Darkblood Prison: Demon At Large : Supernatural Prison Squad Series Book 3

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Darkblood Prison: Demon At Large : Supernatural Prison Squad Series Book 3 Page 6

by G. K. DeRosa

  He quickly shook his head. “No, she’s here for the Triad, for Talon.”

  “You’re an idiot, Sark,” he growled. “Everyone knows she’s gone dark. She’s been consuming souls up and down the realms. The girl the dragon was infatuated with is gone.”

  My heart plummeted, and I had no idea why.

  “What will you do with her?”

  “I’ll torture her until I find out everything I need on the good Lord Thax.” A wicked grin flashed across his dark lips. “Perhaps I was too hasty, Sark. Your appearance with the little demon could be good fortune after all.”

  That’s what you think. Darkness invaded my vision as my demon clawed her way past me. She was inches from breaking free, and this time I wouldn’t stop her. The moment his attention was diverted, we’d strike.

  We reached another door, and Delacroix waved his palm across a scanner. It swung open and a row of cells appeared before me. Oh, hells no. The rush of energy bursting to break free disappeared. All the power siphoned out of me, leaving my insides empty.

  “The warden’s tightened up on security since you left, Azara. In addition to our pretty bracelets, the entire compound is enforced with an enhanced magic siphoning spell.”

  Since I left? “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I blurted as he swung me over his shoulder and marched down the corridor. Inmates roared and hollered as the brute dragged me further down the cell block. Hands and arms snaked out through the glass enclosures, pawing at my dress.

  We reached a cell, and he waved his hand over the scanner once more. It opened and he dropped me onto a hard bed. Three demons in black jumpsuits waited inside, plus Sark who still followed behind us.

  “Did you cut the camera?” Delacroix barked at one of the males.

  “Taken care of.”

  “Now, you’re going to tell me everything, Azara. Start with why Thax sent you and do not lie to me.”

  “I already told you, Thax didn’t send me. I escaped, just like Sark said. I’ve been a prisoner as much as he has.”

  Delacroix grunted. “If you’re still the same Azara who left three months ago, then how do you explain your newfound penchant for souls?”

  “Newfound? I’m an animas demon. That’s what I do.”

  A flash of confusion streaked through his pitch eyes, and his wild brows furrowed. “You’re lying.”

  I opened my mouth to rebut when a crash spun my head toward the corridor. Delacroix muttered a curse as a pair of raging silver eyes darted in our direction.

  My heart rammed up my throat, and all the air evacuated my lungs. Talon.

  Chapter Eight

  Talon barreled by the two demons in the hallway and rammed into the door. A chill skittered up my spine as the entire glass enclosure rattled. “Azara!”

  My name on those lips made my stomach churn and my chest tighten.

  He swept his hand across the scanner, like Delacroix had, but the door didn’t budge. “Open the door now, Balthier, or I’ll rip your insides out and paint the mess hall with them for all to see.”

  A flash of fear raced across the hellus demon’s fathomless irises. “No need to get so upset, Talon. I was merely welcoming the girl back.”

  “Liar,” I hissed.

  Talon slammed into the door again, and the floor beneath my feet shuddered. “Now, Delacroix. Quit stalling.”

  My demon captor ticked his head at one of his guards and motioned at the glass door. Then he reached into his black jumpsuit, pulled out a small pouch and tossed it at the guy. The male trudged to the entryway, turned the little bag over and sprinkled the door with a shimmering powder.

  The sliding glass whooshed open, and Talon charged in like a runaway freight train. His warm hands squeezed my shoulders as he dipped his head to meet my gaze. “Are you all right?”

  The blazing intensity behind those silver orbs shook me to the core. My lungs froze up, and my searing headache came back tenfold. “I—I’m fine,” I mumbled and shrugged free of his grasp.

  His brows twisted, and the crease between his eyes deepened. “How did you get here?” His heated gaze ran down my neck to the sliver of skin peeking through the leather jacket, leaving a blazing trail in its wake.

  “You can thank me for that.” Delacroix sauntered closer, revealing Sark behind him.

