Damaged: The Complete Set Including DIRTY and FILTHY: A Dark Romance (The Damage Romance Box Set)

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Damaged: The Complete Set Including DIRTY and FILTHY: A Dark Romance (The Damage Romance Box Set) Page 5

by Michelle Horst

  “It’s my turn,” Westbrook says with a voice filled with victory. My body is numb from the assault but I try to sit up so I can fucking fight back. Westbrook climbs on top of me, shoving me back down. “I told you I would make you come,” she gloats.

  She smears the cum all over my cock and balls. Turning around, she straddles my chest, shoving her wrinkled ass in my face.

  I feel degraded that I couldn’t stop myself from coming. It feels as if she’s won, and with that, she’s taken a piece of my soul. I feel battered and ruined.

  She licks the cum from my abdomen, cock and balls. Her teeth sink into my skin, but the pain is nothing compared to the devastation I feel.

  She turns back around, and leaving the bands on, she takes my cock into her pussy. She’s never fucked me before. Only the old man fucks me.

  She starts to ride me, and then the electric pulses start up again. My hips lift from the bed with the force of the electric pulse. She must feel it too because her body jerks against mine. She throws her head back as she fucking laughs, and then she presses the button on the small remote. Another violent electric pulse hits hard, and again my hips jerk, forcing my cock deeper inside of her.

  She doesn’t let go of the button and the pulse is a constant attack on my cock. My ass is lifted off the bed as she bounces on top of me.

  I can’t hold back the cry of utter abhorrence as my hips start to jerk, and another orgasm robs me of the last bit of self-respect I’m clinging to.

  She moans loudly as she comes. Finally, she lets go of the button controlling the Electrosex bands, and she gets off me.

  I roll to my side and fight with everything I have to get up. My legs are shaking something fierce as I finally stand up. I see my cum as it’s running down the inside of her thighs, and a wave of disgust makes bile push up my throat.

  She drags a finger through it, and holding it out to me, she sneers, “See, Slave. You’re nothing but a fuck.” She spits at me and then snaps, “Get out.”

  I grab my jeans, roughly pulling them on. I run from the room as failure smothers the very life from me.

  She fucking won.

  Why couldn’t I fucking fight it? Why was I so fucking weak? I’m consumed with rage and disgust that she won. It’s eating me from the inside out. Soon there will be nothing left of me.

  I take the stairs two at a time down to my room. I just want to be alone so I can somehow deal with what just happened. It’s a blow I didn’t expect. But I’m stronger than this. I will fight harder. I won’t let them break me.

  When I reach the bottom of the stairs, I freeze. I tilt my head to the side, not sure I’m seeing right.


  He looks a lot older from the last photo I saw of him, but it’s still David. He has a hard look on his face, one that reminds me of Cameron.

  I struggle to come to terms with what I’m seeing. Sophia is on her knees and he’s shoving his cock down her throat. I hear Sophia gagging, and I watch as tears spill over her red cheeks. Her lips are turning blue from the lack of oxygen.

  David’s hands are fisted in her hair, as he keeps her locked in place, so he can fuck her throat.

  Slowly, a spine-chilling feeling creeps over me. It makes every hair on my body rise. My heart starts to beat faster and faster, until all the beats blur together. Horror sinks its claws into my mind. My body wounds tight until something snaps deep inside of me.

  My brother is fucking a slave.

  My baby brother.

  The fucking brother I sacrificed everything for.

  All the rage and disgust that’s been building up over the past years, explode in my chest. It feels like I’m being ripped open.

  I don’t know how I get to them so fast, but I shove Sophia back. She falls hard to her side but I don’t care.

  I grab David’s shirt and slam him against the wall. My breaths are ragged as despair grips my heart. The slither of humanity I clung to for David, shatters inside of me. It cuts me into a million pieces, until there is nothing left of me but an empty black hole.

  David’s face contorts in anger. “Get your filthy hands off me, Slave!”

  Hands grab me from behind, yanking me away from David.

