Frat House Confessions: Wes: Frat House Confessions, Book 2

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Frat House Confessions: Wes: Frat House Confessions, Book 2 Page 8

by Lopez, Bethany

  Ready for tomorrow?

  When I saw it was Trixie, I laid back on my pillow, a big smile on my face.

  Yeah. About to catch some z’s so I’ll be well rested.

  I waited for her reply, but instead my phone rang.

  “Hey,” I said, picking up instantly.

  “Hey,” Trixie replied softly. “Since you’re going to sleep I thought it would be faster to call, rather than wait for each other to write stuff out.”

  “Yeah, of course. What’s up?”

  “I talked to Stephen, my editor, and he said he was cool with me doing a story on the swim team. But, he wants to go in and cover the meet tomorrow and do an interview with your captain, rather than simply a short piece about the season. Do you think that would work?”

  “Whit’s the one who asked me to approach you about it, so I’m sure he’ll be totally on board with an interview. Does that mean you’re coming tomorrow?” I asked.

  We’d planned on getting together afterwards, before her sit-in.

  “Is that okay with you? It won’t like, mess you up to have me there or anything?”

  “Not at all, it’ll probably give me a boost. I’ll want to show off for you,” I admitted with a grin.

  “Oh, yeah? You’ll win for me?” she joked.

  “Hell yes, I will. Will you give me a prize if I do?”

  “Absolutely, it can even be winner’s choice.”

  I like the sound of that, I thought, and started thinking of all the things I wanted to do with her.

  Watch The Breakfast Club, go to Dave & Busters, maybe hit a live band at the local pub … the possibilities are endless.

  “Sounds good to me,” I replied, then thought of something and asked, “But weren’t you going to try and sleep in tomorrow, since you have the sit-in tomorrow night?”

  “Yeah, but I’ll be okay. It won’t be the first all-nighter I’ve pulled on little-to-no sleep.”

  “Well, do you want me to come with you? We’ll be in the same boat as far as sleep deprivation goes and can keep each other awake.”

  “Really? You’ll go to the sit-in with me?” she asked, and I could hear not only surprise, but what I hoped was pleasure in her voice.

  “Sure, why not?”

  “Wow, looks like you just earned yourself another prize,” Trixie said, her tone softening. “But this time, it’s my pick…”

  Cool, I wonder what kind of stuff she wants to do, I pondered.

  “Hmmm, it’s a toss-up,” she began, as if she’d read my mind. “Do I want to play a little student/teacher role play, tie you to my bed, or have phone sex right now?”

  Whoa, Trixie had much better ideas than I did…

  “Uh,” was all I managed to say, since all the blood had rushed south.

  Trixie gave a throaty laugh.

  “You’re right … all of the above.”

  I’d lost the ability to speak, and couldn’t respond.

  “Now we just need to decide what should come first, although, since we’re on the phone already…”

  Holy shit, is this really going to happen?

  “Wes, you still with me?”

  “Yes,” I croaked, the small word cracking.

  “Another first?” she asked sweetly.


  “Oh goody. Don’t worry, you’ll be sleeping in no time,” Trixie promised. “Now, first I want you to stick your hand down your pants. Is your room dark? The TV on?”

  “No, it’s dark.”

  “Turn on the TV, and have it loud enough to cover your sounds.”

  I bit back a moan as her words crashed over me, and did as she said.

  “It’s on.”

  “Good. Now, lay back and pretend I’m there next to you. We’re watching a movie, and things are getting heated between us, but the house is full of people, so we have to be quiet, so no one hears us.”

  “Okay,” I said, closing my eyes and following her earlier order to put my hand in my shorts.

  “It’s my hand brushing over your cock … can you feel it? Our breathing is getting heavy, and my breath is hot on your neck as I kiss and suck your skin. I wrap my hand around your cock … do it … and grip it, hard, then start moving it up and down, faster and faster as I jack you off.”

  I could picture her there with me, and my heart quickened as I fell into the fantasy.

  “You have to be quiet, because I can hear someone on the other side of your door, but … we can’t stop. You’re so close. I jack you harder and move closer to you, my bare tits brushing your arm as I thrust against your leg.” She lets out a low moan in my ear and I can feel myself getting close.

  “You’re so hot,” she murmurs. “I love the look on your face when you’re about to come. I pull harder, faster, and you can feel how turned on I am as you start to lose control.”

  I came with her name on my lips, then chuckled in disbelief.

  “That was amazing,” I managed, trying to catch my breath.

  Trixie let out a little pant and said, “Yeah, it was. You get some sleep now, I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Are you good?” I asked, although I was unsure if I’d be able to do for her what she’d just done for me.

  “I’m great, don’t worry about me. I wasn’t lying about being turned on, Wes. Good night.”

  “Good night, Trixie, see you tomorrow.”

  After I hung up, I cleaned up, then turned everything off and, cloaked in darkness, I slept like the dead.



  I’d never thought of swimming as an exciting sport, let alone a sexy one.

  But, watching Wes in the water really did it for me.