  “And who the hell is that?”

  “He’s one of my men from the outside. He’s the reason your precious Azara is standing before you.”

  Talon’s hard gaze darted from the dwarf demon to me and back.

  “It’s true,” said Sark, peeking out from behind Delacroix’s bulky form. “The lady rescued me from Lord Thax’s castle, and I brought her here per her wishes.”

  Talon’s hard expression softened as he turned to me, the tense tendon in his jaw relaxing. “You remembered?”

  I shook my head slowly. “I thought you’d have some answers for me.”

  His eyes darkened, his lips pressing into a tight line.

  “So it’s true?” Delacroix interjected. “Azara has no memories of the last three months?”

  “Doesn’t look like it,” Talon hissed. “Or anything before.”

  “Then she hasn’t come to exact revenge for her cousin?” A wicked chuckle burst from the hellus demon’s lips. “Well, isn’t this quite the conundrum for the great leader of the Triad.”

  “Shut it.” Talon seared him with a fiery glare.

  The demon turned to me with a smirk. “I apologize for jumping to conclusions earlier. I hope to make up for my mistake at a later time. Despite what the dragon will tell you about me, when you left we were on good terms. You’ll find I make an excellent friend especially within these obsidian walls.”

  I nodded. At this point, I didn’t trust anyone. It was clear now my own cousin had been lying to me for months. About a million questions twirled through my mind. What was I doing at Darkblood Prison? And how did I end up in the Underworld with Thax?

  “Let’s go.” Talon’s hand moved to the small of my back and heat from his fingertips seared through the fabric of my dress. Goose bumps puckered my skin, and I squirmed free from his hold.

  From the corner of my eye, I saw the dragon’s expression darken, hard lines carving into the smooth planes of his face. Delacroix’s chuckles echoed behind us as Talon escorted me out of his cell.

  As soon as we were in the hall, Talon called back over his shoulder, “Get that little demon out of here unless he wants to remain in the prison as a permanent guest.”

  I craned my neck back and waved at Sark, mouthing a quick thank you. I had no idea what would come next, but I was certain I’d finally get the answers I’d been looking for.

  As we trudged through the corridors in silence, Talon’s scorching stare razed over the side of my face. My skin prickled from its intensity. What was I to him? And more importantly, what was he to me?

  We reached a large, empty atrium and Talon turned down another passageway.

  “Where are we going?” I asked.

  “To see the warden.”

  I gulped. That didn’t sound like a good idea. Hadn’t I broken out of here?

  Another few beats of silence passed as I searched for my she-demon. Still no sight of her. I supposed it made sense that in a prison full of supernaturals, there would be a ban on powers.

  “How’d you find my jacket?” Talon’s eyes scoured over me and the warm leather I clung onto.

  “It’s yours?” The question was stupid. I’d subconsciously known the answer the moment the scent had filled my nostrils.

  “It’s from my go-bag, in the tunnels. I assume that’s the way you came in?”


  “It’s not the first time you’ve seen it. Maybe you remembered it somehow?”

  “I didn’t. I don’t remember anything. I just stumbled upon it. I was freezing, and I think it was self-preservation more than anything else.” I shrugged out of the jacket and handed it back to him. His mouth twisted into a frown before
his eyes dipped to the corset top of my dress, the laces loose and my boobs practically spilling out. A low growl vibrated his throat and I felt it—deep inside me, as if the deep rumble had come from my insides.

  I crossed my arms over my chest and hugged my middle. I needed out of this dress ASAP.

  He must have noticed my discomfort because he averted his gaze to the floor as we continued walking. He led me up a winding staircase to the second floor where the obsidian walls continued, but the air was definitely less institutional. No neon lights or barred doors.

  We finally stopped in front of a thick oak door. A gold plaque across the top read Warden Logan Campbell. A flicker of recognition crept across my mind before a pang of pain jolted through my skull. I cursed myself for the tenth time for not thinking to bring the healer’s potion. Maybe there was someone here that could help—but as a prisoner, would I be allotted such luxuries?