  I fight them and manage to break free. As David tucks his cock back in his pants, I swing a fist at him. The impact of my knuckles against his cheek vibrates up my arm. He staggers back against the wall as I throw another punch. My fist connects with his nose, making blood gush over his face.

  David takes a swing at me and his fist slams into my jaw. I don’t pull away as he starts to throw one punch after the other. I keep hitting, wanting to erase the vision of my baby brother fucking a slave from my mind.

  Hands claw at my back and arms. I fight them and it takes a lot of them to pull me off David.

  He comes at me, his face dark and bloody. He slams his fist into my stomach, and then the blows come faster and harder, as I struggle to fight back.

  I failed David.

  The thought is a debilitating one.

  David is a monster.

  My soul grieves because I’ve failed in keeping my promise to my dying mother.

  It was the only thing that kept me going. It was the root of my strength to keep fighting.

  My vision blurs and I sink to my knees. They start to kick at me. Every boot that slams into my flesh, makes pain explode savagely through me.

  Darkness starts to drag me under, and I fight it with the last bit of my strength. I want to kill every last one of them. I want my revenge before my time is up.

  I’m dragged down stairs, and I know that they’re taking me to the basement. It’s where they punish us.

  I try to stand but my legs are too weak. Every punch I try to throw drains more of my strength.

  My body is slammed over a bench, and my hands and feet are tied. They rip the jeans from my body, and then a whip cracks over my back. The lashes get harder, cutting into my flesh until my skin is alive with pain.

  As soon as the lashes stop, someone slams his cock into my ass. Everything burns and it feels like the man is trying to split my ass in two. With every thrust, my back is caned. It feels like they are breaking every bone in my body.

  After a while, I’m swallowed whole by all the pain. I hear a whimper somewhere in front of me. I squint through one swollen eye and see Sophia. She’s also spread over a bench. David is fucking her, but his eyes are on me.

  “Thanks for all the money you made us, you dumb fuck,” he sneers. “Sadly, every hole has an expiration date and you’ve reached yours.” His breaths are harsh as he keeps thrusting into Sophia between every sentence he spits out. “No use in pretending anymore. But hey, the money you made us came in handy. The new Ferrari I bought, with some of the money they paid for the two of you, drives like a dream.”

  He keeps fucking Sophia as he tells me all of this and it breaks something.

  He laughs hungrily, and that’s when I see it, he’s just like Cameron. He only cares about money.

  The person behind me comes violently before he finally pulls out. I know this night is far from finished. This is how I was trained. This is how they try to break you. A whip cracks over the back of my thighs and balls, cutting into my flesh.

  Every blow hurts more than the one before, tearing the very skin from my bones. I clench my teeth to keep from crying out.

  I don’t know why I keep fighting. I have nothing more to lose.


  Sunday morning can’t come fast enough. I want to go home. Adam has already taken our bags to the car. Now, we only need to collect Jack and Sophia, and we’ll be on our way.

  As we leave the room, Sven is waiting for us.

  “Master Cameron would like to speak with you one last time.” It’s not a request but an order.

  We follow him to the same study we met Cameron in yesterday. I transferred the funds in front of him. I’ve paid for Jack and Sophia’s freedom.

  The same stale cigar smell hangs in the air. Cam
eron is busy with a call.

  “Take a seat,” Sven barks.

  I narrow my eyes as I glare at him. We remain standing, and I can feel the tension coming from Adam. Something is wrong.

  When Cameron is done with the call, he leans back in the oversized leather chair. He rests his hands on the armrests and crosses his legs.

  “There’s been a development,” he starts.

  My body tightens and I try to stay calm as I say, “I’ve paid for the slaves.”

  “Indeed you have,” he continues. “You will have them, but they are no longer in the same condition.” Cameron clears his throat and taps his fingers on the leather as if he’s bored. “The male slave attacked my son. Seeing as the female was in charge of all the slaves, she should have protected my son. She failed in her duties.”

  My heart speeds up with panic.

  “Both of the slaves had to be punished. It’s the law of my house.”

  I cling to the last slither of control, as I hiss, “Just let me have my slaves.”