  His long, tapered, powerful body, clad in only a miniscule speedo, slicing through the water at crazy speed, muscles bunching with every stroke … it was a lot for a girl to take in. Especially with memories of the way he’d come for me on the phone last night playing in a loop in my head.

  I never thought of myself as an experienced lover, and I didn’t imagine I’d enjoy “teaching” someone with less experience. I always figured it’d be a letdown, and looked for partners who knew what they were doing and could maybe teach me a thing or two.

  But, being with Wes had totally flipped the switch on that train of thought.

  His exuberance, willingness to try new things, and the fact that I’m the person who got to help him experience them, was a tremendous turn-on for me.

  He’s sweet, sexy, and a curious mix of confident and shy.

  How could a girl resist?

  I jumped to my feet, clapping and whistling when he won another heat, before looking around at the other onlookers and taking my seat, cheeks reddening.

  I was acting like a total Guppie, which is what Wes had told me the guys on the swim team called their fans. The groupies who came to every meet, had them sign photos, and basically offered themselves up to any swimmers who’d take them.

  Who knew swimmers had groupies?

  When the meet was over, I gathered my things and made my way over to where Wes was standing with a couple guys on his team. Not wanting to interrupt, I hung back, but when he looked over and saw me waiting, Wes grinned and crossed to me.

  “What’d you think?” he asked, obviously jacked from his win.

  “I think I’ve had the wrong idea about speedos all my life. You look totally hot,” I whispered, tiptoeing up to kiss him softly, the scent of chlorine swirling around us.

  Wes kissed me back and chuckled.

  “Thanks. It definitely gives us incentive to work out … These things aren’t very forgiving.”

  “Congrats on your win, I can’t wait to hear what you want for your prize.”

  Wes’s embarrassment was adorable, but the sound of his name being called had us both looking over.

  “We’ve gotta warm down and hit the showers, but I talked to Whit and he can meet up after to do the interview, does that work?”

  “Yeah, sounds good, meet at t
he coffee shop?” I asked, knowing it was less than a mile away and not wanting him to feel like he had to rush with me waiting in the lobby.

  “Perfect, we’ll see you there.”

  Wes gave me another quick kiss, before turning and getting back in the pool. I watched him for a few seconds, enjoying the view, before deciding I’d better get going before I cornered him in the locker room and gave him another first.

  Once I got my dirty chai, I grabbed a table in the back corner, fired up my laptop, and started transcribing my notes. I flipped back and forth between notes about the swim meet and reading articles that correlated with the sit-in, so I’d go in prepared.

  I was so involved in my work that I didn’t realize Wes and Whit had arrived until they were pulling out chairs to join me and setting their waters, juices, sandwiches, chips, and fruit cups on the table.

  “Hungry?” I joked, taking in all the food they’d bought.

  “Starved,” Wes stated as he took his seat. “I can’t eat before a meet, so I’m always famished afterwards.”

  “Same,” Whit said, then looked at me and said, “I’m Whit, by the way.”

  “I figured.”

  “Sorry, I should have introduced you,” Wes said sheepishly.

  He is so cute. Seriously. I bet his mom and dad were on him and his brothers all the time about etiquette and how to act in polite company.

  “That’s okay, we all know why we’re here and who we’re meeting, no need to be all formal,” I said, laying a reassuring hand briefly on his knee, before turning my attention to Whit. “First I’ll say congrats on today. Not only did you get the fastest time in your heat, but your team as a whole came out on top.”

  “Thanks,” Whit said with an easy smile. “We’ve been training hard, and I know I personally want to do my best this year and graduate on top.”

  “Well, I think you guys can definitely do it. Now, Wes told me what you were looking for in terms of getting the word out and marketing, and we do have ad space available for purchase if you wanted to post about upcoming meets and such. In addition, though, my editor thought it would be fun to do an interview with you. Kind of a human-interest piece on how you chose U of M, what being on the team over the course of your college career has meant to you, and what you hope to achieve next. Does that work for you?”

  “Yeah, it sounds great.”

  “Here, I wrote out a list of questions. Why don’t you look them over and let me know if you have any issues or questions. The way this interview goes is completely up to you, so if there’s anything you’re not comfortable discussing, let me know and we’ll change it out for a different question.”

  I slid my laptop over to Whit and shifted toward Wes.

  “You know, if you don’t want to come tonight, I completely understand,” I said, giving him an out just in case he’d only offered to go in order to keep things fair between us. Doing my job for the paper and interviewing Whit was part of the fun for me, and losing a little sleep over it came with the territory. I knew he must be exhausted after all the training he’d been doing, coupled with the adrenaline of competing all morning.

  “You’re not getting rid of me that easily. But, I was thinking I’d leave you guys to it and maybe go catch a nap before meeting up with you at your place to head to the sit-in. Is that okay?”

  “Absolutely,” I replied, and when he got up and leaned down to kiss me goodbye, it seemed completely natural.

  Oh boy, it looked like I was in trouble. Wes was getting under my skin in ways no one else ever had, and I couldn’t even seem to mind.



  “So, not to sound like a complete moron, but what exactly is the purpose of a sit-in?” I asked.

