Blood: A Diamond Doms Novel

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Blood: A Diamond Doms Novel Page 11

by Ivy Nelson

  Holly dropped her head. “I’m sorry. I’ll go. I just wanted to see what all the fuss was about, and Dakota assured me that I would be welcome as an official guest.”

  Elijah closed his eyes. “I can’t have this conversation right now. I’ll be in my office if anyone needs me.” Then he was gone.

  “Fuck. I really fucked up. How am I ever going to face him again? I expected him to be irritated but he seems fucking furious, Dakota.”

  Dakota shook her head. “I’ll be honest, I’m a little surprised at his outburst. I thought he would get a little pissy but not this. I’m not sure what’s under his skin lately. Except maybe you. I think he’s so attracted to you that it’s pissing him off to try and do the right thing.”

  Holly shook her head. “I can’t do this. This was wrong of me and I should go back to the hotel. Will you tell him I left? I don’t think I can talk to him right now.”

  Dakota sighed. “I’ll call you a car. It will be here in ten minutes.’

  True to her word, a car pulled up for Holly ten minutes later.

  As she was stepping off the last step, she heard the door open behind her.

  “Holly, wait.”

  She paused. Unsure if she should turn around or not.

  “Please? I’m sorry I seemed so pissed off.”

  The driver started to get out of the car and Elijah held up his hand. “We’ll be right there,” he told the man.

  Holly gave him a funny look. “We?”

  “I’m coming back to the hotel with you so we can talk. I was rude and I’m sorry.”

  Holly wanted to accept his apology and go back inside, but he seemed adamant about them leaving. With slumped shoulders she motioned for him to follow her, and together they slid into the back of the town car.

  “Why are you so pissed that I showed up? I thought you just didn’t want me back there because of club rules, but I followed the protocol and came as Dakota’s guest.”

  Elijah sighed. “That’s part of it. The other part is that I do try to keep my personal life separate from my work life and I’m attracted to you. But I’m also a dominant who likes submissive women and the idea of having you in that role… it does things to me, Holly, and I don’t know what to do about that because of who you are. Not to mention you’re very new to all of this.”

  Holly smiled into the dark of the cab. “I’m sorry I came then. I don’t want to put you in an uncomfortable position. I find you incredibly attractive, but I don’t know how I feel about all of that back there,” she admitted.

  “That is totally fair.”

  “I was reading a romance novel about BDSM,” she blurted before she could stop herself. “On the plane, when you asked what I was reading,” she continued when he gave her a puzzled look.

  A slow smile spread across his face. “You’re a delight, Holly. I’m glad Patrick talked me into giving you a second interview.”

  “Can we please not talk about my brother? That makes this even weirder.”

  Elijah grinned. “Sorry. I don’t know how to avoid that. Your brother and I are involved in a lot of projects together.”

  “What are we doing, Elijah? Is it wise for me to be working for you when we’re so drawn to each other?”

  “I wasn’t sure if you were attracted to me or not. I mean, I know you are. The night club told me that, but you never respond when I make comments. I was about to stop because I don’t want to be the creepy asshole who can’t take no for an answer.”

  Holly smiled. “You’re definitely not creepy, but I have a feeling you can be quite persistent when you want to be.”

  “Why were you reading the book, Holly?” His voice dropped low and his gaze filled with heat. The question was innocent enough, but Holly felt her very core tighten as she blushed under his watchful eye.

  “I’ve always liked dirty romance novels. Then I got curious about your… proclivities and thought I would start there.”

  Elijah’s gaze intensified and he raised one hand to cup her cheek. A sharp gasp left her as his warm fingers caressed her skin.

  “I’ve never read a romance novel, dirty or otherwise, but I’m quite certain the books don’t get BDSM right.”

  Holly laughed. “No, I don’t suppose they do, but then that isn’t exactly the point of a romance novel is it?”

  Elijah’s expression grew puzzled. “I honestly have no idea. It’s never crossed my mind to read one.”

  This made Holly giggle. “I can recommend a few if you ever change your mind,” she said when she got her laughter under control.

