Alpha Returned: A Rejected Mates Reverse Harem Shifter Series (Feral Mates Book 3)

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Alpha Returned: A Rejected Mates Reverse Harem Shifter Series (Feral Mates Book 3) Page 16

by Sabrina Thatcher

  “STOP!” I cry out loudly to all of them.

  Just then I see Roman, Teague, and Elon come running through the wide opening in the front wall. They stop short when they see me and then stare in horror at the sight before them. All three of them break into a run to get to me, but I’ve got something to say to everyone.

  Chapter Nineteen

  I’ve never had so many pairs of eyes on me. Not at once.

  And certainly not like this.

  I expect my voice to catch, to waver, but instead it comes out more clearly than perhaps ever before. My voice carries weight. Gravity.

  It’s as if the sound of it draws on all those gathered around me.

  “As you all know, I was just married into the top of the wolf shifter hierarchy tonight. What some of you may not know is that I was mated into it as well. I am the fated mate of Rylan, but also of Roman, who is the rightful heir to his own alpha throne.”

  Murmuring and anger rumble through the crowd, but I hold my hand up.


  Everyone goes silent again, and I can feel that the energy in the entire place is teetering on the brink of utter chaos again. These two species are ready to end each other, at least Rylan’s are. I can see now as I look out at all the fighting that my pack—the Nashville pack—were fighting alongside the demons to protect them. My heart warms deep inside with that knowledge.

  At least they didn’t betray me there.

  I can forgive them … if they will forgive me.

  “I am their fated mate, and I am now Rylan’s widow, who was the leader of Rylan’s pack, otherwise known as the Sentinels.”

  I don’t know what I expect to see in the crowd, but the faces looking back at me show no heartbreak. No loss.

  Those that were loyal to Rylan just look angry.

  There’s no love lost there, at least.

  “I am going to take the position of alpha over both packs and unite them. If anyone wishes to challenge me, you are welcome to do it here and now.”

  As the words leave my mouth, I can feel a strength and power surging through me like I’ve been hit with a bolt of lightning. My three boys stop short of the stage, staring up at me with wide eyes. There’s a silence all throughout the space of the compound. No one can believe what I’ve just said, and no one is making so much as a whimper about challenging me.

  “No takers? Are you sure? This is your only chance.”

  I offer it once more, and I watch the many faces of wolves from packs far and wide; many of them alphas. No one dares to make a move, though I do begin to hear some soft grumbling amongst a few shifters in Rylan’s old pack.

  I soften my voice just a little, but keep it firm. I know my next words are going to spark some resentment, especially right now, but they have to be said. I’m not having it any other way.

  “I know we need to have a formal ceremony, but I want you all to know right now that my first order of business is going to be to unite the packs into one. If anyone doesn’t want to join it, you’re welcome to leave now without any problems. I don’t plan to lead like Rylan did. I won’t have a pack of slaves.”

  No one moves. I suspect that they were all aware that this is the way it was going to go under Rylan anyway, except now I’m uniting the packs instead of him.

  I speak a little louder now. “My second decree as your leader is to announce that every shifter within my region will stand with me to form a peace alliance with all the demons here. There will be no more violence, no more battles, no more deaths. We will learn to live together in peace. It was agreed upon already, and I am going to see it through. Anyone who isn’t on board with that is welcome to leave now.”

  Some of Rylan’s pack throw down their weapons in disgust and stride right out of the compound. I notice with a sigh of relief that none of the hunters go. I can sense that they are all in line with Sergei, and all of them are going to vow an allegiance to me; even Anuba, who isn’t standing too far from me. She wanted a leader, and I am giving her one.

  “I would now like to ask the council of the pack once known as the Crescents, my Nashville pack, to come up here to the stage and perform the ceremony for me to take the position of alpha.”

  Everyone in the whole courtyard sets their weapons down and together they walk forward toward the dais as the council are brought up to it. Demons and shifters alike stand shoulder to shoulder, side by side, as they watch in awe.

  Roman, Teague, and Elon join me on the stage and stand to one side of me with Conan and Isla, and Sergei and the elite of his guard stand to my other side. The council stands before me.

  I can practically feel the energy radiating off of Roman, Teague, and Elon. It’s overwhelming.

  All this time spent with Rylan, I forgot what a true bond felt like.

  One formed by choice. One formed by love.

  It’s all I can do to stay standing strong when all I want is to fall into their arms.

  The old woman from the council comes to me and speaks into the microphone so all can hear her. She takes a moment to look me over, and I think for a just a second that I see a look of pride in her eyes.

  This is what she wanted, after all.

  What they all wanted.

  A leader. A strong one.

  “Do you swear to rule these united packs all of your days, with integrity, strength, honesty, and dedication?”

  “I will,” I answer her firmly.

  “And do you swear that you will protect them at any and all costs to the best of your ability all of your life?”

  “I will.”

  “Do you vow to follow the law of the goddess and keep her at the heart of the pack?”

  “I will.”

  “Then you are, as we all proclaim allegiance to you, the alpha of the Crescent Sentinels. We commit ourselves to you for life!”

