Justin Redmond: A Sweet Gay Romance (James Brothers Book 4)

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Justin Redmond: A Sweet Gay Romance (James Brothers Book 4) Page 1

by C. E. Wilson

  Justin Redmond

  James Brothers

  Book 4

  By C.E. Wilson


  Justin Redmond

  Justin Redmond


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Justin Redmond

  By C.E. Wilson

  Amazon Edition

  Copyright 2020

  This book may not be replicated or reproduced in any manner without the express and written permission from the author. This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return it to the author and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Chapter 1

  Justin Redmond stood at the bottom of the stairs leading up to the courthouse. He knew he had to talk to the judge about his sister, Darlene Redmond. It was not fair to Link and Alex’s son, George. He went through enough, and Justin was not about to let him go through anymore. He had to tell Judge Stone that his sister was mentally ill. He also wanted to tell the judge that he was gay as well as Link and Alex. He wanted what they had, and that was a husband and children. If he didn’t tell the judge everything, he would never find happiness.

  Justin knew when he told the judge everything, it would be the end of his family life. His father already told him when he tried to tell them before, that he was gay that he wouldn’t accept it. He would kick him out of the house and the family. He said he was not going to have a gay son. Well, he does whether he wants to or not.

  Justin took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He started up the steps and made himself go into the courthouse. He found Judge Stone’s office and went inside. The judge was just getting back from lunch, so he was in the reception office talking with the receptionist. Justin said, “Judge Stone, could I have a moment of your time?”

  Judge Stone turned and looked at Justin. “Sure, son, come on into my office, and we can take a few minutes to chat and see what you need.”

  Justin followed the judge into his office and sat where the judge told him to. He sat across from the desk, looking at the judge. “Your Honor, I need to talk to you about a woman you are listening to. Her name is Darlene Redmond. She needs to be in a mental facility. She is mentally ill.”

  Judge Stone stared at Justin for a few moments. “Why should I believe you? Did someone send you in here to tell me this so that they can adopt more kids?”

  “No one sent me here. I know she’s mentally ill because I’m her brother. She has always been a little off, but now she has really gone off her rocker. She got Link Maxwell fired from his job, and now she has made it so that no gays can adopt children, and it’s not right.”

  “Oh, so Link Maxwell sent you in here. Why would you do that? What is in it for you if I let him adopt another child or any of them for that matter?”

  Justin shook his head. “Link didn’t send me in here. No one did. It’s only right to tell you the truth about my sister. I care about the gays adopting because I am one of them that wishes to get a husband and adopt a couple of children. My family will not accept me being gay. If I wasn’t, would I be in here telling you I was? My father told me that if he found out I was gay; he would disown me and throw me from the house. I just want to be free to live like I wish to. Has nothing to do with anyone else.”

  “How old are you, Justin?”

  “I’m 24. I just graduated from college and now can stand up to my father since I have my education. I don’t care if he throws me from the house and disowns me. I can take care of myself.”

  “What did you take in college?”

  “I’m a psychologist. That’s how I know my sister needs help. She doesn’t need to be on the streets. I don’t trust her not to hurt someone. She needs some intensive care to be herself again.”

  “Have you found a job yet?”

  “No, I just got home a few days ago. I still have to take my state exam, but it’s not a big deal. Then I want to look for work and for somewhere to stay.”

  “What would you say to have both of them right now? You can still take your state board when you have to, but we need someone in a house full of young boys. It is my pet project, and I want to have someone there that can talk the boys down. They are all troubled boys and need someone they can trust and confide in. We have one guy there now, but he can’t handle it himself.”

  “I would say yes, a big yes. That is exactly the reason I became a psychologist. I want to help young boys with whatever problems they have. I wasn’t able to tell anyone what my problems were because my father didn’t want to hear it. I will be there for the boys no matter what their problems are.”

  The judge took out a business card and turned it over and wrote an address on the back of the card. He handed it to Justin and said, “I’ll give you twenty-four hours before I sign a warrant for your sister to go to the mental hospital for a seventy-two-hour evaluation. That should get you out of the house before they find out it was you that turned her in. I don’t want you to have trouble getting your things from your father’s house. So, go pack and report to Hunter before the end of today. Tell him who you are and that I hired you to council the boys when they need it. You might just have more in common with Hunter than you realize.”

  “Thank you, Judge Stone. I appreciate this so much.”

  “You’ll work for your pay. Don’t you want to know what you’re going to make?”

  Justin turned back to the judge. He smiled and shook his head. “I just wonder what you’re going to charge me for giving me my dream job.”