  Elijah grimaced. “I’ll stick to real life thanks.”

  “Suit yourself. So, what are we doing now?” Holly asked as they reached the end of the long drive.

  “What do you want to do?” His voice took on a husky quality.

  “I want to see what the club is all about, but clearly you don’t want me to do that so I’m not sure.”

  Elijah closed his eyes. “You really want to go back in?” he asked as he leaned forward and tapped the driver on the shoulder.

  Holly nodded enthusiastically and Elijah rolled his eyes. “Take us back up the hill please. We’ve changed our minds about leaving.”

  The driver didn’t bat an eye, but Holly felt bad for the man.

  “If we go back in, we’re playing by my rules, understood?”

  Holly giggled and he glared at her. “Sorry. Yes, I understand. I was just wondering if this is where I’m supposed to say yes, Sir.”

  Elijah growled, sending delicious shivers down her spine. “Don’t tempt me, Holly. If you ever call me Sir, it will be in the privacy of a bedroom. At least the first time.”

  Holly’s pulse sped up at the thought of being alone in a bedroom with Elijah.

  “OK. So, what are your rules?”

  “You don’t leave my side. If you have questions, you ask me. If someone approaches you and wants to play, you tell them you’re with me. You’re far too inexperienced to be playing with strangers.”

  Holly’s mouth dropped open. “I would never play with a stranger. Would they really ask?”

  Elijah nodded. “We do our best to vet people, but some Doms like to chase after new girls they assume are submissive. You have newbie written all over you, but I’m the big boss in this place and if they think you’re with me, they’ll assume you’re mine and will back off.”

  Holly’s stomach twisted into knots. Maybe they shouldn’t go inside. Elijah tossed a twenty at the driver and apologized for his trouble.

  When he opened his door and stepped out, Elijah motioned for Holly to slide his direction and get out with him. She scrambled to follow.

  When they stepped back into the building, Elijah checked them back in at reception and Holly couldn’t help but notice the receptionist was practically drooling. She also seemed a little icier than before towards Holly. Elijah must be a hot commodity around here. The thought tightened the knots in Holly’s gut.

  Leaning into Holly’s shoulder, Elijah whispered, “I need to have a word with this young lady, and I might sound harsh. If you want to step inside the bar, you can.”

  Holly shook her head. She didn’t feel comfortable alone, so she just took a few steps back toward the couches along the wall to give them a semblance of privacy. The room had good acoustics though and she couldn’t help but overhear.

  “Master Lance informed me that you fucked up again tonight and he has to punish you later. Is there a reason you can’t follow protocol Cassie?”

  The girl’s eyes went wide as Elijah frowned down at her. Casting her gaze down she said, “No, Master Eli. I’m sorry. I don’t mean to disappoint everyone.”

  Elijah leaned over the desk and grasped her chin. “Don’t apologize to me, little one. Just do better. If you keep screwing up, we’re going to have a meeting in my office, and you won’t like where that leads.”

  The girl gasped and her eyes watered. “You’re not going to kick me out, are you?”

  Elijah’s tone soft
ened. “You haven’t done anything that egregious, but if you can’t behave for Lance, you may have to repeat your house submissive training with another Dom. I’ve heard Master Russell is itching to train someone else.”

  The girl’s eyes went wide, and she vehemently shook her head. “He’s so mean. I’m not even his trainee and he finds reasons to punish me. And I talked to his last trainee. Master Russell is so strict. I like Lance.”

  Elijah chuckled, but it wasn’t a friendly or even sexy chuckle. “It sounds to me like you might need a good dose of strict. Liking your Dom is a nice bonus but not at all required for house subs.”

  The girl’s head dropped again when Elijah let go of her chin. “I’m sorry. I’ll do better, I promise.”

  Elijah patted Cassie’s head. “I just wanted to let you know that I see you and I know you’re struggling. It’s my job to make sure we address that. I’m watching you closely, Cassie, and your next punishment comes from me if we have to have this conversation again, are we clear?”

