A Demon's Bliss

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A Demon's Bliss Page 2

by E. C. Land

Standing up from behind my desk, I make my way to the main part of the shop. I stop short as the most beautiful voice can be heard.

  Life is among us

  Pain is ahead of us.

  We all go through both

  Can this life be without the pain

  The world is surrounded by those who hurt.

  The hurt belongs among the rest

  I don’t hear anymore as I let the music take over. God knows I’m screwed. This woman is perfect in every way.

  Too bad she’ll never be for me.

  Not when my heart belongs to a ghost.

  Chapter 2


  Over the last two months, I’ve really gotten to know everyone except Chaz. The man he’s become . . . I don’t think there’s a word to describe him. Oh, wait I know— an insensitive preposterous sex on a stick asshole.

  I’m sure he didn’t know I heard him calling me Plain Jane and a stray. Though the words hurt, it’s nothing I haven’t heard before.

  My entire life from my parents who isolated me from everyone around to the ex-husband from hell. No one has ever seen me more than a Plain Jane. Someone they can use and abuse. So, I hadn’t let his words bother me. Well, at least not too much. Instead, I’ve tried to keep a wide berth from Chaz.

  I have gotten to know the rest of the guys. When I’d told them we’d all gone to school together they didn’t believe me at first. Then they’d brought in an old yearbook. Ugh, not a picture I want to ever see again. I was a total dork back then and guess you can say I still am.

  Or just plain naïve.

  I’ll be the first to admit I can still be naïve. But when you grew up as isolated as I had, you tend to not catch on to street smarts as fast as others. Or so I’ve been told and that’s something I truly can’t stand about myself.

  It’s probably why I love music so much. Listening to the melodies I can almost see the story in each song. Even without the words.

  Shaking my head, I let my fingers fly across the keys of the piano. I love writing songs though I hate the sound of my voice.

  As I bring the song to an end, I open my eyes and realize I’m not alone. Chaz was standing there watching me.

  “Oh, umm I’m sorry,” I murmur as I quickly move away from the piano. “I’ll just get my stuff and head out for the day.”

  As I go to pass him, Chaz grabs my arm forcing me to stop. It takes all my strength not to flinch.

  “Did you write that song?” he asks, thankfully not having felt the tension taking over my body.

  Unable to speak or even look up at him I nod my head.

  “It’s really good,” Chaz says.

  “Um thank you,” I say glancing up to meet his gaze for the briefest second before lowering my eyes back to the floor.

  I don’t know why Chaz all of a sudden decided to talk to me and I’m honestly not sure of what to think about it either.

  “So where did you learn to play music like that?” he asks, releasing my arm.

  “I went to school for music. I used to be a music teacher until recently,” I shrug as I step away from Chaz.

  “That’s pretty awesome. How come you're not a teacher anymore?”

  Don’t tense. Stay calm. No one needs to know the reason. It’s bad enough the principal and everyone else at the school knew. It’s no one else’s concern. Besides I left Jacob, he can’t hurt me anymore.


  “I umm I just needed a change of scenery,” I say nonchalantly.

  “I highly doubt a change of scenery is the case,” he grumbles.

  Crap, did he sense my tension?

  Lifting my gaze to meet his as I turn around, I find his eyes narrowed and his hands braced on his hips.

  “It’s the truth. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to get home,” I stammer as I turn back around and head around the receptionist's desk. Grabbing my things, I rush out of the shop, running like my ass was on fire.

  Smooth move dummy. Chaz is going to think you’re the biggest dork around because you just had to run away from him.

  I pull into the driveway of the four-bedroom house I bought. Why I needed so much room I’m not sure. If not for the dogs I rescued, I’d be completely alone. Thankfully, Jack, Molly, Pete-Pete, and Lulu keep me company.

  Best part is my king size bed never feels too big considering Jack is an American Bulldog and Molly is a Great Dane. Pete-Pete and Lulu are my Jack Russells but think they're bigger than Molly is.

