Damaged: The Complete Set Including DIRTY and FILTHY: A Dark Romance (The Damage Romance Box Set)

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Damaged: The Complete Set Including DIRTY and FILTHY: A Dark Romance (The Damage Romance Box Set) Page 30

by Michelle Horst

  Shit, he could’ve shot me! I can’t even bring myself to curse him.

  “Good girl,” he breathes darkly. He takes my hand and he pulls me toward the front door. I do my best not to look at the bodies but my eyes are drawn to them, soaking them in with a crazy sense of relief.

  We’re almost to the door when I spot the camera. I pull at his arm to get his attention. “Wait, it’s the camera.” It’s lying on the coffee table with the tripod and a small stack of memory cards next to it.

  “And?” he snaps. Obviously he doesn’t know about it.

  “They made recordings of me for-” I stop but I don’t have to say more because he catches on.

  “We need a bag. Touch nothing but the bag.” He’s starting to sound really tense. I don’t like that he’s tense. So far he’s been the calm one between the two of us. We can’t both lose our sanity and it’s clear I’ve totally lost my mind already.

  We find a paper bag in the kitchen. As we rush towards the living room, my foot slams into something hard and I almost trip. I’ve been trying not to look at the dead faces and blood that’s all around me, but my eyes dart down. I see blood, fuck there’s so much! Then recognition sinks hard to the pit of my stomach. It’s Steven! I recoil back with revulsion.

  “Don’t start that shit now. We need to get out of here,” Predator snaps at me. He nudges me forward and with shaking hands I help him shove the camera and memory cards into the bag.

  He grabs my hand again and pulls me out the front door. I look straight ahead of me and then I see grass. I yank free and rush forward as if I’ve finally been set free. Once I’m off the porch, I run as fast as my trembling legs can move.

  I don’t get far before my legs give way and I eat gravel, not grass. I didn’t even make it that far.

  I’m too scared to move.

  I’m too petrified to look back at what’s coming.

  I hear the gravel crunch behind me and my heart sinks. My insides drop and I start to cry. I sob because not even God will help me.

  “Cara.” My head snaps up at the sound of my name. It’s the way he says it, as if he actually cares. It sounds comforting. “It’s time to go. You’re safe now.”

  When he crouches next to me, I get my first good look at him. His dark brown hair is short and neat, shaved at the sides. His face is grim and hard, with a beard that only makes him look grisly and dark. He looks like he’s made of stone. Then I see his eyes, gray eyes. Ferocious eyes.

  I drop my eyes from his. He definitely has eyes that see everything, just like the walls I was trapped between saw everything.

  For a moment emotions threaten to bubble up, to drown me in the horror of what has been done to me, but I close my eyes and focus on the emptiness that’s blackening my soul. I’d rather take the empty feelings over the memories of the nightmare I’ve been living through.

  “We’re going to leave now. Can you walk?’ he asks, ripping me from my dark thoughts. I try to get up but what adrenaline I had is gone now. “Okay, no walking then,” he says. His arms slip under me and he lifts me. I feel small in his arms. He’s so much bigger than me, but I feel small because there’s nothing left of the person I once was.

  He walks and I don’t even care where, as long as it’s far from the container.

  It feels like I’m shutting down, my mind, my body, my soul – every piece of me is tired of fighting.

  “You’re safe. I have you now,” are the last words I hear.

  Read the rest here ~





  I’ve always thought of myself as a pretty happy-go-lucky kind of person. I wanted to save the world, or at least leave my stamp behind.

  I’ve spent the last three years leaving my footprints wherever I felt my help was needed.

  In my own naïve way, I thought I could bribe karma. You know - if I do good, then good will come my way. It’s worked so far, so why would I have any reason to doubt it?

  At the age of twenty-four, I’m happy. It’s that contented kind of happiness not many people ever find in their lives.

  I have parents who love me. I have two brothers who I idolize, especially my oldest brother, Josh. No one can hold a candle to him.