  The girl nodded slowly. “Yes, Master Eli.”

  Elijah turned and motioned for Holly to join him. “Sorry about that,” he said as he led them to the double doors.

  “No worries. Why Master Eli?”

  “We require all house submissives to address the Doms on the board and other house Doms as Master and their first name. I prefer Eli here because it helps keep my two worlds a little more separate.”

  “Should I call you Eli?” she asked as they entered the dimly lit bar.

  “You can call me Eli here, but I won’t be upset if you forget. Do you want a drink?” he asked, nodding at the bar.

  “Dakota poured a martini down me earlier, but maybe a glass of wine?”

  Elijah scowled. “Have I mentioned that woman needs to mind her own business? I love her like a sister but she’s a nosy fucker. You shouldn’t mix wine and hard liquor. You can have another martini,” he said.

  Holly wanted to argue, but something about the command in his tone had her nodding her agreement instead.

  When Elijah ordered their drinks, he led them to a table in the corner of the room. “Is this spot OK?” he asked.

  Holly gave him a nod and a smile as she accepted her drink. “So, what now?” she asked when they sat.

  “We enjoy are drinks and you ask questions if you have them. Or we just talk.”

  “What got you into the lifestyle?” she asked as she swallowed the bitter vodka down.

  Elijah leaned back and studied her. “I’ve always enjoyed control in the bedroom. Sex that includes bondage, restraints, spanking, it’s always been a turn on for me. When I was just starting college, I met a girl who was equally enthusiastic about those things and she invited me to a party at a friend’s house. Turns out it was a BDSM play party. I’ve been hooked ever since. There are a lot of things in my life I felt like I couldn’t control, and when my mom died I kind of spiraled for a little while. Finding the BDSM community grounded me and helped me get back on the right track.”

  Holly leaned on the table and pondered his answer. She knew his mother had died when he was a young teen but didn’t know the details. It seemed like a sad thing to dwell on right now though, so she shifted the conversation.

  “How do you normally bring up kink when you’re interested in a woman?”

  Elijah grinned. Well, before Solitaire it was trickier. I would have to troll night clubs looking for women who read steamy romance novels.”

  Holly blushed and threw him a glare. “I thought you were kind of bossy that night.”

  He laughed, a rich laugh that sent warmth curling through her. “After Solitaire opened, most women interested in dating me have at least heard of the place and my connection to it. They’re either looking for a thrilling one-night stand or they think they’ll be the submissive who bags me so to speak.”

  Holly grimaced. She knew women like that, and it didn’t surprise her one bit that a gold digger would use his kinks to try and win him over. It made her sad that some people were like that.

  “Do you date women who aren’t into BDSM?”

  “So full of questions, Miss Sutton. I have before and likely will again, but it rarely lasts, and I have no interest in coercing a woman into doing things she doesn’t want to do. There’s too much at risk and too many ethical quandaries for someone in a position of power. If someone expresses a genuine interest in learning more about the lifestyle, I have no problems guiding them down that path, but I’m not going to be the only place they get their information. I’m not going to be accused of gaslighting or using the power I wield to influence someone into doing something they don’t want to do.”

  Holly raised an eyebrow at his long answer. It was more thoughtful than she was expecting, and she appreciated it. Around her, the sounds of the bar faded as she focused on Elijah.

  “What kind of sex do you enjoy, Holly?”

  Her jaw dropped. Wasn’t she supposed to be asking the questions?

  “Too forward?” he asked, concern in his voice.

  Holly’s gaze dropped, unsure how to answer. “No,” she finally said. “Just caught me off guard.”

  His hand came to her chin and tilted her head up. “Don’t lie to me, Holly. If I make you uncomfortable, you say something, clear?”

  Holly nodded. “I’m not lying. OK yeah, it’s kind of uncomfortable but I don’t mind the question. You know I’m not a virgin, but I’m also not that experienced, so I don’t know how to answer. I enjoy orgasms. I masturbate and have a favorite vibrator, I’m just not so well versed in partnered pleasure.”

  When he was silent for a minute she said, “Why do you ask?”

