Douluo Dalu: Volume 31: Ashore on Seagod Island

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Douluo Dalu: Volume 31: Ashore on Seagod Island Page 9

by Tang Jia San Shao

  The wing like oars were also very special, the general design was understood by Tang San who made secret weapons as one which was meant to reduce water resistance. Following Tang San’s lead, the group one-by-one jumped into the ship, however the ship did not shake the slightest and was extremely stable. Tang San already understood how to use the ship by activating it using his Spirit Power earlier. The eight of them sitting at the eight places with oars. Tang San lifted his hand and pressed it against a crystal ball about the size of a head and infused it with spirit power, immediately the hatch above them closed and completely sealed off all outside air and sound.

  About half of the Abyssal Dragon Ship had been submerged into the water, if they lowered their head they could actually see the strange aquatic world below them. From inside the ship they were able to see all three hundred and sixty degrees around them with not a single blindspot. After standing up to stretch, he reseated himself on the seat by the crystal ball, this was the rudder of the Abyssal Dragon Ship, the ship's movements can all be controlled from there.

  Tang San said: “let's first try and steer this ship.” While saying that, he merged his mental power with the Abyssal Dragon Ship, and with the assistance of his Spirit Power, the ship started to submerge into the ocean. Following Tang San’s instructions, other than Xiao Wu the remaining six of them touched the paddles beside them and the fin like wings started to move.

  With a whoosh, the Abyssal Dragon Ship shot through the water, with them only touching the paddles, the ship already shot forth about twenty meters or so. Only the amount of force each of them used different resulting in the ship not travelling straight. However due to an oceanic force the ship slowly turned back to their original direction as everyone’s eyes brightened.

  “It’s fast.”

  “It was really worth the money spent.”

  The speed of the Abyssal Dragon Ship exceeded everyone’s expectations, they could clearly feel that the power they put into the oars was not much, but it had actually swung so powerfully.

  After Tang San thought deeply awhile he said: “Three times, I don’t know what special method it used but this spirit tool can triple the amount of spirit power used to move the wings. Also, as we advance the tail like section at the back will swing along thrusting us further. I checked just now, the tail segment is controlled from where I am, the more Spirit Power infused into it the stronger the thrust, it should be the same as the oars there, the more force you use the faster it will move.

  They were all still young, and were naturally curious about new things. Under the guidance of Tang San, they began to practice using the Abyssal Dragon Ship.

  It was as Tang San said, when they supplied more spirit power into the oar handles, the abyssal Dragon Ship’s speed would reach a horrifying level. The first time they tried, due to differences in spirit power released they actually ended up turning over, but after a few rotations thanks to the oceanic force they would return back on course which was very strange.

  The Shrek Seven Devils had been together many years, as such they had some experience working together and after two hours they already managed to master how to stably control the Abyssal Dragon Ship. The twelve meter long Abyssal Dragon Ship under the united control of the group swap in the oceans like a sea monster.

  Seeing the various sights in the ocean, the group became mesmerised, especially the girls.

  Without truly entering the ocean, one would never understand the kind of sights there. Inside the clear blue waters were various colourful stones, coral and fish and some unnamable organisms creating a colourful and enchanting sight.

  The waters here cannot be considered deep, it was only about two hundred meters deep or so. Beneath the surface the reef varied bumpily like a mountain range. After two hours, Tang San made the Abyssal Dragon Ship surface.

  Chapter 216: Water Repelling Cosmic Shroud

  There was a white stone strip in the front of the Abyssal Dragon Boat. When the Abyssal Dragon Boat was above water, the rock strip was white, and if it was under water, it would immediately turn blue, starting to turn red as time passed. When it was completely red, that meant there wasn’t enough air in the boat, and they had to surface to breathe.

  Breathing in the humid sea air, Ning Rongrong sighed:

  “Let alone ten thousand gold spirit coins, this Abyssal Dragon Boat is worth even a hundred thousand. Besides not having any offensive or defensive abilities, it’s practically perfect. If I’d known earlier it was this useful, why would we have bothered chartering a ship?”