  Talon reached for the door, but my hand slapped his away from the knob. The faint touch sent heat spiraling through my core. I shoved it down and focused on the towering man beside me. “Did I escape? Am I going to be punished now?”

  A hint of sadness crept across his handsome face before he shook his head. “No, Azara. You didn’t do anything wrong. It was my fault you ended up in the Underworld with Thax.” He raked his fingers through his hair, mussing up the ends. “I don’t know where to start. There’s so much to catch you up on. I’m hoping Logan can help.”

  I ticked my head at the gilded sign. “The warden?”

  “He’s a family friend, Azara. I hope that seeing him will jog your memories.” He paused and drew in a breath. “You really don’t remember anything?”

  “Nothing before a week ago. Before that, I only know what Thax told me, and the more I’m learning, the more I’m certain they were all lies.”

  Talon’s jaw clenched, and silver flames danced across his blazing irises. “Your cousin kidnapped you. He stole you right from under my nose and dragged you down to the Underworld. He’s held you captive for three months, and I’m certain he’s done something to make you forget m—everything.”

  The door whipped open, cutting off our conversation and a man filled the large doorway. “Azara?” His eyes were shiny, the light gray hue similar to the dragon’s but without the blazing intensity. He reached for me, catching me off guard and pulled me into his rock-hard chest.

  I squirmed against him for a moment, but he held me in place. It was like being hugged by the side of a mountain. He finally released his hold and held me out to arm’s length. “Oh gods, Azara, I was so scared I’d never see you again.”

  “How do you know me exactly?” It was a pretty odd way for an inmate to be treated by a warden.

  Talon huffed out a breath. “Dammit,” he muttered.

  Logan extended his hand, and I let him take mine. He ushered me inside his office, and the moment I crossed the threshold, a surge of power ignited in my gut. My she-demon flared to life and snuck her way to the surface. No anti-magic wards in here?

  “Tell me everything,” said the warden as he escorted me to a supple leather couch and sat beside me.

  Talon folded his massive body into a chair across from us, his scrutinizing gaze never deviating from my own.

  I sank into the soft sofa, and a sigh immediately slipped out. After the freezing trudge across Draeko, it felt like heaven.

  “She doesn’t remember anything before a week ago,” Talon interjected. “According to Delacroix, she freed a demon from Thax’s castle in exchange for a ticket into the prison.”

  “Yup, that about sums it up.”

  “How did you know to come here?” Logan asked.

  My eyes flickered to the gorgeous dragon across the table. It was him. I couldn’t get him out of my mind. Would I admit that? Of course not.

  I shrugged. “I just had a weird feeling.”

  Talon turned to Logan, an indecipherable look clouding his eyes. “Now what?”

  “I don’t know. We can’t keep her hidden in here forever. The director will eventually find out somehow.”

  “The director?” I asked.

  “Of the SIA—the Supernatural Intelligence Agency.” Logan turned to me, his expression suddenly serious. “You said you remember the last week, so you’re aware of the few dozen supernatural souls you consumed?”

  Few dozen? I could only clearly remember a handful. “Is that a problem?”

  Both men exchanged a worried glance. “It is in the eyes of the SIA,” answered Logan.

  “You knowingly took supe lives?” Talon’s eyes widened as if I’d done something truly despicable.

  Tell them you had every right to, Azara. Don’t let these men control us. My inner demon surged closer to the surface, begging to be released. “I’m an animas demon,” I repeated. “And most were willing donors.”

  Talon scoffed and rose to his feet, throwing his hands in the air. “I doubt that.”

  I jumped up and leapt across the table, my demon taking the reins. “What would you know about it, dragon?” I hissed. My hands clamped around his neck as hunger snaked through my insides. It had been too long since my last meal.

  My lips drew closer and to my surprise he didn’t hedge away. On the contrary, he met my dark gaze and smiled. “You’ll like it, you’ll see. They all do.” I inched closer and inhaled. His mouth closed over mine, and his tongue darted inside my mouth. I was so shocked, the hunger receded, the burning urges stifled.

