Stupid Smart

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Stupid Smart Page 18

by Jenn Hype


  The longer I stood there trying to calm myself down, the more worked up I became.

  The jersey they'd given me was a little big, and the jean shorts I'd worn were a little short. It almost looked like I didn't have pants on, so I discreetly stuffed a little bit of the front into the band of my shorts. My white Chucks were sporty yet feminine. I'd worn my hair in a simple ponytail with a big red bow. My makeup was simple, the only flare to it being the extra swipe of mascara and bright red lipstick I'd worn to match my bow.

  A pang of longing hit me unexpectedly. I wished Liam were there. Of all the people I'd want to share this excitement with, it'd be him. I could picture the big smile he'd shine down on me. The feel of his strong arms wrapping around me, pulling me into the hardness of his body. Could almost smell his cologne when the wind picked up, as if he were nearby.

  But then it came time to run onto the field, and I quashed that sadness real quick. I had to focus on not falling onto my ass or throwing the ball straight down onto my foot or something.

  The catcher, decked out in full gear, squatted behind the plate. His glove up and open, awaiting the ball. The stands were three quarters of the way full and filling quickly. The announcer said something over the loudspeaker, likely announcing who I was and why the hell I was out on the field, though I couldn't understand the muffled words.

  Then I made the mistake of looking at one of the massive LCD screens that lined the stadium. A camera from somewhere had zoomed in on my face. Eyes wide, cheeks flushed - I looked petrified. Again, summoning my inner Blake, I bent my knees and curtsied. I couldn't say for sure, but I swear I heard rumblings of laughter in the crowd.

  Turning my attention back to the catcher, I found him standing. One of his hands reached up to pull his helmet and face mask off, and I froze. He was a distance away, but I could have sworn it was Liam. Or his doppleganger. Maybe? Or I just so badly wanted him to be there I was imagining him.

  But then his lips quirked up at the side the way Liam's always did and I knew. I didn't know how or why, but I knew it was Liam. In full uniform, complete with padding and everything.

  Out of nowhere a man wearing khakis and a polo ran over and handed Liam a microphone.

  "Sorry for the confusion. I'm sure you're all wondering why some imposter has dressed up as your team's catcher, but if you'll grant me a quick second of your time, I'll explain and then get out of your way."

  Liam took a steadying breath before focusing solely on me.

  "You see, that beautiful woman standing at the pitcher's mound? The blonde bombshell looking confused as hell?" He paused while everyone laughed. I knew they were laughing this time, because a few of the screens panned through the stands before putting their lenses back on my bright red face. "She's the girl of my dreams. And I'm the lucky SOB that fell in love with her."

  A collective aww sounded out, but I barely heard it over the pounding of my heart. Love. He'd just said, love, right?

  "It took a lot of called in favors to make this happen, but my girl loves baseball more than anyone I know. And I figured if I was going to convince her to say yes, I'd need to make it impossible for her to say no."

  My eyes filled, but blessedly, no tears spilled over. Yet.

  "If you'd kindly pick up that ball at your feet, Miss Jade," Liam said.

  I'd been so nervous I hadn't even seen the baseball lying on the mound. They'd handed me a ball before I walked out, so it didn't occur to me to look for another.

  Bending at the knees, I squatted - because seriously, my shorts were really short and I didn't want to flash everyone the bottoms of my ass cheeks - and picked up the baseball. Though it was plastic. And split in the middle. And when I squeezed it, it popped open.

  My heart damn near exploded. If I'd had a heart condition, I'd be dead on the ground.

  The real baseball fell from my grip, rolling across the dirt. All thoughts of baseball and fans and anything else fell away. With a pretty blue Tiffany's box winking at me, thinking became impossible.

  So focused on the square ring box, I hadn't noticed Liam approaching. By the time I looked up, he was only a foot away and dropping to one knee.

  With the microphone still pointed at his mouth, he said, "Nothing in this life is guaranteed. I can make you all the promises in the world, but the truth is, I'm going to fu-" he stopped and cleared his throat, seeming to remember where we were. "I'm going to mess up. A lot. I'm a man. It's what we do."

  Again the crowd laughed. Only Liam could charm a stadium full of random strangers.

  "I won't ask you to take me at my word when I say I'll love you until I die. I won't ask you to believe me when I tell you I'll do anything in the world to make you happy. But I will ask you to just give me a chance. Let me prove it to you, every day. Let me show you over and over again that there's nothing I won't do for you."

  The tears finally spilled over and I let them. It took everything in me not to run and leap into his arms. But he didn't look finished, and the man had obviously planned this all out, and I didn't want to ruin it for him. Or me. I quite enjoyed him so publicly begging me to be with him when I already had every intention of saying yes.

  "You're crazy, Clara Jade," he teased and I couldn't help laughing. "But I love that about you. It'll never be boring. Never predictable. Never normal."

  My head wobbled side to side in agreement.

  "But you know what? I never wanted normal. I want chaos and drama and all the crazy you can give me."

  When I didn't move or say anything, he beckoned me forward with a jerk of his head. I quirked an eyebrow and stayed put. He rolled his eyes playfully.

