Julius's Passion (Regency Club Venus 4)

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Julius's Passion (Regency Club Venus 4) Page 3

by Carole Mortimer

  James continued to stare at him for several seconds before some of the tension eased from his shoulders. “I had the distinct impression that my uncle has never so much as directly spoken a single word to Jane.”

  “As I said, a pompous bigot.”

  The other man chuckled. “Not all employers can be as magnanimous in their dealings with the servants as you are, my lord.”

  “Facetious brat!”

  James grinned. “Time for your bath, my lord. After I have helped you to bathe, would you like me to go below stairs and shine your boots and iron a shirt ready for your use tomorrow?”

  Julius gave him a playful slap on the side of his head. “What I would like is to be left to bathe in private. But,” he added mockingly, “I will not complain if you spend part of your evening shining my boots and ironing the creases out of my shirt.”

  “Now who is behaving like a pompous idiot?”

  “It is as well I like you, James. I certainly do not allow my real valet license to call me names.”

  “That is because you do not like him as well as you do me,” the younger man teased.

  Julius chuckled as he went through to the adjoining room to finish undressing before stepping into and then sliding gratefully down into the hot water filling the hip bath. He gave a sigh of satisfaction as he leaned his head against its high back. It had been a long few days traveling to Suffolk, and the accommodation along the way had not always been the best. The luxury of a hot bath was one of the things Julius had missed the most.

  Once he had thoroughly washed his hair and body, his thoughts returned to the beautiful Lady Bethany. Which, as his cock instantly engorged, the bulbous and red top jutting up above the water, was possibly not the best idea.

  He had heard James depart the bedchamber some time ago—no doubt taking Julius’s boots, laundry, and a clean shirt to be ironed with him—meaning Julius was once again alone.

  There had been little opportunity for privacy during the journey here, more often than not the two men riding in the carriage or on horseback together during the day, and then having to share a bedchamber at night. Consequently, Julius was feeling more than a little sexually frustrated.

  All the more so since gazing down at Bethany Metford when she knelt almost at his feet to mop up the spilled tea and the neckline of her gown had gaped slightly, revealing her breasts. He believed he had even caught a glimpse of rose-colored nipples.

  He now recalled having imagined those deep blue eyes gazing up at him as he slowly pushed his cock between her plump lips and down her slender throat.

  Julius gave a groan as he fisted his cock beneath the water, closing his eyes as he thought of Bethany’s creamy skin. He had never believed himself to be attracted to a particular type of woman; brunette, blonde, plump, thin, it was all the same to him. At least, he not been specifically attracted in the past. But Bethany’s slender curves and those rose-tipped breasts made it difficult for Julius to believe he had ever been attracted to anything other than women—or a woman?—who were blonde and beautiful.

  His cock now slid easily between his palm and fingers, and he pumped faster and harder as he imagined sucking on Bethany’s engorged nipples while at the same time exploring beneath the skirt of her gown to what he believed would be wet and swollen pussy lips.

  The moment Julius thought the phrase “wet and swollen pussy lips,” his cock pulsed and thickened in his grasp, pleasure shooting down his spine and into his balls, before hot and thick cum gushed from his cockhead. The pleasure—dear God, the pleasure was almost unbearable as he continued to pump his cock through that release, ensuring it continued for several long minutes until the ecstasy became almost painful.

  The moment it was over, he rose on slightly unsteady legs from the unclean water before stepping fully out of the bath and wrapping a large towel about his hips. He picked up the bar of sandalwood soap he had used and dropped it into the now-cooling water, in the hope its dissolving would help to conceal the presence of his cum in the bathwater.

  And then he felt a little ashamed of himself for having stroked his cock to completion with thoughts of the young sister James obviously adored.

  That being so, it was a little unfortunate that the moment Julius stepped out of his bedchamber with the intention of going downstairs for dinner, he should happen to almost bump into Bethany walking down the hallway with the obvious same intention.

