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Spellcrafter-Delta Page 2

by Christopher Kirkland

  “We should let them throw at us until they run out, that way we have all of the balls,” Chris decided.

  “No,” Victoria said, shooting him down. “If they stay distracted with attacking they are open--” she stopped mid-sentence then quickly dropped on all fours to dodge a ball.

  As she pulled herself up with her left hand, she threw the ball in her possession with her right, once again hitting two people too close together. Chris hit one person with a ball and quickly caught another, then he hit one to his far left who was too focused on Victoria. Three remained once again. Chris managed to hit two more by faking his throws and then letting it leave his hand a second later. The final boy was rather skinny. He stood with his feet apart, ready to catch a ball.

  Victoria smiled and told Chris to step back, “Let me get this one, okay?”

  Chris seemed surprised. “He’ll probably catch it.”

  “Oh Chris, I’d love to see that happen,” she smirked. “He’ll have to watch this carefully then.”

  Victoria took one step back toward her right, turned herself slightly, then winded up the throw. The boy prepared himself for her attack. She threw the second “homing-missile” of the game. As it left her hand, the boy realized he could not catch a ball going so fast coming straight for him. He decided to duck the ball instead. He had a smug look on his face.

  “Tori?” Chris raised his eyebrow. “You missed…”

  Victoria simply smiled. “Nah,” The ball ricocheted off of the back wall and into the back of the unsuspecting boy’s head. Once again, the whistle blew. He turned toward the coach, seeking confirmation that he was out.

  “It did not touch the floor; the ball was still legal. You’re out. Team two wins. Now everyone, I want you to get some water. You’re going to climb that wall before you leave here today.” There was a shared moment of groans and sighs. “I know, I know. But it’s still part of the curriculum, so you have to. Stop being lazy before you have health issues.”

  “Climbing, huh?” Victoria said to herself. “Now that’ll be easy. You just gotta have good hand-eye coordination.”

  Eventually, everyone in class was in a crowd in front of the wall. The coach was taking volunteers and while no one else made a move, Victoria was the first to step forward. There was no climbing gear, but this area of the gym was in fact lined with blue soft mats and pillows at the very end (in case anyone fell.) Climbing the wall was not an easy task. The goal was to climb the wall with specifically colored areas of where to put your feet and place your hands. Then you had to transfer yourself to the roof where you had to essentially do monkey bars across. Finally, you land onto the area, where most of the pillows were, to cushion your fall.

  Victoria had already started climbing (if you could call it that.) She would occasionally climb, but then she would jump up and pull herself up with both hands to skip a few areas entirely. She jumped to the monkey bars with ease, and she would swing across them instead of grabbing them and moving one by one. She then swung off of the final bar and landed perfectly at the very edge of the pillows. Her feet were firmly planted onto the floor. She made contact with her feet together, and her arms out, as if she had just done a circus act. The coach announced that she had made a time of seven seconds, so far, the fastest time anyone had ever done.

  “Alright, volunteer or get volun-told,” he commanded to the class.

  Everyone else stepped back as Chris stepped forward. He looked back at Victoria who simply waved and smiled her extremely friendly smile. Chris began to scale the wall, occasionally jumping like Victoria did, he simply felt he could do it too. He continued to climb until he reached the top. He felt his foot slip on top of one of the many-colored areas. The coach made a move to catch him in case he fell although there were many areas to land safely. However, it wasn't needed. Chris had, in his panic, leapt from the wall and onto the third monkey bar he would have needed to land on. Victoria smirked. The group below watched as he swung across to the next few, before landing and falling on his butt at the very end.

  “Eleven seconds,” the coach breathed in bewilderment. “That’s the second fastest time I’ve seen in my time here...they’re getting faster!”

  Chris sat there in disbelief once again. He thought about how he had done that, if he was always able to, and why he could not do this earlier in the year. His thoughts were interrupted as Victoria walked in front of him. She held out her hand, and as he took it, she helped him up.