  Tang San smiled slightly, saying:

  “We still needed sea charts. The charts we have on hand now are the crystallisation of years of drafting by the Purple Pearl pirates. We didn’t have anything this good back when we went to sea.”

  Dai Mubai said:

  “Little San, this Abyssal Dragon Boat is astonishingly fast, can’t we rely on this speed to directly charge to Seagod Island?”

  Tang San shook his head:

  “I’m afraid not. No matter how fast the Abyssal Dragon Boat is, it’s still a ship. It can’t compete with creatures native to the sea, let alone so many demonic great white sharks. If we’re surrounded in the deep, no matter how deep we are, we’ll lose any chance of surviving.”

  Dai Mubai frowned:

  “Then what? Don’t tell me we’ll always be waiting like this? That’s no way to do it.”

  Tang San pondered, and said:

  “We’ll just wait for nightfall. Only, we still have to make some experiments before then. If we succeed, landing on Seagod Island isn’t a problem.”

  While speaking, the space between his eyebrows brightened, the Vast Sea Cosmic Shroud falling into his palm, glittering with blue light.

  The Shrek Seven Devils were all intelligent, and seeing the Vast Sea Cosmic Shroud their minds immediately shook. The experiment Tang San wanted to do was very simple. If the Vast Sea Cosmic Shroud could hide the Abyssal Dragon Boat, then, in this sea, even hundred thousand year spirit beasts couldn’t threaten them.

  Back when they encountered the Deep Sea Demon Whale, due to the hundred thousand year spirit beast appearing too suddenly, and moreover attacking the entire area, Tang San had no way of using the Vast Sea Cosmic Shroud to protect everyone. But now was different. He had ample time to prepare. With the Abyssal Dragon Boat’s speed, as long as the Vast Sea Cosmic Shroud’s hiding effect worked in the sea, then they could land on Sea God Island easily.

  Closing the hatch once again, Tang San also simultaneously, released his Vast Sea Cosmic Shroud’s Vast Sea Barrier. Blue light flashed, enveloping the entire Abyssal Dragon Boat.

  However, something unexpected happened.

  With a feeling of the surroundings becoming empty, the Dragon Abyss Boat entered stealth mode. But what they didn’t know whether to laugh or cry about, was that within the range of the Vast Sea Ocean Shroud, there actually wasn’t a drop of water. The pyramidal blue light brought the Dragon Abyss Boat deeper and deeper into the ocean. Without any water, this Dragon Abyss Boat was unable to move forward a hair.

  Tang San watched stunned as the vessel sank into the depths, then immediately reacted,

  “This Vast Sea Cosmic Shroud is water repellant.”

  While speaking he immediately withdrew the Vast Sea Cosmic Shroud. Instantly, seawater rushed in, and the Dragon Abyss Boat regained control.

  Nobody knew whether to laugh or cry. Just now they were worrying whether the Vast Sea Cosmic Shroud would have any effect under water, but now it seemed that this thing not only had effect, but even a bit excessive functionality.

  Tang San sighed lightly,

  “Truly worthy of its Vast Sea name. Its defense can actually repel water.”

  Dai Mubai smiled wryly:

  “This might be troublesome. Without the help of the Vast Sea Cosmic Shroud, how will we land on Seagod Island?”

  Hearing Dai Mubai’s words, Tang San still smiled,

  “Even if the Vast Sea Cos
mic Shroud can’t help the Dragon Abyss Boat move forward, we still have another way. Only, it still needs experimentation, as to whether the Vast Sea Cosmic Shroud’s water repelling ability will be influenced by changes in water pressure.”

  While speaking, under everyone’s puzzled gazes, Tang San once again released that precious ability of the spirit tool, the Vast Sea Barrier. Hidden by blue light, the Dragon Abyss Boat sank gently, slowly moving towards the bottom of the sea.

  The further the vessel sank, the duller the light outside became. When its depth surpassed a hundred meters, the sea outside had already turned pitch black. Only the light blue radiance of the Vast Sea Barrier could illuminate the surroundings.

  The Dragon Abyss Boat sank constantly. Tang San always watched the changes in the Vast Sea Barrier. According to the explanation of the auctioneer when they bought the Dragon Abyss Boat, it could endure the water pressure down to three hundred meters. Right now they were inside the Dragon Abyss Boat, so even if the Vast Sea Barrier couldn’t stand the pressure, their safety would still be guaranteed.