  The judge laughed and waved him off. Justin ran out of the courthouse and jumped into his truck. He headed home to pack his things.

  When he got there, he went into the front door and ran up the steps taking them two at a time. He wanted to get packed and out of the house before his father got home from work. He was halfway up the stairs when he heard his mother call out. “Justin, is that you?”

  “Yes, Mom. I have to get packed and moved before the day is over. I got a job in a halfway house for young boys. I have to get my things together. I’ll talk to you soon.”

  “Just hold up, young man. Who are you working for? I want to know all about it before you actually move there. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  “Mom, I’m a grown man now. I’ll be working for a judge, and it’s all above board. He’s a good man, and this is his pet project. I’ll be working with another man in the house and give the boys counse
ling when they need it. I don’t have time for this, Mom. I have to go get ready to move.”

  His Mom just shook her head, so he went the rest of the way to his room. He started with the suitcases he had at college and started packing all his clothes. He took everything that was his from his room and got them out to his truck. He jumped into the truck and headed out to his new home and adventure.

  Justin decided he was hungry and didn’t know what time the boys ate lunch, so he decided he would stop and eat. He went to the diner in town and parked his truck. He went inside and sat down in a booth. The cute little waitress came over and started flirting with him. He wasn’t rude but let her know he was not interested in her. She took his drink order and came back with the drink. “Have you decided what you want to eat?”

  “Yes, give me a burger and fries. I also want a coleslaw on the side and a piece of that apple pie for dessert.”

  “I’ll have that out for you in just a few minutes.”

  Justin was staring out the window when to his dismay, his sister’s car pulls in beside his truck and parks. Darlene got out and looked in the back of his truck and saw his suitcases. He didn’t know what to say, so he decided that mostly the truth would make her happy. Maybe.

  Darlene came into the diner and sat down across from Justin. “Does Daddy know your moving out?”

  “No, I haven’t seen him. I told Mom, though. I have a new job and have to live there. It’s a halfway house for young boys. It is my dream job come true.”

  “I don’t think Daddy will be happy with your choice of jobs. He paid all that money for your college, and you’re not going to use it just live with a bunch of boys. You sound like Link Maxwell now. You know he’s molesting that boy they adopted, don’t you? Is that what you’re going to do?”

  “You have a sick mind, Darlene. Link isn’t molesting his son. I’m not going to molest these boys. I’m going to counsel them when they need it.”

  “You told Daddy one time that you were gay. Are you still gay?”

  “I’m not going to even answer that. First, it is none of your business who I want, and second, you’ll run to tell Dad no matter what I say. You need to mind your business. You’re the one that has the problems.”

  The waitress brought his food to him, and he started flirting with her. He told her to bring his sister the same thing he ordered then he asked for her number. She gave it to him and smiled at him. He glanced at Darlene, and she shook her head. He ignored her and started eating so he could get to the house. Hopefully, if he paid for Darlene’s food, she wouldn’t follow him.

  Chapter 2

  Justin ate his food quickly and then left the diner. He made sure that Darlene’s food was there before he left. He wanted her to eat and not follow him. That’s precisely what she did. She paid him no attention when he paid the bill for both of them and went out the door. He got in the truck and drove about a block and pulled over to put the address of the halfway house in his GPS.

  Justin followed the directions and pulled in the driveway of a beautiful big mansion. He was shocked that the estate was going to be his new home. He got out of the truck and went to the front door and rang the bell. It was a few minutes later when the big door swung open, and a very sexy handsome guy stood in the doorway. “Hi, my name is Justin Redmond. I was hired this morning by Judge Stone, and he told me to come here and live. Do I have the right address?”

  The guy stood there looking Justin from his head to his feet several times. He finally spoke. “I guess you do. Judge Stone called me and told me you were coming. You’re some fancy shrink or something like that. I’m Hunter, and I run this place. I think we need to get that straight from the beginning.”

  “Sure, Hunter, I’m not trying to take your place. I just want to help you help the boys.”

  “You can do your mumbo jumbo on the boys, but don’t try and analyze me because I don’t need or want you in my head.”

  “I wouldn’t think of it. Can I get a hand getting my bags in the house?”

  Hunter rolled his eyes. “Leon and James come here. Our new shrink needs help with his bags.”

  Two teenage boys came into the foyer and looked him up and down. They didn’t say anything; just went out to the truck and started carrying the bags in. Hunter said, “Put them in the bedroom on the second floor at the head of the stairs. He can stay in Carl’s old room. He won’t be back ever.”

  Justin looked over at Hunter. “What happened to Carl?”

