Reborn: 6-10

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Reborn: 6-10 Page 35

by D. W. Jackson


  [You have reached the absorption level for Blood Titan. Abilities available: Blood Strengthening (passive).]


  [You have been randomly awarded the ability Blood Strengthening.]


  [You have received a new stat: Hardness.]

  [Blood Strengthening- cost 10 vitality: gain 1 point in hardness. Level 1-0%.]

  10 points for one. It seemed absurd to Ash, but that would depend on what the stat did. Not rushing too fast, Ash checked the description of his new stat. When he looked, Ash was surprised to find that he already had one point in his new stat.

  [Harness- strengthens the bones.]

  Bones were already hard, but they still broke under enough stress and while strength made his muscles stronger, he knew it did nothing for the rest of his body. Endurance had a little to do with strengthening the rest, but how much effect it had Ash didn’t know since it was hard to gage. Still unsure about the new stat, Ash could only resign himself to ignore it for now until he had a chance to ask the sage about it.

  Other than his new ability, it seemed that when demon absorption leveled up it reduced the needed number of creatures by ten again. He had half feared that it would only be reduced by one. Smiling, Ash informed the guards that he had gained all the abilities and was ready to move onto the next monster.

  When they left the blood titans behind, Ash had never been so happy to leave a floor of the labyrinth and he silently hoped never to meet the creatures or creatures like them again.

  None of the other monsters that they faced seemed to catch Ash’s attention after having seen the blood titan. There was only a simple ice giant and a terra beast. The ice giant only gave one ability while the terra beast gave him the remaining two.

  [Artic Shock- cost 45MP 15SP: send out a large wave of cold air with the fierceness of a tempest.]

  [Maul- cost 40SP: unleash a series of violent strikes with each one holding more power than the last.]

  [Devour- cost 200SP: completely devour certain monsters to gain 1 point in the hardness or endurance stat. Can only be used once per monster.]

  When Ash gained the last ability, he started to understand the ones he had gotten earlier. With this, he didn’t have to sacrifice any vitality to gain points in the hardness stat.

  By the time they exited the labyrinth, night had already fully claimed the sky. Tired and weary, Ash followed Tolarea to the large conference chamber where the others awaited him.

  After a large meal, or at least a large meal to Ash, though it seemed only a snack to the larger members of the group the sage started explain the abilities he had received.

  “Other than the fighting abilities, which I am sure you can see the use for yourself, the main abilities you came here for are the ones that deal with the hardness stat. The Icsorth and a few other clans have this when they are born and can put points into it as they gain in level, but for you the only way to do so is through using your gained abilities. First off, how much vitality do you have?”

  “I have seventy-seven points in vitality,” Ash said, not counting what his abilities gave him as a bonus.

  “That is all?” Belgan shouted. “Where have you been putting everything? Vitality is needed for everyone. Without it, you’re as good as dead. With your level, you should have at least put forty points into it and even with poor training, it should be near 100 points. Just what do humans do sit around all day watching the clouds pass?”

  Ash couldn’t help but flinch at the clan head’s words. It was true that he hadn’t put many points in anything besides luck lately. The only reason that his vitality was as high as it is was because of his training and the few monster cores he had used. “I put most everything into luck.”

  “I see,” the sage said then his eyes widened as he remembered Ash’s abilities and skills. “I see.”

  “Am I missing something here?” Belgan asked, his face still holding a hint of anger though a lot of it had been replaced by a look of confusion. When the sage explained how Ash’s abilities and skills worked, the large man quickly changed his tone but after a while he shook his head again. “It works well over all, but that means for every point he removes from vitality, his health will take a major drop.”

  “Is hardness really that useful?” Ash asked, not understanding why the large man was so agitated.

  “Cuts, even deep ones can be healed rather easily, but broken bones and destroyed limps can’t. If your arm is cut off, even the most skilled healer can’t do squat about it. Once hardness reaches one hundred, it would take a titans strength to break it and at two hundred even a dragon would have a hard time. Once you get it high enough, there are some other abilities that would make you almost indestructible, unless you faced off against some really nasty enemies.”

  Ash gave the clan head’s words a lot of thought and decided that it might be best to start putting some of his points into vitality. As long as his HP was at 1000 he didn’t really worry much about dying too easily, but he didn’t want it to go below that, even if it meant that his bones would be harder to break. There was also the chance of getting more monster cores, but lately he hadn’t been doing much of the killing so his luck was only partially in effect when he was in a party. They still gained a great number of item drops, but the higher quality ones came in less often. He wasn’t sure how it all worked and he didn’t think he would anytime soon.

  “Well, no reason to fret over it now,” Belgan said shaking his head. “Tomorrow we will start the training after you and my niece tie the knot. I just hope that she leaves enough of you after the nuptials night to be of any use…ugggarrauuu,” Belgan’s words were drowned out as Tolarea struck him so hard that he fell back in his chair. She didn’t stop there as she continued to mercilessly kick him. Watching the scene, Ash made a mental note not to make his future wife made. He didn’t think he could live though that kind of beating.