  “Good job, I don’t think anyone can even beat your time,” she whispered as she gestured her head in the direction of the students either going too slow or slipping like Chris, but falling instead, or attempting to jump and failing.

  The third fastest time was twenty-six seconds. It was about time to leave school, and so most of the students in the gym class went to go get changed back into their normal attires (some did not bother). Victoria headed into the locker room and went for her locker. After putting in the code, she removed her purple and white string bag. She pulled out her normal clothes once again, and as a precaution, she also packed a spare outfit in case of an emergency (or if she felt like changing.)

  She closed her locker. The other girls in the room were leaving now that they were changed. Victoria stripped down and began to change but before she got her skirt fully on, she noticed a name three lockers down on a sticky note for a new student: Gatchi. Victoria stopped what she was doing and stared at it for a moment, feeling her heart drop slightly, but unsure why. All in one motion, she put her shirt on and put her watch back on her arm. Then after pulling up the interface, she hid behind one of the many walls of lockers, ensuring no one would hear her.

  Chris waited outside for Victoria for about seven minutes before she finally came out. She explained that she was having trouble and that was what took her so long. There was a thunderstorm going on outside. Victoria explained that she, like Chris, lived alone. Victoria requested to stay at his house for the night since it was raining so hard, and she had not lived close. At first Chris refused entirely, but because it was pouring down so hard, he decided to allow her to stay the night, especially since she had a change of clothes. He wasn’t sure how he felt about the idea. However, it was too late, he had agreed now.

  The sky cried down upon them as they left down the steps of the school that day. They walked together through the town to a quiet neighborhood somewhere nearby the school. Victoria asked him about his past and his family, but Chris would only reply to other questions not related to that subject. Even so, Victoria pressed on and she didn’t seem to want to give up. Chris asked himself why she was so interested, but he assumed she was just nosey.

  They arrived at a tan house with a brown roof and a fairly large lawn between two other similar houses. As they entered, Victoria shut the door behind them and scanned the area. A black leather sofa, a black leather reclining chair, a clear coffee table, widescreen T.V, and a kitchen were visible from the living room. A comfy place to live and very quiet, and since it was just him he had the place to himself. Victoria smiled.

  “Hey, can I take a shower?” she asked. “I’ll be quick!”

  “Upstairs to your right,” he replied. “I’ll make us something to eat. Maybe watch some T.V or something.”

  Chris began to make turkey sandwiches with lettuce, tomato, cheese, and of course, mayonnaise with the tiniest bit of mustard. He set them on the coffee table and sat on the sofa for about ten minutes before quietly going up to check on her.

  “Hey, Tori, are you alright?” he asked aloud. “Tori?” She was not in the bathroom.

  He checked each room before finally checking his sister’s room down the hall. Victoria was on the other side of the room holding a picture frame. He paused a moment to gather himself before speaking.

  “Emily isn’t coming back, but I try to keep this room clean just in case,” he said as she replaced the picture on the brown desk and turned to face him.

  “I’m sorry, I couldn’t help myself...You two look
so happy in that picture...but now it’s just you, and it's sad to me…” She waited a moment, seeing him look away to break eye contact, now looking at the picture. “I’m sure she misses you too.”

  “Honestly, if she is alive, she should have come back.”

  “Maybe she just can’t though, you know?” Victoria hastily replied to this, attempting to raise his spirits. “Maybe she wants to, but literally can’t.”

  “You should take your shower…” he advised. She nodded, realizing she had possibly made him upset.

  “I’m sorry...I just wanted to give you some hope.”

  “No, it’s alright. I guess...I wish she was here now telling me what I’m doing stuck here for...and if she’s been sending me money; where she is” he walked past her as she made her way to the door. She took one last glance before closing the door and continuing on her way to her original destination.