  “He’s in jail for assault against a female. He had already aged out of the system when he got into trouble.”

  “Oh, I didn’t realize that these were foster boys. I just thought they were troubled boys.”

  “From experience, they are the same thing. You ever been in foster care?”

  “No, I have good parents. I stayed home until I went to college.”

  “Well, you’re lucky then. Foster care is the same as putting children in a lion’s den. The foster parents rarely care for the child. They only want the money coming in for fostering.”

  “Sounds like you had a rough childhood.”

  “You have no idea. Anyway, we have dinner at 5 on the nose. The boys take turns cooking. If you want a turn, you can do it just as long as you don’t do it every meal. The boys have to learn to take care of themselves. I cook once a week if that gives you a better idea of that.”

  “I don’t know how to cook, so it probably wouldn’t be a good idea for me to cook. I don’t think the boys would like to eat the mess I would make.”

  “Yeah, don’t cook if you don’t know-how. Anyway, here is the key to your room and the key to your office. It is a large room in the basement that is set up for a shrink. We had one at one time, but he decided he could make more money in private practice. You’re to use that when you meet with the boys so that no one can hear what they tell you.”

  “Excellent. I can talk to you too if you need me to. I’m just saying that I’m available to you also.”

  “Thanks, but no. I can handle my own problems. I’m twenty-three, so I know how to take care of myself. I have been on my own since I was fourteen.”

  “I was just letting you know I was here for you too. If you don’t want to talk, that’s fine. Can we at least be friends?”

  Hunter let out a big sigh. “I guess so as long as you don’t get into my past. I don’t want to have to warn you again about getting into my head.”

  “Nope, I got it. What do you do around here for fun?”

  “Fun? I guess we do a lot of movie watching. Not much else to do. What do you do for fun?”

  Justin stood there, thinking for a moment. “You know I have been studying hard in school and haven’t had fun in forever, so I don’t know what I do for fun. What do the boys like to do?”

  Hunter shrugged. “I don’t know I never asked them. They have a movie collection and an Playstation, so they mostly either play that or watch a movie. I guess we could ask them, but I have to approve any changes around here.”

  “Hunter, I’m not here to go against you or change anything you have already set up. I’m here to counsel the boys and to help you with whatever you need me to do. I know you’re in charge and I have no problem with it. I just want to help the boys as much as I can.”

  “The other shrink tried to change everything, and that was one of the reasons that he and I didn’t get along. I just want you to know I’m not going to go through that again.”

  Justin nodded. “Noted. I’m going to go hang up my clothes now. Do you want to come with me, and we can talk, and you can tell me some of the things that you have in place, so I know not to change them? I have some questions for you as well. Like how many boys are here and their ages and problems. Things like that.”

  “Yes, I guess I better come and give you the rules, so you don’t break them. We have some strict rules, and you have to set an example for the boys by not break them either.”

  Hunter followed Justin up to his room, and they went inside. H
unter left the door standing wide open. He pointed to the door and said, “That’s the first rule. You can have someone in your room, but the door has to be open. No closed doors with someone else in your room. Most of the boys have their own room, so no need for the door to be closed.”

  Justin nodded. “Sounds fair. Do the boys ever have friends from school over?”

  “Yes, some do, but the rule is the same. Also, the friend has to leave before dark. I can’t watch all of them, so I make sure their friends are gone, and the doors are locked. I don’t let them spend the night. You can’t have an overnight girlfriend either. It sets a bad example for them.”

  “I won’t be having a girlfriend here or anywhere, really. I’m gay.”

  Hunter’s brows went to his hairline. “Does Judge Stone know that?”

  “Yes, I told him before he offered me the job. Is that going to be a problem with you?”

  “Not as long as the judge knows about it. Actually, it makes sense now. I wondered what he was talking about and now I know.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Judge Stone said we had a lot in common, and I had no idea what he was talking about. Now I know what he meant.”

  “He said the same thing to me. What was he talking about because I have no idea?”

  “I’m gay as well. I guess he meant we are both gay, so we have that in common.”

  “Oh, I see. Yeah, we do have that in common. How do the boys accept that you're gay?”

  “I haven’t told them. It doesn’t concern them, so no reason to tell them.”

  “That makes sense. I won’t tell them about me either. It might make them uncomfortable if they know that. They might not open up to me and let me help them.”

  “I have sixteen boys in here at this time. Three of them are seventeen and have part-time jobs after school. They walk to their job after school, and then I pick them up after work at nine. They work at a fast food place, half a block from the school. At least now I’ll have someone with the other boys while I go pick them up.”


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