ChiarOscuro Book One - Episode Three - A Snake Eating Its Own Tail

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ChiarOscuro Book One - Episode Three - A Snake Eating Its Own Tail Page 3

by ChiarOscuro Official

  “Hold on just a moment” said Dakar as he finally got to his own two feet “Who are you and what...what were those two things?”

  “I'm Daygon” he said quickly looking up and down the corridor as he spoke “And they were Demons of course.”

  “D..Demons?” said Dakar as Wex let out a loud 'Aha' pointing at him before he realised what that meant and Dasha felt her mouth suddenly go dry.

  Dakar shook his head “No, they don't exist, it can't be.”

  “Dakar, does it matter whether they exist or not right now?” said Isa angrily shaking him before she picked up her dagger and went to Daygon's side “Whatever those things are, we've got to get out of this place.”

  Dasha nodded in agreement and she was the last to leave the room, giving one last glance towards Baruto, lying face down on the floor when she realised the strange symbol that had been painted on the floor almost seemed to be glowing and that's when she realised the burning smell before had come from her accidentally burning the old man in releasing her flame.

  She ran down the corridor, catching up with the group and they arrived at top of the staircase to find it barred by another one of the Demons, who hissed at their presence, a long forked tongue lashing out at them.

  Daygon leapt from the top step and span in the air, the blade whisking in the air sending the creature tumbling down the staircase, white rays of light shot out one by one from the Demon where he had hit it before it was engulfed in a glow of white light and vanished before them.

  They ran down the steps and darted for the front door when a two Demons either side of them leapt out and came charging for them.

  “Look out” yelled Isa as she span round with her dagger but they were coming too quick when Dasha turned towards Daygon and she wasn't sure what she saw next was real but she was sure her eyes weren't lying to her.

  Daygon had turned his head down, resting his chin down on his chest and his sword had glowed brightly.

  It all happened so fast, in just a couple of seconds and though he seemed like a blur, she caught quick glimpses of him running before each Demon, giving a violent hack and slash to each before white light flooded their eyes and just as the others had done, they disappeared before her eyes.

  Isa span the dagger into the air and looked stunned as she realised they had disappeared and turned to Daygon, probably thinking the same thing she was thinking.

  “That was amazing” said Dasha to the young fighter but it seemed that move had taken a lot out of him as he stumbled slightly and Isa caught him for support.

  “I'm okay” he said as he turned to look at Isa and he managed to stay on his feet as they ran out of the house only for Dakar to gasp out the loudest out of all of them.

  The house was surrounded by dozens of the Demons and they had been alerted to their presence, their heads turning to the Sanctuary's entrance and they started advancing onto them now started and that's when Dasha realised the sky had become dark with the howling of strong winds blowing all around them.

  “There's too many of them” said Wex backing up “Quick, let's barricade the house.”

  “It won't change anything” said Daygon standing his ground “Walls and doors won't stop them, not now.”

  “So what are we supposed to do now?” screamed Dasha.

  A loud roar brought the demons to silence and they span round as something was agitating the forest and a couple of trees collapsed and they braced themselves for the newest threat when out emerged the Titan Warthog and riding atop it, was Manny, who was yelling as he held a pair of reins for dear life.

  The Warthog charged towards them, crushing the demons in it's path and flinging into the air those before him, the others scattering out the way when it leaped before them and Daygon laughed, charging up and hugging the Titan's nose.

  “Wulf” he yelled with happiness as he quickly turned to the others “Quick follow me” he said as he leapt onto the beast, sliding onto the creature with great ease and Manny gave up the reins as he slid back.

  “Take my hand” said Daygon extending his hand down towards them.

  “If you think I'm getting on...” began Dakar.

  “Get on the bloody pig, right now” yelled Isa as she grabbed him and flung him up the pig, Daygon catching him and lifting him up onto Wulf.

  Wex was hoisted up by next and next was Dasha who found herself cramped between this many bodies and quickly tried to look for something to hold onto but found nothing, the plate of armour was too smooth to get a proper grip on it.

  “Help” yelled Isa and they turned round to see a Demon had grabbed hold of her hair and was pulling her back way from the warthog as she desperately sent her dagger swinging about only to cause the Demon to laugh at her attempt to escape.

  They all screamed, except for Daygon, who yelled something in a foreign tongue and pointed his sword toward the Demon and a stream of blue flame shot forth, sending the Demon flying back, slamming into the bird cage and causing it to rip off it's hook, tearing down some of the roof with it as it clattered to the floor.

  Isa ran forward and with Daygon's help, he picked her up and put her onto and leapt onto the warthog's back.

