He's Mine Not Hers

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He's Mine Not Hers Page 23

by Gianni Holmes

  “We need to find Becca and make our excuses for leaving,” I said.

  “Go ahead. I’ll grab another drink from the bar.” He leaned closer to me. “Need to wash a certain taste down.”

  He winked at me before going over to the bar. I watched him go with such longing that I almost went after him. With a sigh, I turned away and almost smacked into one of my father’s friends at the real estate office.

  Brad? No, Randy.

  He’d been at our home several times whenever we had formal functions. If there was one thing Dad enjoyed doing, it was entertaining. He never missed an opportunity to show off what a big shot he was. Even this engagement party wasn’t about me. It was all about him showing off to the world that his son was getting married.

  “Lucas, it’s been a long time!” He slapped me on the arm. “Congrats on the engagement. I can tell you, your father had his doubts about you settling down.”

  “Don’t you mean marrying a woman?” I asked candidly.

  He laughed uneasily. “Well, it’s no secret he’s been wanting a little one to carry on the Bronte legacy. Your little lady is a beauty. My, don’t you have the best of both worlds.”

  “Excuse me?”

  He jostled my arm. “Why, I’m talking about the son of course. I see the way he looks at you, and we all know by now that you swing both ways. Must be nice to get a little extra action, if you know what I mean. That boy’s a looker too. Pretty like his mama.”

  I clenched my teeth, following his gaze, not surprised when it landed on Jason. He was speaking to a woman who looked to be in her late fifties or early sixties. She had to be the wife of one of these reprobates, but at least she was smiling at Jason with kindness.

  “Are you implying something, Randy?”

  He glanced back at me. “No? Sorry if I got it wrong. I thought—never mind what I thought. I guess since my assumption is wrong, then it doesn’t matter if I make my move on him. Do you know if he’s single?”

  “No, he’s not,” I barked out at him, fighting down the urge to forget Becca, who I still couldn’t see anywhere in the room, and carry Jason out of there to my man cave.

  “Well, how open do you think he would be to trying someone new? He looks like a guy who appreciates nice things and…”

  I moved forward, stepping on his foot, and he trailed off his thought, eyes widening at my pissed-off expression. I wouldn’t be surprised had steam been billowing from my ears. It would accurately depict the way I felt.

  “You better watch your mouth, Randy. He’s not for sale,” I stated, catching sight of Becca as she entered the ballroom. There was something odd about her, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.

  Without waiting for Randy to respond, I stalked off toward Becca. Her cheeks were flushed, and she smoothed her hand down her dress.

  “We’re leaving,” I told her.

  “Um, okay,” she replied. “I think I’ve had enough of this party anyway, so it’s probably best that we leave now.”

  “You okay?” I asked, frowning at her sudden change of mind. She had been gushing about the party earlier, and now she couldn’t get away fast enough. I’d been expecting her to whine about it a little.

  “Fine, fine. There’s Jason. Let’s go.”

  I beckoned to Jason that we were ready to go, and he excused himself from the lady he was with, bussing her kisses on the cheeks.

  “I see you met a friend,” I said, pulling him to my left. “Sorry to interrupt, but we want to get out of here.”

  “That’s fine with me.”

  I could feel the curious eyes on us as we made our way through the small gathering of people. I was royally pissed at myself for putting us all in this situation. Instead of coming here tonight because my father wanted it to be so, I should have told him where he could stick his engagement party.

  “I guess we survived the night,” Jason remarked as we stood outside waiting for the valet to bring our car around. “I had my doubts, but it could have been so much worse.”

  “Yeah, a lot worse,” Becca agreed, strangely silent.

  When our car arrived, she was the first to head toward the vehicle. The valet opened the door for her while I got the door for Jason.

  “Say, Becca, weren’t you wearing stockings earlier?” Jason asked her.

  She paused and turned to us. “I—yeah, so what? I got a run.”

