Billionaire's Only Cure

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Billionaire's Only Cure Page 8

by A P Gore

  His stomach growled. When had he last eaten? He’d had a Russian Salad for lunch because he was planning to dine heavy with the Catermouth Chemicals CEO. That plan went down the drain when Max nearly touched him. He considered making a cup of coffee while Alice was in the other room.

  As he turned away from the glass wall, he paused for self-analysis.

  Chains of clear thoughts coming and going through his head sent ripples across his mind.

  Something was wrong. Very wrong.

  He was supposed to have a strong urge to sleep, like a dead man’s urge to sleep and never wake up. Out of the many odd things about him, this was the strangest one. Whenever he faced a critical situation like what had happened earlier, his body would go into a deep slumber. All of his thoughts shut down, his metabolism ceased to exist, his body function slowed down, and then he would sleep like the dead for hours, haunted by nightmares of running on the streets of some city. He would end up sick to his stomach upon waking.

  Then Alice happened. They’d accidentally found if she was near, he could remain awake and fight. Six years ago, she was his remedy.

  Even that wasn’t an easy task. When they were together, this had happened twice and she had done a lot to keep him awake. Playing cards worked the best, because whenever he started falling asleep, she would hit him with the wooden box used for storing the cards. Back then, he had an ancient wooden box he used to keep cards, and it hit like a brick. And damn, that girl hit him like Harley Quinn swinging a baseball bat.

  A smile sprouted on his lips.

  “Why are you smiling?” Alice’s silky-smooth voice echoed in his ears.

  “I was thinking about how you enjoyed hitting me with that wooden box. Thank God we didn’t play with the metal box today.”

  She grabbed the metal box still lying on the office desk. “I can still use it, Mister.” She winked and acted like she was going to hit him with it.

  He grabbed the box with his left hand, trying to snatch it away from her, but she was fast and strong. She bounded around the desk like a rabbit. Sticking her tongue out, she taunted him to come and take the box.

  Looking at her cute, smiling face, he realized what was wrong today. Her touch, the tiny sparks that she sent into his body had rejuvenated him. He no longer had any desire to sleep. But why? This had never happened, not even when they were dating.

  “Alice can you make us some coffee? I need to make a quick call to my doctor.”

  Her hazel eyes were full of surprise, but she shrugged and moved toward the kitchen.

  Anxiety continuously sending shocks to his core, he pulled his phone out and dialed his psychiatrist’s number.

  An annoyed voice picked up after three full rings. “Kid, if this isn’t an emergency, you’re dead.” Doc had reached fifty a couple of years back and retired from practice, but he kept treating Jade.

  “Doc, there’s an emergency,” Jade said. “I think I’ve overcome the close touch panic attacks.”

  “What?” Doc almost shouted. “First, relax. Then tell me what’s happening.”

  Jade paced the width of his office. The neon blue light on his smartwatch blinked around fifty, meaning his heart rate was stable, something unique for the situation he faced. His voice never wavered as he recounted the evening’s events.

  Doc stopped him at the part about Alice waking him. “You were asleep, but did you have nightmares in that short session?”

  Jade scratched his jaw. “I don’t remember. Hang on, let me confirm.” He tucked the phone in his pajama pocket and dashed into the kitchen.

  Alice stood next to the coffee machine, looking like a goddess, humming some melodious tune. Her hair was tucked into a loose bun, her slender fingers stirring the coffee mixture, her eyes lost in thought. There were hundreds of beautiful women that worked for his company, thousands of extremely beautiful women on magazine covers, TV, YouTube and everywhere, but none of them held a candle to the woman standing in front of him. No one impacted him like Alice did.

  He hated to disturb her when she was in her element, but he had no choice.


  Her eyes drifted to him with a question in their hazel depths. He could drown in those eyes.

  He shook his head. This was bad. Why was he thinking like this? Wake up, Jade. Wake up from the dream that will never come true.

  “Do you need something?” she asked.

