Tough Justice Box Set

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Tough Justice Box Set Page 48

by Carla Cassidy

  “Did the boys have many visitors to the house, or did they keep a low profile?”

  “Those boys didn’t have many friends before or after. I think the father was strict because the way those boys looked—” Viv winked “—you’d think the place would be crawling with girls.”

  “They never dated?” Lara clenched her teeth. Thank God they never dated. Who knew what sick tricks they would’ve played on the girls?

  “Not that I could tell.” Viv shook her head, making her long, side braid swing back and forth. “No prom dates, no girls at the house—even when they lived there alone. I suppose they didn’t want to call attention to their situation.”

  Or they were too busy planning a criminal empire.

  Viv tapped Lara’s knee. “The only time I thought the twins might be getting into trouble was when they had those couple of boys over.”

  Lara froze. “They had some boys over to the house?”

  “Just a few—scruffy-looking characters, if you ask me.”

  “Near the time of the fire?” Lara crossed her arms, afraid Viv might see her heart pounding in her chest.

  Viv’s face crumpled. “Do you think they might have had something to do with the fire? They were there way before the fire.”

  “Maybe. Maybe not.” Lara shrugged quickly. “What do you mean, scruffy? Were they from the neighborhood? High school friends?”

  “Not the neighborhood. These kids looked like drug users. I thought Mason might’ve been getting into trouble again, but it wasn’t that at all.”

  “How do you know that, Viv?”

  “I asked them.” She tossed her braid over her shoulder. “I saw them in the yard one day, and I asked if those young men were friends of theirs. Do you know what they told me?”

  “What?” The blood was thrumming in Lara’s veins now, causing her ears to pulse and her temples to throb.

  “Andrew and Mason were helping those boys.” Viv was beaming as if she were their grandmother.

  Lara added Viv to the list of unsuspecting people the twins had fooled.

  “Helping how?”

  “Those young men were down on their luck, runaways maybe, homeless. The boys were giving them some food, some of their old clothes. Imagine losing their own parents and thinking enough of others to help.”

  “Yeah, they could put Mother Teresa to shame.”

  Viv’s blue eyes flickered. “Do you think one of those scruffy boys could’ve set the fire?”

  Lara placed her hands on her knees. More likely those scruffy boys were auditioning for Mason’s body double. “Not sure, Viv, but you’ve been really helpful.”

  “Even though my house was in my daughter’s name, she never lived there during that time. She was already out of the house, but when she told me the FBI had contacted her about the Moretti twins, I wanted to help.”

  “We absolutely appreciate it, Viv. Call me directly if you think of anything else.” Lara placed her card on the table next to the remote control. “I’ll let you get back to your show, and you can fast-forward through that kiss.”

  “Poor girl. That man is a scoundrel.” Viv shook her finger at the TV screen. “How about you, Lara? Have you ever kissed a scoundrel?”

  A wave of heat washed into Lara’s face, and she put her hand to her throat. “I sure have, Viv. I’ve kissed a scoundrel or two.”


  Later that night, Lara slumped down in the passenger seat of the van and tugged her hat lower on her forehead. “Do you think there’s a chance Mason will show up tonight? Or maybe even The Ghost?”

  “Mason is the better bet, but I think he knows we’re on to him.” Nick yawned and punched the radio button for a different station. “Probably not.”

  Lara poked him in his arm—his good arm—and said, “Don’t get too comfortable out here. Mason may surprise us. Maybe he really does have feelings for Meghan.”

  Nick turned and raised one eyebrow. “Really? Even if he did develop some kind of relationship with your sister, he already has one relationship that overrides all others.”

  “With his brother. Why do you think they pulled that scam when they were teenagers? That just blows me away.”

  “They’re sociopaths. The seed was already there, and the growth accelerated with the death of their parents. They planned it out. Mason was already a troubled teen, and maybe Andrew was controlling his brother even back then.”

  “You mean Andrew was sending Mason out to do the dirty work while he stayed clean?”