  His hand snaked around the back of my neck as he tilted my head to deepen the kiss. I smacked my palms against his chest and pushed—for only a second, before I yielded to the maddening strokes of his tongue against mine. A slamming door barely registered in the background as he continued his assault.

  A different kind of hunger ripped through me, and I threaded my fingers through the soft hairs on his nape. The move only spurred him on. His hands moved down my hips and clutched the back of my thighs. He wrapped my legs around his torso and staggered forward until my back hit the wall.

  The full length of his hard body pressed against mine, and I was trapped. My she-demon reveled at his touch, heat roaring through my insides. I wanted this man, and not just for his powerful soul. I wanted his body. The carnal urges surged inside me, like nothing I’d felt since waking.

  I reached for his zipper and yanked. The gray jumpsuit fell to his waist, revealing a silver dragon tattoo. I couldn’t keep my hands from running across the hard planes of his chest and torso. His dragon wriggled beneath my touch, the scintillating scales dancing with life. I dipped my fingers below the waistband of his jumpsuit, and he groaned against my lips.

  Gods, I wanted this man. The lust I’d felt for the attractive males at the clubs in the Underworld was nothing compared to this. My heart pounded, and my breath ground out in ragged spurts.

  I slid the jumpsuit over his hips, and it pooled to the floor in a gray puddle. My mouth salivated at the sight of his sculpted body in only tight boxer briefs. The proof of his arousal sent burgeoning heat in my lower core.

  Enough waiting. I wanted him now.

  Running my fingers down his sides, I reached for his boxers and tugged.

  He froze. His tongue stopped its scintillating caresses, and his hands loosened from my hips. “I can’t, Azara. Not like this,” he mumbled against my lips.

  “Not like what?” I screeched.

  He stepped back, and my legs slipped from his waist then my feet hit the floor. His eyes locked on mine, the depth of emotion behind the raging silver fathomless. “Do you remember me? Do you remember us?”

  Us? A whisper of a memory streaked by before it fled to oblivion. My heart ached from its absence. “No,” I muttered, my humanity overpowering my lusty demon.

  He whirled away, a string of curses tumbling from his lips.

  I glanced around the room and noticed the warden was gone. When had he left exactly? I stared at Talon’s bare broad back, and a deep chasm opened up inside me. Why couldn’t I remember?

/>   He spun back a moment later, his eyes shiny. He took a step closer then stopped, as if thinking better of it. “I love you, Azara.”

  The words hung in the air for an impossibly long moment.

  “Do you feel anything for me?”

  The air siphoned from my lungs, invisible claws crushing my organs. I searched the empty void, the gaping chasm, but I felt nothing. I wanted to say yes—I had no idea why, but I knew that I should love this man. But other than primal urges, a physical need demanded by my she-demon, I didn’t feel anything.

  I swallowed hard, letting the silence stretch between us.

  He finally turned away and trudged out the door.

  Chapter Nine

  Four pairs of intense eyes bored into me from across the table. I squirmed, shifting uncomfortably in the hard chair. Maybe I’d been a little overzealous in leaving the lavish confines of Thax’s castle. One night at Darkblood Prison trapped with the Triad, and my cousin’s deceit didn’t seem as terrible anymore.

  The guys had explained they were enforcers of some kind—like the warden’s special helpers. Which granted them exclusive access and occasional use of their powers. Sounded like a sweet deal to me. I’d been sworn to secrecy and forced to take a blood oath. I really couldn’t care less who they were, as long as I got my answers. Which I still had about a million of.

  A guard poked his head in the door of the rec room, and four heads spun to the entryway. “Ten more minutes, guys, then they’re coming in.”

  “Fine,” said Talon, “Thanks for the head’s up, Actaeon.”

  The dragon corrections officer eyed me, his reptilian pupils narrowing before he turned on his heel and the door slammed behind him.

  Of the four men scowling at me, the lines of anger carved into Talon’s face were the deepest by far. Every time our eyes met, daggers shot from the blazing molten steel. Bits and pieces of my she-demon coming out to play with the surly dragon danced across my mind whenever I closed my eyes. Heat rushed my insides at the saucy memories, and I crossed my legs under the table.


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