  Clutching the phone inside his pocket, he steeled his nerves. This wasn’t the time to waver; he was here for something important.

  “Yes, When you woke me, was I in pain?”

  She stopped stirring for a moment, eyebrows lifting. “Yes, you seemed to be having a nightmare.” She paused. “Like the way it was six years ago.” Her shoulder slumped, and her gaze lowered.

  So, she remembered how it was six years ago.

  Jade’s heart throbbed, like someone jabbed a lingering sore spot. It was like a cold splash of water, reminding him of the reasons why he needed to keep his distance.

  “Thanks.” His voice turned cold. He left the kitchen without another glance. Lifting his phone to his ear, he said, “I was in pain, but right now I’m not. I’m capable of thinking straight and I’m not even sleepy.”

  “Kid, is this the same Alice you dated six years ago?”


  “Jade, listen carefully. This might sound absurd, but you have to spend the night with that girl.”

  “What?” The phone slipped from his fingers. He grabbed for it, fumbling it before managing to bring it back to his ear.

  Doc chuckled. “Get your mind out of the gutter. Just stay with her and see if she can keep you awake for the whole night. If you start feeling sleepy, touch her and see if the love sparks you told me about keep you awake.”

  “Okay.” Jade said, then blinked. “Wait, did you just say ‘love spark?’”

  Another chuckle came from the other side of the line. “Kid, she’s the solution to all your problems. I told you not to let her go back then, but you didn’t listen. Now, listen to me carefully. She’s your spark, and use this chance to heal yourself. Treasure it, and don’t let her walk out of your life again. Even if you have to stick to her like glue, do it. Be her lipstick, be her purse, or whatever. Just stay with her.”

  At that exact moment, Alice walked out of the kitchen, looking like an angel carrying two coffee mugs. She offered one mug to him. The scent of Americano and latte mixed and blended into the unique fragrance they always used to enjoy.

  Was she really the remedy for his curse?

  Chapter 20

  The scent of her latte mixed with his Americano created a unique fragrance that only they truly appreciated. Back in the day, Jade mentioned the unique fragrance, and she practiced creating a melody of fragrance that intoxicated both of them. That was their special thing. Today, she’d unconsciously created the same mixture, making her heart flutter for a moment when the aroma tickled her nostrils.

  Why was she doing this? Even after he was so rude to her in the kitchen. The way he’d spoken to her sent her mood into a downward spiral.

  Despite that, she poured the coffee walked back out into the office. He stood next to the glass wall, still talking on the phone. With a cup in each hand, she trudged toward him.

  He looked at her and paused. She offered him the Americano.

  He froze, like he was seeing her for the first time, like he had when they’d first met. It wasn’t until later that she’d understood why he’d stared at her like that. But now? What was there to discover? Everything about them was in the open. They hated each other.

  “Jade, coffee?” She pushed the mug into his hand, avoiding any touch. She’d had enough of the electricity zapping for one day—or lifetime.

  Without pulling his intense gaze away from her, he dropped his phone in his pocket.

  “What? Is there something between my teeth?” She took a step back. It made her uncomfortable, being the sole focus of those breathtaking blue eyes.
  Jade’s fingers tightened around the rim of the mug. “Nothing. I was just thinking about how much you’ve changed in the last six years.”

  What was that? Why was he talking about the past? Was he referencing the ten pounds she gained? Was it really that obvious? Maybe she needed to take up jogging or take the stairs more. But why the heck did it make her uncomfortable? She wasn’t trying to look good for him. She didn’t care what he thought about her appearance.

  Heat rushed to her face, and she turned away from him. “So, about that movie? Shall we watch it on your office computer?”

  Jade grabbed her arm and pulled her toward one of the doors she hadn’t been through before. The bolts of lightning once again danced in her body. And after she had smelled his scent in his room, it was making her heart melt in a pool of electricity. This would not work. Every touch stripped her sane thoughts, drew her closer to the past, made her heart flutter. This wasn’t what she’d signed up for tonight. Coming here was a bad idea.