  Like I was going to make this easy for him.

  "Get your cute butt over here, Clara," Liam growled into the microphone. This time when everyone laughed, I joined in. And walked over to him, though I took my sweet time.

  As soon as I was within reaching distance, he grabbed my hand and yanked. I stumbled into him where he knelt, his head almost connecting with my stomach.

  I hadn't even seen him do it, but he'd snatched the ring from the one half of the plastic ball I still held in my hand. He popped the box open and I looked at the ring inside for the first time.

  A round yellow diamond surrounded by white diamonds on a platinum band twinkled beneath the stadium lights. I gasped. I couldn't have imagined a more perfect ring even if I'd designed it myself.

  "Alright, everyone," Liam addressed the crowd. "On the count of three, I want all of you to chant those four life changing words with me. Hopefully she won't say no if we all team up against her."

  He counted down from three and in perfect synchronicity, everyone shouted, "Will you marry me?"

  I facepalmed myself. Leave it to Liam to do something so over the top I wouldn't be able to turn him down without looking like the world's biggest bitch.

  "Yes, you jackass," I said. He smiled and shoved the microphone into my face. I shook my head and laughed. Not a chance was I announcing that for him.

  "She said yes!" He shouted into it for me and the crowd went wild.

  After slipping the ring onto my finger, Liam leaped to his feet and scooped me up into his arms. He then proceeded to give me a kiss way too inappropriate for public. And I couldn't have cared less.

  When we broke away, he held our locked hands up in the air like he was declaring someone a champion. Again, the crowd lost it.

  Before I knew it, all of our friends and family had joined us on the field, offering congratulations. Then both teams, home and visiting, joined in. After about twenty hugs and handshakes from pro ball players, my knees finally gave out. Liam wrapped an arm around my middle and rolled his eyes.

  "Oh, now she gets all swoony."

  Leaning back I looked up at him, my smile so wide it hurt.

  "You love me."

  His teasing smile morphed into a sweet, sexy grin. "Of course, silly girl. How could I not?"

  "How did you pull this off?"

iam smirked. "The new guy we just hired? His brother is a professional baseball player. I had him call in some favors."

  "What!? A pro ball player? Who? When? What? Can I meet him?"

  Liam silenced me with a soft kiss.

  "Sorry, sweet cheeks. I just got you. No way am I risking losing you to a baseball player when I know they're your weakness."

  I laughed. "You're my weakness, silly boy," I told him, repeating his endearment.

  Pushing up onto my toes, I kissed him. And kissed him. And kept kissing him. Until eventually I felt someone tugging on my arm.

  "Okay, lovebirds. We need to get out of the way."

  I didn't move or respond. I just kissed Liam again. And the only reason I left that damn field at all was because Liam scooped me up bridal style and carried me away.



  "I still think you should consider a dual wedding," Blake said for the millionth time since Liam proposed. And for the millionth time, I rolled my eyes.

  "Not a chance."

  "Why not?"

  Every time I said no, she got offended. And every time I had to explain why it would never happen.

  "Because our weddings individually are already going to have a million things go wrong, both purposefully and unintentionally. Between you constantly doing things to rile my brother up and Liam and I non-stop bickering, it would be the most chaotic day in history."

  "Sounds amazing to me!" Blake insisted with her hands on her hips. "I don't want some boring, fuddy-duddy wedding with classical music and flowers everywhere."

  "Well I do."

  "You're impossible," she huffed, throwing her hands up in the air and storming off.

  I felt Liam enter the room. Then I caught his scent, right before the heat from his body warmed my back. Seconds later, his arms wrapped around my middle. My very large middle.

  "How's my baby mamma doin' today?"

  "I hate when you call me that," I said dryly.

  He chuckled, his breath caressing my neck and sending shivers down my spine.

  His big hands rubbed circles on my stomach and I leaned back, my body melting into his.

  It hadn't been easy. As usual, Liam and I argued constantly. Sometimes more heated than playful, but as we'd both promised, we talked it through every time. Learned to make compromises. Figured out how to listen and communicate the way the other needed. Neither of us had a clue what we were doing, but we were learning as we went.

  Finding out I was pregnant had, of course, been a big shock. I'd expected Liam to freak out. At least a little. I mean, I had. Plus, I'd been the one to drop the ball in getting that morning after pill, so he had a right to be angry with me. As always, he never reacted the way I thought he would. His eyes had immediately welled with tears and the biggest smile I'd ever seen on him broke free. He'd dropped to his knees and kissed my stomach, immediately talking to our little peanut. Telling it how happy he was, how lucky it would be to have me for a mom and a bunch of other things that had me sobbing - happily.

  My mom had practically had a stroke she was so excited. She'd been planning non-stop for the baby. It already had its own room in her house. Hell, she was more prepared than Liam and I were since she'd declared she would be the babysitter during work hours.

  "You're going to be an amazing mom," Liam told me for the tenth time that day. His chin rested on my shoulder and I tilted my head until it rested on his. We stood that way a long time, enjoying the quiet, tender moment.

  Until Malcolm and Josi burst through the doors.

