her voice she asked, “So what will he do today? I do hope he will be that boar again!”

  Autbek found the older baroness to be a charming lady and now she seemed quite excited as she was squeezing his arm tightly. Apparently she was both excited and apprehensive about ‘The Boar’ as she called Castor’s character.

  “Yes, I do hope we are safe up here from the creature. Yes?”

  “I would think so my lady.” He replied as he watched Onaleen laugh with the several gentlemen and ladies in the group she now seemed a member of.

  “Do you know when, Autbek?”

  “Um, no actually, but this fellow and his companions are about I would guess, my lady.”

  “Oh, is there more than one? Do tell me about the others!” The Baroness kept fending off advances from other party goers in an attempt to get details.

  “I’m afraid these acrobats are a bit secretive.” He was working up the nerve to ask if Onaleen might join them. “My lady, may I please introduce my young lady friend that I brought today? She is a student of mine.” He let that last part slip, though he was never convinced it was a secret anyway.

  “Oh, why yes.” She then waved over Onaleen as Autbek pointed her out. “She is studying to be a mage then?”

  “Yes, and I think she will be a fine one someday.” He watched Onaleen make her parting remarks to her new friends and then quickly walked over to the Baroness looking very shy now.

  “Oh, but I do think she is much too pretty for that.”

  Introductions were made and then the Baroness suggested they sit at the table behind them. It was a long slightly curved table where the Baroness and noted guests were to be seated. On hearing that Onaleen was on her way to becoming a mage the Baroness quickly had a place made for her on Autbek’s left, while she sat on his right. Apparently there was no husband at the moment or at least not at the party.

  After some small talk the Baroness quickly became distracted by all the courtiers that kept stepping up to chat, leaving Autbek and Onaleen free to talk. The other party goers seemed content to chat amongst themselves and overall there seemed to be a higher level of excitement at this party than the previous one.

  “Good so far?” He watched Onaleen carefully as she stared at all the people who walked by. She smiled and nodded and then went right back to doing it. “Guess so.” He muttered then absent mindedly fingered the ring on the chain around his neck and thought for a moment about the oath he’d been working to memorize. Doing his best now to put it out of his mind he turned his attention to the room as a whole and tried to guess where Castor and Haspeth might appear.

  Watching the crowd for a few minutes after being seated as a guest of honor, next to Autbek, Onaleen, was suddenly surprised when Fesmbol slipped into the empty seat next to her, she tried to quickly stand so that she could properly greet him, though she knew Autbek wasn’t going to like it but she felt she had no choice. Fesmbol motioned for her to remain seated as he looked past her and grinned at Autbek, who politely nodded at him.

  “Do be welcome lady Onaleen.” Fesmbol declared. “I’ve missed the both of you and have since discovered where you’ve been keeping yourselves.”

  “A pity, my lord.” Autbek said with a mock smile.

  “Oh, I didn’t know my lord.” Was all Onaleen could think to say.

  “Well no matter, but be assured I’ve left Lord Bek behind this day as I know how both of you are put off by his presence.”

  “I’m sure he would have loved to sit near me.” Autbek said in a sarcastic tone. “Makes me wonder who now has the task of holding your hand.”

  “Oh I’ve not found a pretty one as this to do it.” Fesmbol declared as he gave Onaleen a quick leer. “And I’m being most sincere.”

  Onaleen tried to smile and make light of his behavior until she glanced at Autbek and saw that he had his hand slightly raised with palm up, which for some reason she found a bit ominous. “You’re too kind-“

  “I don’t think either of us find your presence suitable.” Autbek said in a low tone.

  Any guise of playful acting melted from Fesmbol face as he warned Autbek, “Don’t think to have me placed in a box Councilor…there may just be Comusa about.”

  “Among other things they stink, Fesmbol, so I would be aware of them.” Autbek retorted.

  “Ah but my father loves that stink and will have it linger about me should it become necessary.”

  Onaleen then heard and sensed when Autbek cast a short spell, and so she squinted her eyes and tensed her muscles to prepare for whatever aftermath arose. She caught only a few
of the symbols of arcane-script, as he muttered them, so could only guess that the cantrip involved sound.

  “I’m the biggest bastard in this room!” Fesmbol seemed to yell out without moving his lips. She could see Fesmbol was enraged now as he leaped to his feet and leaned over her to hiss at Autbek. At the last moment she sensed he got ahold of his temper and so slowly sank back into his chair.