  She dived into the back seat of the car before Jason could interrogate her further.

  “You think she…?” I trailed off.

  Jason nodded. “Yup, she did. We can hardly say anything. After all, so did we.”

  “But you’re not some stranger,” I pointed out.

  “Double standards, Lucas. Are you saying you’ve never slept with a stranger before?”

  Of course I couldn’t, so I shut my mouth. Besides, while I was concerned about Becca because she was a friend, the truth was that she was free to sleep with anyone she wanted.

  “Exactly what I thought.” He patted my arm and slid into the car seat. “It’s her life. She’s free to live it the way she wants, and it’s not my place to judge.”

  Chapter Thirty


  “Come on, if you don’t answer these questions, you’re going to make an ass out of yourself on local TV!” I told Lucas, smacking away his hand that was crawling up my thigh. As much as I wanted to fool around with him too, we had work to do as evidenced by what had happened last night at his engagement party at his father’s house. Too many people were suspicious about us, and if he was going to appear completely in love with Becca on TV, then he had to put some work into it.

  He made a lousy liar and an even worse actor.

  “We can do them later,” he replied, grasping me by the hips and pulling me onto his lap. He thrust with his hips, and I gasped at the way his hard cock rubbed deliciously over my bottom.

  I suppose we can answer the questions afterward.


  I already felt guilty about everything I had done to inconvenience his wedding.

  “Naughty daddy.” I swatted his arm with the stack of cue cards where I had written the questions.

  “One kiss,” he bargained.

  I wasn’t falling for that trick. I kissed him, and I might as well get naked. One kiss would lead to a caress followed by other things that led to even more other things. I wanted the other things, but later.

  “Let’s make a deal,” I said, running out of ideas. “If we don’t find you answers for these questions, Becca’s going to have my hide tomorrow. So, guess what we’ll do? If we practice these questions, and you answer them naturally and comfortably, then I’ll show you what I’m going to be performing this week for Drag Night.”

  “You know I can just throw you over my shoulder and take you up to my bedroom and lock you inside, don’t you?” he growled at me.

  I swallowed hard. That actually wasn’t a bad idea. I shook my head to clear the naughty thoughts that were forming.

  “That doesn’t even make sense when you can just take me right here on the sofa,” I told him. “We’d give Miss Puss a show, but I’m pretty sure she’s already used to the X-rated material we provide in this house.”

  His lips fastened on my neck, sucking. A shudder ran through my body. Ooh, I loved it when he marked me and it stayed on my skin for days.

  “Is that a yes?” He didn’t even wait for me to respond. He moved so fast I never saw it coming. I was sprawled on my back on the sofa, his weight pressing me down into the cushions.

  “Wait!” I protested at the same time my hips rose to meet his. His cock ground into mine, and I blinked comically, trying to regain my senses. “Oh, Daddy Luke, please wait!”

  He stopped nuzzling my neck. “You’re not in the mood?”

  “Not in the mood? My cock’s harder than a black walnut, and my balls are like freaking cherry bombs ready to explode. But I really want to work on these answers with you.”

  He frowned at me, cocking his head to one
side. “Why are you trying to be helpful all of a sudden? Are those even the questions the TV station sent over?”

  “Of course they are,” I replied, blinking up at him.

  “I don’t even know how to believe you.”

  I pushed at his shoulders. “I can show you the email with the document on my phone.”

  “Okay, show me,” he stated, sitting up and pulling me upright.

  “You’re really asking me to show you the email?” I asked on a huff. “You don’t trust me?”

  “When it comes to this wedding, the answer is a resounding no.”

  Grumbling beneath my breath, I reached for my phone on the coffee table, quickly located the email Becca had forwarded to me, and showed it to him. Looking at it from my hand didn’t seem enough for him. Lucas took the phone from me, checking out the source of the email.

  “Okay, it seems authentic enough.”

