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How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord: Volume 5

Page 14

by Yukiya Murasaki

  “...Wh-What is this?”

  “It is called a 《Gemstone Gambeson》. It’s a rather rare item.”

  It was an SSR-rank full body armor which provided high physical defense and magic resistance, and also boosted the wearer’s speed. If it were properly upgraded, it would lend even more beneficial effects, but Diablo had simply stored it as soon as he got it, so it remained a “Zerofold.”

  Rem hesitantly took the Gemstone Gambeson. “Can I really have this?”

  “Try it on. You should be able to equip it.”

  Enchanted equipment had level requirements, so characters below a certain level would be unable to equip them. At least, that’s how it worked in the game.

  But he had more items to give her. Rose carried the item he had specified: a ring with a rainbow-colored stone on it.

  “Master, Rose has brought the 《Wilderness Ring》.”

  “Excellent. Rem, this ring will strengthen your Summons. It will triple your MP consumption, but your Summons will be all the stronger.”

  If she were over level 100, he would have been able to give her better items... Levels were a measurement of one’s strength, after all, and honest effort was the only way to raise your level. Neither this world nor the MMORPG were forgiving enough to let weaklings score victories just because they happened to nab good equipment.

  “I-Impossible...” Rem shivered in awe. “If they become that much stronger, they would be almost entirely different Summons.”

  “That is how Summoners become stronger. Your equipment and magic reinforce and strengthen your Summons, otherwise you would be outdone by warriors with superior equipment.”

  Warrior-type classes used weapons and armor that increased their strength and damage several times over. A Summon without any sort of enhancement couldn’t hope to match it. Because Summons were so useless unless they were enhanced by magic, Summoners were ridiculed as a “Gimmick Class” in the game.

  But this world wasn’t an exact copy of the game.

  Rem was skilled in close combat, but that didn’t mean she was well-suited for a defensive role. Even if she wouldn’t necessarily die, she could still get severely injured. That’s why Summons were a safe alternative for her.

  Finally, he handed her a pair of gauntlets.

  “These are called the《Beast Bracers》. They, too, boost your speed, and inflict extra damage against beast-type enemies. Wild beasts, Summons, magical beasts... Frequently encountered enemies.”


  “For now, just try putting it on.”

  “...Understood. Thank you very much, Diablo.”

  “Don’t think too much of it.”


  “What is it? Do you need anything else?”

  “...No, of course not, you’ve given me so much already. It’s just that... Umm...”


  “I can’t change...if you keep looking at me,” she answered, going red in the face.


  Diablo hadn’t realized because to him, he just saw it as equipment to be equipped. But full-body armor was essentially pieces of clothing, so Rem would have to strip down to her underwear to put it on.

  “...I’ll go try it on.”

  Rem scurried away, holding the equipment Diablo gave her in her arms. Diablo turned his gaze away from her retreating back.

  “A-All right. Shera’s next.”


  “Yes!” Shera raised her hand enthusiastically.

  Diablo examined her from top to bottom.

  “Hmm... I see... All right. I’ve got nothing to give you. Next!”

  “Huuuh!? That’s so mean, Diablo! You gave all that stuff to Rem, but you’re giving me nothing!? Give me clothes or something, too!”

  “But what you’re wearing is an Elven royal heirloom, isn’t it? It must have many enchantments on it already.”


  “If you were over level 100, I could get you better armor than that, but at your current level, that’s the limit.”

  Rose nodded, standing beside Diablo. “According to Rose’s superior appraisal skills, that full-body armor is the 《Coat of Princess》.”

  Diablo never heard of that armor; it was probably never implemented into the game.

  “Rose, can you tell how many times it was enchanted and enhanced?”

  “Of course, Master... Her Coat of Princess was enhanced seven times. It was enchanted to increase all physical attributes, as well as increase magic defense.”

  —So, this is EX Rank equipment, too.

