Fearless to Love

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Fearless to Love Page 7

by Harlow Layne

  Pushing up, she brushed her lips against mine. “Of course, I did. I can’t wait to see where you live.”

  I had a sneaking suspicion that she was going to be disappointed with what she found. While my place was nice, it wasn’t homey like her house. It felt unlived in, to me, and I was the one living there. That was one of the reasons I didn’t want to go home the night I’d met Lily, and I was glad I trusted my instincts and went for that drive. If I hadn’t, who knows if I would have ever met her?

  We walked along the perimeter so she could get a feel of the place before we headed back to my office. I still had a couple of things to do before we opened. Sitting down behind my desk, I clicked my mouse to bring my computer to life. “I hate that you have to wait on me. If you want, you can always go out to the bar.”

  Digging into her bag, Lily pulled out her laptop and placed it on her lap. “I can keep myself occupied. I can write anywhere.”

  After working for another hour, Franca barged into the room. She really needed to learn how to knock. Who knew what she might walk in on? I let out a sigh, ready for some emergency that would likely take the entire night. “What’s on fire?”

  Sitting down next to Lily on the couch, she watched her type for a moment. “Nothing. Why don’t you go home, and I’ll take over for the rest of the night?”

  “Are you sure about that? Because you know I’ll take you up on it in a heartbeat.” Jumping up from my computer, I was ready to hightail it out of there before she could change her mind.

  “You shouldn’t ask questions, or I might decide it’s time for me to leave for the night instead of you. No, go before you make me look bad in front of your girlfriend.”

  Lily smiled the moment I mentioned her being my girlfriend before she started to pack up. I had a feeling she felt like me and wanted to get out of there before we were stuck.

  “Thank you, Franca.” Leaning over, I kissed her on the forehead before I took Lily’s hand in mine. We all but sprinted out the door. I couldn’t wait to get Lily back to my place and devour her. It took everything within me to not speed on the way to my place. Luckily, I didn’t live far from Flux, in a warehouse downtown that had been converted into lofts.

  Picking her up bridal style as we made our way through the door, Lily laughed as I took off to give her a tour. “What are you doing silly?” she asked as she wound her arms around my neck.

  “Giving you the grand tour. The downstairs has the kitchen, dining area, living room, there’s a bedroom and bathroom down here as well.” The entire thing was open concept and with one wall being complete glass it made the place seem bigger than it actually was. I loved being able to look out onto the city at any time.

  Lily’s head swiveled from left to right. “This is really nice. Did you decorate yourself?”

  “No,” I laughed. “It was all Franca. She loves to spend my money, and she does it well. She did both Flux and here.”

  “Well, the next time I see her, I’m going to tell her what a remarkable job she did on both.” Craning her head to look up the stairs, she asked. “What’s up there?”

  “That would be the master suite. Would you like to see it?”

  “Most definitely, but I can walk. You don’t have to carry me up all those stairs.” She wiggled out of my hold and took off up the stairs like a bolt of lightning with me following right behind her. I found Lily lying across my bed with her hair spread out all around her. God, she was gorgeous.

  She crooked her finger at me, and it was like I was pulled by an invisible rope toward her. “I think we should start by breaking in your bed and then christening every available surface.”

  “I think that’s the best idea I’ve heard today. Let me help you get undressed with my teeth.” I smiled devilishly at her as I started to nip my way up her body.

  “Yes, please,” she moaned as I bit through the fabric of her shirt and bra. Heading back down, I slipped my hands up her shirt, slowly lifting it up her body and was met with a black lacy strapless bra. Now it was my turn to moan. Deftly, I undid the button of her jeans and pulled the zipper down before I removed them. Leaning down, I bit the tiny piece of fabric that was covering her pussy and ripped it off her body.

  Winding her fingers through my hair, Lily pulled as her hips danced beneath me. “Dante, please. I need to feel you inside of me now.”

  I couldn’t deny her.

  Grabbing my t-shirt from behind my head, I pulled it up and over before throwing it on the floor. I made quick work of my shoes and jeans. I kissed, nipped, and licked my way back up her voluptuous body as my hands skimmed her sides.

