Assassins Betrayed

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Assassins Betrayed Page 3

by Robert Cuma

  I couldn’t take my eyes off her as she walked away toward the consulate. I watched every single movement of her body wrapped in those tight jeans of hers. I then quickly went to our designated place in the restaurant. There I ordered a strong drink and waited. Looking around, the place seemed to be carved out of an old cave from a long time ago. I couldn’t help notice that from this booth there was no rear way out and that made me a little nervous. After about my third drink, I began to get concerned when in walked Gina arm and arm with Roger. They sat in the booth next to mine. I held my head down as not to be noticed. After about twenty minutes of flirty conversation, I turned around and said, “Roger, is that you?”

  “Cross, what are you doing here? Don’t you know that I’m being followed wherever I go? And it’s not by our people.”

  “Well, I didn’t plan on meeting you in here. I’m just having dinner.”

  “Still the same old Cross, having the pretty women do your dirty work for you. I told you I couldn't help you. Even if I could, we both would be dead. This business is serious this time.”

  “Are you telling me that I’ve been set up?”

  “Other people knew what you were doing in the mountains. That’s why they blew the car up with Bono in it.”

  “Roger, who’s behind this?”

  “I don’t know!”

  “Give me a place to start looking. Where did you get your information?”

  “I first found out from your man in Rome about a week ago. It slipped out in a conversation we were having over lunch with the new people he has working for him.”

  “Are you talking about Hill, Leonard Hill, that wimp?”

  “Well, apparently that wimp has a few security contractors working for him now. And they are not Italians. One of them mentioned in passing that you would soon be taken care of by the Italian police or they would do it themselves. I don’t think the guy talking realized at the time that I knew you. Then Hill told the guy to shut up. That’s all I know. When I saw you on the news as a suspect in a terrorist plot, it all came together.”

  “Well, I need to leave the country. Will you get me a passport?”

  Reluctantly, Roger responded, “Okay, I’ll do it. Meet me on the other side of the Ponte Vecchio bridge tomorrow night at 10 p.m. sharp. There is an outdoor café on the left side as you cross the bridge. I’ll be inside in the back of the place.” He got up and left quickly.

  I asked, “What do you think, Gina?”

  “Me, personally, I don’t trust the guy but he’s your friend.”

  “I don’t know if I can trust him anymore. How did you get him to come with you?”

  “Certain things should be left unsaid. Let’s say I used my personal charm.”

  “Okay, whatever you say. I think we should leave here now just in case he was followed.”

  “Sure. There is another way out of here.” We went into the main restaurant and out a side door, which led to an alleyway. From there, we came out on the street along the river but about a block away. Gina took us through the back alleyways to a secluded small restaurant on a dead end street. Once there, we sat at a table in the rear. Gina said, “This is a fairly safe place and I don’t think we were followed.”

  “You’re a sharp young lady, Gina.”

  “No, I just know this city very well.” Then the waiter came over and asked what we would like. The menu was small so without much of a choice. Gina ordered for both of us.

  I asked, “Gina, do you have any ideas where can we stay this evening?”

  “Oh sure, I have a friend with an apartment in the area of where we will meet Roger tomorrow.”

  “That’s great. You do think of everything.” Shortly after our dinner, we left the restaurant and headed for her friends place. We arrived at a six-story fifteenth century dwelling and proceeded to walk up to the, you guessed it, top floor. Gina knocked on the door of an apartment in the rear of the building. A young man about twenty-two or so greeted us and invited us in immediately. Once inside, I saw he had a girlfriend who was obviously staying with him since she was hardly dressed. Another young Italian beauty, what a life these modern day kids live. The girl made us some coffee and we chatted a bit. Speaking in Italian, Gina made a lot of small talk. Then she asked the young man if we could stay here for tonight. I didn’t let on that I knew the language well.

  The man responded with, “Gina, don’t you think he’s kind of old for you?”