  “Don’t mess with me mage!” Fesmbol then looked around to see who was watching. “You need me…just ask that captain Berdtom of yours.” He hissed quietly.

  Autbek leaned around her as well and hissed back. “When Berdtom tells me you have worth then I’ll believe it, until then bastards shouldn’t sit near ladies.” With a flick of his wrist he sent Fesmbol’s chair sliding back with him in it.

  Fesmbol nearly tumbled off the chair when it struck the wall but managed to stand before yelling, “How dare you SQUIRE!”

  Onaleen watched in shock as Fesmbol laid his hand on the hilt of his dagger. She didn’t know much about how lords fought in situations like this but knew enough to know things were really out of hand.

  “Don’t challenge me, bastard of Astrum…they would be cleaning your blood off the ceiling for weeks!” Autbek yelled out furiously.

  Onaleen could feel arcane energies building around them and so thought to stop Autbek from doing something terrible. Grabbing him by the arm she tried to pull him back down into his chair. “Please, my lord…please!” She begged.

  After a few tense moments Fesmbol took his hand off his dagger. “May be so!” He replied loudly and then he smiled and laughed. “Sorry lords and ladies … we are just two young bucks fighting over a beautiful woman. Please Lady Imeldacy accept my apologies … I shall go now … please enjoy the show … I’m sure it will be worth it!”

  Onaleen finally got Autbek to sit as Fesmbol made his exit. Autbek was literally huffing and puffing as he sat and turned toward the crowd, and so she found herself blushing and desperately wishing everyone would just go back to what they had been doing.

  “Oh, I think this is just as Lord Fesmbol says … a bit of jealousy at play … please do enjoy yourself!” The baroness proclaimed loudly.

  Three acrobats burst into the hall, one tall man, one short man, and one small lady. Each had their faces heavily painted. Haspeth, the tall one soon announced in a loud voice. “My lords and ladies, we have come seeking your most profound advice in determining who among us is indeed… AFRAID OF LIONS!”

  As Haspeth distracted the crowd for a moment Castor took the opportunity to draw a quick circle with a rune in it on the floor in the center of the room with his enchanted chalk. Then a great red lion burst into existence within the circle.


  The crowd panicked and would surely have fled had not the lion then become a shower of red butterflies that floated for the ceiling then evaporated. This brought loud “Ooohs” and “Ahhs,” from the crowd as the people did their best to regain their composure.

  “AHHH, HAHA!” Yelled the tall acrobat. “You all are afraid!” Then lowering his voice he called out. “Well that’s good … no more lions!”

  The crowd laughed and applauded as the Baroness herself finally relaxed in her chair with a great sigh of relief. This brought out many handkerchiefs and even a fan as her courtiers rushed in to comfort her.

  Autbek thought the thunderous roar too much for the Baroness but felt powerless to do anything about it, he was just settling down from his fight with Fesmbol and besides it was done now and the hand patting and fan waving of her attendants looked to be calming her down. She finally turned to him for a moment as the two smaller acrobats began dancing about in a circle while the tall one waved his arms about like he was casting a spell. Autbek was sure he wasn’t … not yet anyway.

  “Oh this is exciting, Autbek! Oh gods … my guests love it!”

  He nodded his head and rolled his eyes in polite agreement. He could also see that Onaleen was thrilled by the show too, though no doubt she had seen some of the rehearsing the three had done.

  As Castor and Lita danced about the circle that had contained the lion they began to blur as large colorful dots began dancing about their bodies. After half a minute of this Castor became a bright red and Lita a bright yellow and then they picked up the pace until they reached impossible speeds. Then finally the forms merged into one as Haspeth called out.

  “BEHOLD! The fishbowl!”

  The two forms disappeared in a black shower of sparks and then all that was left was a great urn shaped bowl as tall as a man. This one was translucent and seemed filled with a reddish liquid with bubbles rising up through it from the bottom. The crowd cheered again in amazement as a single great red fish appeared. It had great human like eyes that blinked and winked at the crowd as it slowly rotated about within the bowl.

  Autbek was almost as impressed as the crowd but did manage to catch Haspeth casting a spell. It was a levitate spell and it soon became apparent why as the great fish emerged from the top of its tank and began to swim in the air itself.

