Play You: A Second Chance/Single Dad Romance (Rebel Ink Book 4)

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Play You: A Second Chance/Single Dad Romance (Rebel Ink Book 4) Page 29

by Tracy Lorraine

  After sweet-talking the second bouncer in as many minutes, we’re climbing the stairs and away from the masses of people.

  We’re only three-quarters of the way up when I first see him. My nerves hit me like a sledgehammer and my body starts to tremble. It doesn’t matter how many times I see and talk to him. It doesn’t matter that I hear stories from Rylee about what a ‘normal’ guy he is. To me, he’s still the man I had pinned to my teenage bedroom walls and said goodnight to before falling asleep.

  I focus on my feet as I climb the stairs, the gems on the front glinting in the spotlights above and giving me a distraction from the man I’m walking toward.

  I’ve got one more step to climb. Thinking I’m safe, I look up, but the second I meet his piercing green eyes, my feet falter. The platform of my shoe connects with the step, and I go tumbling forward.

  Closing my eyes, I reach my hand out in the hope that it connects with something to break my inevitably painful collision with the tiled floor. Thankfully the pain never comes. Instead, my hand hits something warm and soft.

  Finding my feet, I drag my eyes open to see what stopped me.

  The second I see what I used to stop my fall, I gasp in horror and stumble backward into someone else. Large hands grip onto my waist to steady me as I keep my eyes locked on the floor. My cheeks flame so hot I swear they’re going to catch fire any moment.

  “Jesus, Harlow, that was some entrance,” Colton says with a laugh as I continue to die a thousand deaths at embarrassing myself once again.

  “Are you okay?” A deep, smooth voice washes over me from behind, making me wish the ground would just swallow me up. I nod, but not before I hear the laughter of my best friend behind me.

  “I’m fine. I’m fine,” I mutter, looking up but only so I can see which way the bar is so I can get a drink and hopefully wipe this disaster from my memory. “T-thank you,” I whisper to the man behind me who’s still holding me upright, probably thinking my legs don’t work correctly.

  “Anytime.” I push to move away, but his voice makes me pause. It’s deep, rough, and his accent is… I don’t have time to try to figure it out. I just need to get away from him and Colton’s green eyes that turn me into a fumbling moron.

  “Oh my God, Harlow. That was classic,” Bailey howls beside me as I wait for the bartender to notice me. “I mean, Colton’s used to women falling at his feet, but using his cock to save yourself from breaking your nose on the floor? That was fucking—”

  “Enough,” I bark. “This is all your fault.” Turning to her, I narrow my eyes in the hope it’ll shut her up.

  “Me?” she asks, innocently pointing to herself.

  “Yes. I should be on the sofa right now with my second tub of ice cream and watching others falling in love on some shitty reality TV show.”

  “Oh yeah, that sounds like a winning way to spend your Friday night, H. I’ll call you a cab right now to return to your evening of fun.”

  “Really?” I ask hopefully, missing her sarcasm.

  “No. Harlow. No. You embarrassed yourself, so what? Colton doesn’t care, so neither should you.” She waves and the bartender comes right over—of course he fucking does. One look at her and he’s like putty in her hand. Me? He barely even saw me standing here. Rolling my eyes at myself, I listen as Bailey orders us four shots of tequila.

  “Tequila?” My lip curls in disgust.

  “Yes, hopefully it’ll give your confidence a boost and loosen you up a little.”

  “Here’s hoping,” I mutter, more to myself than her as I pick up the first one and knock it back before immediately going for the second. The alcohol burns my throat, but it’s only seconds before it starts warming my belly. Maybe it will have the effect Bailey intended.

  “Oh, the birthday boy’s here. Let’s go and wish him a happy birthday.” I look over to where Bailey’s focus is and see both Rylee and Colton standing before Austin.

  “It’s okay, you go. I’ll order some more drinks.”

  “He’s just a guy, H. You can talk to him like any other.”

  “I know. And I will talk to him… them. I just… I need another drink first. I can only embarrass myself so much every hour.”

  Shaking her head at me, she takes off across the room, her heels clicking against the black polished tiles and her mile-long, tanned legs eating up the space. I don’t need to look around to know she’s got the attention of at least a handful of men as she moves. Bailey has this aura surrounding her, one that turns all attention on her. Something that I most definitely don’t possess. I’m just the best friend who makes an idiot of herself as often as possible and only helps to make Bailey look so much more desirable.

  Blowing out a long breath, I turn back to the bar, only to find that the bartender has once again vanished to serve someone else. Sitting myself up on a stool, I watch as he gets farther and farther away from me before turning to play on his cell.