  She made it a point to say, “He is just a friend of mine.” But then she politely interjected, “No, he’s not too old for me.” He agreed to allow us to stay in the back bedroom. She thanked him and we went off to the other room. There was one small bed in the room and I told Gina to use it to get some sleep. Then Gina said, “We’ll make room for each other in the bed not to worry.”

  “Gina, I don’t think it is right for us to sleep together.”

  “What are you, some kind of puritan or something? Just lie down and we’ll both get a good night’s sleep.” I removed my shirt and lay down next to her in the darkness. The only light in the room was radiating through a window from the street below. It was a quiet night as I admired Gina’s silhouette in the bed next to me. Neither one of us was asleep when she asked, “Do you think you’re too old for me?”

  “I probably couldn’t keep up with a young beauty like you. So I would have to say yes.” As we faced each other, she moved in closer to me. Then with all her tenderness, she started kissing me ever so gently, first on my bare chest then up to my lips. I kissed her back in a most adoring manner. She sat up and removed her shirt looking at me as to receive my acceptance. I told her she was beautiful but tonight should be for sleep. I pulled her slowly into my arms and kissed her again. As I held her close, we both felt each other’s burning desires. She pushed her face into my chest and eventually we both fell asleep.

  The next morning after coffee, we sat around the apartment thinking about where we go from here. Gina’s friend and his girlfriend had left for school. They told us they would not return until later in the evening. While sipping her coffee, Gina said, “Steven, it was really nice sleeping with you last night. It was extremely peaceful.”

  “It was nice for me too, Gina.”

  “Well, what do you think your next move will be?”

  “I probably should get my passport and leave the country. However, if Leonard Hill is dirty, I must stop him before he does any real damage.”

  “How can I help you?”

  “You’ve done so much already. I can’t ask you for any more help.”

  “Listen, Steven, I have the time and besides I like hanging around with you. I also like you as my bed-buddy. So whatever you need or want let me know.”

  “Thanks, Gina. But if it gets crazy I want you to get out of the picture.”

  “You mean like when some guys beat me up or someone puts a gun to my head? Are you going to tell me it gets worse?”

  “Your point is well taken. Just be extremely careful about anything you do.”

  “Okay, I will.”

  We went for a walk around the parts of Florence that were only known by the natives. Gina showed me a side of the city that I never knew before. It was a beautiful day and I was beginning to feel real close to Gina. As we walked around, she hung on to my arm as if we were lovers. It felt right for some reason. Maybe because it was the fact that I was pushing fifty and this incredibly beautiful girl half my age was attracted to me. I wanted to enjoy every minute of it until she grew tired of her infatuation. After a great lunch at one of Gina’s hideaway trattorias, we returned to her friend’s apartment. About 5 p.m., we took turns watching the restaurant where we were to meet Roger. We borrowed a set of binoculars, to observe the area. After dark, we were still able to see the activity around the restaurant from the well-lit piazza. It was 9:45 when Roger arrived. I looked closely around the area. I didn’t see anyone following him into the place but it was very crowded so down the stairs I went to keep my rendezvous. I told Gina
to stay in the apartment and watch the restaurant. If she saw anything suspicious, she was to call me on her cell phone.

  When I arrived at the meeting place, I immediately went to the back as Roger instructed me to do. In a dark corner of the place, I saw Roger sitting at a table. As I approached him something struck me, he was not moving. The closer I got to him my worst fear was right in front of me. Roger had been shot in his forehead. The obvious weapon was probably a pistol with a silencer. I quickly checked his pulse to confirm his death. The killer left him propped up in the chair. I searched his pockets not disturbing his position to see if he had my passport on him. It wasn’t there. I thought to myself, thanks, friend, you died trying to help me and I won’t forget. Blending in with the crowd, I exited the place without being noticed. Before I returned to Gina’s location, I circled around a few blocks to make sure no one followed. Arriving at the apartment, I forced a smile to greet Gina’s friends who were locked in each other’s arms. They couldn’t care less if anyone was there as I politely moved myself into the back bedroom where Gina was. She asked, “Steven, are you alright? I saw you leave the restaurant about fifteen minutes ago, what took you so long?”