  She takes my hand and raises it, and as she does, every single shifter and hunter in the entire compound, including Roman, Elon, and Teague, drop to one knee and bow their heads to me. I am speechless. The sight and feeling of it is overwhelming. There is a massive tidal wave of love, devotion, trust, respect, and faith crashing over me, and I am completely immersed in it. I know without a doubt that every single hunter and wolf shifter here has just committed themselves to me.

  Not that they have much choice.

  I saw the command Rylan had as alpha. I know the bond between me and my packs. And with it, I know the responsibility.

  I will lead differently than him. I wasn’t born as a shifter, but I think that’ll work in my favor.

  I may not have any of the experience, but I also don’t have any of the old prejudices.

  “With an alpha, there is no longer a need for us,” the old woman on the council announces, “The council will be officially dissolved.” They leave me, and those on their knees rise with their chins held high with pride. “We’re here for you, Sydney,” she says, quietly before leaving. “But I can’t tell you how long I’ve waited for this day.”

  I take the microphone.

  “Now, it is official, and I would ask the leaders of the demons to join me here so that we may sign a peace treaty. It is the same one we agreed to before, and I invite you to look it over.”

  I wait as the demon leaders make their way up to the dais, and I look over to Teague. He beams at me, shaking his head in amazement and disbelief, and reaches into his backpack. From it he pulls the original peace treaty that we wrote up; it contains two copies, one for the demons, and one for the shifters.

  “You have that in there? How do you have that?” Roman whispers loudly.

  Teague grins. “She asked me to get it while we were saying goodbye to them at the hotel after the massacre. She hugged me and whispered to me to get it and keep it. She said we were going to need it. We just didn’t know when.”

  Roman chuckles and shakes his head. I share a smile with him, and I can see that he, as well as Elon and Teague, are feeling exactly like me. They can’t wait to hold me.
br />   The leaders stand with me, and we use the altar from my wedding to lay the peace treaty out. They examine it and agree to it, as do the wolf shifters when I read it out loud so that everyone there can hear it.

  “Are there any objections?” I call out.

  There is silence.

  Somehow, that comes as the greatest surprise of all. And also, the greatest relief. I might be trying to look strong, to stand strong, but I’m not sure I could hold it together if we went straight back to fighting now.

  “Then we will sign now, and when we do, every servant here will be set free. Go and live in accordance with the agreement and fulfill your lives.”

  A great cheer goes up from all the incubi and succubi. The demons sign at the same time as I do, and then with a tired smile of relief, the old woman who led their army takes my hand in hers and lifts them together for all to see.

  “PEACE!” I cry out, and everyone answers it back to me.

  Peace amongst the packs.

  Now just to find peace elsewhere.

  Chapter Twenty

  There’s one more thing left to do.

  I turn to the elite guard standing with Sergei on the stage. “What is the proper burial custom for Rylan?”

  Sergei looks almost pleased to say it. “A funeral pyre, my lady. We will prepare him now, if you wish.”

  I nod. “Please do. We can put him on a boat in the river and make certain that it heads out to sea.”

  Sergei’s guard leaves, and he remains at my side.

  “You’re not going?” I ask with a slight smile and a curious eyebrow.

  He shakes his head. “My place is always at your side.”

  “As is ours,” Roman announces immediately, coming to me and pulling me into his arms. The touch is so sudden, for one moment I’m overwhelmed by it. Frozen to the spot, unable to move. I’m engulfed in the strong embraces of my truest loves; Teague, Elon, and Roman. I never knew I could feel so much joy and love as I do in this moment. Relief doesn’t even begin to cover what I’m reveling in right now.

  Still, a hint of trepidation tugs at me.

  I pull away ever so slightly to look Roman in the eyes. “Roman … Rylan and I …”

  He stops me with a hand on my shoulder, the other still wrapped around my waist alongside Teague and Elon’s.

  “Not another word,” he whispers. “Everything you did, you did for us. For the pack. You did what I could never do.”

  He stops a second, his own voice catching in his throat. “You have nothing to apologize for. It’s me who should be begging your forgiveness.”

  I kiss them each and we wipe happy tears away as we all try to talk to each other at once.

  “My lady …” I hear the soft voice and turn to see Elise and Mara beside me. The rest of the crowd had broken off into small groups, talking amongst themselves.

  “Yes?” I ask with a big smile.

  “Are we … free?” Elise asks, looking a bit saddened.

  I nod. “You are. You two can go and lives the lives you want. Anything you want to do.”

  They share a worried, sad look.

  “We want to stay with you, though.”

  I blink. I hadn’t expected that at all.

  “Are you sure?”

  They both nod and I can see that they mean it.

  “Well then … I’ll hire you on. I’d be so glad to have you both with me. But no more secrets. No more keeping things from me.”

  “Never,” Mara exclaims with happy relief. “Never again.”

  “Where are we going to live?” Elise asks tentatively, looking around the compound. “Do you want to stay here?”

  Roman holds his hand up. “I’ve got that sorted. Trust me on this one. You’re the boss lady, Syd, and you get the final say, but just trust me on this one. We’re not living here.”

  Both the succubi look thrilled.