  Thinking that I’ll just order a cab home, I turn to slide from the stool but come to a stop when I find a guy standing before me. One side of his mouth curls up in an unsure smile.

  “Hey, how are you doing?”

  His deep voice is immediately recognizable. My eyes drop to his hands that are tucked into the pockets of his pants, but as I do that, I feel the warmth of one of them against my waist from not so long ago.

  “Oh yeah. I’m sorry about that. I’m a bit of an id…” My eyes run up exposed forearms that are covered in ink. I find the rolled fabric of his white shirt and my mouth waters when I discover his muscular biceps beneath. It’s open one button too many at the neck, showing even more art, but it’s when I find his light blue eyes that it feels like my world tilts slightly.

  His lopsided grin turns into a megawatt smile, exposing perfectly straight white teeth beneath, and my entire body sighs.

  “Can I buy you a drink?”

  It takes me a few moments to register that he’s said anything, but once I do, I tilt my head to the side and look at him once more.

  “Y-you’re the Brit?”

  That lopsided smile returns, but this time a dimple pops up in his cheek.

  “What gave me away?” I bite down on my bottom lip and his eyes drop to focus on it. “It’s Corey. And you are?”


  “Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Harlow. Shall we?” he asks, gesturing toward the bar before lifting his hand to call the bartender over.

  Ignoring the vacant stool beside me, he chooses instead to stand next to me. Just close enough that his warmth heats my side and his scent fills my nose. This guy knows what he’s doing. It should be a turn off, but I can’t help but fall for his charm. Maybe Bailey was right. I bite down on my bottom lip as I attempt to remember what it feels like to be touched by a man.

  Bailey’s going to kill you for talking to him first, I think as I look up at him once more, my cheeks burning with my previous thoughts. When I glance over my shoulder, I see she’s still preoccupied with Austin and a few of the other counselors from The House along with Rylee and Colton. That’s enough to tell me that I’m not heading over there anytime soon.


  Chapter Two


  Tonight is my first night out—night off, actually—since setting up the studio over here. But Austin gave me little choice about it. He first mentioned it a few weeks ago, and, assuming he’d forget about it, or at least forget about me, I pushed it aside. But when he called again at the beginning of the week and told me that I had to be here and reminded me that he’d given me prior warning, I didn’t stand a chance. Part of my moving here was so that I could spend time with this side of my family, something he used against me to ensure I attended. Turns out though, he didn’t need to try quite so hard; all he had to do was mention the quality of the women who would also be here, and I’d have followed orders in a heartbeat.

  I realised just how right a decision that was when I found myself following
a curvy redhead up the stairs to a VIP area that’s been reserved for my cousin tonight, courtesy of his famous friend.

  I’ve been so busy that women haven’t been on my radar all that much since I arrived in LA. I mean, I’ve spent my fair share of time inking them, but that’s about as close as I’ve got. And my lack of action hasn’t been more obvious to me than those few seconds of watching her arse sway before me as she climbed the stairs.

  “So, you know Colton?” I ask once we’ve given the bartender our orders. A pint for me and a rum and Coke for her. I must admit, I was surprised. I was expecting her to order a glass of bubbles like I’ve seen the other women drinking, or at least a glass of wine, but it seems this woman has been sent to surprise me tonight. First, her fine arse, swiftly followed by her damn near falling into my arms not long after, and now this.

  “Thank you. I need this,” she says, swallowing a generous mouthful before turning to look at me. “I work with Rylee. I’ve spoken to Colton several times.”

  “Same. Although from the number of hours I’ve spent watching him fly around a track, I like to think I know him quite well.”

  “Hmmm…” she hums, her cheeks flaming almost as red as her hair.

  “So you work for Corporate Cares? Are you a counsellor?”

  “No, no.” Her eyes go wide like the idea in itself is shocking. “I support the organisation wholeheartedly, but me and kids don’t mix.” I open my mouth to tell her that that can’t possibly be true, but she beats me to it. “I’m in charge of fundraising.”

  “Sounds like fun.”

  “I love it. It’s important for me to give back.”

  I nod at her, finding myself lost in her chestnut eyes as she stares back at me.

  She coughs, clearing her throat and breaking the tension between us after a few seconds, and I’m forced to look away.

  “So what is it you do?”

  “Harlow, there you are. I thought you were coming to talk to the birthday boy,” a high-pitched voice says from behind me before a blonde wrapped in the smallest dress I’ve ever seen stands so close to me that I have to take a step back.

  “Yeah… I… uh…”

  “Oh, are you still embarrassed about that? I’m sure Colton’s already forgotten.” She waves her friend off with a swish of her hand, and my eyes widen in shock. “Who’s your new friend?” She turns to me, her eyes running over my face as what I guess is supposed to be a sexy pout appears on her lips. She falls a little too far from the mark for me. That and all the effort she’s putting in to look so good.