  “Roger is dead. Someone shot him. I didn’t want to be followed so I took the long way back.”

  “Oh, so that’s why the police are all over the place.”

  “I only hope we weren’t followed today. This place is not safe and I don’t want to put your friends in any danger. We should leave immediately.”

  “Okay, Steven. Let’s get ready to go.” Just as she finished her last word, I heard the front door get kicked in followed by automatic gunfire. I quickly grabbed my gun and ran toward the front of the apartment. There I saw two men pumping bullets into the innocent couple on the couch. I shot both of the intruders and they went down immediately. I ran to the door to see a third assailant starting down the stairs. I quickly got to the railing and shot him through the top of his head. People were coming out of the other apartments screaming Polizia, Polizia! I ran back to the apartment to find Gina trying to revive her friends. She had their blood all over her.

  I said, “Gina, we have to leave now! You can’t help them anymore. Please, we must leave!”

  “Why, Steven, why did these criminals kill these beautiful children?”

  “Gina, they don’t care who they kill. They just kill! I’m terribly sorry for them but the police will be here any moment now so we must leave.” We ran for the door and started down the stairs. When we heard the police coming up I grabbed Gina’s arm as we made a quick turnaround up to the roof. After breaking through the door, we began to run from roof to roof along the tops of the attached houses. It was dreadfully dark along the rooftops as we continued with caution. When we got to the last roof in the row of houses we stumbled and slid down a long pitched roof. It appeared to be a long fall. Luckily for us, at the end of our slide was only a ten-foot drop to street level. After landing safely, we got up and quickly moved down the very narrow deserted streets making quick turns and hiding in doorways when we heard the police. Gina cautiously led the way to where the car was parked. Police where all over the place. These kinds of crimes just don’t happen in Florence.

  When we arrived at the car, we quickly got in and Gina started to cry uncontrollably. I held her close to try and give her some comfort. It was hard for her to accept the human cruelty she had experienced since she met me. I guess the loss of her friends was too much for her to endure.

  I asked, “Gina, would you like to go back to your house or some other place safe?”

  “Not on your life. I want to find who is responsible for these heinous crimes and bring them to justice!”

  “Most of the time it’s not that easy. Usually with people like that, I just kill them. I am truly sorry about your friends.”

  After holding her for a while, the tears subsided and Gina regained her composure.

  She said, “Well, Steven, where do we go from here?”

  “Let’s head for Rome. Do you have any contacts in Rome?”

  “I just might. So it’s off to Rome we go.” It was about a two-hour drive to get there. On the way, we talked a little. I now needed to know more about this girl since she was heavily involved in my activities.

  I said, “Gina, I really would like to know more about you. You have been a great help to me.”

  “In time, Steven, in time don’t rush it.”

  “Okay, whatever you say.”

  We stopped in a nice town just north of Rome. There we rented a cabin along the shores of Bracciano Lake. It was late and Gina was emotionally exhausted. She took a quick shower and went to bed. I did the same but stayed in a separate bed. I thought the kid needed some space. In the middle of the night she climbed in bed with me scantily clothed and snuggled herself under my arm. She needed comfort so I held her that way all night. During the night, I could feel the tears running down her cheeks onto my arm. All I could do was hold her tight and occasionally kiss the top of her head.