  Putting the car in park, I turn the engine off and get out. I can already hear my babies barking from the back yard. They must have heard me and gone out their doggie door.

  Smiling, I let the thoughts of Chaz hearing me play or the questions in his narrowed eyes leave my mind as I make my way to the backyard. Guess I’ll play with my babies before going in and fixing dinner.

  As I open the back gate, I glance between all my dogs. “Did you guys miss me?” I ask them as I give each one of them some love.

  “Not as much as I have.” My heart stops in my chest as I glance up and find Jacob standing there smirking at me while leaning against my back door. “You're looking a little green there, Sugar Plum,” he chuckles.

  “Wh–what are you doing here, Jacob?” I ask quietly.

  “I’m here for you. What else would I be doing here?” he says, pushing off the brick of my house.

  “We’re divorced, Jacob. You have no reason to be here,” I sigh.

  “I want you back, Sugar Plum,” he murmurs sweetly, using the same tone of voice he did every time he’d apologize for beating me.

  “No, you need to leave,” I say firmly, proud of the fact I’m standing up for myself, although on the inside, I’m quivering in terror.

  “I don’t think so, Bethy.” Cupping my cheek with one hand, he uses the other to grip my hair. “You shouldn’t have filed for divorce. I told you I wasn’t going to let you go. Now either come inside the house and take a punishment the way a good wife should or fight me and I’ll shoot these mongrels where they stand,” he says, tugging my head backward so I’m meeting his gaze.

  “Please, Jacob, just leave me alone,” I beg, tears welling in my eyes.

  “Not going to happen, now inside,” he orders shoving me into the door.

  Turning the knob, I drop my bag on the counter and brace for what’s to come.

  I close my eyes as Jacob closes and locks the door. I wish I had more strength to fight back against him, but he always makes it worse when I do that.

  Here I thought divorcing him would be the end of his reign of terror over me. Now I know that was a lie. He left me alone for a few months to get a small sense of security only to take it away from me.

  “Now, Sugar Plum, let the fun begin,” he says gleefully as his hand runs down my side.

  Jacob moves to stand in front of me, using the hand on my side he holds me in place while his other runs along my lips. “I have missed these plump little lips around me. Get on your knees and take my dick out,” he commands.

  Shaking my head, I do my best to get away from him, but he doesn’t allow that to happen. Instead, Jacob forces me to my knees.

  Closing my eyes, I go to my happy place as I know what’s about to happen and this is the only way I’ll be able to survive.

  It’s the only way I’ve ever been able to make it through his punishments.

  God, what did I ever do to deserve such a life?

  Why is it I do my best to be invisible and end up being the one hurt?

  Chapter 3


  Rolling to my side, I groan in pain. My entire body is throbbing right now, and I can barely even move to my side. But I know I need to get up and see the damage Jacob has caused. He took pleasure in hurting me last night. After taking his time beating me, he dragged me to my room where he proceeded to violate me.

  I did my best to fight him off, but I didn’t have the strength. Weak and pathetic— that’s what I am and always will be.

  Climbing out of
the bed, I yelp in pain as I put my weight on my legs. I slowly make my way to my en suite bathroom and stop in front of the mirror to survey the damage done. As I glance at myself a gasp escapes my lips in horror. My entire face is bruised and cut up as well as the rest of my body. I don’t think there’s a part of me not bruised. My breasts and inner thighs took the brunt of it all and you can see where Jacob grabbed me roughly.

  There’s no way I’ll be able to work right now. I’ll have to come up with an excuse as to why I can’t come in for the next week or two. Damn you Jacob why can’t you leave me alone. I hope I don’t lose this job over what he’s done to me this time. But I know if Chaz finds out he’ll be the first to tell me to kick rocks and I’d understand why. Who would want someone like me around their kid?

  Turning away from the mirror, I reach into the shower and turn the water on. This is going to hurt but I need to wash him off my body. I can still feel his hands, his mouth, and his . . . I can’t even finish that thought.

