Critical Density

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Critical Density Page 6

by Desiree Holt

  “You’re shaking. Come here.” Viper pulled her against his hard, warm, very masculine body and slowly stroked her back.

  “I-I’m sorry.” She buried her face against his shoulder. “I promise you, I never fall apart like this.”

  “Hannah, you have every right to. This situation would scare the shit out of anyone.”

  “I guess this is the first time I’ve let down my guard enough to let the full reality of it take over.”

  “Totally understandable. Come on now, lie down again.”

  Hannah felt as if she was twelve years old as he fluffed her pillows, leaned her back against them and pulled the covers up. She could not remember the last time anyone had given her this kind of comfort. Her family was scattered around the country and she’d made a career out of being self-contained. And of course she had no memory of a man like Matt ‘Viper’ Roman offering that comfort.

  She was doing her best to ignore the way the boxer briefs molded to his thighs or the obvious bulge she had to work hard to draw her eyes away from. She really must be losing her mind if she was thinking about sex right now. Her relationships might not have been intense or lasting, but she made it a practice not to fall into bed with a guy the first night she met him.

  But oh, god, just his touch sent shivers over her that had nothing to do with the nightmare. He smelled so good and his presence, unlike anyone else’s ever, made her nerves settle just a little bit, but then a reaction of a different kind woke them up again.

  “Just so you know,” she told him, “I’m not a person easily given to nerves.” She wet her lips, a habit that poked up whenever she was rattled. “I work with highly complicated equipment and I’m trained to be disciplined in all situations. Have to be. I can’t figure out why I’m falling apart like this. I’m smarter than this.”

  “Not arguing there.” Viper gave her a long, hard look, then turned and nudged her. “You are.”

  He studied her face for an intense moment, then was at the other side of the bed. Stretching out, he put his arm around her and pulled her against his side.

  “Let’s see if we can chase away the rest of that nightmare.”

  The thing that amazed her was that she didn’t push him away. Any other man, she would have jabbed him in the balls, but with Viper she felt no threat, only a soothing calm.

  “This okay?” His voice was soft. Deep. Soothing.

  Oh, yes, she wanted to say. Very okay. The feel of his body with its hard, ridged muscles and male warmth was better than the finest glass of wine. She wondered what he’d think if she pressed against him just a little and had to swallow a chuckle. If the people at Lowden could see her now. The Ice Queen, they called her. Someone had once made the comment that she’d have sex with her drone equipment if she could, and she’d laughed out loud.

  The hell with it.

  Viper’s arm around her made her muscles tighten with a different kind of tension and with his hard body pressed against hers, the crisis she was facing began to fade away. She leaned her head against his shoulder and let out a deep sigh as the remnants of the dream faded.


  His deep voice was like a drug she wanted to keep taking.

  “Yes. At least for the moment.”

  They lay in silence for a long moment, the warmth of his body seeping into hers, the feel of him against her settling her nerves for the first time since that helicopter had fetched her at the remote site.

  “Just so you know,” he said, his voice tinged with amusement, “I don’t make a habit of ending up in bed with clients.”

  “Just so you know, I don’t usually end up in bed with strange men.”

  He chuckled. “Strange, huh?”

  She shifted her weight just a little. “You know what I mean.”

  “Uh huh. Consider it a rare part of my duties to a very special client.” He rubbed his fingers lightly against her arm.

  Pleasure sizzled through her body. She knew she should protest, move away, tell him she was fine. Except she wasn’t. She was a hot mess, and she wanted to curl up against him and pretend none of this was happening.

  “Here’s another thing I don’t do,” Viper told her. “And please, feel free to object if you want to.”

  Before she could ask him what she would be objecting to, he cupped her chin with his free hand, turned her head toward him and brushed his lips over hers. The heat that consumed her even from that almost nothing touch was like a five-alarm fire, burning her everywhere. She couldn’t believe a kiss so light scorched her from her nipples to her sex and everywhere in between. She melted into it, the gentle sweep of his tongue over her lips an invitation she didn’t want to refuse—couldn’t refuse— so she opened her mouth without thinking. His tongue licked over hers, touching, tasting.