  She looked beautiful in a cream-colored gown that flattered her slender curves. Her golden hair was swept up in a cluster of curls, the pearls adorning the lobes of her ears and the combs in her hair perfectly complementing her creamy complexion.

  If Bethany ever decided to grace the ballrooms and drawing rooms of London, then Julius doubted she would remain single for long.

  A thought which displeased him immensely. At the moment, he felt she was much like the pearls she wore, a hidden jewel. The idea of the dozens of young bucks in Society flocking round her would mean she remained hidden no longer.

  “Good evening, Lady Bethany,” he greeted with a bow.

  “My lord.” She dipped in a curtsey.

  Julius’s cock instantly thickened and throbbed—as if he had not minutes ago ejaculated until he was sure he had drained himself dry—as Bethany’s low sweep once again revealed the swell of breasts tipped with swollen nipples he now ached to suck.

  Chapter Four

  Bethany had no idea what she had done to displease her uncle’s guest, but every time she chanced to glance across the dining table at Julius Soames—which was often—it was to find him scowling back at her with eyes of a stormy blue.

  It also became obvious to her, as she listened to the conversation between her uncle and his guest, that the Earl of Andover—although aged only in his early thirties, unmarried, and obviously in good health—had not done as so many other gentlemen had, including several of his friends, and enlisted in the army in the fight against the tyrant Napoleon.

  “Is the venison not cooked to your liking, my lord?” she challenged when his disapproving scowls became too much to withstand without questioning them.

  He looked down the length of his nose at her. “The venison is very good, thank you.”

  “Oh. Only you suddenly looked somewhat…bilious as you were eating it.”

  “Bethany!” Her uncle chuckled indulgently when Julius Soames looked taken aback by her comment. “I trust you will forgive my niece, Andover. Personally, I have always admired her lack of the irritating feminine wiles and machinations.”

  The earl gave a slight nod. “It certainly makes her different to other young ladies in Society, yes.”

  Bethany felt her cheeks warm as she sensed the earl hadn’t meant that observation in the complimentary way her uncle had.

  It had never bothered her before, but perhaps she did lack some of the social niceties. She was perhaps more than a little outspoken and, despite her fashionable gowns and hairstyle, lacking in sophistication.

  If so, no one had ever commented on it before now.

  Before Julius Soames.

  Julius regretted the discomfort his remark had obviously caused Bethany as her cheeks first became flushed with embarrassment and then paled.

  He had also noted, as dinner and the evening progressed and the conversation between himself and Metford flowed, that Bethany had also ceased looking at him with admiration. No doubt because she now also believed he had deliberately avoided joining the army and fighting for England against the Corsican tyrant.

  Consequently, dinner could not be over soon enough for Julius despite, or because of, Metford’s desire to fill the silence with inane conversation about mutual acquaintances in London. Noticeably, Bethany chose to add very little to those remarks. Whether out of continued disappointment with Julius, or because she did not have those same acquaintances, he was unsure.

  Whichever it was, he owed Bethany an apology for his behavior. An apology, and explanation he would prefer to make in private rather than under the
critical eye of his host.

  Julius still could not fathom quite what caused his disquiet regarding the other man’s attentions to Bethany. He treated his niece with indulgence and affection, and with not a flicker of lust present. And yet there was still something that nagged at Julius the more he observed Metford’s behavior toward her.

  What that disquiet was about would come to him eventually, but for the moment, Julius was more focused on finding a way to express his apology privately to Bethany for having behaved in a manner which had obviously upset her.

  Something which was not possible during or after dinner, when Bethany excused herself to leave the two gentlemen to enjoy their brandy and cigars.

  Julius intended making his own excuses as soon as he was able, finding no pleasure in Metford’s company or the smell of the strong cigar the other man smoked. The scent permeated Julius’s clothes and made a nonsense of him having washed his hair and bathed earlier. James would no doubt enjoy mocking him again if he were to ask that young gentleman to air and clean Julius’s evening clothes.

