Switching Leagues

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Switching Leagues Page 6

by Lexi Archer

  "I didn't mean for it to happen," she started.

  "I said what happened damn it?" I practically yelled.

  Connie jumped at that. She went nearly a foot in the air. Then she stared up at me, and she was defiant which I totally wasn’t expecting. It was surprising seeing that from her. After all, she was the one who’d cheated on me. Not the other way around. She wasn’t supposed to be defiant, but here we were.

  "You don't talk to me like that," she hissed, her voice quiet but firm.

  "You just cheated on me!" I said. "How the hell am I supposed to talk to you?"

  "I'm still your wife," she said. "And you're the crazy fucker who’s turned on by this."

  Then she really surprised me by reaching down and grabbing my cock. I didn't have time to react before her hands were all over me. Before her fingers were running up and down my shaft in a familiar dance that I fucking loved.

  "Yeah, that's right," she said. "You don't think I don't realize what's going on here? You think I don't see your cock throbbing right now? You think I don't have any fucking clue how fucking turned on you are thinking about what I did today?"


  "You need to think long and hard about what you really want," Connie said. "Because you've been fucking around and treating me like shit for way too long. You've been letting yourself get out of shape and you haven't paid attention to any of my attempts to fix it even though I’ve tried again and again to make it clear that this was something that was important to me. You don’t give a fuck about anything that’s important to me, all you do is take, and so I’ve decided it’s my turn to do a little bit of taking.”

  I blinked at her words. I could scarcely believe they were coming out of my beautiful wife's mouth. Only there she was standing right in front of me, and there her fingers were still doing that tempting dance up and down the length of my cock.

  Basically I didn't know what the fuck to think in that moment. My mind was being short-circuited by her words and her actions.

  I definitely shouldn't be getting turned on by what she was doing, and yet here we were. My cock was throbbing in her hands, and it was all I could do to try and keep myself under control.

  "That's right," she said. “I saw how you acted last night when I called Liam's name out."

  "Is that his fucking name?" I spat out.

  "You're talking like someone who's not going to get laid tonight while getting hot and bothered thinking about his wife fucking that guy,” she said.

  "Why the fuck would I want to fuck you after you've been fucked by someone else?" I asked. "I'm not into getting some other guy’s sloppy seconds!"

  "Are you now?" she asked. "Because your cock is rock hard right now. I think I know what you want, but it's your choice. You can come with me and I can tell you everything that happened today at the gym, or you can sit here and stew thinking about it but never getting the details. Your choice."

  And with that she turned and walked back up the stairs in that bit of white lingerie. I watched her as she moved up the stairs. God she was so beautiful. It helped that the back end of her lingerie was a thong that exposed her ass to me. She was so tight. So hot. I licked my lips as I watched her. As I saw that thong entering not only her ass cheeks, but into her pussy as well leaving nothing to the imagination.

  It was a lucky man who got to fuck this woman, and up until now I'd been the only guy for maybe the past decade or so who got to fuck her.

  Only now it would seem there was a new challenger who'd entered the arena, and like hell was I going to let some other asshole get away with fucking my wife without reclaiming her!

  I wasn't even sure where that thought came from. Just that it was there, and it got me even hotter than I already was feeling her pressed against me and enjoying the thought of her fucking another guy!

  I hated that I was doing this. Hated that I was letting her basically lead me around by the cock, but at the same time I was so turned on that there was never any question that I was going to follow her up the stairs. That ass was like a siren song drawing me up the stairs into our bedroom. To the place where we'd fucked as a married couple.

  So I followed, and talk about a hell of a view as I followed!



  I stared at my wife's pussy as we walked up the stairs. Both because that was a pussy that was worth looking at, my home sweet home that I loved so fucking much, and because I found myself wondering if this was what she'd look like earlier when she was fucking him.

  I was also checking for signs that she’d fucked another man. I didn't think it would be too obvious this long after she’d fucked the dude, but you never knew. And it was suddenly an all-consuming obsession. Watching her body and looking for any sign that she’d fucked another man. Looking to see if her pussy lips were red or swollen. Looking to see if there was maybe the hint of a trickle of his come leaking out of her.

  Again it was ridiculous. It's not like any signs like that would still be there this far after. She usually went to the gym in the morning, and it was pretty late in the day. Plenty of time for his spunk to get deep inside my wife, but that didn't stop me from looking for those telltale signs.

  And there was still a part of me whispering that I should be livid about what was happening here. That I should be royally pissed off that she’d fucked another man. That I should be storming out of the house instead of following that incredible ass.

  Though of course I wasn't the one who was calling the shots. No, my cock was definitely the one calling the shots. My cock was the one telling me what the fuck I was going to do. There was no stopping this. I was going to go up there, I was going to listen to her tell me all about her infidelity, and I was going to fuck her for everything I was worth because I was so turned on by what she’d done.

  She turned to look at me at the top of the stairs. It was such an innocent look. Just turning and arching an eyebrow at me. As though she'd known all along that I was going to come up the stairs.