  It was the same rank as Diablo’s Curtain of Dark Clouds, though there was probably a difference in terms of the level required to equip it.

  Needless to say, none of the equipment he had here, which was unenhanced given he had just thrown them into the vault as soon as he obtained them, would match it. The same held true for her weapon.

  “Your bow was originally strong, but it’s been enchanted by Klem. I doubt you’d find a stronger bow at your level.”

  According to Rose’s appraisal, Diablo also learned the bow was called 《Silvestre Bow of Darkness》. It had an increased firepower and accuracy effect, and it also had a high chance to Petrify each time it dealt damage.

  The shocking part, though, was that it required a level of 70 or above to equip, which meant Shera’s level as an Archer was over 70. Rem would be mortified if she heard that.

  “Oh, phooey,” Shera said, hanging her head in disappointment.

  “You hopeless little fool. Shouldn’t you be happy knowing you’ve been blessed with powerful equipment?”

  “But I’m sad only Rem gets presents from you, Diablo...”

  —That’s what’s bothering her?

  “Troublesome girl... Well, come to think of it, I should have some arrows. Use them well. There should be some 《Tempest Arrows》, as well, around a hundred or so.”

  “Whoa! That’s amazing!”

  Diablo instructed Rose to bring over several types of enchanted arrows, which should have been a step up from the 《Evergreen Arrows》 commonly sold in shops.

  “Can I really use these!? Wooow, which should I pick...” Shera grinned widely at the sight of the quivers full of colorful arrows. “Which ones should I take...? Oh thank you, Diablo!”

  “These will surely help you grow stronger...”


  “As an Archer.”

  “Ugh... I’m not sure if I should be happy about that... Should I really use these...?”

  All her excitement was gone in the blink of an eye. She wanted to become a Summoner, after all. But Diablo thought it would be better if she focused on being an Archer.

  Diablo shifted his gaze to the next person.

  “Time for you, Horn. Let’s start with getting you some clothes.”

  Shera’s gaze suddenly fell on an item sitting on one of the pedestals: a silver-colored ring.

  “You gave Rem a ring, right? I want a ring, too! Can I have this one?”

  “Do as you wish.”

  There shouldn’t have been any cursed items in the vault, and there was plenty of useless collector’s items in here. That was why Diablo didn’t bother to check what she took. Either way, he wouldn’t use it since he wore the Demon Lord’s Ring.

  Shera happily slid the ring on her left ring finger.


  “Why is this Grasswalker naked? Rose does not understand the meaning of this.” Rose tilted her head curiously.

  “Because I took her clothes off.”

  Diablo replied bluntly, but that explanation didn’t clarify the situation any, and Rose’s head remained tilted.

  “You could have at least left my pants on!” Horn complained, her face red.

  “You should be thankful I saved your life. Besides, I have prepared clothes for you.”

  “Ah, then thanks, Boss! I wouldn’t be able to go back to town like this!”

  “You are a Thief, right?”

nbsp; “This might sound like nitpicking, but I’m a Seeker, not a Thief!”

  Ignoring that comment, Diablo sorted through the items he had, trying to think of what would be best for her. With Horn being level 20, there weren’t many options to pick from, but Diablo nonetheless instructed Rose to bring a few items.

  Since Horn couldn’t see above the pedestals with her height, the items were spread out on the floor.

  “This one is called the 《Treasure Mini》. It increases your speed, and also grants a bit of magic resistance. Of course, it’s also enchanted to increase your physical defense.”

  It was equippable at level 20, but was a superior SR-rank piece of equipment. But while all that was fine and dandy, it had one important difference compared to the clothes Diablo had burned.

  “A skirt!?” Horn’s eyes were as wide as saucers. “And a mini skirt, at that!?”

  “So you’ve noticed. Impressive.”

  “Of course I did! Anyone would!”

  “Don’t let that bother you.”