  “And just for not believing me, I’m not putting out tonight,” I told him, shuffling as far away from him as I could to the other end of the sofa. “I’m surprised you aren’t accusing me of overturning the boat too.”

  He grinned at me. “Trust me, I rolled over the possibilities in my head but concluded even you weren’t that devious.”

  I made a show of plucking the first cue card from the top, not responding to his statement. If only he knew how devious I was. I cringed inwardly. I had been bad. So bad, and it was a wonder he and Becca hadn’t kicked me out of their wedding already.

  “Question number one,” I stated, adopting a TV personality I didn’t know I had, but what was the point to being a drag queen if I couldn’t adapt to situations? “Tell me, Lucas, how did you and Becca meet?”

  “That one’s simple,” he answered, then frowned at me. “Wait, are we sticking with the truth or making something up?”

  “Stick as closely to the truth as possible,” I told him. “It will be easier to keep track of everything you say. You only lie if you have to.”

  “I’m a little scared how easily this comes to you.”

  “Remember that the next time you accuse me of committing heinous crimes to stop your wedding.”

  “Actually, I’m pretty sure you just proved my point.”

  I rolled my eyes at him. “Well, you’re stalling, Lucas. Is there something you’re hiding from the public of how you met this woman?”

  “We met through work,” he answered. “I had just had a row with my father about not working in real estate for him, and I was trying to find a job at a restaurant. Becca convinced our boss to take a chance on me, and we’ve been friends since.”

  I stared at him in surprise. “Becca did that?”

  He nodded. “We never told you?”

  “No, I’ve never asked, and neither of you ever volunteered.”

  “Well, there you have it. That’s how we met.”

  I flipped the card to the next question. “When did you know that she was the one?”

  “Wow, I’ll have to make something up.”

  “Hmm, how about when did you two become such great friends? Maybe you can build something around that.”

  “Yeah, I guess that would be when I quit my job at the restaurant because they fired her,” he replied.

  “Wow. That sounds romantic.”

  He shrugged. “That’s just what friends do.”

  “Wrong answer!”

  “Oh—sorry—I mean, yes, but of course I wasn’t thinking of the romance at the time. I just knew I didn’t want to work at that restaurant anymore if she wasn’t there. We found ourselves at a time when we both needed someone.”

  I cleared my throat and placed the card to the bottom of the pile. The lump in my throat made it difficult to ask the next question. I couldn’t decide how much of what he said was true or not, but I understood a little bit more about his friendship with Becca.

  I never quite got why they were such good friends. They were completely different people. Despite his meltdown when he had been turned down for a promotion, Lucas was a dependable and responsible guy. He would have never agreed to this scheme we were engaged in it if he thought there was another solution.

  “Next question,” I said. “Becca has one child. What’s the relationship like between you two? How hard is it to date someone who already has a child?”

  “Hmm.” He tapped his chin. “Well, he can be insufferable. He’s got a mouth on him that—” My gasp broke him off. “Now let me finish. A mouth on him that’s just made for kissing. He’s gotten quite good at giving head too.”

  I straightened my spine. “Gotten good? Are you saying I sucked?”

  “Well, suck in what context?”

  “I did not suck at giving you head the first time!” I shrieked, and Miss Puss snarled, arching her back at the disturbance. She got to her feet and trotted toward the exit. “You were all moaning and fucking the back of my throat. You liked it.”

  He grabbed my legs and pulled them into his lap. “Of course I liked it. I’m just teasing you.”

  I threw the stack of cards to his stomach, pulled my legs from his lap, and got to my feet. “By the way, you just revealed to the entire population of Seattle that you’re boning your fiancée’s son. Now everybody will think I’m a homewrecker.”

  “Come on, that wasn’t an actual question!” he called after me as I headed for the exit.

  “It was too.”

  “Where are you going? I thought you were going to help me with my questions.”

  “I’m going to get all dolled up.” I threw over my shoulder. “You should know all the answers when I get back. And then I’ll give you the show of your life.”