  Maybe for her there’d never been any question that I was going to follow her. I licked my lips as I stared at her. Oh yes. There was a challenge there. There was a subtle indication that she was the one taking charge. That I'd completely lost control.

  I’d probably lost control back when I refused to actually try and get in shape. And now here she was staring at me, that challenge in her eyes, and she knew she was the one with the upper hand. I was the one who was lucky to get to fuck her, and it wasn't just because she was my wife.

  No, we’d switched leagues. I'd always known we were pretty much in the same league when we first got together. Two attractive young people who had good careers ahead of them, for all that Connie had ultimately decided to do the stay at home mom thing for a few years.

  It’s not like that mattered. I knew she could get a job in her field at a moment’s notice. Especially looking the way she did now. There’d be a plenty of asshole hiring managers with hard-ons under their desks who’d jump at the chance to have her walking around the office, never mind the qualifications she brought to the table from back before we had kids.

  Yeah, we'd been a match made in heaven. Only now we'd switched leagues. She'd gone up, and I'd gone down, and holy shit was it kind of humiliating and kind of a turn on coming to that realization.

  "So you decided to join me after all?" she asked.

  There was no hint of triumph in her voice. Nothing like that. It was simply a statement of fact. Because of course there was never any question that I’d join her. I was so turned on right now and I sure as hell wasn't going to go jerk off. Not when she was offering the opportunity of a lifetime to hear her tell me all about what she’d done, and I got the feeling it was a limited opportunity!

  "You know it," I said.

  "Good," she said. "Now get into the bedroom and take off your clothes."

  I hopped to it. Sure on some level I was a little annoyed that I was hopping to it when she ordered me around, but the brain down below didn't g
ive a fuck. That mind was singular in its purpose, and there was nothing that would stop it from getting exactly what the fuck it wanted!

  So I took my clothes off. Hell, I practically chucked them across the room. I was about to fall down on the bed when she looked me up and down. Her eyes landed on my cock and she arched an eyebrow.

  I'd never been self-conscious about the size of my cock before, but I was sure as fuck self-conscious under that gaze. That was the sort of look that said she was weighing me in the scales and finding me wanting. I suddenly found myself wondering how big the cock was on the guy who'd fucked her earlier in the day. Had he filled her in a way I'd never been able to?

  I’d never felt inadequate before when it came to fucking, but I sure as fuck felt inadequate now.

  "I suppose that will do," she finally said, pursing her lips together in an expression that left me feeling like it wasn’t going to be good enough at all, but what the fuck could I do?

  Again it was one of those things that should've pissed me off, but more than anything I was just turned on. I went a little rubbery in the knees. Who was this woman, and what had she done with my wife? Why did I feel like I was on the verge of blowing buckets of come all over our bedroom floor with her talking to me like that?

  I never thought I'd be into the whole humiliation thing, but here we were and it was happening and God it was hot!

  I licked my lips. On the one hand I didn't want to disturb the delicate balance that was shifting all around us, but at the same time I also desperately needed to know what had happened with her and that the guy earlier.

  "So were you going to maybe tell me something?" I asked.

  "Like what?" she asked, a twinkle coming to her eyes that said she was enjoying the fuck out of how out of sorts I was here.

  "Like maybe something about what happened earlier today?" I asked.

  She smiled. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

  "I would like to know," I said. “That’s sort of the whole reason I followed you up here, after all.”

  The thing that surprised me the most was I meant it. I really and truly meant it. I desperately wanted to hear what had happened earlier between her and this guy. I needed to hear it more than I’d ever heard something before in my life.

  "I don't believe you," she said. "What kind of guy wants to hear about his wife fucking another man?"

  "But I do!" I said. "It's all I could think about today. You saying another guy's name last night…"

  "You mean last night when you took what you wanted and then left me high and dry?" she asked, advancing on me. I fell back against the bed. I stared up at her over my gut with my cock springing out. My cock that I saw a lot less of these days than I had back in my prime because of that gut getting in the way of the view.

  She climbed onto the bed and leaned down over me. Her tits brushed against my cock. I wondered if she was going to give me a boob job or something. It wasn't something we did all that often, but her tits were big enough and they felt nice when they were moving up and down against my cock. It was something we usually did when she wasn't in the mood for actual sex but was willing to help get me off.

  "Holy shit,” she breathed as she looked down at my cock. As she ran her nipples along the length. "You really are getting fucking turned on by this, aren't you? You really like the idea your wife fucking another man that much?"

  I licked my lips again. I wasn't sure what answer she wanted here. All I cared about was giving her the answer that ended with her fucking me while she told me all about what she'd done earlier. I’d never felt a sexual compulsion more overriding than that single overriding desire.

  "I really am so turned on," I said. "Please…"

  It was coming out as begging. I hated that what I was saying was coming out as begging, but if begging was what it took then begging was what I was going to do, damn it!