  “Something like that.” Nick adjusted the rearview mirror. “Identical twins play pranks all the time, don’t they? I knew two brothers in high school—one was academic, the other wasn’t. So the studious brother took the SAT for the un-studious one.”

  “Yeah, if only the Moretti brothers had been more interested in attending college and less interested in building a criminal empire.” She tapped the edge of the mirror. “Do you see something back there?”

  “A man came around the corner, but then he crossed the street and got into a taxi.”

  “There is a back entrance to the Hot Spot, so there’s a chance he’ll slip right past our surveillance.”

  “If that happens, James will pick him up inside. We got this.”

  Lara retrieved her coffee from the cup holder and toyed with the lid. “Victoria’s worried about Ty. He’s taking it hard.”

  “It’s a bitch losing a partner—I know—but he’ll get through it. Ty’s tough.”

  “That’s what I told Victoria.” Lara rolled her wrist and checked the time. “Two more hours to closing. He knows we’re watching. This part of the game is over.”

  “I’m not even sure I understand the game, do you?”

  “Make Lara Grant’s life miserable?”

  “But why even bring your sister into it? It’s not like the two of you were close or even in contact. If you and Meghan had a great relationship and Mason just drove a wedge between you, that would make more sense.”

  Lara traced an M on the window and rubbed it out with her fist. “It shows they know me, have delved into my life. It’s supposed to strike fear into my heart.”

  “And does it?” Nick shifted in his seat. “At times you do seem fearful, almost panicked.”

  “It hits me in waves, like I’m on a roller coaster. Maybe if I knew their endgame, even if that endgame culminated in my death, I could handle this with more confidence.”

  “What could be worse than your own death?”

  She swallowed. “The death of people close to me.”

  “Do you even have anyone in your life left in that category?”

  “If they went after Meghan...or one of you guys again, I don’t know how I’d handle it.”

  “That ain’t gonna happen.” He grabbed his coffee cup. “We’re all on high alert now, after Mei.”

  She licked her lips. “We should have been on high alert after Cass.”

  “Don’t go there.”

  “Now he has you. That text about you and Mei being a couple proves he knows that we’”

  “Don’t worry about it.” He sipped his coffee. “Don’t worry about me. I can take care of myself.”

  He could take care of himself, but others couldn’t. Her gaze tracked to the front of the Hot Spot.

  “We’re getting closer and closer, Lara. This is all going to be over soon.”

  “I agree, but who else is going to have to pay before it is?” She took a sip of her own coffee before she said any more.

  Nick settled back in his seat and made a call to Victoria with their report, which wasn’t much of a report at all. Then he ended the call and dropped the phone in his lap. “She wants us to go into the bar after it closes and James leaves.”

  “That’ll go over big with Meghan.” Lara slid down in the seat again while Nick played with the radio.

  Another few hours of chitchat and music passed until the hands on her watch finally indicated two. Right on schedule, James slipp
ed out the front door of the bar and loped down the street.

  “Our turn.” Nick yanked the keys from the ignition, and they headed over.

  Another patron exited. Nick caught the door, and they ducked inside the bar.

  Meghan had been wiping down a table, and her head shot up when they stepped inside. She cursed.

  Had she really been expecting Trevor Black to show up? After everything Lara had told her about the man, did she still want him to show up?

  “We’re closed.” The other bartender had his back to the door, washing dishes, and didn’t turn around.

  Nick cleared his throat. “We’re here to talk to Meghan.”

  “You can talk to Meghan all you want, but you’re not getting served.”

  Nick strode to the bar and slapped his badge on top of the gleaming mahogany. “Don’t you have something to do in the back?”

  The bartender spun around, eyeballed Nick and his badge, and shuffled to the back room of the bar.

  Lara wedged her hip against a table next to the one Meghan was cleaning.

  Meghan scrubbed a furious circle on the tabletop with her cloth. “What are you doing here? Were you going to try to arrest him?”