  Julius had never liked Adrian Metford, believed him to be a snob of the highest order. But knowing what he now did about the other man, his wanton and deliberate intention of snuffing out a young man’s life, Julius could barely contain his feelings of contempt once the two of them were left alone together.

  He feigned a yawn. “I trust you will excuse me?” He rose to his feet. “The visit with my great-aunt was tedious, and her accommodation mediocre at best.”

  “I am sure you will find the food and your suite of rooms here to be far superior and comfortable.” Metford’s smile was smugly confident of that fact.

  Julius bowed. “I am sure I shall. I will wish you a good night.” He didn’t wait for a response, his hands clenched into fists at his sides as he turned sharply on his heel and hurried from the dining room. Before he gave in to the impulse to put his hands about Metford’s throat and squeeze until there was no life left.

  He barely contained that frustrated anger as he took the stairs two at a time and then hurried down the hallway to his bedchamber. He closed the door firmly behind him before leaning back against it to draw in several deep and controlling breaths.

  “Was dinner not to your liking?” James quirked a mocking brow from where he sat in a chair beside the window.

  Julius pushed away from the door. “Metford is not to my liking,” he snapped. “What are you doing in here?”

  James touched an imaginary forelock. “Returning His Lordship’s polished boots and remaining to tidy his rooms after his bath was removed.” He smiled ruefully. “I think if I fail to regain my title, I might consider future employment as a valet. There is very little work involved other than caring for His Lordship’s clothing, ordering his bath, and ensuring his rooms are always ready for him to walk back into. I was also given a delicious venison stew for my dinner below stairs, accompanied by freshly made bread to mop up the gravy. With nothing else to do, I came back up to your rooms.” He gave a leisurely stretch. “I almost dozed off in this chair, I am so warm, comfortable, and replete.”

  Julius breathed out his frustration. “In contrast, I was almost tempted to strangle your uncle this evening with my bare hands.”

  James gave him a sympathetic glance. “He was his usual obnoxious self, then?”

  Julius nodded. “He dropped so many ‘His Graces’ and ‘His Lordships’ into the conversation that I have no idea how he has managed to stay alive this long. His only redeeming feature, as far as I can see, is that he is unfailingly kind and considerate toward your sister.”

  James’s expression softened. “She has grown to be a very beautiful woman.”

  His attention sharpened. “You have seen her?”

  He nodded. “We almost met when I came up the servants’ stairs to your rooms and she was retiring to her bedchamber after dinner.”

  “Good God…” Julius dropped into the chair opposite.

  “We only almost met,” James assured. “I very quickly entered your rooms the moment I heard someone coming up the main staircase. But I left the bedchamber door slightly ajar so that I might observe Bethany as she passed by in the hallway.” He smiled wistfully. “Her coloring, golden hair and blue eyes, very much resembles the painting of my mother which hangs over the fireplace in the drawing room.”

  Julius thought back to his time in the drawing room earlier. “It is no longer there…”

  James’s mouth thinned. “Bastard has probably hidden it away somewhere. I had a look round some of the family rooms earlier while you were all at dinner, and I can see nothing left of my parents, or me, in those parts of the house.” He grimaced. “It is as if he wishes to obliterate any evidence we ever existed.”

  Julius nodded. “As if there is only Bethany…”

  James’s attention sharpened. “You have that same underlying wariness in your tone as earlier. Is my uncle mistreating Bethany in some way?”

  He shook his head. “Not in the slightest. The opposite, if anything. Her every whim appears to be satisfied. To a degree, although aged nineteen, she has not Come Out in Society, and never had a Season. When I asked why not, she said it was because she dislikes London because of its wild lawlessness.” He glanced at James. “I am presuming that is because she believes you were murdered there.”

  “Poor Bethany,” James groaned.