  Cameron nods. “They have been taken to your vehicle. I just thought it would be in good form to advise you of their condition.”

  Not bothering with the monster, I rush from the office. I can’t keep up the act any longer, and I break out into a run.

  I race out of the house, and down the stairs. As I near the car, I can’t see anyone in it. As I yank the back door open, it feels as if someone physically punches me. The air is torn from my lungs as shock vibrates through me.

  They are covered in blood. Dark chunks of either flesh or blood are all I can see.

  I feel hands on my shoulders and my head snaps up. Adam’s eyes land on Jack and Sophia, and the blood drains from his face.

  He shoves me to the passenger side. He closes all the doors and then gets in behind the wheel. I’m shocked to my core as we speed away from the hell hole.

  I can’t keep the tears from spilling over my cheeks, and my heart breaks for them.

  We leave San Antonio, where Cameron’s business operates from, and make our way to Houston. We stick to the main roads and crowded cities. The more people there are around us, the easier it will be for us to lose any tails. We only deviate from the road once, and that’s to stop in a small town near Jackson, Mississippi. We always change cars, dumping the one we used to free the slaves. The car waiting for us is an old station wagon, nothing to draw attention to us.

  We carry all the bags over to the station wagon before we move Jack and Sophia. Adam opens the door and he doesn’t waste time hauling Sophia out of the car.

  “Be careful!” I snap at him. “She’s hurting.” A sob chokes my words, making them thick.

  “She’s out cold!” Adam snaps back at me. “The sooner we have them home, the sooner we can ease their pain. I’m not going to waste time, and risk them coming to while we’re on the road.”

  He’s as angry as I am. I watch as he places Sophia on the back seat.

  “We should leave the bags,” I say. “Then we can put Jack in the back, and they don’t have to share the backseat.”

  Adam looks at the backseat, and then at the space where our bags are. “You’re right.”

  He quickly removes the bags from the station wagon, and tosses them back in the car.

  “Make sure there’s nothing in the bags that can be tracked back to us,” Adam says, before pulling Jack from the car. He throws him over his shoulder and carries him to the station wagon.

  Quickly, I search through the bags. I also do another thorough sweep through the car.

  While Adam searches Jack and Sophia for any tracking devices, I grab a clean shirt and hold it ready for him.

  He finds the tracking devices on their hips, and I look away as he takes out a sharp pocket knife. I can never watch as he cuts the devices out. I know it’s necessary to ensure our safety.

  Once Adam’s finished, he drags the bloody shirt over his head and uses it to wipe his hands clean. He throws the bloody shirt and tracking devices in the car. He takes the clean shirt from me and quickly pulls it over his head.

  I get in the station wagon, driving it a distance away. Adam sets the old car alight, burning all the evidence. He covers our tracks all the way to where I am, and then he gets in the passenger side.

  Adam closes his eyes and rests his head back against the seat, while I drive towards the interstate. We only stop for gas. It’s a long and hard twenty-four hours before we reach home.

  It’s well after breakfast when we finally drive through the gates. I feel a slither of relief when I spot Landon and Kyle patrolling the entrance on horseback.

  I bring the station wagon to a standstill in front of the manor. When Miss Ella comes hurrying out of the house, tears flood my eyes.

  I rush from the car as she asks, “Did you save anyone?”

  Just as Adam opens the back door of the station wagon, Tristan comes running towards us to help.

  I watch as horror clouds both Miss Ella and Tristan’s faces.

  “Are they alive?” Tristan asks.

  “Yes,” I snap, pushing past him. “You can help Adam carry Jack to the room.”

  I look around and spot Ian coming around the side of the house.

  “Ian!” I call and getting his attention I wave him over. “Come help me.”

  There’s an urgency in the air as we all work together to get them into the room.

  Miss Ella yanks the bedding off, leaving only the sheets covering the mattresses. When both Jack and Sophia are each settled on a bed, we run to get our medical supplies.

