Play You: A Second Chance/Single Dad Romance (Rebel Ink Book 4)

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Play You: A Second Chance/Single Dad Romance (Rebel Ink Book 4) Page 26

by Tracy Lorraine

  "But... y-you never even bought me a ring," I say, feeling ridiculous. Really, a piece of jewellery means nothing, but Cruz's words still ring out in my head.

  He laughs. "Of course I did, baby girl. I'd planned on taking you out that Saturday night and asking you properly. We just... never got there."

  Releasing my hand, pushing his hand into his pocket and pulling out a small black velvet box.

  "Oh my God," I gasp, my hand covering my mouth.

  He turns to me, the determination on his face making my heart clench as I wait for what he's going to say.

  "Piper... the only thing I've ever wanted is you. I don't care about the past, I don't care about your family, I certainly don't care about the money. It's just you, Piper. Always you. I love you so much. I never thought we'd have another chance, but I'm not letting it slip through my fingers. I promise to get down on one knee the second we're back on solid ground if you want me to, but, Piper Collins, will you marry me?"

  He opens the box to reveal the most stunning rose gold engagement ring with a huge diamond in the centre.

  "Dawson," I breathe, unable to take my eyes off it. It's perfect, utterly perfect. "You chose this?" I ask.

  "Yeah, you used to love rose gold, so..."

  I shake my head, hardly able to believe what's just happened.

  "You... you really want this... me... after everything?"

  "Oh, Piper." He releases my shoulder and cups my cheek. "More than I can explain. It was always meant to be you and me."

  "It was," I sob, unable to contain it any longer.

  "So what do you say? Shall we make it official?"

  "Yes," I cry, forgetting about everything but this incredible man in front of me.

  His fingers twist in my hair as he pulls my lips to his.

  He kisses me gently to start with before his tongue slips past my lips and searches mine out.

  I have no idea how long we're up there, kissing like a couple of teenagers, but when he pulls back, I realise it was nowhere near long enough.

  "I love you too," I blurt. The smile that lights up his face makes our time apart almost worth it.

  He sits back, pulls the ring from the box and reaches for my hand.

  I watch in amazement as the boy who's held my heart since I was eighteen slides that incredible ring onto my finger.

  "What do you know, it fits perfectly." He smiles.

  "You knew it would, didn't you?"

  "Might have." He winks. "Ready to get back to the world?"

  "Yes, please." He laughs at my eagerness, and I can't help but join him.

  "We can come down now," he bellows, making me jump.

  "Only you would lock me up here against my will to ask me to marry you," I say as the wheel starts to move.

  "I needed to make sure you listened to me."

  "Still seems a little unnecessary," I mutter, but I can't wipe the smile off my face.

  The second we're at the bottom, he pushes the bar away from us and pulls me from the car. I just about manage to shout a thank you to the guy who clearly did us a massive favour this morning, seeing as the three of us are the only ones here.

  "Dawson, slow down," I cry, my legs going faster than I can control as he pulls me along behind him.

  "Nope, I've got plans."

  "Oh yeah?" I ask as we race through the gate toward the waiting limo.

  "Yeah, now get in." He pulls the door open and all but pushes me inside before the driver even has a chance to get out.

  "I can't believe you got us a limo."

  "Only the best for my girl," he whispers as he backs me into the seat and then crawls up my body, giving me no option but to lie back.

  His huge body engulfs mine, his hand running from my thigh up to my waist.

  "Fuck, I've missed you," he mutters before taking my lips once more in a bruising kiss.

  I'm so lost in him that I don't even think to look to see if the privacy glass is up as his hand slips inside my hoodie and up to my breast. I'm only wearing a bralette beneath, and Dawson finds his way under the fabric in no time.

  "Ow. Oh God," I groan when he pinches my nipple hard.

  He presses his knee between my thighs and my legs automatically wrap around his waist, his length pressing against my sensitive core.