  I’d been working up the nerve to ask Trixie this question for about five blocks, ever since we left her apartment. I didn’t want her to think I was some straight-laced, rich boy from the city, who had no idea what the event we were going to tonight was for … although that’s exactly what I was.

  I’d looked it up briefly when I was waiting on her doorstep, but had only gotten as far as to see a sit-in was a peaceful protest.

  “You don’t sound like a moron,” Trixie said kindly, taking my hand in hers as she answered. “The first sit-in was in nineteen sixty by four college students who wanted to protest racial segregation. They walked into Woolworths and, after making purchases in the store, sat down at the white lunch counter and asked to be served. They were denied. Each day they would come back, with a few more people joining their peaceful protest each time, and each day they were denied. Within a few weeks, word had spread, and students from around the country were staging their own sit-ins. A little over five months later, Woolworths integrated their Greensboro lunch counter, and a movement had begun.”

  “Wow, that’s powerful … how something that started with four people could make an impact across the country.”

  Trixie nodded, her eyes dancing with excitement, and I could tell she really loved this aspect of her job.

  “They aren’t as prevalent anymore, but they have never truly gone away, especially on college campuses. This will actually be my first time attending one, and although I’m going more to get information for the story, it’s something that I believe in as well, so I’m excited to join and protest peacefully with like-minded people.”

  I let everything she’d said sink in for the rest of our walk. And, funnily enough, I started getting nervous.

  We were going to a sit-in for Women’s Rights. Specifically, their right to choose what to do with their own bodies. Would my being there piss them off? Would they think it was an asshole move, and that I was somehow hindering their ability to be taken seriously?

  “You good?” Trixie asked, and I realized I’d been chewing on my lower lip and possibly holding her hand a touch too tight.

  “Yeah, sorry,” I said hurriedly, releasing her hand.

  She stopped on the sidewalk and took both my hands in hers.

  “You’re in your head,” she guessed, and I had to wonder at her ability to read me so well already. “Don’t be. It’s going to be great, I promise.”

  Trixie lifted her chin so I’d look over her shoulder. I could see a group of people sitting in front of the courthouse, and as my gaze drifted over them, I realized it was a diverse group. Women, men, young and old, of all ethnicities and races, and even a young girl.

  I let out a relieved breath and met Trixie’s eyes.

  “I’m good,” I assured her, and we continued our progression toward the lawn.

  We found an open area to settle in, so I took off my backpack and the blanket roll Trixie’d put together at her place. I rolled it out, set down the bag, which had snacks and water, and watched as she lifted her messenger bag over her head to get out her notebook.

  I was there to support her, and the cause, because it was something I believed in and felt proud of supporting, but we’d both agreed that I’d chill on the blanket while she went around and talked to the other protesters for her story.

  I chatted a little with a couple next to me for a while, then started reading the book I’d brought.

  Every once in a while I’d look up to see where Trixie was, and with my focus on her, would hear snippets of her conversations. Some of the stories were truly heartbreaking personal accounts, while others were there in support of a loved one, or simply because they believed Women’s Rights were in danger of being taken away and needed to be protected.

  After a couple hours, a television news van showed up, and reporters began to ask their own questions and broadcast the sit-in.

  When they said we’d be on the ten-o’clock news, social media, and maybe more, I figured I’d better text Ridge so he and Karrie wouldn’t get freaked out if they heard something. I’d told Brody where I was going, but I wasn’t sure if he’d really been paying attention, since he’d been Facetiming with some girl he’d met the night before.

  As soon as I’d written my location,
explained what we were doing, that we may be on the news, but everything was calm and peaceful, I hit send.

  Some shouting across the street had me looking up to see another group forming. They had signs, a megaphone, and a giant cross. Within seconds, the megaphone came on, and a man in a suit started telling us we needed to repent.

  Things were going smoothly, with each group sticking to their respective sides, so I turned my attention to my book. Then a woman walking with intent across the lawn snagged my peripheral, and I looked up to see Trixie crossing the street.

  “Shit!” I muttered, climbing to my feet and dropping my book on the blanket.

  I hurried after her, my eyes never leaving her as she stopped in front of the closest man.

  The preacher was still speaking through the megaphone, so I couldn’t hear what she was saying until I was almost upon them.

  “I’m writing an article about this sit-in for the school’s paper. Can I ask you a few questions about why you’re here protesting against it? I don’t have to use your name, if you don’t want, but I’d like the chance to report both points of view.”

  The man looked back at the woman behind him, and when she nodded her consent, he turned back to Trixie and said, “You can use my name.”

  As before, I let her do her thing, but I stood there, a few feet away, just in case she needed me. And when others came up to talk to her, I stayed by her side, until she got everything she needed.

  As we crossed the street once more, she looked up at me and said, “Thanks for having my back.”

  “Anytime,” I replied gently.

  The questions she’d asked and the answers she received had not been easy, and I could tell this article was going to take a toll on her. Still, as we shared a blanket and snacks, and I watched her typing furiously on her laptop, glancing up every once in a while to look at whoever it was she was writing about at the time, I knew it would be a night I’d never forget.




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