  How did this become my life? I know because I was stupid enough to fall for Jacob’s tricks. Stupid enough to stay as long as I did and naïve enough to not go against him. It almost got me killed divorcing him. What did that get me? Nothing because he is still able to get to me and do as he pleases.

  Stepping into the shower, I cry out in pain as the water hits my skin and I slip, falling to the floor.


  It takes effort but I finally pull myself up off the shower floor. Grabbing my soap, I wash my body to the best of my ability. If I’m not mistaken my wrist seems to be sprained if not fractured.

  Shaking my head, I try to wash the filth of Jacob’s touch from my body and shut the water off. I don’t even bother with a towel as I make my way to my bed and fall onto it. I curl into a ball in the center of my bed.

  For the first time since waking up, I realize my dogs aren’t in here and as much as I want to go get them, I’m afraid to move anymore. But I need to check on them. Glancing over at my alarm clock, I wince at the time. If I were going into work, I’d be late. As it is, I’m probably going to get my ass chewed out for calling in after only just starting a few months ago.

  Groaning, I get up off my bed and slide my robe on. There’s no way I would possibly be able to put anything else on right now.

  Slowly I make my way through my house seeing the destruction Jacob caused in his wake of punishing me.

  Thank you, Jacob, for ruining my life yet again.

  Getting to the back door I open it to find all of my dogs excitedly ready to be inside. Why hadn’t they used their doggie door? Moving to it I realize it was locked. Great. Jacob must have locked it to keep my dogs from coming to me as I screamed.


  “I’m sorry, babies, I know you’ve got to be hungry,” I say closing the door making sure to lock it before stepping away.

  Glancing at my dogs, I feel worse as all four of them surround the two water bowls, lapping it up.

  Tears fill my eyes as I go about getting them food to eat. I’m horrible at this life. Maybe I should just find someone to take my dogs and let Jacob finish the job. I’m sure if he hadn’t stopped when he did the last couple times he’d hurt me, I’d have died. But that’s too easy for him to do. No torturing me was always his favorite thing to do.

  Soon as I have everyone fed I grab my phone off the counter where I’d left it. Unlocking the screen I find several different messages.

  Lex: Are you okay? You're not here yet.

  Hunter: Call us, you're not answering your phone and you were supposed to be at work already.

  Tanner: Umm babe seriously not cool to leave us hanging.

  Hunter: Come on babe answer the phone.

  Alexis: Hey chick, why aren’t you at work? The guys are starting to get worried.

  Lex: It’s not like you to ditch work. Answer the phone.

  Tanner: Now we're starting to worry that you’ve left us.

  Chaz: If you don’t call one of us back within the next hour, we’re coming to get you.

  Chaz: Suggest you call us.

  Alexis: I’ve never seen the guys this freaked. Are you okay?

  Chaz: Times up babe I suggest you answer the door.

  The last text message just comes in as a knock on the front door reaches my ears. My heart begins to pound as my dogs bark and run for the front door excitedly.

  Great, how do I get out of answering the door and allowing Chaz inside?

  My phone beeps again and I glance down to see another message.

  Chaz: Open the door Fairy girl.

  Chaz: Now

  Sucking in a breath, I put my phone down and clutch my robe tighter against my body as I slowly make my way to the door. The dogs stop barking as I put my hand on the knob and begin to open the door.

  Chaz barges into the house followed by Lex and Tanner. All three of them stop short as shock mars their expressions.

  I turn to go back to the other room when Chaz moves first and grabs around my arm causing me to cry out in pain.

  “What the fuck?” he growls as he quickly releases his hold and moves to pick me up and carry me to the couch.

  “Yea, what the fuck happened here, babe?” Tanner asks gently as he follows.

  “Do you have a first aid kit?” Lex asks.

  “It’s in my bathroom,” I murmur.