  I should stop this right now.

  But she couldn’t. Wouldn’t. Had no desire to. And she was glad deep down that he didn’t make a habit of this with clients. Not, she thought, that he didn’t get his share elsewhere. She was sure getting women was not a problem for him.

  Viper drew back just a little, grazed his lips over hers then scattered kisses along her jawline. Threading his hands through her hair, he held her head in place while he nibbled on the lobe of her ear, tugging it gently with his teeth. Hannah closed her eyes, letting his touch soothe her ragged nerves and ease her tension. She didn’t remember the last time she’d been the recipient of such gentleness. Such tenderness. The men she’d been with had generally just gone for the sex and not given a shit about how she felt or what she wanted. Yet here was a man, one she probably had no business falling into this with, making her feel very feminine and desirable.

  And suddenly it shocked her that she wanted him to let go. Wanted him to lose control. Wanted that rough sex. What the hell? But as she fell into the spell he was weaving, the tension created by both her situation and her dream began to fade slowly from her body.

  “Making the bad dream go away?” His mouth slid from her ear and slid down to string kisses along her neck.

  “Mm hmm. Yes, it is.”

  “Good. That’s my plan.”

  He said the words as if they were the most natural thing in the world. His voice was so deep, the warmth of it blanketing her, coaxing her into a place where her nightmare disappeared. She stroked his cheek, loving the rough feel of the scruff on his face. Just the touching made her nipples tighten into hardened buds. She arched herself against him and tried to rub herself against his chest, but he had her held tightly against his very male body.

  “Think you can go back to sleep now?” he asked.

  Are you kidding? Sleep was the last thing on her mind now.

  “Hannah,” he began.

  Oh, god, had she actually said that out loud? Way to embarrass herself. She dipped her head and tucked it against his shoulder. Better reel it in, girl.

  “Sorry. I should never have said that.”

  The deep laugh rumbled softly to the surface again. “Only if you mean it.” He locked his gaze with hers, something mysterious swirling in his eyes. “Listen, Hannah, just so you know. Cards on the table. You’re a client and I don’t expect this from clients. It’s not part of the fee we charge.”

  “I…” She swallowed, tried again. “I don’t think that at all.” Heat crept up her cheeks. “And I don’t usually fall into bed with a man five minutes after I meet him. Not ever.”

  “Just so you know, I didn’t think so.”

  She tried to turn her face away. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

  Except I haven’t been with anyone for so long I’m not sure I know how to act.

  “I’m hoping it’s the same thing that’s wrong with me. And I’m not sure wrong is the word.” He brushed a strand of hair back from her face. “Last chance to stop me if this is not what you want.”

  This time there was nothing gentle or tentative about his kiss, as if he wanted to make sure she wasn’t going to change her mind. Well, there was no chanc
e of that now. His mouth was firm against hers, his tongue hot and hungry as he thrust it into her mouth and licked all the flesh. It was a flame igniting every place it touched. She thrust her fingers into his thick blond hair, cupping his head and holding it in place as if she never wanted to let it go. Everything exploded inside her, fear and anger merging into a hard ball of out-and-out lust.

  She’d lost all sense of everything by the time he pulled his mouth away from hers and had barely drawn a breath before he trailed his lips down her neck.

  “Let’s get these out of the way,” he murmured, throwing back the covers.

  He moved his lips to the hollow of her throat to suck lightly on the tender flesh. Every one of her nerves was on high alert, her body screaming for him to run his hands over her everywhere. The pulse in her sex was throbbing with need and her breasts ached for his touch.

  Viper tossed the covers aside and, as if reading her mind, slid slightly lower on her body. Rolling up the black T-shirt, he clamped his mouth around one sensitive nipple. When he sucked on it, hard, she arched up to him, swallowing a cry of pleasure. He tugged on it harder, scraping it with his teeth. Flame shot straight to her core, the pulse in the sensitive tissues pounding with hungry need.