  "Damn,” Connie breathed. "Talk about a kink I never would've expected from you. Is there even a name for this shit?”

  "I don't know," I said. "But I need to hear about what you did today. I need to hear it so bad!"

  "Fine," she said. "It was in the gym. We were working out and I was pissed off because of the way you treated me the night before. I was pissed off because of the way you treat me every time we fuck. I was pissed off because I've been working so hard to try and look good for you, and you don't seem to give a flying fuck."

  I winced under her words. They were true, of course. I suppose I had been taking everything I had for granted. I'd never thought what I had could possibly be in danger, so what was the point in making much of an effort?

  Only now I was coming to realize just how wrong I'd been. I was coming to realize just how easily my whole world could come crashing down around me. And that world was crashing down around me, in a sense, as she worked me over with those incredible tits of hers.



  Connie reached out and grabbed my cock. Wrapped her hand around it and started jerking me up and down.

  "I don't know if you really want to hear any more of this," she said.

  "But I do," I said. Again it was something that came out more as a whimper than actual words, but I was beyond caring if I sounded more than a touch pathetic while I begged my wife to do for me what she’d been doing for me for so long without any begging.

  "I made a joke about him meeting me in the sauna when he was done working out,” Connie said as she kept jerking me. "Your pretty little married wife was at the gym talking to one of the hard bodies and I invited him into the sauna with me. What do you think of that?"

  I knew she had to be doing this on purpose. She was pushing me. She was trying to get a reaction out of me. I'm not sure what reaction she thought she was going to get, but I was on the verge of shooting out of buckets of come. It was so hot listening to her filthy mouth talking like that!

  "I love it," I said.

  And the crazy thing was I did love it. I loved every filthy word she was saying to me. I wanted to more.

  For her part, she seemed to skip a beat as she jerked my cock. Her eyes went wide, like she was having trouble believing that I was actually serious about this.

  I could totally understand why she was having trouble believing I was totally serious about this. It's not like it's the kind of thing any rational man would get turned on by, but I was turned on and I was done trying to question where this fucked up desire had come from.

  "You're still serious," she said.

  “What kind of reaction are you looking for?" I asked, suddenly getting just a touch annoyed. "You keep saying these things like you're trying to piss me off, but it turns me on. It fucking turns me on! I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me, but the thought of you fucking that guy turns me on, so either get up here and fuck me while you tell me about it, or get off of me and go for the divorce or the breakup or whatever the fuck it is you're going for with all this teasing and beating around the fucking bush!”

  She blinked again. Stopped jerking me off entirely. I didn't like that she stopped jerking me off, but I also seemed to finally be getting through to her. I wasn't sure what kind of mind fuck she was trying to play with me, but I was sure that I didn't like whatever kind of mind games she wasn't trying to play with me.

  "I'm sorry," she finally said.

  "You bet your tight ass you’re sorry!” I said. "What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you wanting a divorce or something? Because if you are then just come out and tell me that you want a divorce! Stop trying to tease me like this!”


  She looked down. Shook her head. "I'm sorry.”

  She looked like she was on the verge of crying. Though after everything she’d already done today I was having trouble working up much in the way of sympathy for her.

  "Are you sorry?" I asked. "Because it seems to me that you're trying to push into doing something that gets you out of this relationship feeling good about yourself even though you’re the one who cheated on me, and r
ight now you're doing a really fucking good job of it!"

  "It's just that…"

  She seemed lost for a moment, but only for a moment. Then she seemed to get a hold on herself. Her face changed, and it was pretty clear I was talking to the new Connie again. The one who'd been talking dirty to me. The one who'd done something she definitely shouldn't have with another man earlier at the gym.

  Her hand moved back to my cock and she was jerking it up and down again. Though I’d learned something valuable with that little back and forth. This new Connie wasn't as confident as she acted. She was still feeling her way through this. She still didn't know exactly what the hell to make of all of this. Which was just fine with me. I had no idea what to make of this new person my wife had become either. I knew that I liked it even as it was pissing me off at the same time, but whatever.

  "I fucked him in the sauna," she finally said.

  "Fuck me now," I said. Just her admitting that she’d fucked this guy in the sauna was enough to have me almost coming again, and if I was going to come then I wanted to make sure I was coming in my wife and not blowing a load on my stomach or something like I was a fucking teenager sneaking a jerk off session late at night when everyone else was asleep.

  The words came out as something halfway between a request and a demand. She arched an eyebrow as I said it, but then she was moving forward. She pulled herself up on top of me and pressed down on my cock. God she looked so gorgeous wearing that lingerie she'd only ever worn it before on our wedding night.

  Only the last time I’d fucked her while she was wearing this she sure as fuck hadn’t fucked another man earlier in the day. Hell, neither one of us had the time to get away from the wedding long enough to fuck anyone else. Even if we had thought that fucking someone else might be on the menu, which it wasn't.

  She sank down on my cock, and I groaned. I whimpered. I wanted nothing more than to fuck the living daylights out of her, but she was still talking.


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