  I’m excited as the plane touches down. Home … finally.

  The flight back from Australia was exhausting. I feel sticky and stinky. But traveling was so worth it. I got to take part in the annual Gouldian Finch Count. It was an amazing experience, counting all those colorful birds. Before that, I traveled around Africa for three years, lending a helping hand wherever I could. It made me feel good.

  That’s the problem, though, isn’t it?

  I did it because it made me feel good. I didn’t do any of it for those people I was helping. I didn’t do it for the animals.

  No, I did it all for me - so karma would have to pay me back in kind.

  That’s how it works. Right?

  I always keep my slate clean. I’m always polite and hardworking. I always smile. I’m the funny one, the shoulder everyone can lean on.

  That has to count for something, right?

  Josh started this thing where he calls me his shooting star. Riley-Star. It caught on in the family. They always joke around and pretend to make wishes on me. I shine so bright. I’m the heart of the family … everyone’s little girl. But every star has to burn out some time.

  Life has a way of teaching us lessons.

  Karma, now there’s a peculiar thing. I never knew how selfish I was until my life was ripped away from me.

  Me. Me. Me.

  It was all about me.

  Chapter One


  My eyes scan the crowd around me for Josh. I haven’t seen him in so long that a nervous eagerness pulses through me.

  When they finally lock on my brother, I let out a squeal of excitement. I break out into a sprint, swerving through all the people crowding the airport.

  “Josh!” I shriek with happiness. I jump the last distance between us, throwing my whole body at him.

  His laughter bursts over my head and then his arms wrap tightly around me.

  “Riley-Star,” he whispers and it makes my heart glow with warmth. His voice is hoarse, overflowing with love. His arms tighten around me just as a sob escapes my lips. I’m so happy to see my big brother. It’s been way too long.

  “I missed you so much,” I whisper, my voice thick with the overwhelming happiness coursing through my veins.

  “I missed you more,” he says, setting me down on my feet. His eyes sweep over me and then he shakes his head in wonder. “Did you actually get taller?”

  He looks different from when I last saw him. His hair is cut really short, even shorter than when he used to serve in the army. There’s a harsh look to his once kind features. I stand on my toes and manage to look Josh right in the eye. The gentleness quickly creeps back into his dark green eyes, the same color as mine, and it makes me smile.

  “Yeah, one of these days you’ll be looking up at me.” I can’t keep the laughter from bursting over my lips.

  “In your dreams, little sister.” He takes my bags from me and swings one over his shoulder. “Let’s get you home. Mom and Dad can’t wait to see you. Logan even took off from work today.”

  My smile widens, hearing that the whole family is getting together today.

  “I can’t stay long.” Josh bursts my happy bubble. The smile drops from my face which quickly makes him explain. “We’re busy. Griffin’s covering for me so I could come and get you.”

  “How’s Griffin?” I ask.

  I haven’t met Griffin face to face yet, but I’ve exchanged a few emails with him. We started writing to each other back when he was serving with Josh. Out of all the men that were on Josh’s team, Griffin is the only one I still write to every once in a while.

  After Josh retired from the army, he joined Griffin’s security company. I’m not
sure what they do. Josh once said they take on jobs that no one else wants. I hate that Josh risks his life on a daily basis but I understand that working in the security business makes him happy.

  “Griffin’s good. Stubborn as always, but good.” He smiles down at me. “Hopefully you’ll get to meet him and the rest of the team soon. You’ll love them.”

  “It would be great to finally put faces to the names I keep hearing about, and to see who you spend all your time with.”

  On the way home, Josh fills me in on what I’ve missed out on since his last email. “Logan got a promotion. He worked his ass off for it.”

  “Yeah, he got the brains and you got the beauty … tsk, what does that leave me with?” I say jokingly.

  “All the luck,” Josh laughs.

  “I’m sorry I missed your birthday. I really tried to get home earlier.” I’ve missed too many birthdays and holidays with my family. There’s a lot to make up for.