  Chris took a small breath as he looked at the picture; a six-year-old boy with green hair sitting on the shoulders of a twenty-eight-year-old man wearing a red bowling shirt and shorts. He had a brown mustache, a smile that said he was a people person, and he was holding up his right hand, pointing at a young Chris. A woman with beautiful, healthy green hair, blue eyes, and an amused look on her face looking at the son and father. She wore a red shirt tied at the stomach with a white tank top underneath. She also wore pants with a white jacket wrapped around her waist, and had her hands on the shoulders of an eleven-year-old girl. The girl had green hair, brown eyes, and a shy look as if she was hiding from the camera by trying not to notice it. She wore an orange top, shorts, and black headphones around her neck.

  Chris stared at it for a long time before taking the picture and placing it face down. He then shook his head. He felt sick and he did not wish to see the memory any longer. He looked back in the direction which Victoria had gone and wondered why she had been so interested. He then began to think to himself: could she know something?

  Chapter 3

  The Promise

  The next morning, Chris and Victoria had arrived at school. Victoria wore a black and white top with a black skirt. Chris wore a white shirt with a red hooded jacket, and jeans. Victoria had tried several times to apologize for snooping and bringing up his family with no response in return. It was an ominous day, as if it was going to rain again. It would be a while before the bell rang, so they sat together on the steps. Jackie was late and Ty had gone on inside to the science hall to put away his project so he would not have to carry it. His project was titled, “Terror Strikes Japan” after that attack on Japan a little over two years ago. The island was now uninhabited, according to the news. Because of that, Ty thought he should study how the land was affected and gathered his research. However, Chris thought this topic was far too dark.

  A girl with red hair, blue eyes, and a yellow cat hoodie approached them. She was slightly shorter than Chris. Her hair was short and her bangs came near her right eye, almost covering it. She also wore brown shorts and yellow high-top shoes. Her hood was drawn over her head. She had no bookbag to speak of. When Chris first saw her, he figured she was new, she seemed scared.

  “I-- um...hi,” she hid behind her books for a moment before looking him in the eye, she was slightly shorter than him. “I’m a transfer. I was told to find Christopher Spellcrafter…he said look for green hair…” she said in a gentle tone.

  The girl lowered her hands and placed them just in front of her, holding her books against her thighs. She seemed shy and even a little bit nervous.

  Victoria raised her eyebrow and answered before Chris could. “He’s not here,” she shook her head. “I’m sorry, but maybe someone else knows where he is.”

  “B-but I was told to find him, is he near here? This boy has green hair and--”

  “Sorry, no. Wrong guy.”

  Chris looked at Victoria with a disapproving glance before turning his attention to the girl. “I’m Christopher. I’m sorry, what is your name?”

  “It’s Gatchi Mitchell,” she repeated. “I’m a transfer, like I said.”

  “Really?” Victoria asked. “I don't believe it. I’ve heard your name before.”

  “Yes. We used to go to the same school before you moved, and you left our group of friends.” Gatchi told her. “They wished you hadn’t left though...we miss you and your sister,” her tone gave off something passive aggressive.

  “Oh yeah, I do remember you now,” Victoria said through her teeth. Sure, we can show you to your class.”

  “Actually, since I have all of my classes with Chris, I’d rather go with him,” she said stepping to his side.

  Victoria opened her mouth to say something further, but the look Chris gave her encouraged her not to mess with the new girl any further. Thus, Victoria stayed behind, watching Chris disappear with Gatchi into the school with the flood of students.

  Gatchi commented on how Chris had stood up for her, and that she could tell they would be good friends. Chris explained that he did not like how Victoria was treating her on her first day, and that he was never a fan of being treated horribly physically or verbally.

  “Is she your girlfriend?” Gatchi asked.


  “I figured...not your type?”

  “No, not at all,” he answered with a gesture of his hand and a sigh.

  Victoria had a class with both of them during Social Studies, and she was none too happy to see Gatchi. Chris sat in the front near the board, Gatchi sat behind him. They were talking about something Victoria could not hear, but she did notice Gatchi going through Chris’ things when he left to go to the bathroom. She checked his folders, his bag, his binder, everything. Later, when they went to their lockers to put everything away, Victoria kept a close eye on her. Gatchi was up to something and she intended to find out.