  He leaned across the table and set her nearly empty glass to the side. It was then that she realized she’d been nervously twisting it in her fingers.

  “I’m just trying to get a read on why you’re here. We know you’re attracted to me and the feeling is mutual. I’m trying to ascertain if it’s the kink, the money, or the looks that attract you most.”

  Holly should have been offended by the question, but it was a fair ask for someone in his position.

  Feeling emboldened by her alcohol consumption she said, “Maybe it’s your incredibly skilled fingers.”

  Elijah grinned. “Cute. Real cute. Now give me a real answer.”

  Holly chuckled. “None of the above, actually. I mean yes, you’re incredibly handsome and I could look at you all day long. But looks mean little and I have plenty of money so it’s not that. The kink I’m still not sure about. I love the passion you have for Africa and I like your confidence. I’m not sure why the attraction is so strong, but it is, and I feel sparks every time I see you.”

  Elijah seemed to visibly relax. “That’s a fine answer, Holly. It pleases me a lot.”

  Holly looked down at her hands. “So, what do we do about it?” she whispered.

  Elijah picked up her hand and squeezed. “I don’t know that we have to do anything. We get to know each other. Keep it professional in the office. If you’re so inclined, we’ll spend some time together outside of work and see what happens. I just need to be one hundred percent certain that you’re OK with me pursuing that.”

  Holly searched his face for any signs that he was leading her on or telling her what she wanted to hear. There was nothing but sincerity in his eyes. “I like it when you flirt with me,” she said honestly. “I’m OK with seeing what happens. I just have a lot of unanswered questions that make me nervous.”

  “So, ask your questions,” he said sweeping his arm across the table.

  Holly shook her head. “Here isn’t the place. It has to do with my father.”

  Elijah visibly tensed at the mention of Nicholas Sutton, but he didn’t scowl this time. “I’ll answer everything I can to the best of my ability, but there are some things that aren’t mine to say. Patrick can answer most of the questions you have.”

  It dawned on Holly then that she hadn’t seen Patrick. His presence was the one thing that had made
her hesitant to accept Dakota’s invitation.

  “He’s out of the country,” Elijah said. Was he reading her mind?

  “I was worried about seeing him here. It’s still weird for me.”

  Elijah grinned. “It’s weird for him too. Just wait until he finds out I want to fuck you.”

  Holly gasped. “So forward.”

  Elijah chuckled. “I believe in being honest, Holly. I want you. Would you like to move inside, or do you want another drink?”

  Holly shook her head. “I’ve had enough. We can go back in.”

  A girl in a bar apron and risqué lingerie passed them and Elijah snapped his fingers to get her attention. Her head jerked in their direction and she started to kneel, but he stopped her. “Clear this table and wipe it down please. We’re going into the dungeon.”

  “Yes, Master Eli,” the girl said.

  Holly noticed the girl had a blue jeweled bracelet on her wrist similar to the green one on Cassie’s wrist.

  “What do the colored bracelets mean?” she asked as they stood.

  Elijah beamed down at her. “You’re very observant, Holly. I like that. When David first started the club, he gifted each of the founding members the first set of colored diamonds he created in his lab. You’ll find we are all invested in getting conflict diamonds off the market, but that’s a conversation for another time. We took his gift and made it part of the club. Each of us has a color and the bracelets indicate the submissives that we’ve trained or are training. The blue belongs to Samuel but he’s dealing with some personal stuff right now and can’t attend as often as he would like, so I watch over his trainees when I can.”

  Holly nodded. “That’s really cool. Is Patrick’s orange?”

  Elijah nodded. “How did you know?”

  Holly gave a sad smile. “Mom was never big on diamonds but there was this one famous orange diamond she loved called the pumpkin diamond. Halloween was her favorite and Patrick’s too.”

  Elijah’s expression grew sympathetic, and Holly didn’t want to keep the mood down, so she said, “Let me guess, your color is red.”

  Elijah’s gaze grew heated and Holly squirmed beneath it. “Why are you looking at me like that?” she murmured.


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