  “Nothing huge, Riley-Star. Only my thirty-fifth. Your big brother is getting old now.”

  I start to laugh. “Yeah? Soon I can call you grandpa.”

  “Don’t you dare,” he growls. There’s a teasing tone to his voice, though, so I know he’s only joking.

  Josh pulls up to the house and I can’t help but stare. It still looks the same as when I left it. Mom’s roses are in full bloom. There’s just something about coming home, it’s the one place you feel centered, where you can fully relax and recharge.

  I grab the smaller bag and wait for Josh to haul the heavy one out of the car.

  “Act surprised. Mom went all out. She’s been up baking and cooking since the crack of dawn,” Josh warns as he opens the front door.

  A smile instantly forms around my lips. That means tons of yummy food. I can’t wait to dig in. It’s one of the things I’ve missed most about home. Nothing beats Mom’s cooking. She’s the best.

  Josh lets me walk in first. I drop my bag in the entrance hall and walk through to the kitchen. The house smells divine with Mom’s cooking, making my mouth water.

  “I’m home,” I call out, all excited to see my family again. I walk into the kitchen and take a deep breath of the tasty aroma hanging in the air.

  “Riley!” Mom shrieks. She comes running towards me and I open my arms wide to brace myself for the impact. She engulfs me in a loving hug.

  I smile widely as she starts to jump up and down, still holding me.

  “You’re home … ahhhh … you’re home!” she squeals with happiness. She pulls back, frames my face with both her hands and smiles tearfully. “My baby is finally home.”

  “Hi, Mom,” I whisper warmly.

  “Share her with us,” Dad’s deep voice says from behind Mom.

  Mom comes to stand next to me, her arm still around my waist.

  “There’s my baby-girl,” Dad says with a proud smile on his face. “You’ve conquered the world. We’re so proud of you.”

  His strong arms fold around me and he places a tender kiss to my forehead.

  “I missed you all so much,” I whisper, basking in this moment of finally being back with my family.

  “Who’s that I hear?” Logan calls from the passage and then he walks into the kitchen. He shakes Josh’s hand and gives him a pat on the shoulder, before he turns to look at me. “Riley, just look at you.” He grabs me in a bear hug, lifting my feet from the ground. I laugh into his shoulder. “You’re all grown up.”

  Sigh … nothing compares to finally being home. This is my happy place, right here with my loved ones.

  “Go put your bags in your room and let me have all the dirty clothes so I can wash them,” Mom says, and then she points to all the delicious eats. “We’ll eat as soon as you’ve finished unpacking. You must be tired from the long flight.”

  “Yeah,” I nod. “I’ll unpack it all quickly. I just want to shower the long flight off. I’m getting into my PJ’s and then I’m stuffing my face with all of that deliciousness.”

  “You do that, sweetheart.” Mom gives me a loving smile which warms my heart.

  I go upstairs, and as soon as I walk into my bedroom, I feel a sense of homeliness wash over me.

  Sigh … there’s just no place like home.

  It’s been a week since I got home. Everything is still the same as before I left for the trip so it’s pretty easy to fall back into my old routine.

  During the day I help Mom at the daycare. Mom’s always had a soft spot for kids, especially babies, so as soon as I finished school she opened Tiny Feet.

  Three other ladies help her so she doesn’t really need me, but I know she loves having me close to her after I’ve been away from home for so long. I really don’t mind. It gives me time until I figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life.

  I plan on surprising Josh with some pizza tonight. I haven’t seen him since he picked me up from the airport, which sucks.

  Out of everyone in my family I’ve always been the closest to Josh. I look up to him, the way a little sister looks up to her big brother. I suppose it’s because he’s always spoiled me rotten. There was never a moment Josh didn’t have time for me.

  I’ve always been his little star … his favorite person.

  Traveling to other countries has made me realize just how lucky I am to have the support and love of my family. I do treasure it, even if I don’t always show them how much I appreciate them. I plan on changing that, starting tonight. I have something special planned for each of them. I’m definitely going to be spending more time with them so they will know how much I love them.