  "Dawson, please,” I moan, shamelessly grinding against him. It's been entirely too long since he's had his hands on me, and now he's here, I'm damn near desperate.

  He rips his lips from mine and looks down at me. His eyes are dark, hungry, and dangerous, and they only make me wetter for him.

  "Question is, how many times can I make you come before we get to your place?" His hands wrap around the edge of my leggings and he drags them and my knickers down my hips.

  My skin burns with need for him, my temperature soaring.

  With his hand around the back of my neck, he pulls me from the bench. My hoodie and bra join my leggings in a heap on the floor before he drops his lips to mine once more as he lowers me back down.

  His lips trail across my jaw and down my neck. He alternates between soft kisses and sharp nips to my skin that drive me crazy.

  "More," I beg. "More." I roll my hips against him to find some friction.

  "My greedy baby girl," he groans against my collarbone before descending for my breast.

  His hot lips wrap around my nipple and I cry out as bolts of pleasure shoot to my core. "Can... can he hear us?" I ask, my mind suddenly aware that we're not the only ones in his vehicle.

  "Fuck knows. As long as he can't see you, I don't give a fuck."

  "Dawson," I scream when he bites down on my nipple so hard I see stars.



  My mouth waters as I spread her thighs wide and run my tongue up the length of her pussy.

  She's so wet for me, so ready for me to push my cock deep inside her, but I need to wait. That time is coming. Right now, it's about her. My fiancée.

  I know she has been for a while, but it's official now. She said yes despite everything—and while my cock wasn't inside her—and she's wearing my ring. My fucking ring.

  I'm brought back to reality when her fingers slide into my hair and twist until I swear she's about to pull it out.

  I tease her clit until she's crying out for more. Lifting my fingers, I give her what she needs and push them deep inside her.

  "Oh God," she cries, her back arching off the bench, and I relentlessly rub at that spot inside her that drives her crazy. "Dawson, Dawson, Dawson," she chants, and my chest swells with pride and love.

  I had no idea if my words were going to be enough today. A big part of me thought she'd refuse to even get out of the limo once she learned that I was waiting for her. But she did, and not only that, she allowed me to get her up on that ride and give her all my truths, all of the things I should have told her the second I realised how I felt.

  "Shit, I'm gonna..." She trails off as her release slams into her, but I don't stop until she's back from her high. Her body convulses, her juices flood my fingers, and her fingers grip even harder as she rides it out.

  Sitting up, I take her with me until I settle back against the bench seat and place her so she's straddling my lap.

  Instantly, her lips find mine and she swipes her tongue into my mouth, growling when she tastes herself.

  Her arms lock around my shoulders as she finds my hard length beneath my jeans and begins rubbing herself on it.

  "Baby girl," I warn, my hands coming to her hips to slow her movement.

  Ripping her lips from mine, she stares down into my eyes. Her usual violet ones are dark and blown with lust. They flick down to mine for a beat when I sweep my tongue along the bottom one before she looks back up.

  "Fuck me, Dawson. Show me just how much you've missed me."

  She circles her hips.

  "I was waiting until..."

  "If you even think about saying our wedding night, I can tell you now that you won't make it until then." />
  I want to laugh, but the serious look on her face kills my amusement. The knowledge that she needs me this much is sobering as much as it is a head fuck.

  I stare at her, really stare at her.

  "Fuck, I love you."

  Her hands go for my waistband before my arms even have time to move, and she has the fly undone in record time. I lift my hips slightly and she tugs the fabric just low enough to free my aching cock. Her burning hot fingers wrap around my tortured length. I can't help the growl that passes my lips the second we connect. It's been too long, way too long since I've been inside her.

  "Piper," I groan as she jacks me a couple of times.

  "Hmm... who's the impatient one now?" she teases.

  "Baby, please, just..." I lose my words the second she lifts up and guides the tip of my cock to her entrance. She's so slick from her previous release that I slide deep inside her in one smooth move.