  Nodding, Lex takes off down the hall like he’d been here a million times and Tanner goes to my kitchen claiming he was going to grab me something to drink.

  “You wanna tell me what the fuck happened to you, Bethany?” Chaz demands.

  “I figured it would be obvious,” I mutter sarcastically.

  “Don’t try that shit with me, Fairy girl. Tell me who did this to you,” he growls directly in my face.

  Closing my eyes, I turn my head. “My ex-husband,” I whisper.

  Now Chaz will know just what type of person I am.

  Weak, pathetic, and stupid.

  That’s what I am for letting this happen yet again.

  Chapter 4


  Getting to the shop this morning, I had been ready to speak to Bethany more about the song she’d been playing yesterday. Last night, I couldn’t get the song out of my head and damn if I didn’t think she’d be a great addition to our group.

  Maybe, I don’t know. I mentioned it to the guys last night and they wanted to hear her sing.

  After an hour of Bethany not showing up or calling, I knew something didn’t seem right. When she didn’t answer any of our calls or messages, I knew without a doubt something was off and that we needed to check on her.

  I had Alexis pull out Bethany’s application so we could get her address. Plugging it into my phone while Lex, Tanner, and I headed for my truck. It didn’t take us long to get to her house.

  I’d sent her a text to answer the door before knocking on it. Dogs started barking instantly at the sound and I shot her another text. A minute or so later I can hear her flipping the locks and the door begins to open.

  I don’t wait for the door to open fully before I barge the rest of the way in only to stop short at the sight of Bethany’s face.

  What the fuck? Who would beat the hell out of her?

  When I grabbed her arm and she cried out in pain I realized this was far worse than just her face. Swooping her into my arms, I walked through her house like I’d been there many times and placed her on her couch. The damn dogs surround us, sniffing and keeping a close eye on the three of us as they hover around Bethany.

  I’ve never been an animal lover but seeing how much these dogs love Bethany, I can see what people mean about dogs' best friend.

  My vision blurs as she tells me who hurt her this badly and from the way she said her ex-husband did this I know without a doubt he’d done this to her before. I want to yell and scream at her for not calling someone for help sooner. We would have made sure this didn’t happen to her. But then again victims of domestic violence hated talking about what they're going thr

  Hell, my mom refused to go to the police when my dad would beat on her. “You’re not a man if you don’t put a woman in their place boy,” he told me on several occasions when I tried to stop the beatings. Those were the times I learned to stay out of his way. And started spending the majority of my time with Hunter, Lex, and Tanner.

  Inwardly shaking my head, I get back to the task.

  “Where all are you hurt?” I ask. Maybe a little harsher than I mean to by the flinch she gets.

  “Everywhere,” she murmurs.

  “Can you be a little more specific?”

  “I mean it when I say everywhere, Chaz,” she says a little louder as she meets my gaze.

  Furrowing my brow, I take in what she’s wearing. A robe. Lifting a hand, I pull the material off her bare shoulder exposing more bruises and at my guess, it goes further down.

  “Fairy girl, I hate to ask this, but did he . . .” I pause to clear my throat. Do I even want this answer? “Did he rape you?”

  Bethany closes her eyes and deep down I already know what the answer is..

  Fuck. This motherfucker is a dead man.

  “We need to call the police, Bethany,” I say.

  “No,” she shouts, and her eyes widen.

  “Babe, we can’t let your ex get away with what he’s done to you,” I state trying to calm her down.

  “I can’t go to the police, they never help. Not once were they any help when I was married to him. Not when he broke my arm and surely not when I filed for divorce,” she cries. Lex, who had been standing in the mouth of the hallway, finally steps forward carrying the first aid kit and Tanner comes in from the kitchen with a glass of water. From the way they’re both clenching their teeth, they’re pissed.

  “Bethany, why wouldn’t the police help,” Lex asks before I can as he puts the first aid kit next to me.

  I can tell she doesn’t want to answer this question but one look between the guys and myself, she knows she won’t get away with not telling us.


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