  “Thanks for that” she said as she slid behind Daygon and before Manny.

  Daygon looked down and patted the creatures head “Wulf a-veare-toa-Lemekia” he said and the second he had finished speaking Wulf span round and charged down the path, knocking over the branches and they all ducked to avoid getting hit.

  When Dasha dared look up again they had already left the forest behind them and back on the mountain path but the Titan wasn't stopping and kept charging forward and they all screamed, except for Daygon, when the beast leaped off the mountain path, plummeting down the mountain side.

  “Oh my gods” they yelled as Wulf started free-falling through the air and they grabbed onto the chunks of the beasts fur that they could grab as they went plummeting down and she closed her eyes as the earth neared, expecting her whole world to go splat.

  She felt the force of the impact against her but she opened her eyes to see the warthog had landed without hurting itself and kept galloping down the side of the mountain, keeping up it's fast pace kept it from rolling down the mountain and she heard Dakar roar in triumph.

  “Wooo” he yelled “this is amazing” and he turned round “take that” raising his hand to them “better luck next time.”

  “Oh no” said Dasha as she looked downwards and the others looked ahead to see a sight that brought them back to reality. The Sea Of Sand, filled with hundreds upon hundreds of lights sweeping down the desert, descending towards Lemekia.

  Decabia had chosen war.





  Complete Book One

  Episode 3

  X – Goodbye Brother, Goodbye Home


  They had reached the base of the mountain, though the ride had been extremely uncomfortable as they had held on for dear life and absolutely terrifying. They could see the Red Gate close at hand and the sounds that they could hear on their way down the mountain, were now loud and clear.

  Screams of terror filled the tense air, parents calling out for their kids, soldiers running back and forth trying to keep order as others dashed into the city as loud horns erupted along the city walls.

  The last time they had been sounded was ten years ago when Decabia had stopped at their doorstep, now, they were knocking and loudly, with the intention to barge in.

  They could see the last of the carriages streaming out the city as people desperately tried to put distance between them and the incoming army, the threat of battle looming closer by the minute.

  The sight of the Titan Warthog as it approached the Gates only caused further panic and terror.

  People screamed in terror, running for cover, convinced the Decabians had already crossed the Sea and the zebras tied to one of the carriages panicked and galloped away into the darkness, tu
mbling the carriage onto it's side.

  Dasha looked up to see archers along the wall tightening the quiver of their bows and crossbows as a group of soldiers charged from inside the city, weapons drawn and yelling 'Lemekia, Lemekia' at the top of their lungs as they drew closer.

  “Daygon, stop” she yelled to the boy, who looked back to her and quickly pulled on the reins, bringing the Titan to an abrupt halt, which sent Dakar flying off, landing face first into the earth.

  “Stop” she yelled carefully getting onto her feet atop the warthog and started waving her arms “It's us. It's us.”

  That didn't stop the soldiers charging and she looked nervously at the archers up above. She leapt down Wulf, Isa, Manny and Wex followed her.

  “Stop, I'm a citizen of Lemekia” she yelled out and the soldiers charging up towards the group of them, thankfully, slowed down as they realised they weren't enemy invaders but just a group of young boys and girls.

  She felt everyone's eyes on her as Daygon slid down off Wulf and landed behind the group as a man broke forth from the group, wearing heavy plated white armour and he took of his owl shaped helmet off his head as he looked over them.

  “What's going on here? Who are you people?” yelled the long nosed soldier.

  “Please, tell me what's happening?” she asked but the soldier drew his sword forward and pointed it at her, the tip of the blade hovering only a few centimetres from her nose.

  “Who are you people and what is this thing?” yelled the guard and she saw how the other soldier were trembling, their weapons at hand.

  They were scared, scared of the uncertain future that awaited them tonight and she knew one wrong move now, could mean everything going terribly wrong for them.

  “I'm Akello's sister, please, we were sent to bring Elder Baruto here and this is his Titan Warthog. Please, my brother, where is he, I must speak with him” she said.

  “And where is Elder Baruto?” he asked her with suspicion and she tried to say the words but couldn't.

  “I don't know who you people are, charging down here on this, this thing but I want some answers right now” yelled the ginger haired man when Daygon pushed through the group and stood right before the man.

  “Hey, she told you everything” he said.

  “Who do you think you are boy? That's it, men capture these kids and kill the creature” he commanded with a wave of his hand.

  “That won't be happening” said a stern voice and Dasha was relieved to see Akello, pushing past the group of soldiers, his face full of fury as he towered over the ginger man, who suddenly looked so small.

  “This is my sister and her friends. I'd sent them on a personal order to bring Elder Baruto down from his Sanctuary. What is the meaning of your command you just gave? How dare you” said Akello and the ginger man looked lost for words when he collapsed on one knee before Akello.