  "Oh fuck," I bark. My head falls back for a second, my eyes closing as I revel in the sensation of her body wrapped around me. "So good, baby," I whisper, lifting my head and threading my fingers through her hair. "So fucking good." I crash her lips to mine as she starts to move. It's fucking incredible, but it's not enough.

  Taking her hips in my hands, I help lift her so she's almost completely off me before dropping her back down at the same time my hips thrust up.

  "Oh, fuck," she screams every time the head of my cock hits her cervix.

  Her back arches, thrusting her tits in my face. Leaning forward, I capture one in my mouth and suck hard before biting and laving at the sting with my tongue. I move to the other side and give it the same treatment. All the while her movement becomes more erratic as her release creeps closer.

  "Come for me, baby girl."

  "Dawson," she moans, her nails raking over my shoulders. If it weren't for my t-shirt, I've no doubt that she'd be gouging my skin from my body right now.

  I move her faster, slamming into her harder.

  Her body begins to tighten and I drop my fingers to her clit to give her the final push.

  My name echoes around the enclosed space as her body locks up for a beat before pleasure races through her. She clamps down on me so hard I have no choice but to follow. My eyes slam shut as my cock jerks inside her. A groan rips from my throat as my fingertips dig into her hips, holding her in place while we both ride out the final beats of our release.

  There's no way the driver doesn't know what's going on back here right now. Not that I give a fuck.

  "Oh my God, Dawson," Piper gasps as she looks out of the window and tries to scramble from my lap.

  Following her stare, I find that we've stopped and are parked out the front of her building.

  "Huh, I guess we're back."

  "How long have we been here?" she asks, as I finally allow her to lift off me so she can find her clothes.

  "No idea," I say, watching her fight with her leggings in her panic, a smile playing on my lips at her obvious embarrassment.

  "The windows are blacked out, baby. No one saw—"

  "The driver knows. He has to."

  "So?" I ask, finally moving to tuck myself away.

  "So? Oh my God." She drops her face into her hands.

  "No point in acting all innocent now. I vividly recall you being the one who demanded I fuck you."

  "Ugh, what you do to me?" she mutters, pulling her hoodie over her head and shoving her feet into her boots.

  I chuckle as I move to the door and push it open. The second my eyes adjust, I find our driver standing a few feet away with a smirk.

  "Great ride. Thanks, man." I pass him a couple of notes I had in my pocket and take Piper's bag from beside him. "Come on, baby," I call back inside, knowing that she's hiding.

  "I can't believe you just said that," she mutters to both mine and the driver's amusement.

  Finally, she emerges, her cheeks glowing bright red from embarrassment, and I don't make it any better when I throw her over my shoulder and slap her arse.

  "I'm not done with you yet," I announce, marching up to her building's main door right as one of her neighbours holds it open.

  "Put me down," she demands, her tiny fists hitting my arse but having absolutely no impact. "Dawson, I'm not joking, put me down right now or I'll..."

  I can't help laughing at her warning. "Or you'll what?"

  "I'll... I'll..."

  "Come back to me when you have a real threat to dish out, baby girl."

  "I won't have sex with you again," she blurts.

  An amused chuckle falls from my lips. "Is that right?"

  "Yep, maybe I'll impose the wedding night rule."

  "I'd like to see you try. You won't last twenty minutes once we're inside your flat."

  "Try me," she mutters.

  "Oh, baby. I'm going to be doing more than that."

  I rummage around in her bag to find her keys with her still hanging over my shoulder.

  "You can put me down now," she huffs.


  I push through the door, drop her bags to the floor, and march straight for her bedroom.

  "Dawson," she fumes, resuming her assault on my arse. That is, until she squeals as she goes flying through the air and lands in the middle of her bed. She bounces a few times but her eyes remain trained on me.

  I shrug off my jacket before reaching behind my head and pulling my t-shirt off in one foul swoop.

  Piper gasps and my smirk widens, my fingers dropping to my jeans and popping them open. I toe off my shoes and kick everything off aside from my boxers.