  Unable to take it anymore, she carefully pulled her arm from his grip.

  “It’d be better if we stop touching each other.” She tried to flatten her voice, but God knew how much she succeeded in it.

  Jade swung around to face her, hurt visible in those blue eyes. “I’m sorry. I might have gone overboard because you’re the only person I can be myself with.” He paced back to the wall and stared at the white and yellow lights of the cars driving down the street. “Dating me must have been awful for you. My disease, it must have bothered you a lot.” He folded his arms across his chest.

  Those words stabbed her heart. Why would he say something like that? The last thing she wanted was to remind him of his own disease. She’d never loved him out of pity. Never. In that one year and four months, not once did she pity him. She’d loved him because he was a kind man. He cared for her, and he touched her heart in ways no one ever did. He was the one who inspired her to write the best song she had ever written. The song that kept her afloat, even now.

  Determination steeling her mind, she stepped forward and grabbed his hand.

  “Come on. Let’s watch that movie.”

  A sweet smile played on his lips. It surprised her that he could smile in this condition.

  He patted the back of her hand. “Let’s watch Endgame.”

  Chapter 21

  A subtle vibration on his right wrist woke him from a deep sleep. For a moment, Jade didn't know where he was, but a soft bristle-like feeling against his cheek produced sparks so intense that his eyes popped open. His heart fluttered, bashing against his rib cage to get out. Those sparks meant she was near; Alice was near and touching him somehow. With half-opened eyes, he glanced to his left. His heart almost stopped at the sight of Alice in his arms.

  His heart beat faster. What was she doing in his arms? Why was he sleeping next to her? And how the hell had this sweet thing happened?

  Closing his eyes tightly, he rubbed them with his right hand before opening them again.

  Nothing changed. Alice still lay in his arms.

  It must be a dream, a crazy dream. But the scent of roses was real. She’d always smelled like a rose. That hadn’t changed.

  The sparks still invading his body like crazy, he glanced at her sleeping face. Though he couldn't make much of her expression from this angle, he found her sleeping peacefully.

  What happened last night?

  Things slowly came back to him.

  He had a close encounter with Max, and Alice stayed over. They’d tried to play cards, but it didn't work out. Then they came here to watch Endgame, but by the halfway point, Alice was asleep, resting her head on his shoulder. Still afraid of the nightmares, Jade had watched the rest of the movie, but sometime after the movie ended, he must have dozed off too.


  Jade rubbed his forehead, trying to remember the nightmares, but nothing came to mind. Not a single one. He’d had a normal, peaceful sleep.

  Was he cured?

  Alice shifted a little on his shoulder, attracting his gaze. This time, half of her face was visible, her hair scattered all over her face.

  An urge overtook him, and he swept her black hair away from her face, revealing her full lips. Desire burned inside his heart, a desire to taste those full lips and see if they still tasted like her. Like coffee.

  No, no. He slapped himself. What the heck was he thinking? Kissing Alice? Had he gone mad? He hated her. He’d brought her here to take revenge, not date again.

  His gaze fell on her lips, and once again the desire nearly overwhelmed him. It burned with such an intense fury that his heart almost made it out of his rib cage this time.

  She was a witch. A witch. There was no other explanation. She had to be a witch, binding him in her spell.

  No way. This couldn't be happening. He pulled his gaze away from her and hardened his mind. He had to guard his heart against this woman. No matter what.

  But how? Did he have a way to do that? She’d come back into his life and tore down all the walls he’d built in the last six years like they were made of paper. How was he going to protect his heart against her?

  First, he had to get away from her so he could think straight. Yes, that was the solution. Get away from the witch.

  Carefully supporting her head with his right hand, he pulled his left arm from beneath her head. He then slowly lowered her head onto the back of the recliner and lowered her seat into a flat position. After putting a sheet over her, he turned off the projector. Even though he hated her, he couldn't wake her up after what she’d done for him last night. The girl deserved a sound sleep.