  “You can bet your bottom frith it’ll bother me! What if we have to climb up a ladder, or I have to bend over... What if I fall!? Everyone’ll see my panties! What kind of pervert goes dungeon crawling in a miniskirt!?”

  —Okay, Missy, that’s enough of that. Do you have any idea how many people you’re picking a fight with right now?

  Diablo folded his arms menacingly, so as to stop Horn from making any more potentially catastrophic statements.

  “It can also raise the morale of any male party members.”

  “I don’t want to form a party with anyone who gets all cheery looking at my panties!”

  She was twelve years old, after all.

  “Say what you will, but this is the best gear I can offer someone who’s level 20.”

  “To find fault with my Master’s generosity...” Rose gave a thin, joyless smile. “Rose ought to abandon you to rot on the fifth floor. I’m sure that’ll teach you the extent of your foolishness.”

  “Isn’t that the snowy level!?” Horn screeched in terror.

  “Heheheheh... Don’t worry. Rose guarantees that within ten minutes you won’t feel the cold at all...”

  “Yeah, because I’ll be dead! Please no! I don’t want to die!”

  —Wait just a second, why don’t you...

  “If you’re that against it,” Diablo cut into their exchange, “I can find something else for you. But this may help you dodge a fatal hit, or soften a deadly blow. Are you sure you don’t want it?”

  Horn’s breath got stuck in her throat with an “Ugh,” and she stood still for a long moment. All the moments she imagined she was about to die were probably going through her mind right now.

  “Nnng... F-Fine. I g-guess an Adventurer should prioritize her life over having her panties seen...”

  “That’s some sound judgment.” Horn was the type to put her life on the line often, after all.

  Next, he handed her a cloak and a dagger.

  “This 《Transparency Cloak》 should boost your Stealth skill. And here’s the 《Shadow Knife》. It’s a weapon, but also boosts your evasion, for some reason. It’s priceless for a low-level weapon.”

  “Hmm... Do I really have to throw away my old one?”

  Horn stroked her old dagger affectionately. It was a normal dagger, without any enchantments or enhancements, the kind of item any player would just shrug off as scrap metal and have it broken up into Enhancement Materials.

  “Is there any particular reason you want to keep it?”

  “It’s, uh...a memento from Teach,” Horn said forlornly, a lonely expression on her face. “A trap made the ceiling collapse on him. He was totally squished... The dagger’s all I have left of him.”

  It was hard to believe a Thief would get killed by a trap like that. And if that useless of piece of scrap was his only weapon, he probably wasn’t at any level to be taking on apprentices.

  “Hm...” Diablo was at a loss for words.

  “It is absurd he would call himself a teacher when he was that weak,” Rose said coldly. “Empty bravado at its worst.”

  She mercilessly said what Diablo knew shouldn’t be said.

  —But I guess that makes sense, for a Magimatic robot...

  “Yeah, you’re right,” Horn said, scratching her head dejectedly. “I never thought Teach was some amazing person, either... But still, he did what he could to take care of us, and I’m grateful for that.”

  “Oh...” Rose faltered.

  Diablo held back a sniffle. He always was a sucker for heartwarming stories.

  “Pick whichever you like,” he said, placing both hands on Horn’s shoulders. “I’m sure even without any enchantments, that dagger will keep you safe.”

  “Th-Thank you so much, Boss!” Horn grinned.

  Her smile had a brilliance that had nothing to do with what race she was or whether she was an Adventurer or not. It was simply the pure smile of a twelve-year-old girl.


  Horn ran off between the pedestals, cradling her new clothes, this time not to make...use, of the Holy Grail, but to change into her newly acquired gear.

  Rem was also still in the middle of changing. Shera headed deeper into the treasure vault to check in on her.

  Diablo, in the meantime, turned his gaze to Lumachina. There wasn’t anything that could serve as a bed around here, so they had spread out a thick cloak for her to sleep on. She still hadn’t woken up.

  “Hmph, we’ll find something to give her later. All that remains is my equipment... Hm? What is it, Rose?”