  I took almost an hour getting dressed and doing my makeup. Drag night was two days away, and this time I wanted to be prepared. I needed the diversion, and since I’d been able to perform the last time with the girls, I felt like this time would be different. I wouldn’t go all Michelangelo’s David on the stage this time.

  What better way to get some practice in than to perform for Lucas?

  Chapter Thirty-One


  The questions for my interview tomorrow weren’t necessarily hard. They just took some time to come up with answers that bent the truth a little. I went through them all, rehearsing appropriate “lines” because quite frankly, I was terrible at pretending.

  Thank fuck for Becca, who diverted some of the attention from me, but tomorrow, I wouldn’t be able to rely on her. I had to start pulling my weight. It had been too easy for Wesley and Randy to guess what was happening between Jason and me.

  After Jason left, Miss Puss returned to the living room and jumped up onto the sofa to burrow down beside me. I petted her and she purred, her stomach vibrating with appreciation. I was about to throw down the cards and go in search of Jason when he walked—no, strutted—into the living room. Rather, Miss Jasmine Foxx sauntered into the living room.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, give a round of applause for Miss Jasmine Foxx!” he announced, hips swaying.

  I barely took that as my cue and cheered, alternating between clapping and wolf-whistling. She was absolutely stunning in a flowing blonde wig that cascaded down her back in loose curls. Dressed in a purple lace lingerie-looking robe with ruffles down the front and thigh-high boots, I nearly swallowed my tongue from staring and drooling. The heels to her boots were so high, I drifted to the edge of the sofa to catch her if she fell.

  I had no need. She sauntered confidently, body erect, shoulders back. She knew she looked good, and she moved to command my attention. My eyes followed her like a moth attracted to a flame or a drunk man to a bar. Or cars to a gas station.

  “Oh my God.”

  I was quite possibly fawning over Miss Foxx, but there was little I could do about it. She was delectable, beautiful, and sensual in her movements.

  “Will you be a darling and get this out of the way for me?”

  This being the center table. She didn’t have to ask twice. She could have asked me to carry the lon
g sofa on my back to Timbuktu, and I would have.

  I pushed everything out of the way, giving her as much space as she needed to perform. All the while I watched her as she stopped at my docking station and fiddled with my iPod.

  “Perfect,” she said, and I promptly plopped my ass onto the couch, barely catching the edge. I hauled my ass up farther onto the couch and sat forward.

  She turned her back to me, back gracefully arched, and winked at me playfully as the upbeat tempo of a musical interlude started. I had no idea which song it was, and I had no need to either. The important thing was the way Miss Foxx moved, her hips swaying in beat to the rhythm. She started out very slowly, swaying from side to side until the sultry lyrics started.

  Her transformation left me dumbstruck. There was no freezing up in terror as had happened the first night. She moved with confidence, her steps a mixture of simple and complicated. The heels which I would have thought to be difficult to dance in provided no hindrance at all. They made every move that much sexier.

  Lips moving in tune with the lyrics of the song, I vaguely caught the words about coming and getting it when you were ready. By the time the chorus played the second time, I was ready to sweep her up in my arms. She was damn right too. Who needed to get as far as the bedroom when the sofa was right here?

  When I thought I’d seen it all, she proved me wrong by untying the ribbon around the waist of the robe. Turning her back to me, she came so close I could extend my tongue and lick her butt when she allowed the robe to pool to the floor. Like a desperate man, I grabbed the robe and held it to my nose, inhaling the sweet perfume that was all her.

  “Oh God!”

  Without the robe, she performed before me almost naked, still wearing a purple-and-silver push-up bra and a matching thong. At the back of the thong was a fluffy white pompom. Every move she made, the pompom taunted me, leaving me so hard I wanted to pop my cock out of my jeans and nut all over the floor, but I didn’t want my slightest movement to distract from what she was doing.


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