  As he stepped out of his private theater, his phone beeped with a message from Doc.

  'How was the night? Did you do what I told you?'

  Seeing that message, his head throbbed with new pain. What if the doc was right? Was she the cure? At least she’d proved one thing: she could keep his nightmares at bay. She had that effect on him.

  Would she heal him if he kissed those lips?

  He slapped himself and went into his bedroom. What the heck? Her lips. Why couldn't he ignore those lips? Maybe he should stare at some other lips. Maybe Scarlet's would do. Those were better, right?

  He pulled out his phone and searched for Scarlet. Enlarging the picture to focus on her lips, he mentally compared her lips to Alice’s.

  Alice's were better. No, he kept seeing Alice's lips instead of Scarlet’s.

  Damn, that girl. Last night was worse than the nightmares.

  MAX WAS SITTING IN his office when Jade walked in. He’d checked in on Alice before heading for his office. She was still sleeping like a baby. She’d always been like that, carefree of the world.

  "Why are you smiling?" Max asked as Jade settled on his chair.

  "Nothing," Jade replied, with another smile. That girl. "Do you want coffee?"

  Max stared at him like he was seeing a ghost.

  Ah, was it because it was the first time Jade had offered him coffee in the three years they’d known each other?

  "Just say it. What would you like? I can make a good latte, Americano, and maybe plain espresso if you want."

  "Umm," Max said. "Americano with two sugars would do."

  Jade shot him a smile before heading into the kitchen. He quickly made three cups of coffee, one latte and two Americanos, and put them on a tray. Placing one in front of Max, he signaled for him to start drinking while he padded toward his theater room.

  As expected, Alice was still sleeping. He put the coffee on a table at the front and stuck a post it on her nose.

  Sleep well, cutie.

  By the time he walked back to his office, Max was slowly sipping his coffee.

  "How is it? Did I mess it up?"

  Max shot him a curious look. "Do you have a guest?" He glanced toward the door Jade had stepped in from.

  "Yes, it’s Alice." Jade sipped his Americano. Damn, he’d made it a bit bitter. Did he mess up Alice's coffee too? Should he replace
it with a new one?

  Max leaned forward. His face darkened. "Mr. Parker."

  Jade stared at the accusatory look Max was giving him.

  "It's none of my business, but would you tell me what you’re planning to do with Alice's contract? Are you going to keep using her as a secretary and make her run errands for you? I don't think it's efficient for either of you."

  Tapping on the rim of his coffee mug, Jade glared at Max. Who the heck did he think he was?

  "You’re right. It is none of your business. You’d better not ask about her again."

  Max relaxed back in his chair. "I don't want to, but let me tell you one thing Mr. Parker. I've known you for three years, and in these three years I’ve gotten to know you as a hardworking, talented person with high morals." He put his half empty coffee mug on the desk. "Don't make me change my opinion about you. Alice is a nice girl, and she deserves happiness. She doesn't deserve your hatred for anything.”

  Jade slammed his mug on the desk. "Are you threatening me, Max?"

  Max smiled evenly. "Not at all. What you two do is between you. But I thought I should give you my opinion as a friend, since you offered me coffee for the first time." He picked his mug backup. "That counts as friends, right?"

  Jade didn't bother replying, but somewhere in his mind Max's words made an impression on him. Between his heart, Doc's message, and Max's warning, he began questioning his own motives. Did she really deserve his hatred?

  Chapter 22

  Alice woke to find herself in a dimly lit room. A soft sheet covered her body, and a sticky note was stuck to her nose.

  What the...?

  She pulled it off and read it.

  “Sleeping bee, I've put a latte for you on the table next to the screen. There's a microwave on the bar. -Jade the bee catcher”

  A small smile played on her lips. Bee. He used to call her that. He thought she fluttered like a bee everywhere she went. Folding the note neatly, she placed it in her jean’s pocket.


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