  "Now..." I growl, stalking toward her. "Where were we?"

  "I was telling you that you were an arse and that we weren't having sex again." I can already see her restraint waning as her eyes run down the length of me.

  "Oh, that's right. The only thing is..." I push my hand inside my boxers and grasp myself. Her eyes follow my movement, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip. "That doesn't work for me."

  I continue moving but hiding myself from her.

  Her eyes get darker, her skin flushing once more.

  "Hot, baby?"

  She shakes her head, her defiance getting the better of her. It'll only last so long.

  "Hoodie off," I demand, my eyes holding hers.

  She sits stock still for a beat before she scoots forward and follows orders.

  Her hoodie hits the floor and her bra follows before she pushes her leggings and knickers back down. When she stands, she makes sure she's so close to me that her nipples brush up my chest.

  A growl rips from my throat before I fist her hair and tilt her head back.

  "You're playing with fire, baby. And you will get burned."

  Her eyes sparkle as her fingertips tickle down my stomach. My muscles bunch everywhere she touches before she slides both hands into the waistband of my boxers and pushes them from my hips.

  My eyes search hers as our breaths mingle. A battle of wills, one that she's already lost, ensues.

  Tension crackles between us, the culmination of desperation after so much time apart, the passion that's always simmering on the surface, and the desire that our time together in the limo barely scratched the surface of.

  "Fuck it," she mutters, jumping into my arms and wrapping her legs around my waist.

  I can't help but laugh into her kiss.

  "Just kiss me, Dawson."

  I forget all about muttering the words 'I told you so' and instead walk her toward the bed. I lower her down gently before crawling over her.

  "Now," I murmur, peppering kisses along her jaw, "let me show you just how much I've missed you."

  My lips make their way down her body, much like they did in the limo, but this time, I'm in no rush and I savour every single inch of her.

  "Oh God, please," she begs as I trail my tongue down her inner thigh.

  "What do you want, baby?"

  "You, anything, just... you."

  "Good answer," I whisper, trailing my finger thr
ough her wetness and dipping it inside her just enough to drive her insane. "But it's not specific enough for me."

  "Your cock, Dawson. I need your cock. I need you to fuck me."

  As I line myself up against her entrance, she purrs like a fucking cat and tries to suck me deeper.

  "How about this?" I surge inside her, shooting her up the bed until her head connects with the headboard, but I wrap my hands around her hips and bring her back down to me before folding over her and brushing my lips against hers. "You get my cock, but instead of fucking you, I tell you how much I love you..." I place a kiss to the corner of her mouth, moving my hips slowly. "I tell you how incredible you are, how beautiful you are..."

  "Oh God, Dawson." Her eyes fill with unshed tears as I move inside her with slow, considered movements.

  "How I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you, and make love to you." I don't give her a chance to respond. Instead my tongue slides past her lips and laps at hers at the same slow pace as my hips.

  One of my hands wraps around the back of her neck so I can tilt her to deepen the kiss and she hooks her leg over my hip.

  "I love you, Piper. I always have and I always will."

  "I love you too, Dawson. Always."



  Dawson left me to finish up in the shower five minutes ago, promising to have a coffee ready for when I get out.

  I wash the bubbles from my skin and step out, finding both of my towels missing.

  "Dawson," I call, coming to stand in the bathroom doorway with water running down my body.

  My breath catches when I find him staring back at me, only now, he's fully dressed once again.

  "Going somewhere?" I ask, trying to mask the disappointment in my voice.

  We might have finally dragged ourselves out of my bed to wash away the sweat of the past few hours, but I wasn't planning on leaving, or even dressing, anytime soon.

  "Yeah. Pack a bag, we need to go."

  "Go? Go where?" My heart immediately jumps into my throat and I rush forward. "Is everything okay? Emmie? Do... they still want me?"

  "Everything is fine," he soothes, pulling me into his arms despite the fact that I'm going to get his clothes wet. "We just can't be here."


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