  “Poor James,” Julius corrected ruefully. “You are the one who has lived the past ten years in the slums of London, while your sister has been given every luxury,” he explained at James’s questioning look.

  The younger man eyed him curiously. “You think I should feel resentful toward her for that?”

  He shrugged. “Many would.”

  James smiled. “Bethany was nine years old when I supposedly died, Julius. Nine. Despite our age difference, we were extremely close.” He shook his head. “I am grateful she has been so well taken care of in my absence.”

  Julius was well aware of Bethany’s age. “Of course,” he answered noncommittally as he rose to his feet. “I believe it is time I retired for the night.”

  The younger man gave him a mocking smile. “Do you require my assistance to undress, Your Lordship?”

  The tension left Julius’s shoulders as he grinned. “All I require of you right now is to get your lazy arse out of my bedchamber.”

  James was chuckling as he stood. “I will return bright and early in the morning with your breakfast tray, my lord.”

  Julius accompanied him to the open doorway. “I hate to put a dampener on any future plans you might have, but I am sorry to say you are far too outspoken and irreverent to ever find employment as a valet.”

  “Pity.” James opened the door and stepped out into the hallway. “Good night, Julius.” He smiled warmly. “I do not believe I have said it before, but I am exceedingly grateful you agreed to accompany me here.”

  He reached out and gave the other man’s shoulder a quick squeeze of reassurance. “I am happy to be here.” He could perhaps have done without his physical reaction to Bethany Metford, but otherwise, he was more than willing to help James regain the life taken from him so abruptly ten years ago.

  James nodded before striding purposefully down the hallway toward the servant’s staircase at the back of the house.

  “My lord?”

  Julius spun sharply round at the sound of Bethany’s voice. He almost swallowed his tongue when he saw she was dressed only in her nightclothes: an ankle-length white silk robe fastened over a matching nightgown. The combs had been removed from her hair, and it now cascaded in loose curls about her shoulders and almost down to her waist.

  She was the most breathtakingly beautiful woman Julius had ever seen.

  She was also, Julius reminded himself sternly, the most innocent woman he had ever met and should have been taught that it was not done to accost a single gentleman while dressed only in her nightclothes.

  “Was that your valet who just left? I saw the two of you
talking,” she added at his continued silence. “Well, I heard the two of you, rather than saw,” she corrected ruefully. “Not what you were saying,” she quickly reassured when Julius’s frown deepened. “Just the murmur of your voices.”

  Thank God she hadn’t heard their full conversation!

  He and James would have to be more careful in future if they meant for this charade to be believed even for the short time they intended to be here.

  As it was, Julius’s immediate instinct was to gather this woman up in his arms and carry her into his bedchamber before closing and locking the door and making love to her all night long.

  If this were one of the weekend parties he sometimes attended during the summer months, and a woman approached him near his bedchamber while wearing only her robe and nightgown, then Julius making love to her would have been exactly what she was inviting from him. Unfortunately, with that innocence shining out of Bethany’s eyes, Julius believed she would be shocked, rather than aroused, by his advances.

  Bethany gazed up at Julius Soames from beneath her lashes, wondering if he liked and approved of her silk night attire. It was one of half a dozen different color silk robes and matching night gowns her uncle had had sent to her from London in time for Christmas.

  She had actually been dressed in men’s breeches and a shirt ready to go down to the river to assist the smugglers when she heard the male voices outside in the hallway. She had quickly changed into this froth of feminine white silk before venturing outside.

  Unfortunately, that short delay had resulted in her stepping out into the hallway in time to only see the back of the valet’s head before he disappeared down the servant staircase.

  The same staircase Bethany would be using to make her own escape in an hour or so.

  Andover bowed stiffly in front of her. “I apologize if our conversation disturbed your sleep.”

  “I was reading, so not yet asleep,” she assured lightly. “Um,” she murmured when he made no reply but continued to look at her with those cool blue eyes. “My maid mentioned that your valet is named Franklyn?”


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