Silent World

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Silent World Page 7

by Natalie Warren

  She did as she was told, having to stabilize herself as her world spun, but she gasped at the sight in front of her. The buildings would have seemed invisible if lights weren't turned on in almost every room. It looked like a whole group of stars that had become part of the night sky, and when she looked up she saw how much smaller the real stars were.

  "Nice, huh?" Jake murmured.

  "It's so pretty," Raven smiled, staring in awe. "I didn't think a school could look so amazing…"

  "You have to remember it is a boarding school," he pointed out and she nodded.

  "I have a lot to get used to," she breathed. "My brain can only take in so much at a time." She poked the side of her head to amuse the boy.

  "You're just going to have to tell that head of yours to get used to it quick," Jake raised a hand and poked the middle of her forehead. "Newbies sometimes don't realize just how fun the school can be. You'll learn to love this place and you'll never want to leave."

  "Maybe," she shrugged, wondering just how great White Grass was for students who had been here longer.

  "You just need to ignore all the jerks, like Kyle," he added. "And hope you make a lot of friends. If you get on everyone's bad side, you're doomed."

  "Thanks for the optimism," Raven scowled and looked up at the school again, feeling her balance wavering from the alcohol. "I don't want another bad reputation."

  "Just be you and you won't get one," Jake offered, stepping closer to her.

  "Like you?" she giggled and reached her hands forward, tickling his stomach to tease him. She expected him to jump away like most people, but his eyes fluttered closed for a moment and a soft whine escaped his throat.

  "That's nice," he whispered and Raven blinked up at him, not surprised when he leaned down and kissed her gently. Warmth spread through her and she almost tossed her self-control to the side to allow the friendly kiss.

  She pushed him away when he reached for her shorts. "No!" she told him sternly. She cursed herself silently, telling herself that this kind of behavior is exactly what she was trying to avoid!

  "What?" Jake frowned, disappointed. "Come on, it's not like it has to mean anything."

  She growled and clenched her hands. "That's just it! I'm trying to leave that life behind me. Is it really so bad to want a proper relationship?"

  She tried to turn and walk away from him, but he grabbed her waist and pulled her back. "Then date me."

  "No," she spat and shivers ran up her spine. "You've shown me what you're after, and I won't give you the satisfaction." She tried to leave again, but his hold refused to allow her to move away.

  "I promise I'll be good," he pleaded and firmly pressed his lips to hers. Raven narrowed her eyes, telling herself she wasn't going to give in to him. Fiercely, she bit his bottom lip and he pulled away from her, letting her go to rub his lip. "Ouch!"

  "Serves you right," she grumbled.

  Jake looked like he was going to say something but Raven saw his nose twitch and the boy looked around with concern in his eyes. "Where are all the guard dogs?"

  Raven rolled her eyes. "I'm out of here." She turned to leave but Jake called her back again.

  "Don't leave," he insisted.

  "Why? Because you'll tackle me to the ground and attempt to rape me otherwise?" she snorted rudely and prepared herself for a struggle.

  "No," he sounded concerned, but Raven wasn't going to fall for it. "Please, stay with me. I'll take you back to your dorm."

  "So you can try and fuck me there?" she glared at him over her shoulder. "Nice try. Goodnight, Jake." She continued walking away.

  "Fine! I'll just fix the problem," he snarled and Raven half turned, blinking when she saw the boy run across the oval and disappear into the forest. She heard a loud rustling but she rolled her eyes and went back to the building, hoping she could find her way back to Jake's dorm to get her friends and leave the party.

  She became more cautious now that Jake wasn't with her to stop her from running into teachers. She stopped at every corner and delicately checked around it before walking forward again. She asked herself why she had even left the party, knowing what Jake wanted from the start. Was she secretly hoping for a hookup? Just one to satisfy her? She shook her head roughly as she stopped at another corner. She wanted to leave that life behind her! She wondered if she would ever find a decent boy if all she did was attract the wrong ones.

  "I told you to stay away from him," came a voice beside her and she bit back a yelp of fright, jumping to the side to see someone standing in the shadow of the light, leaning against the wall with their arms crossed. Her heart raced and she asked herself how she had not noticed someone standing beside her!

  Then the voice registered in her mind. "Jason?"

  He stepped into the light, his arms still crossed and his emerald eyes beaming with annoyance. "You're not the only one who breaks curfew."

  "I guessed that, but… Well…" she stumbled and looked up at the angry expression on his face.

  "Didn't I tell you he was bad company?" the boy growled.

  Raven felt her defenses rising up. "Who do you think you are? My father?" He might have helped her out during the day, but he wasn't the boss of her!

  "No," he scoffed. "But if I was your father, I would have strangled Jake and marched you back to your dorm before you even had a chance to kiss him!"

  Raven bit her lip harshly and they glared at each other for several agonizing heartbeats. "That's nothing compared to what my father would really do!" she hissed under her breath.