  As the depth surpassed a hundred meters, Tang San suddenly sensed a change in the Vast Sea Barrier. His heart shivering, he immediately focused his attention, prepared to pour even more spirit power into it at a moment’s notice. However, astounding him, the Vast Sea Barrier wasn’t unable to bear the pressure, but rather gradually grew brighter under the larger and larger water pressure.

  Gathering the Purple God Light to watch carefully, Tang San discovered that, outside the Vast Sea Barrier, there were constantly extremely minute specks of blue light merging into it. Not only didn’t it damage the Vast Sea Barrier, instead it gave it a kind of solid feeling.

  Ever since he was seriously injured in the fight with the Deep Sea Demon Whale last time, Tang San discovered that the Vast Sea Cosmic Shroud’s light had faded a lot. But now here in the deep ocean, that light in the deep seemed to gradually restore it.

  What was going on here? Could it be that the Vast Sea Barrier absorbed the power of the ocean?

  Through careful observation, Tang San confirmed his estimate. What astonished him the most was that after this Vast Sea Cosmic Shroud absorbed the energy of the ocean through its own Vast Sea Barrier ability, his own body also began to change.

  After his injuries last time, the scorching heat from his spirit bones had reduced a lot, but now with the Vast Sea Cosmic Shroud absorbing the energy of the ocean, that scorching hot feeling began to return, and even grew even more intense. But that scorching heat didn’t make him feel unwell, on the contrary it made his body seem to become enriched. Even though the spirit power within him didn’t suffer any influence, Tang San felt his mind and qi become clear, his reaction and attention swiftly upgrading.

  Tang San basically had no way of understanding the reasons for this. The Vast Sea Cosmic Shroud wasn’t one of his spirit bones, and even less one of his spirit abilities, but rather a spirit tool’s ability. How could spirit tools cause this kind of effect? Why could only his spirit power activate it, and after it absorbed the energy of the outside world it would also influence his body. This might not be explainable as mere “fate”?

  He naturally didn’t know that ever since the Vast Sea Cosmic Shroud absorbed a drop of his blood, it had already become a part of his body. Even though it wasn’t a spirit bone, it was still another kind of phenomenon.

  The water in this area of the sea wasn’t deep. According to Tang San’s calculations, once the Dragon Abyss Boat had sunk roughly two hundred meters, it already struck the seabed.

  Everywhere on the seafloor were beautiful corals, extremely gorgeous under the muted blue light of the Vast Sea Barrier. Of course, these were only the circumstances when viewed from inside the barrier, from the outside this area was still pitch black.

  Smiling slightly, Tang San said:

  “It seems my new method should be feasible. Come on, let’s go outside.”


  Everyone looked shocked at him, for a moment still unable to parse the meaning of what he said.

  Tang San smiled slightly,

  “Of course we’re going outside, since the Vast Sea Barrier is water repellant, and moreover doesn’t fear the water pressure, even though we can’t move the Dragon Abyss Boat, why can’t we just walk?”

  Ma Hongjun’s eyes opened wide,

  “Walking across the seabed? Does that work too?”

  Thinking normally, this was the ocean, and moreover the bottom of the ocean, how could they exist here? But thinking carefully about what Tang San said, it really was feasible.

  Tang San smiled:

  “Why not? Isn’t walking on the bottom of the ocean quite interesting? Let alone when we still have the stealth ability of the Vast Sea Barrier, even if we didn’t, those Demon Spirit Great White Sharks wouldn’t come trouble us at the bottom of the ocean.”

  While speaking, he had already opened the Dragon Abyss Boat’s hatch. Holding Xiao Wu, he was the first to leap out.

  Until they left the ship, and truly stood on those slippery and wet corals on the bottom of the ocean, everyone still didn’t dare believe that everything they saw was real.

  Even though they couldn’t see very far, this dimly lit place really was the bottom of the ocean! When they just moved away from the Dragon Abyss Boat, including Tang San, everyone’s hearts held some apprehension. But after discovering they really could breathe here, and moreover didn’t touch a single drop of seawater, everyone still gradually relaxed.