  “Have you heard from him, Meghan? Did he contact you after I left this afternoon?”

  “I’m not telling you shit.” She shook her dish towel in Lara’s face. “You chased him away. The only good guy I’ve met in months and you had to stick your nose in my business and drive him off.”

  “He’s not a good guy, Meghan. Didn’t you listen to anything I told you today? He’s not even Trevor Black.”

  “I think you’re lying.” Meghan braced her hands on the table and hunched forward. “Trevor wouldn’t do any of those things you accused him of doing. You have the wrong guy. You just want to ruin my life and any chance at happiness I might have.”

  Meghan shoved off the table, and it teetered toward Lara.

  Nick jumped in front of her and righted the table. “Don’t—” he leveled a finger at Meghan “—do that again.”

  Lara held out one hand. “Meghan, I’m not doing this to hurt you. I’m trying to save you. Mason Moretti is a bad guy. He’s depraved, and he’s using you for some nefarious purpose.”

  “Get out. I told you that earlier today, and I’m telling you again. I don’t want or need your warnings. Get the hell out of my life.”

  “Let’s go, Lara,” Nick said. “If Mason is done with her, the danger is past.”

  Meghan released a strangled sound, and her dishrag sailed past Lara’s left ear.

  Nick’s body tensed, and she responded, “Let it go.”

  They stepped outside, and Nick rolled his shoulders. “I don’t know how you can stand there and calmly take that.”

  “Did I appear calm to you? Then I deserve an award.”

  “If that had been my brother talking to me like that—” he smacked a fist into his palm “—I would’ve decked him.”

  “No you wouldn’t have because your brother is troubled, just like Meghan.”

  “She’s gainfully employed, not an addict, seems healthy. What’s her problem?”

  “She has a giant chip on her shoulder that gets worse when I’m around.”

  “She’s damned lucky you’re looking out for her best interests. She could do a lot worse.”

  She slid into the passenger seat and closed her eyes. “I’m emotionally drained but still physically alert. Does that make sense?”

  Nick’s leather jacket creaked as he shifted in the driver’s seat. Then his lips touched hers, just a whisper at first that turned into a caress. She put her hand on the side of his head, burrowing her fingers into his thick hair.

  He deepened the kiss, tipping the hat from her head. She kissed him back, her mouth moving against his in a rhythm that mimicked her throbbing pulse.

  He trailed his lips from her mouth to her jawline and then down her neck. He pressed a kiss at the base of her throat.

  She stroked the soft denim covering his muscular thigh. “What was that for? Not that I’m complaining.”

  “The stakeout ended. We’re off the clock.” He nibbled her lobe. “We could both use a break.”

  Folding her hands in her lap to keep herself from mauling him, she said, “It’s late.”

  “I want you.”

  She wanted him, too, and knew how good they were together, but she had to stop this train of thought. His kitchen was a one-time occurrence.

  Pressing two fingers against his lips, she pointed over his shoulder at Meghan slipping out the front door of the bar. “Let’s see that Meghan gets home safely. Who knows? Maybe Trevor Black is still looking for an opportunity to hook up with her.”

  Nick blew out a breath. “What the hell is she doing leaving the bar at two-thirty in the morning by herself? That woman must have a death wish.”

  “Let’s follow her, and I don’t care if she gets pissed off.”

  When Nick started the engine of the van, the headlights illuminated the solitary figure on the sidewalk. Meghan whipped her head around, and then she continued on her way with long strides, swinging her arms by her side.

  They crawled along after Meghan until she disappeared into her building without one backward glance.

  Lara let out a long sigh. “I hope we scared away Mason for good.”

  “Or Andrew.”

  She blinked. “Oh, yeah, we haven’t gotten Mason’s juvenile file back yet. If anyone can find that file, Cass can.”

  “My place or your hotel?”

  “Just drop me off, Nick. You and I both know it’s for the best.”

  He growled. “What I know and what I want are two different things.”