  Jason blinked and his entire posture seemed to change as he let his muscles relax. "What do you mean?"

  "None of your business!" she snapped. "And neither is anything that I do."

  "Okay," he nodded. "I'm just trying to look out for you, because you don't know what these people are capable of. I want you to stay away from Jake for your own safety."

  "I plan to," she hissed. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to find my friends and get back to my dorm."

  "You'll get caught if you go alone," Jason let his arms hang at his sides. "I can take you, if you want."


  "Raven!" she spun around when she saw Jake jogging to catch up, his shirt missing with his hair a mess and his eyes wide. "I was looking for you."

  "I thought she didn't want to be near you," Jason glowered at the boy, taking a small step forward to put himself between Jake and Raven.

  "Doesn't sound like she wants to be near you either," Jake growled. "I can take her back to her dorm."

  Jason didn't back down. "You look like you've been roughed up. I hope you scared the boogey man away," he retorted. "Maybe you should go patrol in case he comes back."

  "He won't," Jake snorted, puffing out his chest to size up to the green-eyed boy. "I sorted him out tonight."

  What the hell were they talking about? Raven thought in confusion. She rolled her eyes in frustration. "Ugh! Boys! I'll find my own way." She turned and stalked off, leaving the two boys to glare at each other. She heard an annoyed growl and Jason jogged to catch up with her. "Are you over your hissy fit?" she asked.

  "Yes," he answered, ignoring her sarcasm. "I'm sorry."

  "For what?"

  "It wasn't my place to get angry with you."

  "Forget it," she sighed. "But I can look after myself." Just because she didn't look as strong as half the girls at the school, that didn't make her defenseless.

  "Around someone as strong as Jake?" Jason looked unconvinced. "No offense, but you wouldn't even stand a chance against me if I decided to take you here and now."

  "You wouldn't," she scoffed confidently. She had been able to observe his behavior during the day, and she told herself he would never be the kind of guy to force himself onto a girl. He was just too nice for that.

  Her mouth was suddenly covered and Jason grabbed her, pushing her up against the wall and leaning his head down so his face was less than an inch from her ear. Panic rippled through her and shivers ran throug
h her as the warmth of his skin gripped her. "I could," he whispered with an untrusting grin and Raven tried to push him away, but it was as if he was an elephant and she was a mouse trying to move him. "But unlike Jake, I have respect for women. So consider yourself lucky."

  She felt her heart pounding and her whole body tingled. She knew she didn't want him to take her, but with the way he held her against the wall, there was a part of her that wanted him to. She fought to control herself and she thought quickly, tickling his ribs as she had done to Jake. With any luck, he would jerk away from her and she could get free and run.

  Jason closed his eyes and rested his forehead on her shoulder, causing her to flinch. "Why must you make it worse for yourself? You have no idea how tempted you've made me."

  "Fuck you!" she mumbled through his hand but she felt her cheeks ignite as her heart raced a million miles an hour. Was his 'nice-guy' personality just an act to try and draw her in? Could she really trust this boy?

  He chuckled. "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you."

  Raven wasn't convinced but Jason stepped away from her and she glared at him. "Is it a tradition for you boys to hit on the new girl?"

  "Maybe," he smiled but frowned. "Can I ask you something though?"


  "Can you do that again?"

  Raven threw her hands up in frustration and walked away from him. He quickly reached her side again and she crossed her arms angrily. "You're as creepy as everyone else!"

  "Really, I'm not," he muttered as they walked down the hall, checking around corners for teachers. "I was proving a point. It was you that added the temptation, so don't blame me."

  "Tickling someone is meant to make them jump and move away!" she growled. "Not increase their sex drive!"

  "Sorry, Princess, but it's quite the opposite with me," he smirked. "So think next time if you don't want me to rip your clothes off."

  "I thought you had respect for women," she challenged him. He wouldn't dare take her against her will, would he? He had been so nice to her and helped her out so much… Were these his true colors?

  "I can't help it if you send me the wrong signals," he shrugged his muscular shoulders and checked around a corner before they turned down the next hallway. "If you kept going, I definitely would have jumped you."

  "You wouldn't," she spat, tensing her arms in case he grabbed her again. But deep down, she knew her struggles would be hopeless against his strength.

  He gently nudged her with his elbow. "If I were you, I'd stop daring me. Otherwise I will prove you wrong."

  Raven snarled at him. "Get fucked."

  "By you?" he looked almost pleading.

  "Hmm," she smiled sarcastically. "You're funny."

  "I know," he chuckled and Raven shook her head.

  They made their way to the boys' dorms and when they reached Jake's room, Raven opened the door and walked in, recoiling from the sudden stench of alcohol, weed and sweat. Jason pegged his nose instantly and Raven looked around for her friends.

  "Raven!" Elaise jumped in front of her and hugged her tightly. "I got so worried about you! Where did you and Jake run off to?"