  Our mouths met in a sensual dance as I guided my cock into her tight, wet pussy. Breaking the kiss, I growled against her neck. “Fuck, you feel so fucking good. You truly are my siren. Your body calls to me day and night making me impossibly hard.”

  My teeth grazed the side of her neck as my pace picked up. Lily wrapped her legs around my waist, pulling me impossibly further into her. Her hot breaths skated across my face as I ground against her clit with each thrust. When I felt her pussy contract, I slid my hand between us and rubbed furious circles on her bundle of nerves.

  “Don’t stop,” Lily moaned as she clutched onto me.

  “Never,” I promised. If it was up to me, I’d live between the apex of her thighs.

  Picking up my pace, I pulled Lily’s leg further up my back to get a deeper angle. Her body spasmed around mine as I buried myself deep inside of her. The way her sweet pussy milked my cock was heaven on earth.

  I kissed up her neck and dipped my tongue inside her waiting mouth. The way she made me feel in such a short amount of time was nothing short of a miracle. I never thought I’d be one to settle down, but one look at the woman under me and my whole life plan changed in an instant. Rolling off Lily, I used a washcloth to clean myself up and grabbed another for her, before I slipped back into bed beside her.

  After, I pulled Lily flush to my side and cradled her head to the crook of my neck. With her next to me, my eyes started to droop as I let out a yawn. I was seconds away from sleep when I thought I heard her whisper, “I think I love you, Dante Ricci.”



  I expected to wake up tucked in Dante’s arms, and for him to make love to me for the rest of the morning. Instead, I woke up alone with a terribly sore throat and feeling miserable. I couldn’t remember the last time I was sick.

  Where was Dante?

  Slipping out of bed, I used the bathroom and found a dark gray fluffy robe hanging on the back of the bathroom door and put it on. It was soft and warm and smelled just like Dante making me feel safe and at home. I took the stairs slowly, with what little energy I had, and found Dante standing in the kitchen making breakfast.

  Dante turned around with a smile on his face. He must have heard my shuffling feet, but the second he took me in his face dropped as well as the spatula he was holding. One second he was in front of the stove and the next he had his arms wrapped around me and was carrying me back up the stairs.

  Kissing the top of my head, he laid me down on the bed and covered me up to my chin. “What can I do to make you feel better?” A deep furrow settled between his brows.

  How had he known I wasn’t feeling good?

  “I’m…” I only got the one word out before I stopped talking. Pain shot down my throat making me never want to speak again. I pointed to my neck and shook my head.

  “How about I make you some hot tea? Maybe that will help with your throat.” He was already striding toward the stairs before I had a chance to nod. “I’ll be back in a few minutes. Try to rest.”

  Closing my eyes, I tried to relax in his bed, but every time I had to swallow it hurt more than the last. Eventually, I must have dozed off because I woke up to Dante sitting on the side of the bed with a steaming cup of tea in his hands.

  “Franca sent me this tea a while back that you’re supposed to drink when you’re sick and it’s supposed to make you get bett
er faster.” He shrugged. “I’m not sure about that, but it’s the only tea I have so it can’t hurt. I also put a little bit of honey in it since that’s supposed to help with sore throats. I hope it’s enough.” Putting his arm around my back, he helped me sit up against the headboard before he handed me the mug.

  I took a swallow and while it hurt going down, it did make my throat feel marginally better. Dante sat beside me on the bed with his arm around me and let me rest my head against his shoulder as I finished my drink.

  “How do you feel now? Any better?” The worry in his voice was sweet.

  I remembered when I’d had a cold with Tommy, and he hadn’t believed me when I’d said I wasn’t feeling well and had forced me to go to a company party that had been held outside. The night had turned cool and by the time I’d woken up the next morning I’d had a high temperature with chills. Not once had he asked what he could do to make me feel better or made me a cup of tea. No, instead he’d blamed it all on me. I shouldn’t have worn such a skimpy dress to the event since it had gotten cold. Too bad he hadn’t mentioned I was going to be outside for hours out in the cool temperatures.