  Ian leaves the four of us to do our thing. Miss Ella brings two buckets of water and a bundle of cloths. I start to clean the blood from Sophia, while Adam cleans Jack.

  There are thick smears of semen all over her body. It yanks a chunk of my heart out, just thinking what she must’ve been through.

  The water has to be changed four times before most of the blood is washed off.

  I start to cry silently when I see just how badly she’s been hurt.

  We spend most of the day cleaning Sophia and Jack. Thankfully, Adam has medical training, so he can at least stitch the deep gash on Sophia’s thigh.

  Once Adam is done checking all their wounds, Miss Ella and I get clean sheets for the beds.

  I sit down next to Jack and slip my arms under his back. I try to be as gentle as possible as I pull him up. I let him lie against me as Miss Ella slides the sheet under his back. I have to resist the urge to hold him to me.

  When Miss Ella has the sheet over the top of the bed, I lower Jack back. I then pick up his legs so Miss Ella can pull the sheet all the way over the mattress. I only cover him with a light sheet, knowing anything heavier will just hurt.

  We go through the same process with Sophia.

  When we’ve done all that we can, Miss Ella talks for the first time.

  “I’m going to go make some chicken soup. The children will need food when they wake up.”

  She rushes from the room, and I know that she needs time to herself in the kitchen, so she can deal with what just happened.

  Adam takes hold of my hand and he pulls me into his chest. I wrap my arms around him, needing the comfort he’s offering. I’ll never understand the senseless cruelty of some people.

  We hold each other for a long while before Adam whispers, “Go clean yourself up. I’ll take the first shift.”

  I nod and leaving in a hurry, I go straight to my room. I strip the clothes from my body. I rush into the bathroom and open the hot water. I let the water pelt me. I wish it could wash all the horror from my soul, but I know that’s never going to happen.

  When Jack and Sophia wake up, they will need every ounce of strength I have.

  I scrub every inch of my body, until my skin is glowing red. I move faster and faster, an urgency to get back to them building within me.

  As I dry my body, hot tears sneak over my cheeks. I’m hurting for Jack and Sophia. How could those monsters be so cruel? How can one human being do
such a thing to another?

  I’ll never understand it.

  I pull on a black shirt and slacks that are comfortable. I never wear shoes when we’re home. I tie my wet hair in a low ponytail and then rush back to Jack and Sophia.

  As I walk into the room, I feel how hot and stuffy it’s gotten in the room.

  I touch Adam’s shoulder. “Go shower. I’ll sit with them.”

  I turn the temperature down on the AC. There are two buckets with clean water standing next to the beds. I rinse a clean cloth and get to work again.

  Starting with Sophia, I wipe her down again. We’ve dealt with cases like this before. We’ve had one death where the girl was too far gone. There was nothing we could do for her.

  When I’m done with Sophia, I move over to Jack. I keep my touch soft as I wipe over his chest. I haven’t had a good look at him yet, and seeing his wounds make tears well in my eyes. I swallow them down, reminding myself that I have to be strong for them.

  I move the sheet away and continue to work my way down his body.

  Adam returns quickly, bringing an extra chair with him.

  “I told Nanna to phone Doc. We’re going to need antibiotics, and they need to be tested for HIV.”

  Doc is our town’s general practitioner. He’s older than the huge tree we have out front. He helps us where he can. We can trust him, and in the end that’s all that matters.

  Doc doesn’t take long to come. I hear him as he walks up the hallway.

  “That’s eleven dates you owe me, Ella.”

  “I don’t owe you a damn thing, old man. If you don’t want to help these people, then leave.”

  They are always going at each other. Why they don’t just get together, I’ll never know.

  Doc stops in the door, looking to his left where Miss Ella must be. “You know I love helping. I’d love it even more if you’d to take pity on my old heart, and go on a date with me.”

  “Oh hush! You just see to the children.”

  Doc finally comes into the room. As soon as he sees Jack and Sophia, the smile drops from his face.

  “Lord have mercy,” he mumbles, rushing to Jack’s side.

  “Check them for diseases as well, Doc,” Adam says as he takes a seat.


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