  “Please do not misunderstand...obeying the Master’s will is the greatest joy Rose could ever know, but...” Rose hung her head. “To see so many of your precious treasures in the hands of those louts...”

  “There is no point collecting them if I cannot find a way to put them to use.”

  He had gathered them when he played the game out of a desire to make a collection of sorts, but having someone he could share them with was pleasant in its own way. If the girls could pull their own weights, it would surely make things much easier for Diablo.

  Rose nodded, but joy and sorrow seemed to be mixed in her expression.

  “All is as you say. Being able to obey your orders fills Rose with more delight than she knows how to process. But at the same time, Rose can feel her heart being torn asunder by jealousy...”

  “H-Hey, now...”

  “Before all this, Rose was the only one master cherished...”

  —Because I never had any friends to bring to my personal space...

  Looking back at his past, he came to realize he was the sort of lonely person who would talk to his own furniture. Those weren’t pleasant memories to reflect on.

  Diablo shook his head, trying to shake off those negative thoughts. The present and the future were all that mattered, so dwelling on the past was pointless. Right here, right now, he was the Demon Lord Diablo. And that was most important.

  “I had found solace in loneliness, but that’s all it ever was.”

  “And you are different now, Master?”

  “No, that’s not quite it.”

  He did enjoy being around Rem and Shera, but he still found it easier to relax when he was alone.

  “If silence is what you desire, Master, Rose can completely erase all sources of noise in the vicinity,” Rose said with a smile.


  “As you wish...” She nodded, seemingly disappointed.

  —What a handful.

  Her own mental state was shaky as it was, so he couldn’t expect her to take care of someone else’s anxieties. She said something or other about jealousy, but he didn’t have any equipment he could give to a Magimatic Maid...

  But then...

  —In Cross Reverie, you couldn’t give equipment to a Magimatic Maid. But this is another world. Magic can change the terrain, and dragons and Magimatic Maids can talk. This place is more realistic than a game that took seven billion yen t
o develop. It’s like another reality.

  Diablo reached out to one of the pedestals and picked up a blue-colored hair ornament.

  “What is it, Master?” Rose said, her head tilted curiously. “That’s the 《Hair Ribbon of Water》, an N-rank item with no level restriction which grants the wearer a 3% resistance to water atta—”

  “This is the first item I got in Cross Reverie... Ah, sorry. Do you understand what the words ‘Cross Reverie’ and ‘game’ mean?”

  “Forgive Rose, Master...”

  It appeared she didn’t. She understood the dungeon and herself weren’t originally from this world, but she couldn’t grasp that she was originally part of a video game.

  It seemed Diablo was the only one who knew about Cross Reverie.

  Diablo decided to word it differently.

  “This is the first item I ever obtained.”


  He put the hair ribbon on Rose’s head. He didn’t prepare for this, and it felt bad just giving her whatever was nearby, but he wanted to show his gratitude to her somehow. If seeing the other girls get something made her jealous, hopefully this would make her feel a little better.

  Diablo wasn’t witty enough to put those feelings into words properly, so he simply pinned the ornament to her hair silently. Rose just stood there, rigid and stiff as a board. Diablo let go of the ornament, with the same caution and gentleness one would have when trying to balance a coin on a table.

  He had no way of knowing if its effect was working, but the Hair Ribbon of Water was attached firmly to Rose’s hair.

  This world really was too realistic.

  “I don’t think this’ll do you any good, considering how strong you are...”

  “Is Rose to keep this safe?”

  It appeared she didn’t understand why he had put it on without a word, so Diablo considered his next words carefully.

  “No, this isn’t for safekeeping. This is... If you don’t like it, I won’t force you to put it on. But this is a p...pre... It’s a tribute for your services to the Demon Lord!”

  His embarrassment forced out his Demon Lord role-play.

  Rose had frozen in shock. In-game, he couldn’t talk to her or give her presents, so this felt kind of...weird.


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