  I tried to talk again, but it only came out as a croak.

  Dante set the cup on the nightstand and helped me lie back down. Placing his hand on my head, he frowned. “You got a fever and you can’t even talk. I think you should go to the doctor. Do you have one in Fairlane or Riverside?”

  I pointed to the bed. I wasn’t sure of any other way to say here unless I mouthed it and I didn’t even want to open my mouth, afraid I’d have to swallow again.

  “Here? If you write down your doctor’s name, I’ll call and make an appointment for you. If they don’t have one, I’ll take you to urgent care.”

  He really didn’t have to do all that, but I appreciated it.

  Taking a pen and a small notebook out of his nightstand he held it out for me to write on. I quickly wrote my doctor’s name and he went to work on his phone looking up their phone number.

  “I should also call Franca and let her know that I won’t be in today.” I felt guilty for making Franca work, but I really wanted Dante by my side. I only hoped she wouldn’t end up hating me for taking up so much of her brother’s time. “Why don’t you rest, and I’ll let you know what time your appointment is?”

  I shook my head and patted the bed beside me. I wanted to cuddle up next to him. I felt better when he was by my side.

  “Alright, I’ll stay.” He kissed my forehead again. Pulling out his phone from his pajama pants pocket, he dialed the number to my doctor’s office. I loved listening to him try to haggle an earlier time with my doctor. It was a little after nine and he’d managed to get me an appointment at eleven. He sure knew how to sweet talk the receptionist.

  Clearing his throat, he nervously looked over at me. I had a feeling he thought Franca was going to be mad at him as well. “Here goes nothing.” He hit her name and waited for her to answer.

  “What?” She answered loud enough for me to hear. “Do you know how early it is?”

  “I’m sorry to wake you up, but Lily woke up sick and I need to take her to the doctor at eleven. I was hoping you could cover for me.”

  “You’re lucky I like her, otherwise I would say tough shit. Are you going to be out the whole day?”

  “Possibly, it depends on what the doctor says. I’m hoping Lily will stay here until she gets better. I’d hate for her to need something and be so far away.” He looked down at me and brushed some hair from my forehead.

  I nodded and wrapped my arm around his waist. While I hated feeling like a burden, I didn’t want to be alone either. I hated the thought of Dante being almost an hour away from me.

  “Fine, but you have to come in tomorrow because we have a meeting with the liquor distributor, and you have to take care of that.”

  “I promise I’ll be there. Thank you, Franca, you’re the best.” Dante’s fingers slid through my hair relaxing me.

  “I know, I am. I’m going to look through my resumes today for a manager and put any with potential on your desk.”

  “Thanks. We need to find someone soon. I can’t work fourteen-hour days all the time.” He let out a frustrated sigh.

  “I’m surprised it isn’t you who’s sick with the way you’ve been working. By the way, please don’t get sick. I can’t do this without you.”

  “I’ll do my best. Call me if you need anything.” Setting his phone down, Dante slid down until he was lying next to me and wrapped me in his arms. “I hate that you’re sick and that it hurts to talk.”

  I could only nod. Being a mute was not fun, but it was better than feeling like I was swallowing shards of glass. I’d run myself down, and I only had myself to blame. I was on a deadline and would work all day and night without much food or sleep. Now that I had Dante in my life, I knew I needed to start taking better care of myself.

  I woke to Dante brushing his thumb over the apple of my cheek. When I opened my eyes and saw the warm look in his, I knew even though he hadn’t said anything that he loved me. “We should probably get dressed for your doctor's appointment. Do you need any help?” I shook my head and looked at the clock to see it was already ten. We’d lain in bed for an hour while I kept dozing off and Dante was working on his laptop. It made me feel a little better that he could get some work done.

  Slowly, I climbed out of bed and put on the yoga pants and t-shirt I’d brought. I was cold and didn’t have anything else to wear, making me wish I’d brought a sweatshirt, but how was I to know I’d get sick. With my arms wrapped around myself, I sat on the bed to put on my socks and tennis shoes. I was more than happy I’d brought comfortable clothes to wear for the day.