  Did he really need her tonight, or was that just a line to get her in bed? He’d never struck her as the needy type before, but it’s not as if the man didn’t have his own demons.

  When he pulled up to the curb in front of the hotel, she cracked the door, which illuminated the inside of the van and Nick’s profile.

  One touch, one word and she could have him, but she’d have to let him in for that—let him into her hotel room and let him into her soul. This time it wouldn’t be fast and furious. It would mean more. She couldn’t risk that, not again.


  The following morning, Victoria charged into the conference room waving a piece of paper in her hand. “Judge Brown granted us the go-ahead for the exhumation.”

  Nick glanced at Lara. She’d already called dibs on being there during the exhumation of Mason Moretti’s grave, but the look on her face told him she might be regretting it already.

  Once he knew she’d be there, he’d volunteered to tag along—not only as her partner but her protector. He’d never admit that out loud. He’d be laughed off the team, and Lara would be laughing the loudest.

  An agent who infiltrated and helped bring down a notorious syndicate boss hardly needed a bodyguard. His gaze dropped to Lara’s hands folded in front of her, the white knuckles the only sign of nerves.

  He’d wanted Lara last night. Did she appreciate how much effort had gone into resisting her? As much as he found her sexy and exciting, he wanted something more from her, something deeper. And she wasn’t prepared to go there...yet.

  “I’m betting on one of those runaways Mrs. O’Hara said the twins had befriended,” Nick said, refocusing on the task at hand.

  “Not going to be easy to ID.” Victoria looked at him and Lara. “You two still on this?”

  Nick nodded. He and Lara were partners. It was only natural they’d take this assignment together. No need for anyone to suspect his ulterior motives.

  “You’ll need this.” Victoria pressed the exhumation order into his hands. “The forensics team will meet you out there. Just let them know the time. They’re ready to roll.”

  “We are, too.” He tucked the order in the inside pocket of his jacket.

  Victoria had written Mason’s name on the whiteboard, which detailed Moretti’s criminal e
nterprise. She tapped it now, smudging the edge of the M. “Cass, I want you to keep digging into the Moretti brothers’ past. Good work on getting Mrs. O’Hara.”

  Lara snatched the exhumation order from his pocket and scanned it before handing it back. “One more thing, Cass. Why don’t you look into the car accident that killed their parents?”

  “You think the twins had something to do with the death of their parents?”

  Xander nodded. “I wouldn’t put it past them. Ever hear of the Menendez brothers?”

  “I’m going to get some coffee before I start delving into the car accident.” Cass stretched and pushed back from her computer. “Where’s Ty this morning?”

  “I think he’s with Dr. Oliviero.” Xander put a finger to his lips.

  Victoria sent him an icy glare. “That’s supposed to be confidential, Xander.”

  “C’mon, we all know he’s seeing the shrink, and he needs to. I’m not judging.”

  “Speaking of judging, you have a lot of items on your to-do list. Get on it.” Victoria jerked her finger at the door. “And keep your mouth shut about personal information.”

  “Got it, boss.” Xander sprang to his feet and exited the conference room.

  Nick patted his chest where the exhumation order nestled in his pocket. “You ready to head to The Evergreens Cemetery, Lara?”

  “On a permanent basis?” She grabbed her jacket. “No, thanks.”

  Appropriately enough, gray clouds had rolled in on the sunny but crisp day by the time they arrived at the cemetery. Lush, green grass blanketed the parklike grounds. The trees were sporting their autumn colors, but the grounds remained free of leaves. The groundskeepers were on their game.

  Nick surveyed the scene—not a bad place to spend eternity—unless you’d gotten a fast-pass ticket like their guy had.

  He didn’t like cemeteries or funerals and tried to avoid both, but he’d have to make plans for his mother one day. A trickle of sweat ran down his back, despite the cool air.

  When he and Lara reached the gravesite, the forensics team, outfitted in protective gear, was there to greet them.


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