  "Where do you get off!" Jo screamed.

  Mal spun around. "Usually in a bed, sometimes in the shower. Or up against a wall."

  My mouth fell open. I'd never heard Malcolm so... angry. If anything, he was usually apathetic or completely unreadable. But his eyes were on fire. And Jo looked, if possible, even more furious than him.

  "You're such an asshole."

  "Pot, meet kettle."

  "Stay out of my life, jerkhole!"

  "Not a chance, sweet cheeks!"

  They didn't even seem to notice they weren't alone. After shouting a few more expletives, Malcolm turned to leave and Jo chased after him, stomping the whole way.

  "What was that about?"

  I shrugged. "No clue. Why don't you ask him? You guys gossip way more than the girls do."

  "Har har."

  Since were standing in the middle of my mom's kitchen, people were continually coming in and out of the back door. Mom and Dad were hosting a baby shower for us and just about everyone we knew was there. Dad and CJ manned the grill while Reed and Michelle, Blake's sister, set up a croquet net. Paige and Sebastian were working on building a fire pit for when it started to get dark and Blake kept trying to steal marshmallows from the S'mores supplies only to get her hand smacked by my mom every time.

  Liam and I stood there, just taking it all in. My family had grown exponentially in the past couple years. And it was about to gain one more little person.

  "You still don't want to know the sex?" Liam asked. It was killing him not knowing. Which was the only reason I stayed adamant about wanting to be surprised. And I did not want to be surprised. But I liked annoying Liam even more than I wanted to know.

  "Nah. It's more fun this way."

  "More fun to torture me, you mean," Liam corrected and I chuckled. He knew me too damn well.


  I bopped him on the nose and took off for the sliding door that opened to the backyard just off the kitchen. Liam chased after me, but I slammed the glass shut just in time to almost smash several of his fingers. I heard him growl from the other side of the glass and I giggled. Before he could even get the door back open I'd taken off running.

  "You're jiggling the baby around!" Blake shouted. "Slow down!"

  "Yeah, slow down," Liam joined in.

  I shrieked right when he lunged for me and he caught me easily. The extra weight definitely slowed me down. Not that I would have stood a chance before I was pregnant. Not with Liam's fit body. He was faster than a damn cheetah.

  He pressed a wet, smacking kiss to my lips.

  "I love you, soon-to-be Mrs. Langford."

  "I know you do," I said with a devilish smile.

  "Say it back," he ordered quietly.

  "Nuh uh." I shook my head.

  "Say. It," he growled.

  My grin only grew. "Make me."


  Where to begin?

  I suppose I should first start with my husband. I think hidden somewhere in our wedding vows it mentioned me having to almost pay thanks to him first. Plus, he does put up with a lot, so I guess he deserves it. (Insert winky emoji here.)

  Jo, Jo, Jo... You are my hero. These books would not exist without you. I say it all the time and I mean it even more as time goes by. If it weren't for you constantly helping me work through my plot development and erratic thoughts then I'd just be sitting here staring at a blank document right now.

  Stacey, my beloved PA, you are my angel. Thank you for always keeping the Hype train moving, even when I disappear for long periods of time.

  Alice and Michelle - Your willingness to drop what you're doing and read my books at lightning speed have me kneeling at your feet. I'm not worthy of your friendship.

  Claire and Wendy from Bare Naked Words - How many times did I have to change the date of this release? Like a hundred? And then I didn't even get you everything you needed until the very last second. Yet you stuck with me and didn't yell at me (like I deserved) and as always, provide the best support when it comes to blog tours. Love you guys forever and ever.

  Kevin, Kevster, Kevinator, Kevvy, Kevmeister, The Kev Man - You are a lifesaver. LITERALLY. If it weren't for you and Smashwords, I would be so screwed and my readers would constantly be getting the wrong stuff sent to their devices. You da best, man!

  Monica, the best sister-in-law evah, and Susie, the coolest aunt on the planet - Your constant support a
nd encouragement are priceless to me and I'm so much more grateful than you could know.

  And last, but certainly not least, my readers - You sassy minxes make it all worth it. My love for you goes beyond words. Everyone get in here for one big group hug. (Yes, I'm mentally hugging the shit out of you guys. And loving it!)


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  ** Romantic Comedies with a heavy dose of drama and angst **

  This series follows the lives of three snarky heroines and the dreamy heroes that test them. Each book can be read as a standalone but are more enjoyable if read in order.

  Pressing Adalyn (Pretending Book #1)

  Playing Stacy (Pretending Book #2)

  Pursuing Carrie (Pretending Book #3)


  ** Romantic Comedies with touches of suspense and angst **

  In this series you'll get to read about all the sexy ex-military that work together and the sassy women that bring them to their knees. Each book can be read as a standalone and all characters appear in all books. This series will have at least six books, possibly more, once complete.

  Simply Crazy (Jaded, Book #1)

  Pretty Daring (Jaded, Book #2)


  Baited Truth

  Baited Truth is the first in a series that follows the lives of kick-ass renegades. Action-filled and laced with humor, this suspenseful series should satisfy all your reading needs.


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