  Viper gave a last lick to the breast he’d been teasing and moved to the other one, biting that nipple then licking it to soothe it. Threading her fingers into his thick blond hair, she tugged his head even closer.

  “More,” she urged.

  Heat flooded her body and set every pulse point thumping. Even as she pressed his head to her breast, she hitched her hips, managing to spread her legs apart so he fit in the cradle of her body. The thickness of his cock pressed into her thighs and she wanted to squeeze it between her legs. Could she make him come just by doing this?

  Ohmigod! Who the hell am I?

  Not that she didn’t enjoy enthusiastic sex, but she had a feeling this could go beyond that.

  By now she was so hot she was afraid she’d spontaneously combust, her body demanding his touch in every place. When he lifted his head to string kisses from the valley of her breasts down her body, fire stabbed at her everywhere. The feel of his tongue as it swirled through her belly button was so electric that her nerves sizzled and her body screamed, More! More! More!


  She tried to push his head lower on her body to the place she really wanted it, but apparently, he was determined to take his time and tease the hell out of her.

  He lifted his head to look up at her, his firm mouth curved in a grin.

  “In a hurry?”

  “Yes! Please?” She hissed the words, gritting her teeth to keep from shouting them. She couldn’t begin to remember when—if ever—she’d had this kind of reaction to a man. But she wanted more of it. She wanted all of it.

  His laugh was a low, sexy rumble, thick with urgency.

  “If I hurry, you might miss something,” he teased, grasping her hips just before he trailed his tongue down over her mound to between her closed thighs.

  She’d never known how good it would feel to have someone lick the insides of her thighs, and damn, did this man have an educated tongue. He used it for soft licks, for tracing little damp lines, for lapping her heated flesh. She squirmed in his grasp, afraid she might come just lying here like this.

  Viper nipped each thigh once before shifting his position and spreading her legs wide. He looked up at her.

  “No panties.”

  The heat of embarrassment crept up her cheeks—which, under the circumstances, was ridiculous, but there it was. She started to make an excuse, but then he looked up at her, his lips curved in a grin, hunger blazing in his eyes, and every thought fled.

  “It’s okay, Hannah. Believe me. It is very much okay. You have no idea the things I’d like to do to you. With you. I just don’t want to scare you when we’ve only known each other for hours.”

  “Just do it.” Did I really say that?

  “Oh, honey, you have no idea how that tempts me, but one thing at a time.”

  He looked back down at her and with a light pressure of his thumbs spread the lips of her sex. Bracing himself on his elbows, he dipped his head and took a long, slow lick of the glistening pink flesh. The raspy feel of his tongue woke up every nerve in her body and her inner muscles began to throb.

  Hannah fisted her hands in the sheet beneath her, pressing up against his very talented mouth. Each stroke sent shivers through her and woke up responses she’d thought long gone. Damn, the man was clever with his tongue. Knew just how to trace the sensitive flesh, when to lick and when to just press that tongue against her heated skin. But it was the sharp nip when he took her clit between his teeth and bit down gently that nearly sent her over the edge. His hum of satisfaction sent shivers through her.

  The more he licked, the more intense the sensations shuddering through her. Her breathing accelerated and every inch of her felt as if it was on fire. When Viper moved one hand to slide two of his long fingers into her wet sheath, she nearly came off the bed. Her internal muscles clamped down on his fingers and she rode them as he worked them in and out.

  “Yes. That’s it.” His voice was hoarse with need. “Like that.”

  He increased the speed, adding a third finger, driving back and forth. When he took her clit between his teeth again, she exploded, her entire body shaking with the force of the orgasm. She rode his hand, pushing as hard as she could as she came over and over again.

  The tremors slowed, and Viper matched the speed of his fingers with that of her body until at last the final spasm died away. She lay there, limp, trying to catch her breath. She didn’t think she’d ever come that hard in her life, and he hadn’t even fucked her yet. When she glanced down the length of her body, Viper was looking up at her, his lips curved in a sensual smile. “You doing okay? Nerves not as jangled?”