  I ask the resident shifters to help make all our guests, including the demons, comfortable in guest rooms throughout the compound, and though it takes some work, it’s done. Pale light is rising in the east as the tired moon begins to sink in the west.

  All the shifters and demons gather together and watch as Rylan’s wrapped body is placed upon an altar of wood on a wooden boat. There is a moment of silence, and I know that many here are feeling relief rather than grief as a torch is brought forward. Sergei lights the pyre, and the flames catch swiftly.

  I reach up and close my fingers around the crescent pendant I am now wearing around my neck. I made my choices of sacrifice for others, and I would do it all again to save them; the Crescent pack, the demons, the Sentinels, and even myself.

  As the boat becomes a floating bonfire and is sent toward the ocean, trailing a thick stream of black smoke behind it, I feel the thrumming of the goddess through the water, through the earth, and all the way through me.

  Roman gasps and looks around, along with many others nearby.

  “What is that?” he panics.

  I smile wide. “It’s the goddess. She is pleased with the turn of events. This is almost like a sacrifice to her, and now there will be peace and prosperity amongst all of us as we serve her side by side, shifter and demon alike.”

  The full moon falls below the western horizon, and the sun begins to rise in the east, shining over us all with the gift of a new day. I request a breakfast banquet, and both shifter and demon alike work together to prepare it.

  We eat as one in celebration, and when the feast is finished, all are invited to rest before their journey home.


  At long, long last.


  Rest might not be the right word for what the following days, the following months hold.

  I stand with my head tilted somewhat to the side, taking in the view before me. I’m gazing at an enormous structure; one bigger than had originally been planned, but then … we have more people with us now than we did when Roman first said we’d build it.

  It’s a new home, or mansion, rather, out in the wilds of the woods beyond Nashville.

  His father’s house once stood on this site, but we destroyed it long ago, as he felt his father destroyed his childhood, and much of his young life. We tore it down; Roman, Teague, Elon, Isla, Conan, me, and several other wolves in the pack. We burned it to the ground.

  And now we’re back. And we’ve built something far better to replace it.

  Something that can truly, wholly be ours.

  Roman had said he was going to build a new home for us here, but I never really had the chance to think of what that would mean to me. Not until now.

  I can’t believe it was done this quickly, but with the help of a staggering fortune that was left to me by Rylan’s estate, along with the considerable wealth of the Crescent pack, and the work of dozens and dozens of wolves and demons, it was done much earlier than I could have imagined.

  I gaze down at my left hand, which now has three rings on it. They are wedding rings; given to me by my partners, my lovers, my husbands; Roman, Elon, and Teague. We were married on a beach in North Carolina, in a simple, beautiful ceremony. Many guests who were there for my marriage to Rylan came to see this wedding as well, but apart from a large group of friends, it was as far opposite as one could get from the lavish production that Rylan had orchestrated.

  I was grateful for that. I am glad to be the alpha, but I am not consumed with power and greed as Rylan was.

  And I intend to keep it that way.

  The boys are standing with me, chatting quietly, and I look at their rings. We are sworn to each other for life, and in shifter time, that is hundreds and hundreds of years long. I would never have guessed that I could be so very happy in such a strange life. I’m a wolf shifter, and an alpha, and I have three husbands, and a massive family. It’s such a far cry from the humble little orphan girl I once was.

  The pop of champagne brings me out of my reverie, and I grin as it bubbles over with joy, just like me, and I watch as it fills the glasses of
those around me. Isla comes to me with a flute and holds hers up with a wink.

  “No alcohol for us.” She rubs her very round belly.

  “Those twins of yours will be here anytime now,” I tell her with a grin. “Then you will have years to indulge. Years you’ll need to indulge.”

  She nods and glances at my belly. “And how are you feeling? How’s your little one?”

  I hold my finger to my lips and shake my head as the boys are laughing and popping more champagne bottles a short distance away. There are many glasses to fill.

  Isla’s eyes grow wide. “You haven’t told them yet?”

  I shake my head. “No, not yet. I’m using your old trick of hiding the pregnancy with hormones.”

  She laughs conspiratorially and sips her sparkling juice. After a thoughtful moment of watching the boys, she gives me a sidelong look. “I wonder which one the father is.”

  I laugh softly and hold my hand to my belly. “It doesn’t matter if it’s Elon’s, Teague’s, Roman’s, or Rylan’s. This baby symbolizes the union of the packs. I’ve never been so excited about anything. It’s building more into the incredible family we have. The boys will all be ecstatic too, no matter what this baby’s DNA is.”

  “Hey! Did you get champagne?” Elon brightens, coming toward us, and seeing our glasses. Teague, Sergei, Elise, and Mara are right behind him.

  Roman comes to me and takes me in his arms.

  “Well, love of my life. We are finally home, safe and sound.”

  “We are indeed.” I thrill with delight.

  Before I can say another word, he scoops me up and holds me high in his arms. My stomach turns swiftly, and it feels like butterflies on a rollercoaster.

  “Welcome home.”

  He carries me across the threshold of our home with the rest of the family behind us, to celebrate life and love for so many centuries to come.


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