  I know Josh loves pizza and that’s why I’m getting it for him as a treat. We’re going to have a nice relaxing night where we can just catch up.

  I knock on Josh’s front door, excited to spend the night visiting with him. Suddenly the door is yanked open and the pizza is slapped from my hands. Fingers dig into my bicep, yanking me forward and into the house.

  A panicked sound escapes my lips as I take in the huge man in front of me. His watery eyes make fear slither down my spine.

  What the hell is going on? Who is this man? Where is Josh?

  I hear a growl from deeper inside the house. “Don’t dare touch her! Let her go. She has nothing to do with this!”

  It’s Josh. He sounds different, though. His voice carries a dark undertone I’ve never heard before and it makes a sinister fear bleed into my veins.

  “Nah,” the man snarls, “She’s coming, too.” He shoves at me and it makes me take a stumbling step deeper into the house. “You saved us the trip of finding you.”

  An alarm starts to ring somewhere deep inside of me … something is wrong with this picture.

  I get shoved again and take a few more stumbling steps forward. I glare at the huge man for daring to shove me around like I’m nothing.

  It still hasn’t sunk in that I’m in any danger because I’m still living in my safe little bubble.

  Right now, in this second, I still believe nothing can touch my happy life.

  Ignorance is bliss.

  Funny how you refuse to see danger when it’s staring you right in the face. You refuse to admit that just maybe your safe little bubble is not strong enough to keep the monsters out.

  But bubbles pop. You can feel the moment when your safety net gives way. It’s an earth-shattering shock. It’s a devastating blow to the axis that’s supposed to keep your perfect life in place.

  Josh comes into my line of sight and I feel a foreign shift in the deepest part of my life. As I gasp in shock everything that makes my life perfect starts to dim. A darkness starts to creep closer, tainting the edges of my world. It’s an alien feeling, something I’ve never felt before. Cold, volatile … a hostile intrusion.

  Josh’s face is bloody and all beaten up. He’s being held back by two men, each gripping one of his arms tightly. I can see how much of a strain it is for them to keep holding him.

  I blink a few times, unable to comprehend what I’m seeing.

bsp; “Josh,” I finally manage to breathe. I try to move forward so I can get to him, but the huge man yanks me back.

  “Let her go,” Josh grinds the words out but this time the dark undertone is missing from his voice. He actually sounds scared, and that makes panic and dread wrap forcefully around my heart.

  He drops his head forward as if in defeat and begs, “Let her go … please.”

  I feel my heart crack at seeing my brother like this. He’s always been the strong one … unbreakable. I can only stare at him with wide eyes. My brain is refusing to comprehend what’s happening.

  Josh closes his eyes and when he opens them again, they’re flooded with pain and desperateness. His legs give way and I watch in suspended dread as my brother falls to his knees.

  “Please!” he screams. “Please, she has nothing to do with this! Your fight is with me.”

  The man starts pulling me back … away from Josh. I watch the distance grow between my brother and me and it makes the panic I’m already feeling ignite in my veins.

  I see his blood smeared all over his face.

  I take in the two angry men who are still holding him back ... and it finally starts to fall into place.

  I walked into something awful.

  This is bad, so very, very bad!

  I shake my head as shock ripples over me like tiny thorns pricking at my skin.

  “Josh.” The whisper comes from far away, as if it’s being dragged through a wasteland of despair as the reality of what’s happening slams hard into me, making me hiccup with fear.

  My pulse speeds up until it makes my blood rush through my veins.

  My mind switches over to a higher gear, until all my thoughts are a blur.

  The man’s fingers dig painfully into my bicep as if he can feel the realization seeping into me. He yanks harder and as I lose sight of Josh, fight finally explodes inside of my chest.

  “No!” I jerk my arm free and rush forward. I run into the living room where I’ve spent so many happy nights laughing with my brother.


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