  A thready laugh escaped her mouth. “I’d say you took care of that. Is that part of your client obligation?”

  “Not even a little.” He moved up her body until he was lying between her legs and cupping her face in his palms. Then he brushed his mouth over hers.

  She swiped her tongue over her lips, the taste of her liquid on him one of the most erotic sensations ever.

  “Thank you,” she whispered. “But you…” Didn’t come yet.

  “Oh, honey, we’re not done yet. Don’t move.”

  He levered himself off the bed and dug his wallet out of his jeans pocket. Hannah swallowed a sigh of relief. Thank the lord that like most men he carries the ever-present condoms there. In seconds he was back on the bed, kneeling between her legs, expertly rolling the latex onto his cock. He leaned forward and pressed his mouth to hers again, this time sliding his tongue inside and licking the slick flesh. She swept her tongue over his, brushing it back and forth, and the light vibrations created sent tremors through the sensitive walls of her sex. It shocked her that just like that, she was ready again.

  This time there was no foreplay, no coaxing. He lifted her legs, bent them at the knees and pushed them wide. With the head of his shaft positioned at her opening, he inhaled a deep breath, let it out and thrust inside her.

  “Fuck.” The word slipped out of his mouth. “You are so damn tight. I think I’ve died and gone to heaven.”

  It was a good thing she was already so aroused, because there was no going slow this time. He drove into her like a jackhammer, pounding with deep, hard, fast thrusts, the thickness of his cock stretching her inner walls to their limit.

  With shocking swiftness, her orgasm roared up within her, just as Viper’s body stiffened and his cock pulsed inside her. She dug her heels into the small of his back and pulled herself as close to his body as she could, her muscles gripping him, milking him.

  And then…

  Like a rocket, the explosion went off. They came with such force that their bodies shook and they had to cling tight to each other, until the tremors faded and only the sounds of their heavy breathing remained. When he sh
ifted his body to move away from her, she squeezed her legs around him, not wanting him to leave. If only they could have stayed that way forever and forget the hell that was waiting for her.

  Viper brushed a kiss over her mouth.

  “I need to get rid of this condom, but I’ll be right back.”

  She closed her eyes for just an instant, reliving the last few moments, wondering what he’d say if he knew the erotic books she read. She’d wanted to try what she read in them herself but hadn’t met anyone—until now—that she’d even dare mention it to. She’d known Viper for just a few short hours, but there was something between them— God. She hoped she wasn’t blowing it all out of proportion.

  True to his word, he was only gone for seconds. Then he was back, sliding in beside her and pulling her against his body, spoonlike.

  “Think that chased away the demons for a while?” His voice was a soft rumble in her ear.

  “Yes. I— Thank you.”

  “Oh, Hannah, the pleasure was all mine. I just don’t want you to feel like I was taking advantage of you in a low spot.”

  She rested a hand on the forearm banded across her waist. “Maybe I was taking advantage of you.”

  “Then see how nice that works out?” He kissed her shoulder. “But bright and early tomorrow, we start digging into what really happened with that drone and who’s behind it.”

  “And your partners will be okay with this?”

  “I promise you they’ll be all over it. Let’s get some sleep so we can start kickin’ shit bright and early.”

  She closed her eyes, settling against him. She was in big trouble here, and it had nothing to do with Lowden Tactical or the death of Senator Hegman. But for the first time since the helo had carted her off from the remote site, a sliver of hope that she’d get out of this situation wriggled through her.

  Chapter Five

  “Henry, sit down. You’re making me dizzy.”

  The man seated in the armchair, known to his intimate friends as Diesel, made his voice as even and reassuring as possible. Shouting wouldn’t help anything, and Henry Baumann’s pacing was driving him nuts. He was having a hard enough time dealing with this shit show himself. There were some days he wished the man would just stay in his office and let the rest of them take care of everything.


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