  Onaleen watched with a great smile upon her face. “That’s Haspeth doing that, right?” She whispered to Autbek, who nodded his head.

  “Yes, and now he is doing a telekinesis cantrip.” He whispered back.

  The great red fish began to slowly circle the edge of the crowd just above their heads. This delighted everyone to the point where they failed to notice the disappearance of the bowl. In its place was a shadow that slowly moved across the floor.

  Autbek squinted his eyes and then furrowed his brow as he realized the shadow was Lita. So perfectly camouflaged was she that no one, even those a few paces away noticed her. When the shadow reached Haspeth it engulfed his whole form just as he extinguished all the candles in the three chandeliers that lighted the center of the hall.

  Though not totally dark the center of the hall nearly was. Then a loud voice called out from the darkness in the center of the room. “Lords and Ladies … behold the Earl!”

  Autbek knew enough of the routine to remember to look away and shield his eyes as the room exploded into light as every candle that had been extinguished now glowed brighter than ever before. Onaleen too had done the same when she saw him do it.

  The crowd cheered loudly and then applauded the Earl who himself whirled and bowed to the crowd and then the lights went out again, followed by another blinding flash. The Earl had gone, replaced by a tall figure.

  “HIS HIGHNESS!” Haspeth yelled out to the crowd as he pointed to what appeared to be the king of Bene Aimont. Some in the crowd actually began to kneel just as the candles went out again. What followed was a series of illusions including, knights, horses, fantastic fruited trees, and other strange images, each of which only lasted a few moments.

  Autbek turned to watch those around him and especially the crowd. Their faces and movements were fascinating to watch as the show continued. He realized he was seeing something truly unique and no doubt would be talked about for some time among the nobles of Astrum.

  “If this does not improve our reputation with the Earl’s court nothing will!” He said softly to Onaleen who seemed not to hear him as she was fully engrossed in the show.

  After a few minutes the show changed theme and so Haspeth became a springboard for the two other acrobats who tumbled around and over him as they changed forms. These included cat like creatures and dogs, and even ghosts as well as things that might even have been goblins. All brought loud cheers from the crowd.

  When things slowed and both Castor and Lita disappeared under a whirling black blanket, Autbek guessed what was coming. He stood unnoticed by any near him and easily made his way around the table to then stand before it. Sure enough out burst the boar!

  “Eeeiii!” Went the crowd as not less than two boar-like creatures began racing about. One of course had the body of a small man, the other a woman, and both had the head of a hideously tusked boar.

  Autbek could hear the Baroness scream in fright abo
ve the rest of the crowd so he moved to stand directly in front of her place at the table. He was prepared to do his best to fend off the boar should they seek to approach her.

  “Oohhh! OOHHH! Keep them away!” The Baroness screamed even though the boars were nowhere near the table yet. They were ravaging the crowd again with charges into their midst and fake goring’s, repeating just what Castor had done at the last party he had shown up at.

  When they did make a dash at the Baroness’s table he did his best push spell to keep them back. This worked as both the boars were stopped in their tracks for a moment, they soon recovered but came nowhere near the Baroness again.

  Autbek tried to watch the boars closely but they were too fast and people kept getting in the way. He wanted to catch their pick pocketing in action but found it impossible. Then just as before the acrobats stopped their act, bowed, and then threw coins to the crowd as they ran from the hall.

  He escorted Onaleen to the small square outside the Baroness’s mansion which was filled with people, horses, and even some exotic wagons called coaches. These had four wheels upon them and only the rich of the city seemed to own them.

  Endless congratulations and polite invitations were thrown at Autbek as he waded past horses, courtiers, men-at-arms and servants. He politely answered as vaguely as he could as he pulled Onaleen along in search of Murac. They finally found him chatting with soldiers and the like near the gate.

  “O’t!” Murac called as he eyed them. Referring to the three apprentices he added, “They are off already it seems, likely to the nearest pub.” The three remaining horses were tied at the gate and he looked ready to depart.

  A well-dressed soldier identified himself just then. “Excuse me my lord, if you be the Vis Mage-Councilor I would have important words with you.”

  “Ah, yes, O’t, this is lieutenant Prestat, of the city guard … and he has been waiting for you though he refuses to tell me why.”


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