  “Are you cold?” Dante asked as he stepped out of the bathroom dressed and freshly shaven.

  A shiver ripped through me, providing his answer. He stepped back into the bathroom and came out with a thick grey sweatshirt. “Here put this on. When we get back, I can give you a pair of sweatpants or pajama pants if you’re still cold.”

  Thanks, I mouthed.

  “Are you ready to go?”

  After I nodded, he picked me up and carried me down the stairs. This was starting to get ridiculous, but I didn’t have much energy, so it was probably a good thing that I didn’t fall down the stairs and break my arm or leg. Dante had his phone give him directions while I rested my head on the car door window and watched the city pass me by. It didn’t take us long to reach my doctor’s office. Dante helped me out of the car and was right by my side the entire time. He really was a good boyfriend. He let me rest against him while I sat on the exam table until my doctor knocked on the door.

  Dr. Presley was getting on in age, but he’d been my doctor for as long as I could remember, and I was going to be sad when he retired. His hair had gone entirely white along with his big bushy eyebrows. As a child, I always loved how expressive they were.

  “What brings you in today, Lily?” Dr. Presley asked as he walked inside. When he spotted Dante standing next to me, he gave him a once over before shaking his hand. “I’m Dr. Presley, Lily’s doctor.”

  Dante wrapped an arm around my shoulders and introduced himself. “I’m Dante Ricci, Lily’s boyfriend.” Butterflies took flight, and I wondered if they’d ever stop when he called himself my boyfriend.

  “It’s nice to meet you. I must say in all the years I’ve been seeing Lily, I don’t think she’s ever brought in a boyfriend.”

  I looked up to see a shit-eating grin on Dante’s face.

  “Lily’s had a fever and I gave her some ibuprofen, but the main reason we’re here is because her throat hurts. She hasn’t talked all morning.”

  “Alright, first I’ll start by taking your temperature and then we’ll go from there.” Dr. Presley listened to my heart and breathing while we waited for the thermometer to read my temp. “Right now, you don’t have a temperature, but it could be from the ibuprofen. If it comes back keep taking it. Now let’s have a look at that
throat. Open up and say ah.”

  I did as instructed, hating the taste of wood as he depressed my tongue. I wondered if it looked as bad as it felt.

  “Well, it looks like you have strep throat, but I can’t say for certain until I do a swab test.” He pulled out a tube and a swab making me grimace.

  “What happens if she has strep?” Dante shuffled out of the way while Dr. Presley swabbed my throat, making me cough and clutch my neck.

  “I’ll give her a prescription for some antibiotics and within twenty-four hours she should be feeling better. If she’s not or symptoms worsen, then I want you to call me so I can change the prescription. It doesn’t happen often, but it can.” He stood capping the tube. “I’ll be back in a few minutes with your results.” He patted my knee before he left and gave me a reassuring smile.

  “Do you like soup?” Dante asked while looking down at his phone. “There’s a Panera between the pharmacy and my place. I can make an order for whatever you like.” He handed me his phone, and I selected the broccoli and cheese soup before giving it back to him. “Perfect, I like that one too. I’ll get a big thing of it. It should make your throat feel better until the medicine starts to work.”

  I hoped so because I didn’t want it to hurt this bad for an entire day.

  Dr. Presley knocked on the door before coming inside with a piece of paper in his hand. “As I suspected, you’ve got strep throat. Make sure to take the first dose as soon as you pick up your prescription. It’s an easy one. You take one pill a day for five days.” He smiled strangely before he went on. “I should warn you that antibiotics can mess with your birth control and you can become pregnant, so in the meantime, you should use some other protection to prevent pregnancy.”

  “How long will the medicine affect it?” Dante’s hand grasped mine as I blushed furiously.

  “Two weeks to be safe. It can continue to affect it up to a week after she stops taking the medicine. If you have any other questions don’t hesitate to call me. Get to feeling better soon, Lily, and I’ll see you next time.”


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