  Oscar said pensively:

  “Little San, since this Vast Sea Barrier can let us hide in the ocean, wouldn’t it be a lot easier to land on Seagod Island if we used it to hide while flying?”

  Tang San shook his head:

  “No. I tried it once. If the Vast Sea Barrier is used while flying, the Vast Sea Cosmic Shroud will quickly drain my spirit power. I don’t know why. Perhaps it’s because of the speed. That time flew for roughly the time of three breaths, and the Vast Sea Barrier swallowed close to half my spirit power. It’s basically impossible to support us that far. Even if I used it while walking on dry land, the spirit power consumption would still be enormous. Overall, this ability is most suited to stationary defense.”

  Dai Mubai said:

  “Then can your spirit power hold up while we walk all the way to Seagod Island? In fact, since this is the ocean, if you can’t keep up when we’ve gone halfway, we might be done for even with the Dragon Abyss Boat. Because then we will be in the territory of the Devil Spirit Great White Sharks.”

  Tang San looked at the blue light distributed outside the Vast Sea Barrier,

  “Before submerging, I didn’t have any certainty either. By my calculations, if I had your help, walking shouldn’t be a problem. But now I can tell you with certainty, we can absolutely easily land on Seagod Island. Because for some reason, in the depths of this ocean, the Vast Sea Cosmic Barrier is absorbing the energy of the sea, actually considerably reducing my own consumption. Bringing us to Seagod Island is absolutely no problem.”

  Zhu Zhuqing said:

  “Then this means the Vast Sea Cosmic Barrier should be a spirit tool suited to use in the ocean?”

  Tang San pondered, then said:

  “Very possible. There’s no time to lose, we’ll land on Seagod Island before anything else. Don’t walk too quickly, keep together, I’ll use the blue silver emperor to control our distance.”

  Seven strands of Blue Silver Emperor flew out. Tang San directly tied Xiao Wu on his back, both hands pulling her slender legs close. The other six strands of Blue Silver Emperor each twisted around the other six. Withdrawing the Dragon Abyss Boat, he then urged the Vast Sea Cosmic Shroud, and they began to walk forward on the seabed.

  Walking on the bottom of the ocean was a lot harder than walking on dry land. The ground was uneven, giving people a feeling of a mountain range. Fortunately everyone were strong, and they could advance swiftly even when faced with extremely difficult terrain.
r />   Tang San had already made certain their direction while they were sinking. This Seagod Island was a fairly large island, more than four times the area of Purple Pearl Island. As long as they headed in the right direction, they would definitely reach it.

  Gradually, everyone felt the seabed rising. They knew that, having experienced numerous difficulties, they were finally about to step onto their goal. When the light around them gradually grew brighter as they approached the shore, Tang San walking furthest ahead suddenly halted, whispering:

  “Hold your breath.”

  As everyone else also stopped at the same time, holding their breaths as Tang San said, an enormous white shadow quietly swept past twenty meters ahead, just like a specter in the sea, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

  That was a more than ten meter long white shark, its whole body appearing perfectly streamlined, its white skin with a kind of faint luster, incomparably fast. Where it passed, the seawater seemed to ripple strangely.

  The words Devil Spirit Great White Shark appeared almost simultaneously in everyone's minds. Their luck really didn’t count as good, the Devil Spirit Great White Sharks hadn’t gone out to hunt. Only fortunately they had the Vast Sea Barrier’s stealth ability to shelter them, and they didn’t truly come into conflict with such a powerful sea spirit beast.

  Moving forward again, Tang San deliberately raised the pace. This was the ocean, and they moreover didn’t know quite what degree the Vast Sea Cosmic Shroud’s stealth ability reached. The sooner they got out of the water, the safer they would be.

  Finally, the ground under their feet gradually turned to sand, and their surroundings brightened. Everyone step by step left the sea.

  As they saw the light of the sky, including Tang San, everyone couldn’t keep from cheering. The Shrek Seven Devils plus Bai Chenxiang, these eight youngsters without the ability to swim, had successfully crossed the ocean, arriving at their goal, Seagod Island.


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