  “Corey,” I say politely, holding my hand out for her.

  “Oh, my Brit.” My Brit? My eyebrows rise at her assumption. “Austin didn’t say you were here yet.” Ignoring my hand, she steps right into my body, pressing her breasts into my chest and stretching to drop a kiss to my cheek. “I’ve been so looking forward to meeting you.”

  “Oh really?” I ask, placing my hands on her shoulders and trying to remove her from me. “I’m not sure Austin’s ever mentioned you.”

  Harlow snorts a laugh and when I look up, I find the most breathtaking smile lighting up her face.

  “Oh, that can’t be true. I’m sure you’ve just forgotten. I can only imagine that you’ve met so many new people since you arrived. I’m Bailey. I work with your cousin. He’s told me all about you.”

  “Is that right?”

  “Sure is. So tell me about yourself, I can’t wait to get to know you better.”

  “Well, actually, I was in the middle of a conversation with your friend here.”

  Bailey stands back and looks over her shoulder. “Oh, okay, well…” She sounds dejected, making me wonder how many guys turn her down. Not a lot, I’m guessing.

  “Would you like a drink, B?”

  “I’d love one, thanks.” I stand and watch both of them as Harlow orders Bailey a sauvignon blanc. They’re both stunning, Bailey more so now I don’t have everything thrust in my face, but to me, Harlow stands out by a mile. Her soft red hair, her large dark eyes that just ooze innocence… I bite down on my bottom lip as I study her while she talks to her friend. She must sense my stare, because her eyes flick to mine and she startles when she finds me looking back. Colour hits her cheeks, and it only makes her more alluring. It looks like coming here tonight was more than worth it.

  My cock stirs behind the fabric of my jeans, desperate to end the evening with a little action.

  Bailey lifts her drink from the bar and takes a sip while looking between the two of us suspiciously.

  “So… I’m just going to go…” she trails off before disappearing off into the crowd.

  “Good friend of yours?” I ask once I’m confident she’s well out of earshot.

  Harlow laughs and excitement shoots through me. She is exactly what I need tonight.

  I take a step closer, her perfume filling my nose and making my mouth water.

  “Yeah, actually. My best friend.”

  “Really? You seem so…”


  “Yeah,” I say, relieved that I’m not the only one who sees how opposite they are.

  “Don’t let her front fool you. She’s a great person. She just comes across a little—”


  She laughs. “I was going to say full-on, but desperate works too. Everyone around us seems to be coupling up. Austin, Colton,” she says flicking a look over to where they’re standing with their girls. “She’s just feeling left behind.”

  “And she thought I might get her up to speed.”

  I watch her lips, enthralled as she purses them to take a sip of her drink. “You’ve no idea. She’s been going on and on about meeting you since Austin told her you’d first moved here.”

  “Why? She’s never met me. I could be a right arsehole.” A smile curls at her lips.

  “The accent,” she says like it should be obvious. “She was hoping you’d talk all sexy to her.” Harlow rolls her eyes at her friend's insanity. “So, are you?”

  “Am I what? Going to talk all sexy to her?” I drop the tone of my voice and delight when the roughness of it makes her pupils dilate. My brows pull together as I cast my mind back over our previous conversation, trying to figure out what she’s asking me.

  “No. An arsehole,” she says, adorably trying to mimic my accent.

  “Some would probably say I was. Others not so much.”


  Closing more of the space between us, I reach out and tuck a lock of her hair behind her ear. “Maybe you’ll just have to find out for yourself.”

  Her lips part but no words come out as my fingertip brushes the shell of her ear. “I… um…” I search her eyes, trying to read her. She seems reluctant, yet there’s something in her eyes. Something wild that I know is screaming to get out.

  Our connection holds before she sucks her bottom lip into her mouth and my gaze drops to watch.

  “Harlow,” that familiar voice calls from somewhere. “We’re going to dance. You coming?”

  My eyes jump back up to hers. I want to ask her to stay here with me, but I’ve just met her; I’ve got no right to even suggest keeping her away from her friends and colleagues.

  After another second, she rips her eyes from mine and looks at Bailey, who holds her hand out.

  “Yeah, just coming.”

  I stand back, allowing her some space. She downs her drink before giving me a small smile and walking towards her friend.

  Her arse sways as she makes her way over, and my trousers suddenly seem a little too tight as I imagine what, if any, underwear she’s got on beneath. When I look up, I find Bailey watching me. Her eyes are narrowed, and I’m not sure if it’s jealousy or a warning.

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