  Demon's Legacy #9-9

  With his new abilities learned, Ash knew what the day would bring. He couldn’t help but be slightly excited as he strapped on his sword after pulling himself from the bed. Before leaving he looked back to see the two young ladies still sleeping soundly. “Have I changed that much?” Ash asked himself.

  Ash knew that he had been questioning himself a lot lately. He had never been a philosopher or even much of a deep thinker but the longer he lived in this world the more it seemed to change him. Flexing his wings he let out a short laugh when he thought that the changes to his body were the least of what had happened to him.

  Unlike with the other two clans, it didn’t seem as if Belgan wanted a quick ceremony. When Ash exited the ice castle, he found so many people gathered that he couldn’t see the end of them and there in the center was his new wife to be and Belgan. Having seen the same scene a number of times before, Ash could only hold in his smile as Tolarea chased the clan head with her sword while he nimbly dodge her attacks.

  “Calm down,” Belgan said as the blade passed so close to his head that it could have cut a bead of sweat.

  “I have to marry the Maoh,” Tolarea said, continuing her attack. “That is fine,” She said kicking out with her foot, striking the clan heat in his right hip and knocking him to the ground. Tolarea walked up and placed the blade of her sword at Belgan’s throat. “But I will not have you hand me off as if I am some sort of trophy.”

  “Just calm down and listen,” Belgan said, holding his hands up trying to stay her anger. “I just thought I would add some of the human marriage rites into the ceremony to make the Maoh feel more comfortable.”

  Watching the scene, Ash could only shake his head. “Is everything ready?” Ash asked walking up to Belgan who still lay on him back on the ground.

  “My lord,” Tolarea yelped with a slight blush. Looking at her, Ash had to admit she was charming when she was flustered.

  When Belgan started laughing, Tolarea shot him a fierce look that quickly silenced him. “We are
ready my lord,” Belgan said as he got to his feet while his eyes shone brightly showing that he still wanted to laugh.

  Even though Belgan grumbled, the ceremony was held quickly with only a few vows said before the statue of the goddess. One it was finished, Ash started to turn to leave when Tolarea grabbed his arm her face turning a bright shade of red.

  “My uncle said that it was customary that in human wedding for the bride and groom to kiss at the end.”

  Holding in his laugh, Ash lifted himself up on his toes, but still was unable to reach higher that Tolarea’s chin. Before Ash could think of what to say, Tolarea grabbed him and lifted him up and kissed him. It was not the quick soft kiss that he had expected, instead she pushed in so hard that their teeth banged painfully together. She did not letup lightly either and for a brief moment, Ash was slightly scared that she was going to try and have her way with him while everyone watched. Suddenly Tolarea let Ash slip from her gasp and his backside crashed hard with the ground below his legs having lost their strength. His head swinging, all Ash could hear was Belgan’s loud and deep laughter.

  As soon as he was able to regain his footing, Ash was taken to the same training field behind the castle where he had sparred with Tolarea. Looking across the field, Ash found himself face to face against his new wife though unlike before she now wore heavy plate armor. The only part of her body that was exposed was Tolarea’s head though her already short hair had been pinned up.

  Before they started, Belgan stepped into the center of the large arena. “Ash, the rules are simple you are only to use direct fighting abilities. The battle is over when one person is left unable to fight.” Before Belgan left the field, he walked over to Ash and placed his hand on his shoulder. “I would suggest you fight with everything you have, otherwise we might be looking for a new Maoh by the end of the day.”

  So far in his battles, Ash had never really hurt any of the people he had trained against. The first time he could only guard and the second he was using poison against a group that was immune to it. When the horn sounded, Ash was more than a little nervous as he lifted up the sword. Looking across the field, Ash found that his counterpart didn’t seem to be filled with the same thoughts as she was already rushing toward him her massive sword in hand.

  Slightly panicked, Ash tried to think of what abilities he could and should use. In those few seconds, his mind and body seemed to freeze. By the time Ash could break free, the sword was already rushing toward his chest.

  Ash felt himself flying through the air as pain ripped through his body. There were a thousand thoughts going through his mind but before one could solidify, the pain coming from his chest drowned it out. As Ash landed hard against the ground the taste of copper touched his tongue as he coughed up a mouthful of blood. He tried to sit up but the pain made it impossible. With what little strength he had left, Ash called his status screen into his view. Ash was shocked he had lost over 400 HP from one attack and gained the status of bleeding and injured.

  “Lord,” Ash heard a panicked voice yell and a second later, Tolarea’s flushed and nearly crying visage entered his view.

  “Girl, I know you like to fight, but I didn’t think you would try to kill your husband even before the nuptials,” Ash heard Belgan say a hint of a laugh in his booming voice. Ash had expected Tolarea to get mad like she had before, but instead large droplets started to fall from her eyes. “I was joking,” Belgan said, his voice losing all sense of humor. “Tegan, heal him quickly,” the clan head ordered.

  Soon the pain in his chest started to disappear as a demon with light white wings that looked like an angel bent over him. Ash had seen numerous healings before and had even had them cast on him more than a few times, but nothing compared to what was happening now. All the pain disappeared and within moments Ash got to his feet with only the large rip in his clothes to show that he had even been injured. “Thank you,” Ash said as he took off his now badly damaged armor.