  The next morning we had some coffee and continued on to Rome. Gina was driving but she wasn’t saying much. There was a particular sadness about her. I knew the horrors that she had experienced couldn’t be erased so soon. I would give her all the time she needed to grieve for her friends. As we approached the center of Rome, I thought about Leonard Hill, the main guy for the Agency in Italy. I was sure he was behind the recent killings. If he wasn’t, then he knew who was. Prior to joining the Agency, I had spent a few years with the State Department. I was a Foreign Service Officer and made many contacts in and out of the government. Some of them I became somewhat friendly with, like the late Roger Woods. If I were going to get to Hill, I would have to make contact with State’s Regional Security Officer (RSO). He’s the one who is responsible for the security of all American interests in country, especially within the embassy and its’ people. The RSO also unofficially tracks the CIA’s activities in country. It’s his job to make sure they don’t cause an international incident, especially in a country like Italy, which is a good U.S. ally. I wasn’t sure but I thought the RSO might be an old friend. I could easily find out. I asked, “Gina, how are you doing?”

  “I’ll be okay. I need some time, that’s all.”

  “Sure, take all the time you need. Do you think you can make a call for me to the embassy?”

  “Okay, Steven, I’ll use my cell phone.”

  “No, we need to use a land line. It must be a secure call.”

  “Is it anyone that I’ll have to entice again?”

  “I don’t think so but I have to get him alone somehow.”

  “Well, before I have to act as your solicitor again, can you wait a little while and I’ll take us to a place where you can have access to a secure phone line?”

  “Sure, if you have something in mind, let’s go.”

  Gina headed for a church along the Tiber River. We parked the car and went into a beautiful cathedral. The place was empty and it resembled walking into Gina’s villa. We sat in a back pew and waited for a while. Then she told me to stay seated while she went behind the altar. A few minutes later Gina appeared. She signaled for me to follow her. She led me behind the altar to a circular staircase that took us several floors below ground level. I followed her down through the dark narrow corridors beneath the church. We then entered a room with a door that looked like it was from medieval times. She locked the door behind us and went through another tiny door at the end of the room. This led us to another brightly lit room where a priest was sitting at a desk. She introduced us. His name was Father Bassie. He was an elderly man of about seventy years. He talked slowly and looked me right in the eyes. He asked, “Gina tells me I can trust you. Is this so?”

  “If you are a friend of Gina’s, then it is so.”

  “Good, I understand that you are the man who tried to kill Bono.”

  “Well, not exactly. You see someone beat me to it when they, blew up his car. I had no chance to do him any harm.”

/>   “If I told you he didn’t die, would you believe me?”

  “I saw the car get blown to bits. How could the outcome be any different?”

  “Bono left the chalet during the night before the blast occurred.”

  “No disrespect, Father, but I was watching him enter the car with his wife that morning.”

  “Bono has been using body doubles for years now. Three times rival groups have tried to kill him to no avail. He stays in Palermo most of the time where he and is guarded by an army of loyal followers. We have been trying to eliminate him for many years now.”

  “Why would the church want him dead?”

  “It’s not the church that wants him dead; it’s the organization I work for.”

  “You mean you’re undercover?”

  “Yes, my friend, I am undercover with SISMI Servizio Informazione e Sicurezza Militare (The Italian military intelligence service). I have been in this position for thirty years now. There is a small group of us that work the entire country.”

  “Why are you giving me all this information? You really don’t know me.”

  “Ah, quite the contrary, Mr. Cross, we have been studying you for a long time.”

  “There goes my cover.”

  “Mr. Cross, or can I call you Steven? You can call me Enrico.”

  “Call me anything you want, just let me know what’s going on here.”

  “Your reputation is worldwide but your identity is unavailable to most clandestine agencies. You see, it did start with Dean Grimes and our Director. You were sent to conduct the assassination up in the mountains. When we realized it wasn’t Bono, we had to get you out of there. The two men who picked you up and brought you to Milan were our people. We knew that with your cunning skills you would be able to elude the police and get on the proper train. From there our Gina took over. She is one of SISMI’s best agents. I’m sorry it had to come down this way. We really thought the hit at the chalet was going to be a success.”

  “You all should have come to me directly. And Gina, she’s clever all right. She had me fooled.”


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