  “I'm sorry Akello, this whole situation, I thought...” he began to say.

  “Just go Firoz. Go, go to the Northern wall and secure it. Now!” he said and Firoz brought himself up to his knees.

  “You heard the man, let's go” he ordered his subordinates and they took off, heading back into the city.

  “Dasha” said Akello and she ran into his arms, hugging him as tight as she could and she felt him shaking from fear as well.

  “Akello, they're...they're...” she said as she let go and he could see his eyes were full of fear though his face hide that.

  “I know. And now I need you and your friends to get out of here” he said and he looked behind Dasha “Dakar, Isoka, Wexell, your families have already left, I'm sorry, we couldn't keep the other carriages in line waiting for your return, we had to evacuate immediately. “

  “Don't worry though, you'll get onto another carriage and I'll be sending two of my best men to watch over you all” he told them and she saw Dakar groan out loud and the other two simply accept the situation in silence.

  “Dasha” he said looking from Wulf to Manny to Daygon “What's going on here? Where's Baruto?”

  “He's...he's...” said Dasha when she finally said the words “He's dead.”

  As she sobbed he looked stunned “Baruto...dead...but how? What happened up there?”

  “It was terrible Akello” said Isa “They attacked us, we didn't stand a chance if it wasn't for Daygon and Wulf” she said turning round to the boy, who looked uncomfortable and the Warthog.

  “Who attacked you? Are you telling me that the Decabians have already crossed the Sea?” he said.

  “No Elder” said Daygon walking forward “It was Demons that attacked us. They killed my master and destroyed our home.”

  Akello looked at the boy with a blank expression on his face. He shook his head to shake him out his trance and pinched his nose with closed eyes.

  “I don't understand what you're all telling me” he said his voice quite “Look, now isn't the time, we'll talk about this later, for now I need all of you to get onto that carriage” he said pointing to one of the carriages, second in line to leave out the gate as the one before it was being loaded with a few of the last remaining citizens of the city.

  “Go, you'll be safe and you should join up with the others at the campsite by the High Moon.”

  “What about you though?” said Dasha.

  “Dasha, I love you sis, don't think about me, just go, we have to evacuate everyone as fast as possible” he said putting his hands on her shoulders and he looked down at her and she saw him give her a weak smile before he turned round and strode towards the Gate.

  She watched her brother, his back to her and she prayed to all the Gods, this would not be the last time she would see him.

  “Dasha, we have to move” sad Dakar, who was already running towards the carriage and the rest of the group headed towards the carriage, Wolf galloping behind them, shaking the earth as his hooves sunk into the earth

  They finally reached the carriage to the stunned faces of the two soldiers, looking up nervously at the warthog, who quickly invited them inside the carriage and they went round the back, one of the soldiers opening the small wooden door and they bundled themselves inside.

  The carriage was dark, divided into the passengers compartment and the drivers by a wall of wood.

  As they sat on the two benches which ran across the side of the carriage, Daygon who had sat the furthest from the door, slid off his seat, tumbling down onto the floor.

  Isa screamed as Wex and Manny lifted him back up and lay him down on the bench.

  “What's wrong with him?” said Isa.

  “All of this must have taken a lot out of him, remember back at the sanctuary?” said Dasha as she looked at the boy in red, his eyes closed and his body limp “Okay, I'm going to tell the driver to start leaving” as she started heading back outside.

  “Wait, what about, Wu-uh, Wulf right?” said Wex turning round “We can't leave him here, can we?”

  She nodded as she tried to think how they were going to bring a two ton warthog with them as she jumped out the carriage, heading towards the driver's compartment when she heard a voice calling her name.

  “Dasha” said the voice and she turned round to see a Sailem approach her, a hood covering his face and he ran up to her, out of breath “I came here as soon as I heard your group had returned. You went to bring Baruto here, where is he?”

  “Sailem” she said “I'm sorry but...he's dead. We went

  “Dead?” he said and the news seemed to hit him like a ton of bricks “What happened? How is he dead?”

  “We went there, all of us, when we searched the house, we found him murdered then these Demons attacked us. We wouldn't be here if Daygon hadn't saved us” she told him “I never knew there was a boy living with him, did yo...”

  “Demons?” he said and he held her shoulders with both his hands “Are, are you sure?”

  She nodded so hard, she was frightened her head was going to fall off and Sailem looked at her strangely before jumping up into th
e carriage and he looked inside, his gaze lingering over Daygon, still unconscious and he asked them “Is what Dasha told me true? What happened back at the sanctuary?”


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