  "He showed me the school at night," Raven told her, stepping back and taking note of Elaise's bloodshot eyes. "Are you… high?"

  "Maybe," she giggled.

  Jason let out an exasperated sigh. "Looks like I have to help you get her back to your dorm."

  "Please?" Raven frowned, ignoring Elaise as she asked why Jason was here. There was no way Raven would be able to get Elaise back to the dorm alone, especially when she had to get Stephanie too.

  Jason nodded. "Where's your other friend?"

  Raven looked around again and Elaise pointed to the black-haired girl who was sitting with some other girls. "She's over there," the brunette laughed. "This party is awesome!"

  "Well, it's time to get you back to our dorm so you can sleep," Raven grabbed Elaise's shoulders and pushed her closer to Jason so he could make sure she didn't escape. The blonde girl walked further into the room and Stephanie looked up at her with a smile.

  "Hey," Stephanie greeted her. "We thought you ran off."

  "I did," Raven sighed. "But come on, we're leaving."

  Stephanie complained but Raven grabbed her arm and dragged her out of her seat, pulling her back over to Jason. The green-eyed boy helped her carry her friends out of the room and down the hallway towards the girls' dormitories. Elaise randomly started to laugh and Jason had to cover her mouth to keep her quiet. This was going to be a dangerous walk back to the dorm if Elaise was going to be so loud.

  "Is your friend normally this spastic?" Jason asked.

  "You don't know the half of it," Raven groaned.

  Elaise decided to attempt to sing "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" through Jason's hand and the poor boy flinched when the brunette's tune became too high-pitched for his ears to handle.

  "It's going to be her fault if we get caught," Jason reminded Raven firmly.

  "I'm aware of this," she nodded and quickly supported Stephanie as she stumbled.

  Elaise continued to sing and mumble children songs and Jason cringed every time her voice turned to a muffle screech. It was a mission to get Elaise and Stephanie to the dorm without being caught and Raven was so glad to be back in the living room safely.

  Jason helped Stephanie to the spare bedroom before returning and seeing Elaise leaning against the kitchen bench. "She needs some water," he stated and went to the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water for her and taking the lid off. Elaise shook her head as he tried to give it to her and she refused to take it.

  "I don't want it," she whined.

  "Just drink it!" Jason growled.

  Elaise glared at him, one of her eyes narrowed and her nose scrunched up, but she snatched the bottle from his hands and drank it as fast as she could. She almost coughed it back up as she choked.

  "I can handle it from here," Raven offered and Jason nodded. She led him to the door and he stopped just outside her doorway as Raven cleared her throat. "Thank you for helping me. I really do appreciate it."

  "You're welcome," he smiled. "But I need you to do something for me."

  "I'm not tickling your stomach," she said at once and crossed her arms.

  "No," he shook his head. "I need to go do something and I don't want my shirt to get ruined… So, can you look after it for me?"

  Raven didn't think he was serious, until he took his shirt off and handed it to her. "Um… Sure…" She couldn't stop herself from admiring his muscular build and she held her breath, certain that her cheeks were red.

  Jason caught her staring and he lightly tapped her nose, winking at her. "You had your chance. Goodnight, beautiful."

  "Night," she forced herself to breathe and he took his leave. Raven shut the door and turned, leaning against it with her heart pounding. Did he just call her… beautiful? She looked over at Elaise who was giggling wildly. "What?"

  "He likes you!" Elaise whispered loudly as though she was telling Raven a secret, unable to realize how loud she was. Elaise might have been religious, but damn she could drink a lot! Raven thought.

  Raven rolled her eyes and tossed Jason's shirt onto the bench. At that moment, Elaise's body suddenly convulsed and she rushed to the sink, coughing up mouthfuls of vomit.


  6. Frustration

  "You must be the new student."

  Raven looked up at her new English teacher and nodded. "My name's-"

  "Raven," he finished. "The headmaster informed me."

  She nodded but stifled a yawn. She hadn't spoken to Jason at breakfast, refusing to make eye-contact with him after the previous night. Elaise had been extra hungry, despite the horrible hangover, which Raven had spent half the night awake with the brunette when she became emotional and cried. Elaise had said her parents hated her and she wanted to make it up to them so badly. Raven was used to sitting up with Elaise whenever she became an emotional drunk, but she was always too tired in
the mornings to deal with anyone's drama. She had nearly fallen asleep in Homeroom but the bell had definitely woken her up.

  "There are a few spare seats somewhere," the teacher murmured, trying to find a spare seat for Raven.

  "She can come sit with us!" called a girl and Raven looked up at a small group of girls sitting beside the windows. She gestured for Raven to approach and the blonde crossed the classroom to sit with them. "Hi. I've heard about you from the other kids. I'm Sally." She tucked a lock of ginger hair out of her face. "These are my friends, Gwen and Allison." She pointed to her two friends sitting at the table in front of her. Gwen had stunning dark hair and Allison was a strawberry blonde with hazel eyes.


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