  Throughout the day, Chris and Gatchi spent their time together. Chris took note that Gatchi was a rather strange girl, much like Victoria, but he still found her to be nice and so they quickly became friends. Not much happened that day. Gatchi suggested that Chris come with her to get some candy after school. It wasn’t raining yet, so he agreed.

  “I’ll bring my friends too,” he told her.

  “Oh...Really? Because I figured you’d-- who’s coming?” she paused.

  “Just Victoria and my two best friends, is that okay?”

  “Err. Sure…” she replied with uncertainty. “I know a shortcut to a candy shop.”

  Chris agreed, informing his other friends, and they headed to the candy shop together after school. The five of them proceeded away from the school and toward the town. It had begun to rain and Jackie seemed to love it. Ty disliked the idea of getting hyper on sugar, but he went along because Jackie was going. Chris just wanted to spend time with his new friend, despite Victoria’s constant warnings and bickering throughout the day. The streets were somewhat deserted because of the rain, and lights flashed yellow, swinging in the wind.

  They crossed through an alleyway close to where Chris’ house was. Gatchi stopped walking in the center of the alleyway. She did not say a word, she stayed stationary.

  “Okay no. Um no. I’m cold, I’m wet, and I don’t have a jacket,” Victoria said. “Can you please keep walking?!” Victoria yelled. Gatchi turned toward them, her lip curled slightly under the darkness of her hood.

  “Can we please go home?” Victoria begged, looking at Chris and his friends. She was shivering.

  “You can go home, Victoria, and so can these two, but he’s staying,” Gatchi declared as she pointed a finger at Chris. “You can all leave now if you’d like.”

  “What are you talking about? Weren’t you going to eat junk or something? I thought that was what you wanted to do.” Ty was as confused as everyone else.

  “I-I don’t like where this is going…” Jackie whispered to Ty.

  “Gatchi?” Chris stepped forward. “Is there something wrong?”

  “No, everything is just right, actually,” she began to laugh. You’
re exactly where I need you to be, and it only took me a day...funny, Victoria, I always figured I was better than you.”

  Jackie stepped forward slightly to protect her friend once again, but Victoria held out her left arm to stop her.

  “No, stay back,” she warned. Victoria returned her attention to Gatchi. Two people stepped out from the darkness of the alley. One female and one male. Victoria stepped back, keeping everyone else behind her.

  “Aww, Tori, don’t look so spooked!” Gatchi said with a sinister smile. “I thought you remembered our friends.”

  “You are not friends of mine, “Victoria corrected. She seemed very aware and ready for anything that may come next.

  The male assailant peered out from his black cloak and drew a dagger. The female wore a gothic hoodie jacket, leather boots, blonde hair, from what they could see, and a pouch on her side.

  “Gatchi, quit screwing around and kill her,” said the male.

  “We just need the boy. If you all leave now, we don’t have to fight,” advised the girl. “I don’t want to fight you,” she said as Gatchi held up her hand to silence her.

  “Laura, Robert...enough. We take him either way.”

  “We can’t have witnesses,” Robert reminded. “They have to die now.”

  Jackie once again moved forward, so did Ty. “If you think I’m gonna let you take him-” Jackie paused. Victoria had once again stopped both of them and pushed them back. Chris moved in front of Victoria and looked Gatchi dead in the eyes.

  “So, let me get this straight…you lied about everything…” he began, in complete disbelief.

  “We can still be friends if you come with us. Otherwise I’ll have to kill your friends. I don’t want to hurt you…You honestly do seem really nice,”

  Gatchi reached out her hand to take Chris’s and pull him to their side of the alley but, before her hand could touch Chris, a purple orb of solid energy flew down and collided with her hand, almost breaking it. Gatchi held her wrist and winced. The orb was now orbiting Chris as if he was a planet.


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