  “My pleasure my lord,” the man said with a bright smile. “By the way, I am Tegan the clan head of the Nehalem clan which you will be visiting next. Normally it would be one of my children who attend the training, but since it is only for a few days I thought to come myself.”

  “I am glad you did,” Ash said with a warm smile.

  After Ash’s was given new armor to wear while his was repaired, the training started again. This time Tolarea didn’t charge at him, instead she held back her face showing uncertainty. Ash felt bad not only for his previously bad reaction, but also that it had left a deep mark on Tolarea. Reaffirming himself, Ash rushed forward with all of his strength.

  Ash noticed that Tolarea was moving slower than normal so he restrained a little of his strength. Ash could still see that her face was perturbed but Tolarea was able to block his sword with his own. Ash continued to press the attack though he didn’t use any abilities. Tolarea sword started to move and by the time their swords had met for the fifth time, her face had regained its composure and Ash could once again see a hint of a smile on her face.

  Ash was happy that Tolarea had regained her fighting spirit, but now he was being pressed hard. His strength was high, but he still felt his hands numb with each strike. With little choice, Ash decided it was time to use some of his abilities. Most of them he had required him to land a strike for them to be truly effective. Even the ones that ignored defense wouldn’t do much good if she was able to block them with her sword or dodge the strike. Thinking quickly as he was starting to be pushed back Ash invoked both pounce along with blood strike.

  Ash had always wondered why pounce was so cheap when it was effective but after going through a number of battles he now understood that it was not something that could be used lightly. As soon as it was activated, his body would surge forward in a straight line making it impossible for him to dodge any incoming attack and if he was not ready, he could easily cause his own downfall. That was why he waited until he could dodge one of Tolarea’s strike to cast it. As the sword flashed passed his head, Ash jumped forward, his sword taking on an eerie crimson glow as it stuck the large woman just above the stomach.

  It was a hard hit and coupled with the blood strike it forced Tolarea to take four steps back. Tolarea grunted as a small line of blood trickled from the corner of her mouth. Using the back of her hand, she wiped away the blood while Ash was frozen in place due to the cold smile on her face

  A second later Tolarea rushed back into the battle her strikes much heavier than before. Tolarea was fast and strong but Ash was faster though thanks to the size of her sword it didn’t help him much. Within moments Ash had been pressed so hard that he was nearing the edge of the training circle while large beads of sweat rolled down stinging his eyes.

  Tolarea used a number of abilities but they were all pretty straight forward. She was skilled with her sword and even given its size she was able to handle it easily. The only real downside that Ash could see was she allowed herself to get too invested in the battle and the longer a battle lasted the more straightforward her attacks became. Ash was hard pressed but he could start to make out her movements the longer the fight lasted.

  Ash continued to dodge the attacks until he noticed an opening then moved. He was too close to use pounce so he only hoped that he was right about what attack was coming next. As the blade of the large sword came in at the side he stepped in close moving slightly to the side so that all he needed to do was extend his arms to hug Tolarea. When he reached the desired position, Ash unleashed his sunder ability.

  Ash felt as the blade of Tolarea’s sword hit him, but he was so close most of the force was gone, though thanks to her immense strength she was still able to force him to take one step. At the same time Tolarea’s attack landed Ash’s did as well. Just like with Tolarea’s attack the force was reduced though due to his position and the fact his blade was much smaller it wasn’t effected as much.

  The positing and timing of Ash’s attack forced Tolarea to stumble. Not missing his chance,
Ash took a quick step forward while swiping his leg hitting Tolarea right above the ankle causing her to fall back. Before she had a chance to regain her footing Ash rushed forward and placed the blade of his sword to her throat.

  “My win,” Ash said as he removed the blade.

  Ash had thought that Tolarea would take losing bad considering what a battle nut she was, but the look on her face was anything but displeased. It was the look of a hunter. Her look was so piercing that Ash involuntarily took a step back.

  Getting to her knees, Tolarea grabbed Ash’s arm and pulled him to her. The action was so unexpected he didn’t have a chance to resist before his lips were taken by force. He felt her hand moving over his body and quickly moved to stop its advance but even with his boost his strength was less than hers.

  “I don’t think this is the right time,” Belgan said laughing. “Wait till tonight and you can have all the fun you want. Today, the young lord still has plenty of training left to do.”

  Tolarea let go of Ash and let out a disheartened sigh before shooting her uncle a fierce glare.

  Ash continued to fight with Tolarea as his main opponent, but sometimes the clan head would ask another fighter to take her place. Tolarea refused, but she was quickly overruled. The first time that Tolarea left the field Ash thought that one of the gods had answered a hidden prayer but it was short lived. Before two rounds had been finished she reappeared and attacked with even more energy than Ash had remembered

  By the end of the first day Ash was hurting so bad that he had trouble standing. Tolarea seeing him stagger back toward the palace lifted him from the ground as if he were a child and quickly carried him back to his room where Seia and Celina waited for him.

  Seeing the sorry state that he was in both girls cried out but they were quickly quieted by Tolarea who then ran them out as if they were small children.


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